Obama – False Prophet or Anti-Christ? Liberal Hordes Herald Him As Messiah


Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God. – II Thessalonians 2:3-4

“I am absolutely certain that generations from now, we will be able to look back and tell our children that this was the moment when we began to provide care for the sick and good jobs to the jobless; this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal… This was the moment — this was the time — when we came together to remake this great nation…” Barrack Hussein Obama, June 3 2008

Jesus warned His followers in Matthew 24 that we should not be deceived, “For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect—if that were possible.”

Jesus was speaking of those that would come to gather a following for themselves, promising the masses everything from bread and salvation to stopping oceans from rising and free health care.  Those that preach “change,” appealing to emotion while standing for ideas anathema to the foundations that established us, are nothing but false messiahs.  

Oftentimes such false prophets led entire nations to utter ruin.  History has shown us this time and again. From Mussolini to Mugabe, the danger that comes from following men promising the sun, moon and stars, or something as simple as on-time public transportation and a renewed nationalism.

Emotional appeals for support of what the people proclaim as a messiah is a danger we dare not ignore. For if we do, we may be deceived to elect the very one who would abolish and endanger what is left of our fragile freedom, and send us on a course to unavoidable oblivion.

Barrack Hussein Obama, the presumptive nominee of the Democrat Party for the Office of the Presidency, is one such danger.  Besides promising everything from free health care, to healing the planet, Obama is a pathological liar.

He lies about those anti-American radicals like Wright, Pfleger and Ayers whom he has had long-time associations.

He lies about his own family, and their roles in shaping who he is.

He lies about what he wrote in his books.  

He lies about what he said yesterday.

He lies about what he is saying in front of the audience to whom he is currently speaking.

When he is not lying, he speaks from prepared speeches written for him that say absolutely NOTHING of substance, but appeal to every key liberal and Socialist nerve of his extreme Leftist supporters.

Obama sounds like a lamb, but he speaks as a dragon.

Of course all politicians can be charged with these things, but Obama is perceived to be something holy and untouched by the mundane “politics of the past” and every radical Leftist and young person indoctrinated in the Marxist-charged atmosphere of liberal academia is electrified to his calling.

How is it possible that in the Unites States of America, the nation that enshrined the meaning of liberty, republic and freedom, is hypnotized by a radical Marxist that promises to “change” this country?

Could it be that this man who stands for everything contrary to our liberties is being revealed because America’s People themselves have fallen away from our culture, heritage, foundations and purpose?

I certainly think so.

Amazingly enough, so does the NY Post’s Jonah Goldberg.

IS Barack Obama the Messiah? Lots of people have pon dered the possibility. There are Web sites dedicated to the question; Google “IsBarack Obama the Messiah?” and you’ll get more than 35,000 hits. (Enter just the words “Messiah” and “Obama” and you’ll get nearly 10 times that.)

Since Obama declared his candidacy, there have been remarkably few biblical plagues. And lions and lambs seem open to bilateral negotiations.

Obama’s apostles are hard to dismiss. Oprah simply calls him “The One,” because “we need politicians who know how to be the truth.” (Jesus says in John 14:6 “I am the way, the truth.”) Oprah goes on to say Obama will help us “evolve to a higher plane,” which would put Obama in the role of our Intelligent Designer.

The New York Times reports that his volunteers are taught to eschew discussions of the issues and instead “testify” about how they “came to Obama.”

For many, he’s no retro-redeemer, but a 21st century savior, a Matrix-messiah and Neo for our modern-day Nineveh. Self-help guru Deepak Chopra dubs Obama “a quantum leap in American consciousness,” while prominent “leadership coach” Eve Konstantine assures us that, “He’s our product out of the all-knowing quantum field of intelligence.”

Obama willing, I’ll never be stuck next to these people on a plane.

Michelle Obama is arguably Obamanity’s greatest evangelist, though she has a streak of Old Testament smiting and wrath to her. She insists her husband has redeemed the entire nation; she proclaims him the sort of leader who will fix our broken souls.

But don’t hope for grace on the cheap. “The change Barack is talking about is hard,” she insists, “so don’t get too excited, because Barack is going to demand that you, too, be different.”

Those of you who thought we had a Second Amendment to keep government from fixing your soul are so 20th century. Evolve already.

And then there’s the Gospel according to Obama himself. In January, he told Dartmouth students that they’ll know to vote for him because “a light will shine through that window, a beam of light will come down upon you, you will experience an epiphany, and you will suddenly realize that you must go to the polls and vote for Barack.”

When asked in an interview what sin is, Obama defined it as “Being out of alignment with my values.” (Apparently, the editor failed to capitalize the “M” in “My.”)

But such mistakes can be forgiven, for Hillary has been cast out and the nomination is nigh. So we can get cracking on fixing America – and ourselves.

“I am absolutely certain,” Obama proclaimed in his victory speech, “that generations from now, we will be able to look back and tell our children that this was the moment when we began to provide care for the sick and good jobs for the jobless; this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal. This was the moment – this was the time – when we came together to remake this great nation.”

If you’re under the mistaken impression that sick people had some care, or that a few jobs were to be found prior to June 2008, or that maybe – just maybe – the oceans don’t rise and fall with the election returns, or that America itself doesn’t need “remaking,” you’re not one of the “ones we’ve been waiting for.”

Aside from being offended that Obama thinks that AFTER he is elected god, THEN America will care for the sick and create jobs, I’m struck that since his wife Michelle declared she was “For the first time, proud of America” it would figure that they would also attribute any charity of the nation to themselves.

But I was not alone in being offended at Obama’s hubris.  Mark Steyn weighed in with his thoughts:

“‘Heal the planet’? Is this guy nuts?” To be honest I prefer a republic whose citizenry can muster no greater enthusiasm for their candidate than “stilted cheers” to one in which the crowd wants to hoist the nominee onto their shoulders for promising to lower ocean levels within his first term. As for coming together “to remake this great nation,” if it’s so great, why do we have to remake it?

As Mr. Steyn rightly points out – Obama’s own reaction and statements about long-term relationships with anti-American radicals should serve as  a warning about how he will act as President:

Nothing in Obama’s resume suggests he’s the man to remake America and heal the planet. Only this week, another of his pals bit the dust, convicted by a Chicago jury of 16 counts of this and that. “This isn’t the Tony Rezko I knew,” said the senator, in what’s becoming a standard formulation. Likewise, this wasn’t the Jeremiah Wright he knew. And these are guys he’s known for 20 years. Yet at the same time as he’s being stunned by the corruption and anti-Americanism of those closest to him, Obama’s convinced that just by jetting into Tehran and Pyongyang he can get to know America’s enemies and persuade them to hew to the straight and narrow. No doubt if it all goes belly up and Iran winds up nuking Tel Aviv, President Obama will put on his more-in-sorrow-than-in-anger face and announce solemnly that “this isn’t the Mahmoud Ahmadinejad I knew.”

I shudder to think what the faces of average Americans will look like when the misery of Obama’s true radicalism is visited upon the nation and they say to themselves “This isn’t the Obama I elected.”

Beware of false messiahs America.

UPDATE June 23 – REDSTATE has an interesting blog entry on this very subject:

Obama’s Propagandistic Iconography: the Making of a Messiah

By Warner Todd Huston 

A photographic essay of Obama propaganda and the Media’s willing assistance with it

In America we have always been a skeptical people. One of our states even has a skeptical motto. Missouri calls itself the “Show Me State” proving that Missourians don’t imagine they’d be apt to have the wool pulled over their eyes too readily. Consequently, when most American citizens look at their politicians they usually view them through a prism of skepticism and since the assassination of John F. Kennedy, our skepticism has almost bordered on the irrational. (Photo with Obama logo behind by Reuters)

The American press has traditionally been even harder on our politicians and government than even the average American. Since the first days of our country, the press has savaged, doubted, dug up dirt and attacked our politicians, seeming to never believe a word the pols say. From George Washington to George Bush, the press has been at odds with politicians. Yet, for some unexplainable reason, the pretentiousness and presumption of Barack Obama is being allowed to pass uncommented upon. The media especially is allowing him to make all sorts of claims that they should never allow anyone else to get away with. They are unquestioning with his claim to be the candidate of “change” and the candidate that will “reach across the aisle.” Neither claim can be substantiated by the man’s career thus far. He does not reach across the aisle and he is responsible for no great program of change. A properly skeptical press would ask for the proof of Obmam’s claims, but they merely smile and allow him to ramble on as if what he is saying is unassailable.

Read on . . .

But the media is especially compliant where it concerns the Obama campaign’s graphic designs, displays that can be so easily compared to religious iconography or even old style communist propaganda. The overblown, obscenely reverential posters featuring Obama’s upturned face in Jesus-like poses have gone uncommented upon by what should be a hard-nosed, doubtful media. These over-the-top graphic images in the form of posters and campaign literature design are amazing for their obvious propagandistic style, yet the media seem not to find any reason to be off put by the absurdity of these graphics. Nor have they noticed the campaign art’s similarity to communist imagery. One can’t help but wonder why this blatant re-use of the graphic style used by Stalin, Hitler and Mao has raised not the slightest question in the minds of the American media?

Obama’s most recent graphic arrogance took the form of a faux “great seal” similar to the one seen on the podium of the president of the United States. On Friday, June 20, Obama met with a dozen Democratic governors in Chicago. The room featured a nice nameplate for each governor, but in front of Barack Obama was displayed an amazing bit of presumption in the form of a seal saying “Obama for America” and taking the form of an official seal the sort one might find from a government office. (Seal Photo: Alex Brandon/Associated Press)

And the Obama campaign has been inundated with helpful citizen propagandists like Los Angeles-based street artist Shepard Fairey who is responsible for creating the ubiquitous HOPE poster, the poster that started a rash of artists and designers hoping to catch the Obama wave to fame.

The HOPE poster has a companion poster, PROGRESS.

As well as the similar CHANGE version. But there are many others out there.

And all of them seem to evoke the graphic tradition of communist propaganda.

One has but to view a few communist posters meant to keep the people reminded of the god-like status of their communist dictators and oppressors to see the stunning similarity that the Obama posters reveal with their communist progenitors.

It’s impossible to view these communist posters without seeing how they resemble the Obama campaign posters.

Of course, it is one thing that the Obama campaign itself has so easily expressed its inner propagandist, emulating communist graphics. After all, they are certainly free to do as they like with their own image. However, that the media has seen fit not to comment on Obama’s absurd artistic pretensions is bad enough, but to make matters worse, the media has been lending the Obama campaign assistance in turning Barack Obama from mere politician to religious icon on top of the campaign’s own communist inspired graphics.

Let’s take a look at how Cuba’s Fidel Castro was once depicted by his supporters, for instance. Here are two images from a 1959 magazine called “Bohemia” where Castro was drawn in Christ-like poses, face upturned, a pious look upon his benevolent countenance.

One might laugh if Castro’s murderous regime wasn’t so serious.

But the media has also made of Obama a sort of religious icon with magazine covers like Newsweek…


And Rolling Stone.

Of course, it isn’t just magazines that have given Obama the benefit of the look of a messiah. One might possibly excuse a magazine because they are, it might be remembered, in the business of selling magazines. A flashy cover might just make those issues fly off the stands a bit more, of course.

But, what about the news wires and newspapers? Aren’t they supposed to be less interested in pure capitalism and more interested in the real news? Shouldn’t they be less inclined to fall for Obamania?

Sadly, it looks like they are swooning for Barack Obama as badly as the “street artists” and magazine sellers.

So, not to be left out, Reuters, the Associated Press, and various other news services, news papers and media outlets have joined in to portray Obama in all sorts of images that recall religious iconography. Some images seem to show Obama with a halo.

Or preaching from the pulpit.

Surrounded by worshippers seeking his touch as if he were a faith healer.

Juxtaposed with religious symbols.

Or in otherwise ethereal poses.

One has to wonder why an otherwise hard bitten, cynical media establishment is allowing itself to be so used in this way? The obvious answer, of course, is that the media is not an observer, not a “reporter” or commentator on American politics. The media is an active participant and they have chosen sides. They have joined the Barack Obama team and are more than happy to put their normal cynicism aside to help Barack Obama to achieve elevation from a junior Senator with little experience with nothing to sell to president of the United States of America.

I’d love to say that the small handful of photos I’ve included in this report is all there is to the Obamification of the media. Unfortunately what I presented here is but a tiny handful of examples. The media have become the Obama campaign’s propaganda arm in perfect emulation of the most blatant examples of human history. But, for all those other examples, at least they were generally under the thumb of an oppressive, despotic government of one sort or another. This time, it is the supposed free and open press acting the part of propaganda minister.


Filed under Media Bias, Politics

116 responses to “Obama – False Prophet or Anti-Christ? Liberal Hordes Herald Him As Messiah

  1. Maria

    I did consider this idea, I still do. I think.. Obama could be the Anti-Christ.. but do you know who is backing him, who has more people watching, and who is spreading lies with her speech even greater than him? Oprah Winfrey. With her “New Earth” talks online.. she’s now brainwashing the community she’s gained over the years with her show. If Barrack Obama is the Anti-Christ.. Oprah Winfrey is the False Prophet.. The Bible does say he (Anti-Christ) will rise from the East. Where is Obama from?

  2. invar

    I am not saying Obama IS THE anti-christ.

    He may be AN anti-christ, and if anything given his statements, writings and record, an American Anti-Christ – hostile to everything our liberties are built upon.

  3. Sarah

    Obama IS the Anti-Christ…In all of my research and readings and studying, he fit’s every piece of it…Oprah is also going to rot in hell…She is the False Prophet…she is just as evil as Obama is…I am so voting for McCain…I would rather fight terrorists over my backyard, than Satan for my Soul….(I am saved…I will be going to Heaven…Jesus is the truth)

  4. whosaskin

    History repeats,
    the hardest person to face is self,
    fools never learn,holier than thou,
    fangs dripping, love knows not fear
    Convinced their actions were of a ritechous nature were the nazis until looking back.
    and did i mention that history repeats.
    Its sad to see how far gone you truly are.
    continue to flip the channels of your false prophet/idol if you must.
    if yahushua returned, you would be some of the first to crucify him all over again.
    May the father have mercy upon the souls of you whos minds are so warped. Praising Ha Shem from the devils house. the mind is the seat of the soul and yours are captured. sorry. get free. peace

  5. Dean Meehan

    I’m a Christian. This man scares the shit out of me.
    He will become president. If so, may God have mercy on all of us. Yes ,Yes ,Yes , This is the anti christ. Wake up America!!! This country was formed on Christian values from our forefathers.
    How stupid we have become. We have been sucked in to all of the lies. It is coming read Revalations




    Full Story


  7. Dennis

    History has proven that man learns NOTHING from history.

    By Arnold Toynbee ( famous Historian)

  8. UserName

    It is certainly compelling. We can look at history to explain much of what is written in the bible. For instance in Revelations we know John was in exile from the Romans and that Nero was the ruler. Nero translates into 666 and Rome sat on seven hills and the Roman Empire color was purple, so the Whore of Babylon was probably Rome (seven heads,clothed in purple). Her forehead said “mystery”, which back then you didn’t speak out against the Romans or else. Nero forced the people to worship him, it goes on and on, so John could have been just talking about his present situation. However, when we look at the book of Daniel written before Nero ruled there are a lot of the same prophecies foretold in Revelation’s. Plus there are some things written in both that make it seem as if they were referring to past,present,and future. For example,in Revelation 17:10 it says: And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space. There were five rulers that had already tortured John’s people before(Egypt – Pharaoh … Enslaved them for 430 years
    Assyria – Sennacherib … Peeled the skin off of the Jewish people and hung them up.
    Babylon (Iraq) / Nebuchadnezzar … Destroyed their city, temple and enslaved them.
    Medo-Peria (Iran) – Haman … Tortured Jewish people.
    Greece – Antiochus Epiphanes … Tortured the Jewish people for 3 and a half years). Rome was currently oppressing them,and one would come later. The one to come later was most likely Germany ruled by Hitler. It gets more interesting in Revelation 17:11 which says: And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition. It basically says one of the seven would come back as the eighth!I’m not sure he will be that loved either,so I think Obama probably is not the anti-Christ,but maybe the false prophet! The bible says:This individual, known as Antichrist in the Bible, will be a sinister world leader that shows up during the End Times.He reigns terror for three and one half years. Although, I get quite confused here,it seems as if they say he will rule for 7 years the first 3 and a half being peaceful and the other half not so much,but I’m not a theologian,biblical scholar,priest,prophet,etc…I can only speculate as to who the reincarnation of which of the seven will be, but Ahmadinejad is a pretty good guess to be the anti-Christ! Ahmadinejad has been in power since June 24,2005(3 years), so I guess if we start seeing the signs in 5 months then we’ll know. I’m not a religious zealot, I just like to study everything and keep a very open mind, I don’t claim to KNOW any of this one way or the other. It also says that he and his sidekick, the false prophet, will deceive the world, I can’t imagine Ahmadinejad deceiving anybody! If that were the case then the sidekick would be the charismatic one. The only charismatic World leader that can bring people together right now that I know of would be Barack Obama(not accusing,just playing with thoughts). Of coarse many believe the false prophet will be a religious figure, but I guess no one really knows. I do know that Obama supporters get crazy about this rumor and act as if no President has ever been called the anti-Christ or the false prophet(every President we’ve ever had has been called this by someone at some point). Now, the eerie part is that our election will be in November and the following month will make 3 and a half years in power for Ahmadinejad! The anti-Christ will torture or attack the Jews for the eighth time, so based on the man’s on rhetoric it is plausible he’s the one, but I don’t know how probable! We will never really know if anything in the Bible is prophetic or History, I think some of both personally. Ahmadinejad did rise to power very quickly, which his own country didn’t understand, he defeated a rival that had much more experience than him, he was 31 years younger than him. Many wonder how democratic that election was b/c no one could explain how he won, so it may just be your usual corrupted government. From everything I’ve read the anti-Christ will be a despised world leader and the false prophet will be the one who convinces everyone to worship the anti-Christ and bring ALL religions together. That sounds more like Obama, but many are convinced the false prophet will be a religious leader so who knows.Still, a lot to play around with in the old noggin.I get very confused about the signs and the order of the 7 yrs vs the 3 and a half years and when peace would come to the Middle East,so I have no real idea what order anything would take place and when, even if it is these two! I don’t advise doing anything crazy or radical, I don’t claim to be a prophet!! : )

  9. paul

    Look very closly at the cover of people magazine you can cleary see two horns on top of obamas and his wifes heads with a sideways halo over his. very scary

  10. russell

    God doesn’t exist, and you guys are really all paranoid freaks.

  11. invar

    Himmler said the same thing to the publishers of the Munich Post once too.

    They were the ones warning the German people about the danger of Hitler based mostly what he wrote in Mein Kampf and was saying in speeches.

    All of them were ultimately executed.

    History will repeat, as it always does with false messiah’s with god-complexes like your pal Obama has.

  12. With exception to Russell, you are all on the right track. Obama is remarkably suited for the role of either false prohet or antichrist. Without regard, anyone who votes yes for partial birth abortion is equally evil to either one. For this reason alone he should be repudiated. The wrath of God will descend upon all who vote for this monster. And he is a monster. I hope he is one of the two. I’d like to get this over with and move on to the Kingdom of God on earth.

  13. Anonymous

    You are being a false prophet because you are a prophet of doom. Christians like you did justify slavery.

  14. The New Communist Revolution

    OK, several points to make about this:

    1. God doesn’t exist. You are all overly paranoid about some non-existent threat, and intend on polluting other people with your lunacy. Anyone who doesn’t convert in your perfect theocracy will be killed.

    2. Why are communists evil anyway? They’re trying to improve the lives of the workers everywhere, whereas you intend to keep the workers enslaved in your neo-feudalistic Christian heirarchy.

    3. It is thoroughly irrelevant how Obama is portrayed in the media. Had McCain been portrayed like this, would you have done anything about it?

    4. This will probably attacked immediately because you’re all stiff-necked and paranoid religious zealots intent on wiping out any thought process outside of obedience.

    5. You forgot to mention that the Catholic Church instilled a reign of terror over its subjects through the Middle Ages and tried to regain control when the Christian Church split into Protestism. The Thirty Years War was the result. This wasn’t a totalitarian regime? And it was a part of the Christian faith.

    6. Politics shouldn’t be about attacked the canditates personality traits: it should be about their policies. You’re all as low as your hated media for engaging in such a petty and pathetic attack on Obama’s personality.

  15. invar

    Several rebuttals to the Commie:

    First – your Revolution sucks and will be resisted with all vigor and with extreme prejudice.

    1. God doesn’t exist. You are all overly paranoid about some non-existent threat, and intend on polluting other people with your lunacy.

    Listen bub, I didn’t go to YOUR blog and ‘pollute’ your red little universe – you came to mine. As is usual with petty tyrant Leftists and Commies – freedom is only reserved for yourselves.

    God does exist, only fools and self-absorbed clueless idiots like you say there isn’t.

    As to “polluting” other people- definitely spoken like a true Commie Comrade. Will it be ‘re-education camps’ for people like me or the other kind?

    Anyone who doesn’t convert in your perfect theocracy will be killed.

    I’ve never said or suggested such a thing, nor have I ever advocated a theocracy.

    It’s funny how tyrant communist minions like yourself always insist that anyone who wants to acknowledge God or pray in public is somehow on the doorsteps to instituting a theocracy.

    Truth is, with you people – YOU are the one’s advocating a theocracy – where everyone worships the State, and the doctrine of From Each According To Their Ability, To Each According To Their Need replaces the Lords Prayer.

    2. Why are communists evil anyway?

    Communism and Socialism are anathema to the liberty established and enshrined by the Founders. Communism is poison, enslavement and detrimental to freedom itself because life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are dictated and regulated by the State to be redistributed as THEY see fit.

    They’re trying to improve the lives of the workers everywhere

    That’s a boldfaced lie. Not ONE – I repeat NOT ONE Communist nation has ever IMPROVED the lives of workers beyond enslaving, oppressing or killing them en masse.

    Communists distribute misery equally, exempting themselves for enrichment and preferred treatment in their Elite politburo systems.

    No American is going to have their liberty defined, and dispensed by the government or some Communist bureaucrat.

    whereas you intend to keep the workers enslaved in your neo-feudalistic Christian heirarchy.

    Lots of millionaires and billionaires and upper middle class prosperity in this ‘enslaving neo-feudalistic Chrsitian heirarchy we call America.

    All you Commies are good for is enslaving them in a utopian Soviet gulag system.

    It is thoroughly irrelevant how Obama is portrayed in the media. Had McCain been portrayed like this, would you have done anything about it?

    I do not support McCain, nor have I if you bothered to read this blog’s entries. But given how the media treats Sarah Palin, as a gentleman – I defend her honor. Something you obviously have no clue about.

    However, I find it revealing that an admitted Communist runs to defend Barrack The Hussein Obama. Same as when Jihad leaders make their preference for his as president known publicly.

    This will probably attacked immediately because you’re all stiff-necked and paranoid religious zealots intent on wiping out any thought process outside of obedience.

    You’re projecting what you Communists are all about and intend to do Comrade.

    Why is it you tyrannical scum always accuse others of that which you yourselves seek to do?

    Politics shouldn’t be about attacked the canditates personality traits: it should be about their policies.

    A candidate’s character trait is as vital to know as what they falsely promise as policy.

    The One, your man-god messiah Obama has a past in fellowship with America-hating morons and terrorists – but then again – that is what you Communists are – so it goes to figure you have to defend a fellow comrade.

    Obama is also a proven liar, an imbecile and a wannabe tyrant himself. Thanks for validating the concerns all Americans have for the candidate you have chosen to defend.

    Communists support Obama – my next blog entry.

  16. ed gein

    You people that believe in this crap need to get Drunk.

  17. The Only One

    One thing we know for sure, God is in charge and if he wants Obama in then it already happened. We can’t change destiny, we can only make choices that ultimittly lead to it…………

  18. You brainwashed Christians, worshipers of a false religion, better accept Barack Obama as your savior or face eternal damnation…He is indeed the Messiah, the Son of God, the Anointed, the Avatar, the 12th Imam….salvation comes only through Obama.

  19. you

    Peter North said:”You brainwashed Christians, worshipers of a false religion, better accept Barack Obama as your savior or face eternal damnation…He is indeed the Messiah, the Son of God, the Anointed, the Avatar, the 12th Imam….salvation comes only through Obama.

    God said:
    They will wage war against the lamb, but the lamb will conquer them because he is Lord of lords and King of kings. Those who are called, chosen, and faithful are with him.”

  20. mike_trivisonno

    What does the 12th Imam have to with Christianity? I am stunned at the complete lack of religious understanding.

    Allah is not God
    Mohammed was not a good man
    Islam is not a religion
    Muslims are not citizens

  21. Anonymous

    Oy vey Mr. Peter North. Accept Obama as my savior or face eternal damnation ? LOL, this is too funny!!! Well, sounds like you’re in a self-induced trance. When I snap my fingers three times, I want you to wake and come to your senses. You still have time to vote for McCain and Palin.

  22. Joe Schmo

    No wonder the world’s in a heap of trouble. Wackjobs. Reminds me of my family… That’s why I found a way to go to college, grow up.

  23. gc77

    God…real or fake??

    It is sad to read this post… to know that their are so many people that are lost and full of hate towards god and the people who love god. This will be a never ending battle…god or no god….but in the end only one will be right. So when you die and you come face to face with him to be judged you will know then…and its sad because it will be to late….you’ll have no more chances ….and you’ll think of your friends and family you left behind that believe as you do…your wife/husband or your child…and you will know that all you said…all you taught them about how god is fake will always be in their minds and in their heart and they too “with out god” will one day be right their with you.

  24. It truly is amazing to think at how the mind of Satan works.

    Jesus rode into Jerusalem riding a donkey greeted with green palm branches…and then was crucified having commited no sin…

    Antichrist (maybe Thee) comes riding a donkey (Democratic party symbol) ushered in with over 600 million green backs… then is worshipped by countless millions as the Savior of the world.

    The Son of God said:

    “I am come in my Father’s name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive.” John 5:43

    Oh Barack how ye are bold in speaking such great blasphemies against the Lord God Almighty…

    ‘And there shall be signs in the sun’… and casted off as man made global warming from Obama…

    Keep yourselves from idols…. and Obama will carry a Hindu monkey God in his pocket…

    A friend of the world is an enemy of God … and Obama is the hope of the world…

    Seek ye the Kingdom of God.. and Obama is confident that he can create a Kingdom on Earth…

    Let praise come from the lips of another.. so Obama buys his own propaganda machine in a Dish Network Channel…

    Cursed is the man that is a slayer of innocent life …yet Obama provokes the murder of babies inside and outside of the womb…

    Homosexuality is an abomination to God… yet Obama uses the Serman on the Mount to mandate social acceptance of it…

    ‘…but that ye should do that which is honest’ …so Obama turns off the security feature on his campaign contribition page so that credit card amount donations have no limits…

    ‘Take heed, and beware of covetousness: for a man’s life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possesseth’ …so Obama wants to be Robinhood and steal the hard earned dollars from the hard working innovative American to create a socialistic metropolis of government subsidized laziness.

    Barack… you scour the internet looking for sites that are offensive to you and that you have a team in place working hard to wipe the internet slate clean but many of us know who you are.

    So many are bewitched by you and those of us that know who you could be, or at least know that you are not what you claim to be, are stunned at the sheeple that you have eating out of your hand.

    Is not this the power of the Holy Spirit giving us this discernment? Is not this the power of the blood of the Lamb making us spiritually off limits to the subversions of evil?

    Praise God for His power and glory. He is the only God our Savior and He is the only true God that we serve.

    Even so, come Lord Jesus…

  25. That Obama will never be my president. That one will deceive people because he will fail as a president of our beloved country USA. Americans have made the biggest mistakes in their history and they will suffer dire consequences. Let’s hope this country will be saved.

  26. Personally, I think that most of the hubris of “Messiah” and “Antichrist” are overblown. Given that humans in general (and we Americans in particular) are given to a certain flair for the dramatic, we take our brief knowledge of borderline cosmological conflicts and superimpose them on everyday life. We enjoy thoughts that anything and everything is the best, most extreme form of itself, forgoing the idea that we might just be deluded. Yes, Obama has a grand following, but the man is no false prophet. What is he, then? Answer: A liberal amongst liberals. Considering the demonization afforded to George Bush and conservatives in general, Cindy Sheehan would have been held up in the same Messianic regards. What does Obama have that Sheehan doesn’t? Charisma and people skills.

    I think Obama’s policies are dangerous, certainly… I think his political campaign was incredibly slick and his PR was definitely creepy… but creepiness does not an Antichrist make. When the man starts killing Christians and Jews on purpose, I’ll reconsider.

  27. invar

    When the man starts killing Christians and Jews on purpose, I’ll reconsider.

    Before the killing, comes the attempts to ‘re-educate’.

    According to those that engineered and launched Obama’s political career – 25 million will be unable to be re-educated and will need to be eliminated.

    Eliminated as in “killed”

    So you are a prophet – and do not even realize it.

  28. invar, I must admit that paranoia doesn’t suit the Christian mindset. If our blessed hope is truly the Millenial Kingdom and not the USA, then we shouldn’t be massively surprised when it goes awry.

    As I said, when we actually start seeing Christians and Jews being killed “en masse”, I will change my mind. Until then, our time would be better served praying for God to give the man a spirit of Wisdom and Revelation (per Ephesians 1:17-19) than attempting to prove that this little man is the Antichrist.

  29. marie

    I was an Obama supporter and am a Christian democrat and many Christians are concerned that Obama is the antichrist, black, white, Hispanics, etc. I have prayed long and hard on this issue as I hope that other Christians will do as well. My concern really grew when his grandmother died a day before the election and a choked up Obama gave a speech a day before the election saying that he prayed that she would have lived to see him elected president. However Obama’s grandmother was sent home from the hospital a day before the election. When my loved one was in intensive care and they gave us a choice as to send him home to die or try to keep him alive in the hospital we chose to try to keep him alive and the doctors resuscitated several ill patients while we visited in the unit. It is odd to me and others that his grandmother was not kept in the hospital to be kept alive at least one more day to see her grandson elected president as anyone in the world would want to be kept alive for 1 more day under those circumstances. I cried when I heard Obama speak about his grandmother’s death, I am sure many voters felt for him and his family as well. I say this not to cause any pain to anyone but only because this has caused me many sleepless nights as a Christian and I would like to know that I supported a good person for President and not the Antichrist. If anyone knows why Obama’s grandmother was sent home from the hospital a day before the election, pls post and put our minds to rest.

  30. marie

    Correction to comment above:

    Obama’s Grandmother was released a few weeks before the election and we would like to know why. Since many patients are kept alive for several weeks to years in the hospital. Pls post. If you know.

  31. Charlie Sambros

    its funny you all throw anti-christ slogans at a person talking about helping folks. But you praise the blood sucking war mongering, oil theiving liar in the white house now. he has stolen billions over the past 8 years, and killed countless. He is the anti-christ. A saint is attempting to save us from his wreckage. These are the facts, not far fetched ideas u people are coming up with. “The meek shall inherit the earth”. Go and ponder this scripture !! He is speaking to the have nots of the world, the down trodden, not the hypocrites, u are the same folks who killed Martin Luther King – another prophet. Martin was like moses and Barrack is our Joshua. People GOD has written about this stuff. You folks are just looking at it from the wrong point. You are assuming GOD is with you. But think for a second about being the perpetrator of the unspeakable acts through out mankind.

  32. Charlie Sambros

    Think about this, a people are enslaved, beat, raped, murdered, tortured for hundreds of years, but a man of GOD will rise and use GODs laws to deliver that people (Martin Luther King). And like in Moses time a generation of those folks will not get to the promise land, but that next generation (Joshua/Obama) will get to a promise land. A land of milk and honey…People these are the facts. How else but through GOD could a foodstamp recieving black guy named Barrack Hussein Obama ( at time of such muslim back lash) become the most powerful man in the world. The shock and awe of the ALMIGHTY GOD. You can be with GOD and his will or against it. This is something seriously worth pondering. Obama has already confessed to Jesus as his personal savior, he quotes scriptures and speaks of prayer. He is an eloquent, gentle follower of Jesus. All of you alls vile and wickedness, keep it to yourselves. Obama followers are mesmarized at the presence of the ALMIGHTY GOD in his story. The glory doesnt go to Obama, but to GOD. His supporters know this.

  33. invar

    Ah the goosesteppers do march to the false messiah boldly do they not?

    Sure Obama may quote the scriptures – so did Satan – to the Son of Man Himself.

    Your bizarre twisting of the biblical archetypes to equate to your own political worldview would be funny if it wasn’t so tragic. MLK is Moses??

    And WHEN when was Obama on foodstamps??

    How did he get to Harvard on foodstamps?

    You worship a false messiah, no different than the mind-numbed Germans who seig heiled Hitler in the 30’s.

    You people are nuts – and dangerous to liberty.

    God had nothing to do with Obama’s election other than letting the people choose a king for themselves as He did Ancient Israel when they got Saul.

    So now America has a Saul Alinsky Marxist for President-elect, and you people have traded liberty for the slavery of Socialism.

    And now you equate him Obama with Joshua?

    You people are truly twisted.

    But then, that is how Satan works with mobs.

  34. Marie… Unfortunately, when I heard that Obama’s grandmother had passed, that was precisely when I knew that he was going to win the election. I don’t know precisely what the reasoning was, but then again, I don’t particularly care that much either. I will say that the timing of her passing was very convenient, but her death is part of the curse of sin… just as much as my own grandmother’s passing was.

    Charlie… after wading through the various Anti-Bush remarks in your post (which are pretty much unbiblical responses to a leader anyway), you have confirmed to me much of what I was feeling pre-election anyway. People voted for Obama because he was Black, not because of his platform. I think that had people actually taken a closer look at what Obama stands for, most of the electorate would have run screaming. That being said, you spoke of the meek inheriting the earth… Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and Louis Farrakhan do not even come close to satisfying that description. Based on the prison populations, the black race is not more holy than the white population. They have suffered more injustice, true… but suffering does not inherently make one righteous. No, it was not “people lie us” who killed Martin Luther King… that was a freakshow who was so racist that he killed an innocent man. So basically you are just as racist against white people as you claim we are against black people. I think Obama’s policy is dangerous, but I have no issue with a black man in the Presidency.

    You say that Obama is God’s will… while I agree, we must also remember that Manasseh and Nebuchadnezzer were God’s will for Judah. I will say it right out, I think Obama’s victory is judgement against our nation… but this is where we pray for God to have mercy and give Obama a spirit of Wisdom of Revelation. Not revelation of the GOP platform, but revelation of Son of God.

    invar… Firstly, there are parallels between Moses and MLK. They aren’t enough to say that MLK is Moses reborn, but there are similarities. Secondly, hatemongering does the church no good… we are divided enough as it is. As much as we despise people for Bush Disapproval Syndrome, we shouldn’t respond by developing Barack-o-phobia. Just like with Nebuchadnezzar God is more than capable of turning the heart of the leader. Rather than throw ilk at those who supported Obama or even Obama himself, how about praying for God to have mercy?

  35. Tuan Chijui

    I do not know if this man is the ANTI-CHRIST or not…all I know is that I do not agree with his liberal / semi socialist views. I am a Republican not because I am White (I’m actually Asian) or rich (i make about 35,000 a year)…I am a Republican because I do not believe in sitting around and waiting 4 the government to rescue me.
    I will do all I can to help MIKE HUCKABEE win the GOP nomination and unseat Obama.

    HUCKABEE 2012

  36. marie

    Charlie, I supported Obama and I am black, but it is odd that as a Christian he carries around an idol of a Monkey God, but says that he is a Christian. Now I am not against Hindu’s but if you are a Hindu just admit it, so that the voters who are majority Judeo Christian can decide if they want to vote for someone who is not. Regardless of the sins of the current presidency I will not blindly follow anyone. Change can go both ways, better or worse. The bible does elude that the antichrist will be a much loved man of peace that will lead and unite the whole world at first. The current President did not bring unity to the world, but Obama is already and he has not even been sworn in yet. Many people including supporters both Black, white, etc. want to know why his grandmother was released from the hospital then died at a convenient time. I do not think that it is too much to ask for a reason as to why she was released, so that our minds are put to rest. However we should all pray for God to guide him in the right direction, whatever religion he is, he will be our President in January.

  37. David

    Obama is definitely anti-christ.
    Is he THE anti-christ?
    We shall soon find out. The evidence of his ascendancy to the white house without experience, through the extreme anti-god left, the world rejoicing that he won the election, he is left handed, he twists bible scripture for his purposes as well as mocks the bible, he is being worshipped as well as many other facts about him CLEARLY point out that he is ant-christ and is of satan and not God.
    Christians and christianity is asleep at the wheel, have bought the lie from the Left Behind series of books and those preaching Pre-Trib Rapture, and even voted for an individual who is MOST obviously against Christ and the Foundation of this great nation.

  38. ChildofGod

    I find it interesting that Obama could have been the lead character in “The Omen”. For example, anyone who could have identified his real identity is dead. Did he ever let his so-called grandmother ever speak? We know little of him. Most is just hear-say. Funny thing is, it really doesn’t matter. What will be, will be. Let us watch as the book of Revelation continues to become reality, knowing that it hastens the return of Christ!

  39. ok, obama is now the pres.. i don’t think he’s the antichrist but i think he is paving the way as john the baptist did for jesus. oprah is the anti mary mag.. communist’s as in “skin heads” believe in pro life so leave them alone. obama is the begining of the end. the antichrist will mimic jesus in everything opposite. his mother will be a whore, hmm…. food for thought. obama’s mother was no saint

  40. UAllHaveTwistedMinds

    wow how twisted can you be to believe obama is the anti-christ or even if an anti-christ exists you plp take religion to seriously and need to find somthing better to do with your lives no i do not support obama or any president as far as im concerned there no different than an owner of a large corporation such as mcdonalds with the priority goal of profits in mind you plp need to wake up and realize there is no jesus you put so much faith in a book thats not even heaven sent but is written by a man like anyone else christians are truly fools to be decieved by a hand full of man piecing together there storys and calling it a holy book i give them credit to be able to fool millions but like the ssaying goes there a few strong and alot more weak few intelligent and alot more stupid those few that stand in a crowd stand out from the rest because they are different from others much of the comments i see in this blog come from those fools that crowd together that all share the same traits as 1 another puppets to deception because they are blind and unintelligent so they rely on some1 whos much smarter than they are such as presidents because them themselves cant accomplish anything alone but in the end the strong use the weak as stepping stones to only go higher while the weak allow themselves to be stepped on because they cant see through deception

  41. UAllHaveTwistedMinds

    p.s the voting system is an illusion if any chose to oppose my thought heres a reference why bush have been reelected a 2nd time after the damage he caused presidents are already chosen ponder on that thought for awhile if it isnt to hard for your brain 2 make it through the first few pages of thought

  42. UAllHaveTwistedMinds

    (mistake edit for the above)
    why would bush be made president a 2nd time after causing so much damage are americans truly stupid enough to keep him in the white house to cause more chaos than has already been made?…………maybe……………

  43. invar

    UAllHaveTwistedMinds obviously possesses neither a mind, or a brain.

    Your kind are showcased in Romans 1: 21-31.

    Did you flunk out of remedial English, or was MTV your only foray into edukashun??

  44. ChildofGod

    I am a Christian and I find forums like these quite disturbing because I find the obsession to compare Obama to the antichrist too much (I would say more than I seen ones that compare him to Christ) it doesn’t give reverence to God but rather the coming of the opposite. I must admit that I find the attitudes of his supporters sometimes disturbing as well because he is just a man, therefore, much of what people are putting their hope in Obama to provide may not happen. I try my best to not join either side of the argument on this issue. Because the fact of the matter is, 4 or 8 years from now, if those that call him the antichrist are wrong, how many would be down on their knees repenting for mislabeling someone with the worst of all labels you can give? Comments that say such and such person will burn in hell leaves a bad taste in my mouth because God did not call us to judge or condemn, that is His job. And even when His Son came to this world when did He ever condemn a person to hell? No, He prayed for them so maybe we should be praying for Obama (if indeed God has given our words power) rather than speaking these things over Him.
    So, if you would rather not see Obama become what many here has said he is, join me in prayer. Or have we forgotten that our prayer has impact?

  45. invar

    The desire of the people was for a man to be king over them and give them stuff from other people they have been conditioned to envy and hate.

    They rejected God and chose a man and his government to dispense “social justice” instead of righteous, Godly justice. A justice borne of liberty and not the tyranny of men.

    And an ambitious man, with delusions of grandeur, lofted to messiah-status has now been hoisted into office with little known about him except his radical associations and voting record.

    And the Christians, who have decided not to “judge” anymore, no longer stand for anything. They do not stand against ideas anathema to their faith or their liberty, indeed they will no longer even judge sin, a sin.

    So sin now overruns the land and is being institutionalized and being forced into acceptance. And now we have Obama as our first monarch.

    The new god to replace the one the People have rejected in favor of a man who has no core beliefs aside from Saul Alinsky’s brand of Activist Marxism.

    All because Christians have bought into a Satanic lie that they are not to judge good from evil, right from wrong, tyranny from liberty, or freedom from slavery. They will not even judge a man based on his own words, his own writings or his own voting record.

    Instead, in the name of tolerance, they seig heil a new fuhrer and join the throngs that worship him as a god in their silent accommodation.

  46. ChildofGod

    Invar if you can show me in the scripture where it says we are to be the judge then I’ll back you up.

    “The mind of a sinful man is death, but the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace” Whomever is not for God will reap their inheritance. If our mind is controlled by the Spirit which in turn would mean that we have a mind of life and peace shouldn’t we be spreading life and peace to others? We were sent to go out in the world and preach the Good News (the key word being Good). Is the Good News that you’re going to hell? No, the Good News is that you have an opportunity to save your soul. God is the only one that has the power to condemn so why should we even desire to take that task that is not ours upon ourselves?
    There is a difference between judging and using wisdom and discernment. I may discern that one is involved in unholy things and if God tells me to steer clear so will I obey. But if I am in the presence of a murderer I do not want to get so caught in my judgment and disapproval that if God desired to use me to get through to this person I would instead chose to be blinded by my own flesh rather than see things the way God wants me to see things. If we are all saved by grace than we know that it is not our works ans we should remember that if God were to judge us according to our works none of us would be able to stand before His presence. There is a big difference between hating the sin and hating the sinner. “Listen to me, you who pursue righteousness, Who seek the LORD: Look to the rock from which you were hewn And to the quarry from which you were dug” We should be strong and unwavering in our stand against ungodliness but we should be careful because if we’re too busy watching others we aren’t watching the Father.Remember the scripture says “So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don’t fall!” I do not think I am a better Christian than anyone that claims to be; I just wish that as Christians we could address each other as the brothers and sisters in love as under the Father. We ought to have a different look about us that goes beyond the bible that we hold in our hand but the compassion that we have in our hearts. “Beloved, let us love one another” not beloved let us judge one another.

  47. invar

    Invar if you can show me in the scripture where it says we are to be the judge then I’ll back you up.

    I Corinthians 6:2-10

    Leviticus 19:15

    Deuteronomy 30:19

    Isaiah 58:1

    For starters.

    If you do not have the spiritual maturity to judge between right and wrong or good from evil – then you have no principles beyond what is lukewarm and you are a prime example of where the Christian church has failed in this country.

    If our mind is controlled by the Spirit which in turn would mean that we have a mind of life and peace shouldn’t we be spreading life and peace to others?

    If that includes refusing to call sin and abominations what they are, or refusing to demand repentance under the guise of ‘spreading peace’ and ‘not offending’ or ‘judging’ – then NO. Spreading peace and life does not mean we turn a blind eye to sin and evil by refusing to call wrongdoing what it is.

    Is the Good News that you’re going to hell?
    I don’t subscribe to that doctrine.

    There is a difference between judging and using wisdom and discernment.

    I’m not talking about judging someone’s standing before the Lord. I’m talking about the REFUSAL to judge good from evil, right from wrong and calling a spade a spade – something people like you are attacking Christians like me for doing, and erroneously attempting to equate crying aloud and sparing not with judging a person’s salvation.

    Sorry, I don’t play that game.

    None of us are immune from sin. All sin and fall short of the glory, so gloating like a Pharisee that you are ‘saved’ and a sinner is condemned, IS NOT the kind of judging we are to engage in.

    What you advocate is to remain silent in the face of those who promote sin and refuse to call evil what it is under the false notion of ‘compassion’.

    We are to judge fruits. We are to judge behavior. We are to have wisdom in judging what is good , from what is evil.

    You are trying to tell us NOT to do these things – under the false doctrine of ‘judge not”.

  48. Bracing Myself


    I’d only add to your scripture references the whole of 1 Corinthians Chapter 5. Since Obama claims to be a Christian, according to this scripture, his works absolutely should be judged by fellow believers. After all, they’re being judged by the world, thereby reflecting badly on Christ and His Church.

    Just a snippet: “11But now I am writing you that you must not associate with anyone who calls himself a brother but is sexually immoral or greedy, an idolater or a slanderer, a drunkard or a swindler. With such a man do not even eat.

    12What business is it of mine to judge those outside the church? Are you not to judge those inside? 13God will judge those outside. ‘Expel the wicked man from among you.'”

    Or elect them president. Whichever, I guess… 😦

  49. Wes Hazlett

    Tuesday Jan 20th.

    Today is one of the saddest days I will have for my Country. Today an antichrist sits in the White House.

    Today begins the process of Obama in completely turning the entire nation against us intolerant Christians.

    Today begins the journey to the savior of the world for Obama.

    Today is a day that America will never recover from.

    Today America enters a stage of it’s history that will lead to the eventual death of its Constitution and bill of rights.

    May the Lord have mercy on us. We have utterly failed to honor His gift of liberty that Almighty God granted in the wisdom he gave honorable men and women who fought so hard to keep this Republic.

    The new America is an America that God has given over to the powers of darkness because of our foolishness and hatred of righteousness.

    Obama is the new American god of the foolish and delusioned.

  50. Jacques van Hoof

    As long as the US do nothing to FORBID abortion, euthanasia, gay marriages, etc., God will not bless America. At the contrary, God has always punished His disobedient children in the past.

    God has shown a lot of patience till now …

    Modern Babylon is NOT only in the US; it is everywhere. Is it too late to stop decay ?

  51. Lewis Jones.

    Hello Good Americans, I call myself A Good Christian, I admit I do many sins, but all of us sin, Some greater than others, Which when you die decides on what your rank or rewards will be in heaven. I have been sucsesful in converting A few people to being good Christians and have educated them or tried to on the book of revelations. I do judge.. and harshly agaist people who openly reject God, abortion and homosexuals. As yes God is to judge. But I feel that is no reason why we should let others sin all around us without question. I do very much dislike Obama and know he will be the downfall of America. I do not pray for him, as he is already lost. I do pray for America as A whole and pray that it pulls through the End-times with minimal damage and loss. But I don’t think that will happen at the current Hate Christian and Jew era we have here in the west. Once again I do know the End is near, I don’t look foward to it though, no matter how evil the earth has became. I am very young and am afraid of the endtimes. What I am afraid of is not the 7 vials or wrath of God. But of the Anti-Christs ruling of us. I don’t believe Obama is the Anti-Christ. As I feel he will come up very fast and unknown to most. Also I believe that the antichrist prophet will come and preach of the antichrists greatness. Obama may fit that objective, But I feel he is simply not intelligent enough. In fact he’s pretty pathetic. I will say to Invar, You sound to be A great man an Christian, Who in my opinion is highly educated. I compliment you. As you don’t reply as many as the others. You correct and give proof and reason to your beliefs. I now ask you this question. What should A Christian be doing at this time now?. I know we are not suppose to revolve our life our the endtimes. But what does..or would God want us to do besides living A normal Christian life?. There must be something he would like us to do when we know the season of the endtimes is near right?. I do believe that God has lifted his blessings off America as if I were in his position I think I would be saying, why should I give them any blessings. They do not honhor or serve me anymore. They are more and more rejecting me. Also not that I want to be raptured, but many of the people I have lead to Christianity ask me simply, When would the first rapture occur?. I say this even though I don’t know if it is correct, I do state though that I am not sure. Study for youselve for your opinion. I say between the 6th and 7th seal. and the second rapture is between the 6th and 7th trumpet. Am I wrong? For this is what I got from reading revelations?. But many of us come up with many opinions. Also invar, Do you believe that Obama is A very important part of the endtimes?. I believe he is as he states he is for the One World Government and currency?. Also do you believe that AntiChrist will bring A new religion that Obama will be in support of. A religion that states that all religions are correct and they all lead up to the same God anyway?. Or will the Antichrist be A denomination of Islam?. Another simple question I am asked and think of myself, Will the AntiChrist be Lucifer himself?. As at that time it would seem to be too important to have just A demon or follower be in place of anitchrists leadership. I asume it will be Lucifer himself. Who I believe is highly intelligent and knows the Bible fluently. And in my opinion will fool many non-Christians and even Christians themselves. Even A few here on this site will be deceived by him. Im sure you invar knows this as well. I think we should be educating others on how to identify the AntiChrist. Would you be so kind enough to post on this site how you would be able to identify the Anti-Christ?. As you are very good with words and writing. And I believe that telling people on how to identifing AntiChrist will save many A souls. I noticed that these sites speak of who the antichrist may be, but not to much on how or what we should be doing to identifying him. So I ask you as A fellow Christian to tell the others here who respect you opinions as I do on How to identify AntiChrist. Good Day and God Bless you all, Lewis W Jones. And I congraduate you invan on being calm with words of truth will A littler arogance with them. God Bless you fine sir.

  52. invar

    Thank you for the kind words and the questions Lewis.

    I now ask you this question. What should A Christian be doing at this time now?

    The same thing Jesus said we should be doing in Matthew 28:19.

    If we had been doing that all along, and kept our culture on the straight path, we would not have a Marxist running the country and the nation on the verge of collapse.

    I know we are not suppose to revolve our life our the endtimes. But what does..or would God want us to do besides living A normal Christian life?.

    How do you define normal? In the days of the early church, and for the better part of a millennia, the Christian church was persecuted. All the Apostles except John were tortured and killed.

    Jesus said in Matthew 24 that we would be hated of all nationsfor His name’s sake. Somehow in our prosperity and liberty in America, we forget what the plain words He spoke said. We think persecution cannot happen here. But it can, and it will.

    There must be something he would like us to do when we know the season of the endtimes is near right?

    Endure to the end with your faith intact, because regardless what you are about to see take place around you – The Kingdom of God will come. Endure, even if it is to the point of suffering and death. Don’t be fooled and misled by false prophets and false messiahs, even if you are the only one in your household, neighborhood or city that refuses to bow down to an idol like Obama.

    many of the people I have lead to Christianity ask me simply, When would the first rapture occur?

    Jesus said in Matthew 24:36 that “No man knows the day nor the hour, not even the angels in heaven, or the Son of Man – but the Father only”.

    No one knows the time Jesus comes back. We are told to watch the signs, and to be ready. If you died tomorrow, are you ready?

    lso invar, Do you believe that Obama is A very important part of the endtimes?

    I honestly do not know. I can say that based on Obama’s own writings and stated plans for this country that he will be instrumental in bringing about end times for this country.

    In my understanding of scripture, the United States no longer exists, or is so horribly diminished, that it has no presence when the curtain goes up on the very Last Days that precede the Second Coming. In short, I do not think we exist by the time we get to the Beast/False Prophet Battle of Meggiddo.

    I believe he is as he states he is for the One World Government and currency?

    That is a goal of many. A one world Socialist society.

    Also do you believe that AntiChrist will bring A new religion that Obama will be in support of. A religion that states that all religions are correct and they all lead up to the same God anyway?

    That is already underway, with or without Obama. A new religion that combines secular humanism with the basic tenets of human “compassion”. That no one religion is the Way, or the Truth – but that all religions are equal – which is what they say now, but ultimately will lead to only secularism being the approved belief system allowed.

    A totalitarian state will suffer no rivals of allegiance except to itself. Religion, especially biblically based will be eradicated.

    Or will the Antichrist be A denomination of Islam?.

    Possible. Islam could be the One World government and Religion of the future, complete with miracles from the 12th Imam. It is after all , the goal of Muslims to re-establish a global Caliphate. Will it happen?

    Don’t know. But at the rate the West is being outbred – it is quite possible. Simple numbers. They have more and are birthing more, while our population numbers are declining.

    Another simple question I am asked and think of myself, Will the AntiChrist be Lucifer himself?

    No. The Apostle John talked of “many antichrists” that had come and gone in his time. (I John 2:18). Mussolini, Hitler, Stalin and other despots were also antiChrists – false messiah’s that got their people to follow them and treat them as if they were God.

    And in my opinion will fool many non-Christians and even Christians themselves. Even A few here on this site will be deceived by him.

    Based on the amount of Christians bamboozled by Obama and worshipping him right along with the rest of the godless masses, being deceived is something the American Christian church obviously loves to be.

    I think we should be educating others on how to identify the AntiChrist.

    Antichrist is anything or anyone who holds or teaches the opposite of what the Bible does. Those that set themselves up as leaders who are godlike. Those that gather a following for themselves and promise salvation and peace.

    Would you be so kind enough to post on this site how you would be able to identify the Anti-Christ?

    I believe Obama and the Democrat Party and the host of Leftists now controlling our government are antithetical to everything both God and our Founders expected of this country. They are an affront to Liberty, and as such they are like unto antiChrists. Especially anyone who allows themselves to be worshipped the way Obama does.

    So I ask you as A fellow Christian to tell the others here who respect you opinions as I do on How to identify AntiChrist.

    Anyone, any institution, any leader, any group that tries to teach “morality” that is contrary to the scriptures is a good indicator of someone to distrust and be wary of.

    Anyone that allows himself to be lauded as a ‘savior’, ‘dear leader’, or messiah and the groups that worship him as such should be suspect and warned about.

  53. Lewis Jones.

    Thanks for the highly detailed response Invan. I am now wondering if you have an opinion one my question I have, I do believe that The anti-christs prophet will be the one who will enforce the one world government and currency, But when that does happen I am in denial on if the AntiChrist will be around or appearing at that time. Do you think that it would be the prophet or Antichrist who enforces the one world government act?. If not would he be risen or appearing in public. And will the Antichrist be controlled by Lucifer?. Or does Lucifer ever make an appearance to man as Jesus will?. And will the prophet be just an ordinary man?. Or will he be demon possesed with powers that can only come from Lucifer?. And does the United States play any major role in the end times?. As there is lots of prophecy about the middle east and what happen in the world island. But what of the west?. Is there any thing left of America that was and is the most Christian nation?. God is angry, And several times destroys entire empires and civilizations?. Will he do the same to America?. Just to inform you I am canadian, but not A proud one. Up here as A conservative Christian I am labelled racist and evil. Even I had lost A lot of respect for America when Obama was elected. I also think of symbolic messages that may be left for us to find by God. My recent therory is the George Washington was America’s first great president. And the George W Bush will be the last good president. both have simular initials G W & G W B. Also Obama when being sworn in with the Bible repeated the mistake made by John Roberts in the oath. When he re spoke the oath I heard he did not use the Bible. A sign I take that he couldn’t be sworn in on the Bible as he is not A christian, But without he could be, letting the more intelligent people see this as A sign?. But I do not know if he didn’t use the Bible in the second oath, I just heard A quick talk of it on the radio. Do you believe God would leave us symbolic messages like this?. Many Thanks for the quick reply, And God Bless you Invan, Lewis Jones.

  54. invar

    Do you think that it would be the prophet or Antichrist who enforces the one world government act?.

    As with all tyrannies of men, millions of fellow countrymen fall under the spell of those who beguile them into following a madman. The People in desperation, wold be willing to sell their souls for the empty promise of bread.

    Remember the scriptures that tell us that Essau sold his birthright for a bowl of soup. Desperate people are willing to surrender anything, and serve anything that promises to give them what they want.

    If not would he be risen or appearing in public. And will the Antichrist be controlled by Lucifer?.

    Obviously, someone that deceives the world into believing in a false peace and can call down fire from heaven has been empowered from a spiritual source.

    And will the prophet be just an ordinary man?. Or will he be demon possesed with powers that can only come from Lucifer?.

    Scripture tells us that the beast and False Prophet are ultimately tossed in the Lake of Fire where they are consumed and burned up. I think the Beast is a system of men, and that the false Prophet is also a man, pretending to be God.

    And does the United States play any major role in the end times?.

    I am of the understanding that the United States no longer exists in any real capacity when the events in Revelation and Daniel come to pass.

    As there is lots of prophecy about the middle east and what happen in the world island. But what of the west?. Is there any thing left of America that was and is the most Christian nation?

    I am of the understanding there is nothing left, save a tiny remnant that is taken into captivity by their enemies.

    God is angry, And several times destroys entire empires and civilizations?

    What God allowed to happen to Ancient Israel is a good barometer of what will happen here. Deuteronomy 28 is a good chapter that describes blessings for a nation of God’s People that are obedient, and what happens to a nation of His people that are Disobedient.

    We are currently just beginning the curses spoken of from verse 15 onward.

    Up here as A conservative Christian I am labelled racist and evil.

    Rejoice that you are worthy to suffer persecution in His Name’s Sake. We were told we would be hated and scorned. Somehow in our prosperity – we forgot those words of Jesus.

    Even I had lost A lot of respect for America when Obama was elected.

    So did a lot of us IN America.

    I also think of symbolic messages that may be left for us to find by God.

    I think watching the signs, being vigilant and observant of those who pervert our foundations need no symbolism to discover.

    Hitler wrote and said everything he was going to do to the Jews and to Europe years before he began the death camps.

    No one listened to him.

    Likewise, the same is true of Obama and his handlers. He wrote his own ‘Mein kampf’ and has already revealed what he plans to do to this country.

    No one really listened to him.

    A sign I take that he couldn’t be sworn in on the Bible as he is not A christian, But without he could be, letting the more intelligent people see this as A sign?

    Obama is a skilled devious politician. He will say and do whatever he thinks he needs to in order to get what he wants.

    No one cared that he said he would never wear an American flag pin – but after his poll numbers dipped, he suddenly began wearing one.

    The fruits of Obama showcase he is no real Christian. He has no respect for the tenets of Christianity outside of the Socialistic application of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount.

    Obama is a secular humanist – and admitted as much in his books. His idea of Christianity is one that is synonymous with Black Liberation Theology – in other words, a political religion that USES Christianity to gain political influence and power.

  55. Dirk

    Dear Invar,

    I can’t claim to know as much about the Bible as you do, but I do know something about history… You said that the early Christians were prosecuted for the better part of a millennium, so that is 500+ years since Christus began preaching, right? The Christians were prosecuted by the Romans, that is a fact, but in 313 emperor Constantinus the Great (sometimes called saint Constantinus) declared that Christians wouldn’t be prosecuted again in the Roman Empire. You probably know the story about how he saw the sign of Christus in a dream right before a battle and how he won that battle, and that he later became a Christian himself? Christians weren’t prosecuted since that year and in 380 Christianity became the only allowed religion in the Roman Empire. So, why prosecution DID take 3 centuries, I personally don’t call this the better part of a millennium. If you also count in the prosecution outside of the Roman Empire, well… There are still Christians being prosecuted. Last year saw the killing of tens of Christians in India by Hindus and Christians in the Middle East are being prosecuted everyday.
    Lewis Jones, your remark about George Bush being a good president. The man started TWO WARS! One was allowed, the other was illegal.

  56. Dirk

    Dear owner of this site,

    Because I can’t seem to reach you in any other way, I’ll just post it over here. A post of mine I put in this discussion is gone. I would like to know why.
    Was it because of those two links I put here, or was it because I said the translation of ‘Allah’ is ‘god’ in English (I’m sorry but that’s the truth, just look in a dictionary).

    I’m awaiting your response, Dirk Klumper.

  57. invar

    Spam filters automatically reject any post that has more than 1 link included in the replies.

    In regards to Constantine and “Christian” persecution, I do not include the period of time of the Holy Roman Empire as a period of Christian liberty – because it was not.

    Christians who held to biblical doctrines were hunted down, tortured and killed for refusing to be part of the Catholic tradition. In much of the Middle Ages, when brought before a religious inquisition, when asked if you had ever personally read the Bible in part or whole – you were killed.

    True and real Christian liberty began AFTER the Reformation and AFTER the Bible was printed and available for the lay members to read for themselves instead of having it dictated to them from Rome.

    That is why I say a millennium and a half of Christian persecution.

  58. Lewis Jones.

    Hello Mr. Klumper sir, I do beleive that George Bush’s wars were both just. America was attacked, I am canadian but always state I am American so, America was attacked, and George Bush did the right thing to do, Attack and invade A country, And in my feelings any Muslim country he would attack I would be okay for all or most muslims or people who believe in the Koran should be dealt with harshly, America has been real soft in these modern days, Yes we and the enemy suffer casualties. But they are what comes with any conflict that any one nation does part in. WW2 seen over 50 million casualties to stop the spread of A socialist Liberal world takeover, Liberals and hitler are very common, They both ahte Jews despite many Liberals being Jews and hating there kind. They both hate religions, but the one religion they accept just happens to be Islam. Hitler was allying with the Arabs in the middle east as they both had the same goal, Erradication of the Jews. And liberals hate Jews with A passion and state Islam is A religion of peace, And that blowing themselves up, killing innocent children and doing inhuman tortures are okay as they are freedom fighters who only want there land and mankind to accept them, Which will only stop when they have A world order and everyone is united uder Islam who’s prophet Mohammed is what we call A sex offender now adays. Mr. Bush did take two years to finally attack another nation for the attacks on us. The U.N which is under strong influence of Islam stated that he was rushing into war, He took two years, Liberals always say that we were late into the entering of ww2. Which was nessesary as we were just A few years ago scraping our military to appease liberals who’s belief that A large armed force creates an arms race, Hitler did not care, He just took advantage of these liberals, And stated early on that his county by country was to maintain peace in Europe and that the British and French forced him into war. Like now, Muslims attack certain parties and races to maintain peace, But Jews and America forced them to result to this form of warfare. If America was nuked I do believe Bush would nuke back, and hopefully Mecca or Medina. With Barrack in power my strong guess is that he’ll say, We must investigate this matter further and will bring these people to justice. Another nuke hits America, We must investigate this matter, I am having members of the U.N to help with this investigation. And so much more garbage he will say. One could also say that George Washington was A criminal for expanding the United States without justification. Why?. America would have been great and was with just the 13 colonies. Why spread influence across the land?. For he would be spreading Christianity and A nation or lands that believe and serve for the lord is prosperous, And when they reject the Lord they will crumble to ruins. Such as America is going through now. Im sure Invan will be able to tell you the exact location of examples of the rise and fall of nations lost in God in the Bible. Bill Clinton, A great man to liberal, the average joe. Barrack Obama the new man God who says he and only he can heal America with the palm of his hand and A snap of the finger?. Hope?, Change?, Dream?, Progress?. and only through him this can happen?. He is saying false messages to Americans. And is nearly placing himself as important as God or A prophet. And says activists or socialist catch lines. He is not THE ANTI-CHRIST but is A antichrist, He calls himself Christian, yet supports Gay marrige and Abortion which God speaks very strongly against and if I were to say Gods words to someone I would be arrested. George Bush is A great man, mild president, Good for America. But not to great with forein relations. But every president has faults. His are minor. My G W and G W B is more referece maybe to that George Bush is the last Christian president we will have. And God will be proud of him, but maybe upset for his judgement of Islam was to insufficent and kind. And did not prepare his followers for the End Times for which Bush should know is near, Also what is it you say is illegal that George has done, What great evil has he commited, You see Muslims upset at him, But they are upset with anything that does not support him. He waged A just war against an evil man who tortured innocent and not so inoccent people of his country. Has Bush murdered without cause?. He had great cause?. Even if some people were innocent, If by your logic, God himself would be evil, As he’s destroyed entire countries, cultures and people good and evil alike. Exept the evil was greater than the good so he killed all alike. God is angry with America, There are lots of great and Good people here. In the Bible there appears to be not much left in America, It will be A waste land. But of course his judgment is far greater than ours and I should not be comparing mans judgment with his. Obama will be leading the collapse of America, He will not defend himself either, He will simply say, It was George Bush’s fault. America will believe as the media and Hollywood has done an excellent job of creating, and portraying him as Evil and the cause of the worlds disorder. I know now maybe Invar disagree’s with me on some points, But I respect him very much as he will give me very great important examples and opinions supporting his beliefs, rather that saying George Bush is bad, He started two wars?. Without just. He is responsible for innocent death, without just. But please give me reasons that support your beliefs. Also to Invar, I feel as though I am fully aware of what to exspect from the Anti-Christ and End-Times. I just like to ask questions and opinions from others, For I feel its important for Christians to communicate and discuss with one another. You are A great man, I wish I were as intelligent as you for defending America. I liked very much how you have A sence of humor when replying to the communist earlier saying Comrade.
    God Bless. Lewis Jones.
    Also what is Obama’s purpose of the European tour he will be making soon?. I don’t listen to much news as its very depressing what I hear.
    Also in your opinion, Can A Christian who hasn’t received the mark of the beast and serves and lives for the lord be left behind during the first rapture?. Or will all Christians who haven’t recieved the mark accend into heaven. And the Christians who are left behind are one with the mark if the beast and still have faith in God but for receiving the mark must be judged harshly by God, and repent for there mistakes?. Or am I entirely off track?. Hope to hear your opinion.

  59. invar

    There is no one great but God Lewis.

    I am hardly a great, or even a good man. I stumble and fall and have the same shortcomings as everyone else.

    Unlike our new messiah – I have faults and failings.

    But I can do all things through Christ whom strengthens me.

    As to your question:

    Can A Christian who hasn’t received the mark of the beast and serves and lives for the lord be left behind during the first rapture?

    I am of the understanding that we are awaiting the Resurrection that Jesus will bring with Him at His return. Some may call it a Rapture, I do not refer to it as that however.

    I am of the belief that the Mark of the beast is something that is not going to be disguised or snuck onto society. Not bar codes or Social Security numbers – but allegiance in mind and deed to this new antiChrist regime. Those Christians that take it are going to know exactly what they are submitting to. So in a a way, those that take the Mark, are turning their back on God for the promises of men.

    I am of the understanding that I am not going to get zapped out of here before the Tribulation. Jesus stated in Matthew 24 that we would endure tribulation, and that we would be hated and persecuted. 11 of the 12 Apostles were tortured and killed.

    Why should we think ourselves any better than those who actually walked with Our Lord?

    Or will all Christians who haven’t recieved the mark accend into heaven. And the Christians who are left behind are one with the mark if the beast and still have faith in God but for receiving the mark must be judged harshly by God, and repent for there mistakes?

    Scripture tells us only that those who have the Seal of God are protected from the Wrath of God and that those who have received the Mark of the beast will not be sealed and protected. As I said, those that take the Mark are most likely deliberately willing to turn their backs on God. Those who refuse the Mark are not permitted to buy or sell, and will most likely be persecuted and hunted. (possible Sharia law? I don’t know but sounds plausible)

    Scripture tells us that the Dead in Christ rise first at His coming, then those who are alive are changed to meet the Lord in the air as he returns.

    Scripture does not tell us whether or not those who take the Mark are forever condemned. It may be that many who take the Mark never had a fair chance at Salvation.

    And I am of the understanding that there is a Second Resurrection- and that many who never had a chance of Salvation will have the opportunity to learn the Truth – and choose for themselves their ultimate destiny.

  60. Lewis Jones.

    Hello Invar sir, Thanks again for the response, I also did not mean to refer you to being as high as God. Do not worry, I worship No Man or Idol, no matter how much the world may worship him or it. Also I do believe that the Mark of the beast will be something that you can see, No the veri-chip or any bio chip will not be the mark of the beast itself. But I do believe that soon, The use of Bio-chips will be A norm and used by all. Then when the anti-christ rises to power, I believe that he will be worshiped A hero and God, Much as liberals worship Obama, And I don’t think Obama is at all that intelligent or witty, I think Anti-Christ will be brilliant. And if Obama is nearly worshipped A God or savior, The Anti-Christ will be God to liberals and many Christians. So when he is in power ans creates A phony world peace agreement for Israel and other miraculous acts, He will create an imprint or Mark which shows your alligence to him. And all who do not recieve it will be hated and connot Buy, Sell, or own materials. Now why do I believe this, Here’s my reasoning.
    In revelations when it refers to the mark its commonly refered as.
    Rev 13:16 “a mark”
    Rev 13:17 ” the mark”
    Rev 14:9 “his mark”
    Rev 14:11 “mark of his name”
    Rev 15:2 “his mark”
    Rev 16:2 “the mark of the beast”
    Which seem to me represent something more that A spiritual surrender or the will to worship Antichrist. And when it refers to Antichrist and his mark its stated as.
    Rev 14:9 “his mark”
    Rev 14:11 “mark of his name”
    Rev 15:2 “his mark”
    Rev 16:2 “the mark of the beast”
    Rev 19:20 “the mark of the beast”
    Rev 20:4 “his mark”

    And for this I feel it makes it A personal or symbolic representation of the beast. And well…. There’s nothing symbolic of A computer chip. I think its just metal, glass and plastic. Nothing symbolic there. But when we use the chips every day as some people use credit cards instead of money, We all may just use this technology. So there we have something that alows us to buy and sell, Now there second part which makes my opinion fit together. I believe there will be A Mark, Symbol or Name that represents the beast in some way. For if you think about it, one could say I have recieved the mark when going to buy something, and when scanned one could say, Oh it must be not working. I did hit it quite hard the other day?, maybe thats why its not working. But with A mark on the forehead or right hand. Anyone could see if you received the mark or not. And which is reason why I believe we may be going through such great persecution. As some of us might just say to A friends or stranger on the street when asked have you received the mark?. Without the imprint or mark on the forehead or right hand. I could say why yes of course. And I would not be jepordizing my soul, as they did not know as they couldn’t see if I had received the mark or not. And they therefore could not make me do the decision of subbmiting to the beast. Which I will not. With this imprint of the Beast everyone will know if I have recieved the Mark or not as if I don’t have it, People will refuse to sell to me, But now how is that great persecution. Well I am guessing that the beast will be loved, worshipped and hailed God. And what he says everyone will obey and accept, So he says, Anyone without the Mark are traitors, terrorists, evil antichrists and must be reported or detained when one is found without my mark. They are plotting against me, They may even say that I am A false God, an Anti-Christ. I ask them, What evil have I done?, I have brought peace to the middle east, Which no man has ever accomplised?. I restore the worlds financial problems. I even showed you signs from the heavens above to prove of my power. I have done no evil. Its they, Those who not have the mark of acceptence of my leadership and representation of God. We must destroy these people or convince them of my greatness.
    And so on. You know how dictators go on and on. He may even give A time limit and past that, Those who do not submit to him the Beast will just be killed. As to make even more persecution for us.
    So I do believe that the Mark will be more than alligence in mind. As yes one will have to have allegience in mind. But I do believe that it will also be A combination of the Bio-chip and A physical mark. And even if we don’t use the technology of the Bio-chips at that time. We could still be restricted buying and selling without the Mark of the Beast. But man is greedy and lots will accept cash or coins. So then many will not have to submit to the beast in order to survive. So I do strongly believe that we have to be useing the Bio-chips when this happens as then no one can accept bribes or cash. No wait they could, if you don’t have the mark but have A bio-chip you could just say i’ll transfer more money to you. Unless the chip can include knowledge if you have the mark, But it will be seen?… Oh any ways I must do A little more thinking on this as there will be many ways one could fraud someone into selling goods and products, Unless mankind will be so honorable to the beast no one dares defy his word. Which is possible, as look how well and devoted muslims are. When told not to deal with the Jews, They do not deal with the Jews, When nassrahlla tells them America is the great satan after they made first strike, They cheer America you the great satan.
    But anyways I though I would tell you that I do believe the Mark is visible. Also I do believe there is two raptures, The first being for Christians who do not have the mark of the beast and serve unto thee lord. The second being Jews who converted to Christianity. And now I will depart. And Thank You for allowing me to ask questions and for responding to me. Many Thanks and God Bless. Also you are probaly of matured age. I ask many what may seem to be foolish questions, But I am of the age of 18 1/2. But consider myself intelligent, and have converted many other people both young and more sucsesfully the elderly, From the ages 45-65. So thats why I ask some questions of interest. My minister is very pleased with my doings. And I do feel good for it. So maybe you will think less of me being so young, But I will be okay with it. But I do enjoy your answers. It helps me lear more. So Good Day and God Bless. Lewis Jones.

  61. Dirk

    Dear Invar,

    I call every religion that believes that Jesus Christus was the Messiah, let it be Orthodox, Catholic, Protestant, Liberal or any other. But in the future I will stick to your definition of Christian.
    And I agree with the attack on Afghanistan and the Taliban, but Osama bin Laden (and most of the 9-11 terrorists) was a Saudi and most of Al-qaida’s and the Taliban’s money came from Saudi-Arabia. So why wasn’t Saudi-Arabia punished?
    Both the USA and the Netherlands were founded by citizens, not kings. Both had to fight a bitter war against the strongest nation in Europe. For the USA it was England in the 18th century. For the Netherlands it was against Spain in the 16th and 17th century. In both countries the people were oppressed by financial, mental and physical means. In the Netherlands Protestant Christians were burned on the stake by the Spaniards while they were not causing problems, civilians and civil leaders who didn’t cooperate were murdered. So I fully understand the American Revolution and how they wanted to spread Liberty.

  62. Dirk

    Hitler was no friend of muslims. On his list of people, the arians were on top and the muslims were beneath Jewish people. The only reason muslims weren’t mass-murdered was because the muslims were a backward people, they were considered a smaller ‘threat’ then Jewish people, and there were no big muslim minorities in the countries occupied by the Germans. Except for North-Africa were they belonged. Otherwise the muslims would be prosecuted as Slav(e)s.

  63. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\invar

    Dear Invar,

    Please try to be a man, try to be a good man!
    Sometime a man have to stop to lie to himself!
    All over your writing you try to describe Obama as an Anti-Christ! If Obama is an anti-Christ, what is the difference between the Bush’s Presidents and Hitler! They all killed many millions of people.

    By the way you write, i see you don’t like the change, hope, unity, justice, peace…

    I don’t know if you had ever travel around the world or listen news from other seas, I can tell you, Obama inspire all the good things a man a woman, a child, a black, a white, a yellow, a jew, a muslim, a christian, a poor, a rich wish!

    I will pray a lot for you, because you need that!

  64. Lewis Jones.

    Hello Dirk sir, I was just leaving some responses at youtube, And boy it must just be little boys or people of my age, 18, As there is nothing credible there and half of the responses are cussing and stating one is racist. So coming back here is A very nice refreshment, I think I’ll just stay here, Where liberals are sensible and matured, Most of the time. On the regard to Muslims & Hitlers support of them. I do agree that if Hitler was to invade the middle east, Which he would have if won the Battles of Britian and Russia they may have been very well persecuted. But I do know that Hitler had formed an alliance with the grand mufti Haj Amin Husseini who was A great Admirer of Hitler and Mussonlini. And is an early founder of what is now known as Radical Islam. Hitler I read in some official German documents that this war is A war on extermination. And told the mufti to keep that though to himself. And the Mufti is not Aryan in any way to the Germans. But since they had the same goals, Exterminate the Jews, He was recieved by Hitler, Then at one point the Mufti was sent to the Balkans were he was able to raise A Bosnian Muslim ss division. And had raised several ss divions, Made up of Arab Muslims. Many came from differnt parts of the world to fight along side the pure Aryan Waffen SS divisions. So thats why I believe Hitler did not continue the drive further in the middle east. I believe that the purpose of going into north africa was to secure the suez canal from falling into allied hands which could lead to A counter invasion, The same goes to crete. Which had great losses for the Germans, But they were able to have an airbase to help secure there new positions in the sea there from allied ships and landing craft, I forgets the sea’s name. But I do agree that if Hitler would gain more power and strenght, He would persicute Muslims, But maybe not. I also know (not opinion) that he had formed an alliance with the grand mufti of jeruselem. And know the mufti had urged Hitler to send pro Bosnian Jews by train to his newly established death camps in the middle east. By I also have A belief that once Hitler has Russia and Britian, He would maybe consider that enough living space for Germans, Not saying that he was not going to continue his world conquest plans. and turn all pro Jewish and Christian countries into German satelite countries. And countries that have Hitlers opinion on Jews and Christians will be under his control but will have there own countries leaders under them, but are nearly just puppets to Hitler and Socialist Nazism. Anyways I though I would let you know my opinions and thoughts, The section about the grand Mufti is however not my opinion, It is fact, Not well known as Muslims leaders were at least at one time did not want to link up there relations to Hitler, As they were not powerful enough to start much of any conflict. But you can see that how they sure have changed with there power and influence to other countries. They are now becoming proud and speak aloud of Hilter being A great man, who’s vengence to them is no considered insufficent.
    I am not A Jew, I am an Evangelico Christian, and the Jews are not following the right path, But lots I believe will be forgiven of there mistake as they are followers of there Jewish leaders and priests. Who do not believe Jesus, was or is the Messiah. But I respect Jews very much, Remember I do respect other peoples opinion very much when given reasons why and not cuss words and name calling, So I appriciated your response very much, Its very mature. Yes I am 18 years old. But many say that instead of becoming A common teenager, I became an old man. Which I find as A great compliment. So Good Day and God Bless you Dirk sir, Lewis Jones.
    And in my opinion there was no Jewish problem in germany, Where hitler lived actually had the smallest Jewish polulation I heard. His officer in ww1 presented him his Iron cross, but still stated that he was not A good commander and isn’t meant to lead, Which according to Hitler’s generals is correct. The officer who presented him the Iron cross was Jewish. So were the few buyers who bought him paintings in the 1920’s. Once again Good Day Dirk sir, Lewis Jones.

  65. Lewis Jones.

    Hello Dirk sir, Invar is not saying Obama is the Anti-Christ, Neither am I. As God says we will not know who is the Antichrist until he finally comes, Obama fits the catagory as A antichrist, as he does support gays and abortion. I know quite A few Blacks who strongly feel he truly is not in support of the black people and says he doesn’t tell his opinion or support on Gays, and abortion as no one asks him in the crowds he attends. But the number of blacks unborn in America and especially Africa is outstanding, Its A genocide in itself As for the gays, There two is an outstanding people dieing of aids and dieseases caused by homosexuality. Barrack Obama likes to change his opinions or positions as he see’s fit to whatever crowd he wants to appease. At one point he says he anti nuclear power and will shutdown all nuclear plants and coal plants and desible Americas nuclear capability. He also wants to shutdown Americas so called unproven missile defence project, I would like to give an example on how wrong that is. Tomas Edison was working on the lighbulp, His first few attempts at it creating sufficent amount of light failed, He did not then say, Its unproven if the therory of white light can be created, So I shall forget this and do no further testings.
    Edison did not do that, And I feel America shouldn’t do that with its missile defence project, He wants to remove all guns in America, Well it does sound good, But I own A gun, All my neibors own guns, They have never been violent with them, They have gotton into fights, and big ones to, But never have shot or threaten to shoot one another. And they all have something in common, They are Christians. Yes there are violent Christians, But the more Christians there is the less crime there will be. America’s cities that have some of the most crime also have the least amount of practicing Christians and higher amounts of Islamics. So I though I would tell you of my mind again, And to defend Invar, but he is quite capable of defending himself anyways. But Good Day and God Bless. Lewis Jones.

  66. invar

    Dirk wrote:

    Hitler was no friend of muslims.

    Dirk, you are ignorant of the facts and of history. You might read a bit more before illustrating yourself as such.


    The Dufus above writes:

    All over your writing you try to describe Obama as an Anti-Christ!

    Yes, Obama is an Anti-christ. He is antithetical to the teachings of the bible (his Executive Order for taxpayer-funded infanticide WORLDWIDE) and an abomination to the fundamentals of liberty that were enshrined in this country as protected rights.

    If Obama is an anti-Christ, what is the difference between the Bush’s Presidents and Hitler!

    Hitler was a Socialist, just like Obama, and Obama’s engineers and mentors like William Ayers have planned to exterminate 70 million Americans who they estimated will not be ‘re-educated’.

    By the way you write, i see you don’t like the change, hope, unity, justice, peace…

    No. I HATE your versions of “change”; “Hope”; “Unity” and other Marxist propaganda crap. I’m an American, not a stinking Communist.

    Yours and Obama’s brand of change and hope is in the tyranny and slavery of Marxist Socialism.

    I don’t know if you had ever travel around the world or listen news from other seas, I can tell you, Obama inspire all the good things a man a woman, a child, a black, a white, a yellow, a jew, a muslim, a christian, a poor, a rich wish!

    I do not recognize or worship your false messiah as anything but a Socialist tyrant.

    May you be happy seig heiling your Fuhrer yourself. I will not be.

    I will be fighting his demonic and Socialist agenda for America.

  67. Lewis Jones.

    Hello Invar, What great words you speak, I agree on all of your points, And I strongly believe America doesn’t need Change, Just A few new ideas to help the economy to help it out of the financial problem. And the only major, large, outstanding change I would want is for America to go back to its Christian laws and Christian heritage, I would like to see Christmas celebrated as Christmas and not X-mas or happy holidays as liberals want to do, As it will offend the Islamic citizens. The muslims have the world, Let Christians have America. But they won’t, They won’t stop demanding and fighting until there in complete control of the earth, And would if not for God who will save us Christians who are true to God. Even if Islam has the world, They would be fighting amounst themselves. There is no peace with Islam. So I would support only A change for Christians, And Obama’s change is and will be towards socialism, In his book he says he would like to have A state police force. We have A police force and state patrol men and CIA, and FBI. What does he mean, He means A state police that answers not to the elected officials of the public in their area,town,county, or state. He means A State police that answers to the president and takes his orders, Not the people, This is just like the SA and Gestapo for Hitler. And KGB for the communists. I say leave America as it is, It will somehow heal itself as it has before. Its not even that bad, Theres no starvation in mass amounts, There’s no extreme numbers of poor people growing, But there will always be free loaders, Maybe not in socialist countries as its not that hard of A decision in socialist nations, Work for the state or Die!. I must say though it does help motivate bums. But that is not American and America should not support any form of socialism, And Barrack Obama who apparently while looking at photo’s of him. Appears to be America’s man God already, He hasn’t done anything except having black supporters and speaking activists slogans, Hope, Change. He also wishes to take away our gun right and guns, according to his book. So now I get, No guns at all for anyone, And A state police that takes orders only from the leader (Obama)And in Obama’s book he clearly states that he’s been constantly offended. So he out for revenge on America. He clearly is A socialist. As for people calling me racist. That was the liberals intent. If they have A Black Demoncrat running, They can simply shout Racist, Hitler or evildoer, to anyone who stands against him. One of the Demoncrats best plans.
    So America will be defencless Obama’s troopers, And I can see him fully submitting to THE ANTICHRIST when risen to power. And with his country defencless, it will just either have to submit to ANTICHRIST or be destroyed. (no missile defence makes it ripe for destruction)
    So I hope America soon reconizes his true intent for America, turns to God and avoids A socialist rising.

    When The AntiChrist comes to power, is it said anywhere that entire nations will stand up against his rule?. I know there will be those who know who he is and will be hiding during his rule, I would be one. But is it said that even entire nations would fight AntiChrist?. As I would have though it to be America?. But the current course we are taking we will be A supporter of AntiChrist. The only country that I could see standing against the soon to come AntiChrist is Russia. As I feel its proud of its communist ways, And communism is A strong culture in itself and may support antichrist, but not for his religion to rule Russia?. Or what is your opinion?. Or anyones opinion?. God Bless, And for the liberals, Its customary to give Obama the Socialist salute when ever you see his photo, and when you see Obama in person you yell fanaticaly Sieg Heil Mine Fuhre. Lewis Jones.

  68. Mark

    Talk to me in eight years, when America is a better place, economically/socially/globally. Then you might see that the only people to fear are the fear mongers that you yourselves are. Unbelievable.

  69. Dirk

    Dear Lewis Jones,

    Your notes on Hitler are very agreeable. And about his friendship with the Mufti, I think (just my opinion) that he was just friends to create a distraction in the Middle-East. It was in those times a protectorate of France and Britain, a Muslim uprising would be very useful.
    I believe that pres. Obama wants a state police as it exists in most countries. A regular police force with jurisdiction in the whole of the USA, not just in separate states. These kind of police forces are very common in the rest of the world and the USA is the only country I know that doesn’t have such a police. It will be different then the KGB and the Gestapo (both secret services) and the SA (which was compost of Nazi’s to keep the order during Nazi-rallies and to fight against commie’s and Jews.
    I hope your prayers will be granted, Dirk Klumper.

  70. David

    I don’t think he’s the Antichrist but i do think he’s the false prophet, the Antichrist must have Roman blood.

  71. invar

    Mark OD’d on the messianic Kool-Aid.

    Less than four weeks into this Marxist regime and the country is already far worse than it was a month ago and heading for collapse and misery.

    Perhaps you can go grovel at the feet of your annointed and beg his benevolence for a bathroom, a kitchen and a new car, but real Americans don’t have such slavish dependence on government like the rest of you leeches do.

  72. Bob

    This is perhaps the most ridiculous conversation I’ve read online. You really have deluded yourselves into believing all of this beast, mark and anti-christ nonsense. Get your heads out of this fake book and into working towards a better world. There is NO evidence whatsoever that any of this has even a grain of truth in it, and yet you talk as though you have some access to facts. You live in a dream world, and this only hurts attempts to help those in need.

    To quote a very wise person, “Organized religion destroys who we are by inhibiting our actions, and inhibiting our decisions, out of fear of some intangible parent figure who shakes a finger at us from thousands of years ago and says… and says, ‘Do what I say or I’ll spank you.’ ”

    Wake up, cast off your delusions and stop spreading fear based on lies.

  73. invar

    Thus speaks an Atheistic Geobbels.

    A much wiser being says “The fool says in his heart, ‘there is no God'”.

    The only deluded idiot spreading lies here is yourself.

  74. Lewis Jones.

    Hello Bob sir, How can you judge any religion or belief without prior knowledge of current times. Islam, which is A main topic for today is A religion that has overrun the middle east and Europe in attempt to conquer the world and kill all Jews and Christians, and all who reject there beliefs. The Bible, which is the word of God. About 1/4 of the Bible is prophecy which much has been fullfilled and proves the Bible accurate. It predicts the rebirth of Israel thousands of years before Israel was born. (1948). That is one of many great prophecies that have been filled. Also at this site here, we all debate and give opinions. Im sure none of us would mind you disagreeing with us, but you come here ignorant stating that we all are stupid, arrogant and fools. Well I believe you are the fool. You state we lie and are thoughless, yet you give no example or supporting knowledge of your belief. You fill our debate here with A pure hate speech. And as to the mark, Its simply A tool, method or symbol the antichrist will use to identify followers in A religion which we believe will be Islamic or built around Islam. And if one does not have this mark he cannot buy, sell, or own property and if one is caught without the mark he will have his head cut off. Well muslims pratice regularly the cutting of heads on Christians and Jews. The Bible predicted this form of persicution we will have in the End-Times, along with many other signs for us to look out for.
    My guess is that you are either atheist or atheist who speaks great things of Islam. You are possibly vegetarian, You are an enviromentalist, (lover of nature), Hate George Bush, Think America is the cause for 9/11. Pro abortion and pro Gay. Think Obama will heal America with the palm of his hand and that only through him will America be saved. Israel is A threat to world peace and is the aggresor, There are many other points I could make to identify you and all other people of your kind. But that would fill this page. So I say Good Day and why do you hate people you know nothing of?. Lewis Jones.

  75. Lewis Jones.

    Hello Invar sir, When Antichrist invades Israel with his nations Daniel says that powerful ships from the west will come against him (antichrist) and in the Biblical times anyone west of cyprus was called chittim, Well America is directly west of cyprus. Daniel said that the antichrist will become indignant after these ships from the west come against him. And as I see it will then become humiliated and regrets signing the peace treaty with Israel for Daniel said that he would have indignation against the Holy Covenant. This indignation toward this covenant simply means that he regrets ever signing the treaty with Israel.
    Anyways I could go on more, But my question is, Do you believe America will have A large roll in the end times in helping and/or aiding Israel. For I know many people say that they believe there won’t be much left of America during these times. But I have been doing some studying and thinking and believe America will still have A large role during the End. We here in the west may be foolish enough to follow Antichrist. But I do not believe we will be part in his deeds of killing Jews and Christians. What is your opinion?. God Bless, Lewis Jones.

  76. invar

    When Antichrist invades Israel with his nations Daniel says that powerful ships from the west will come against him (antichrist) and in the Biblical times anyone west of cyprus was called chittim, Well America is directly west of cyprus.

    You have Daniel 11 misapplied and the directions incorrect in this case.

    Daniel 11:40 identifies the timeframe of the event you refer:

    “At the time of the end, the king of the south shall attack him, but the king of the north shall rush upon him like a whirlwind, with chariots and horsemen, and with many ships. “

    The bible orients itself in direction AROUND Jerusalem, as if it is a center of the world.

    The King of the North is from a nation or group of nations from somewhere NORTH of Jerusalem.

    Not West.

    And he shall come into countries and shall overflow and pass through. He shall come into the glorious land. And tens of thousands shall fall

    Okay, so we know that this “king of the North”, also referred in Revelation as a “beast” come into and take over Jerusalem – the Glorious land, where we know that AntiChrist sets up the ‘Abomination that makes desolate’.

    Daniel said that the antichrist will become indignant after these ships from the west come against him.

    You have it wrong:

    Daniel 11: 44 But news from the east and the north shall alarm him, and he shall go out with great fury to destroy and devote many to destruction.

    Revelation 16:12 reveals what this “news” is that alarms the AntiChrist: The sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great river Euphrates, and its water was dried up, to prepare the way for the kings(D) from the east.

    We know from the rest of the accounts of both Daniel and Revelation that armies of the world come together at Megiddo (Armageddon) and assemble to march on Jersusalem – 200 million soldiers.

    Armies from the East would be from China, Russia and nations to the East of Iraq – where the Euphrates river is located.

    Do you believe America will have A large roll in the end times in helping and/or aiding Israel. For I know many people say that they believe there won’t be much left of America during these times.

    America does not exist in any real capacity by the time the events in Daniel and Revelation are described.

    It is already destroyed and/or taken captive by that time.

    I have been doing some studying and thinking and believe America will still have A large role during the End.

    Scripture does not support such a conclusion. In all of my study and understanding, Jacob is nearly annihilated and the remnant persecuted throughout the world by that time.

    Remember what Jesus said in Matthew 24.

    Like Ancient Israel, America having chosen other gods and abandoning what our Foundations were – will be punished and destroyed.

    We here in the west may be foolish enough to follow Antichrist. But I do not believe we will be part in his deeds of killing Jews and Christians. What is your opinion?

    Scripture says if God permits it, even the Elect of God canbe be deceived. For Christ said that at the time of the End, those killing His saints would be thinking they were doing God service.

  77. Rick2

    Marie: I admit I have no read more than about half of the above postings – just too many! But I did read one of yours – the one where you wonder why Obama’s grandmother was released from the hospital the day prior to the election? Maybe someone has already addressed this point, but here’s my take: this grandmother (of course) knew just where Obama was born. Was Obama afraid she might spill the beans? There was a relative of his who mentioned openly that he was born in Kenya. Was she the one? Pray unceasingly for America.

  78. Anonymous

    Just read Obama in Prophecy: Divine Intervention…by Dr. J. Emmette Weir and it really sheds a lot of light on who Obama really is and his position from a biblical aspect.

  79. Person

    Obama is not the Antichrist. The Antichrist will rise as leader of a church, not a nation.

  80. scared

    12-21-2012 will start the END OF DAYS.
    Obama will have been in office 3 years.
    Antichrist he may be.

  81. ldyboxtrkr

    There are many warnings about the predictions of men in the Bible. The 2012 thing snagged me once , too. I believe it is a dangerous assumption , because believing that we would know the day and time ahead of Christ (who even said He didn’t know – only the Father knows Matt 24:36) is akin to what Satan expects of us. That’s why Jesus told us not to have a spirit of fear. This is what He was speaking about. Satan will test us – believe me he will. He tested my Lord . And he has pulled his tricks on me as well. Almost had me on his side in my earlier years.
    Thank Jesus that I had enough gumption to read for myself so I could make the right decision and not necessarily believe the lastest trends. There will be lots of trends in the end days and prophecies will be fulfilled. The Bible itself will seem as though you are reading a newspaper.
    Don’t be mislead by 2012 prophesies – because they are probably from a source that is best to stay away from.

  82. Princess

    I too believe that Obama is the Anti-Christ (or maybe false prophet) but until we know for sure, the Bible tells us to pray for those who are in authority over us, so I suggest that we do so.

  83. Lewis Jones.

    Hello Princess, I would just like to let you know that in the endtime prophecy it is said there will be many anti-christs. Now most if not all Islamic leaders opose and deny that Jesus is the son of God. They say he was A prophet, or in other words just an oridinary man as any other. So in the Islamic world there will be many Anti-Christs. But I do not think they would be part of the many Anti-Christs mention in end-time prophecy as Islam since its begiing has always denied Christ as being A supreme being. So I excpect to see more people like Obama in power, particularly in Europe and the northern middle east near the Baltic sea. Yes Obama is an Anti-Christ but not the lawless one as God refers him as. If you wish for me do tell or inform you on certain verses from the Bible I can. Also yes he may very well be A false prophet or the false prophet but I say its unlikely. The way it is likely is if when A Union government comes to effect in the middle east or E.U (european union) and I expect that system to go horrible in the begining. But Obama and many have always wanted and approve of A one world government and so goves traveling to europe and the middle east as that is where his true heritage comes from, (father muslim & Obama went to Islamic school) and while in the middle east the true Antichrist finds him and Obama discovers how intelligent and religious this man is and convinces that this man is the problem to the one world system. But this is just an example of how Obama may fit in to this situation. But I do not believe he will as he is not really intelligent and not that great of A speaker without notes or preparation. I strongly believe that the prophets and Antichrist will come from the middle east, The Antichrsit having both decendants from Islamic ancestors and Judah (jewish) ancestors as so he can convince both muslim and Jew for A 7 year peace treaty but then break it after 31/2 years, which is also part of Islamic law, Its not A peace treaty, its A ceasfire and it must be broken after so many years. Which as you know they do with almost all treaties but then place the blame on Israel. They say Israel was preparing to attack. But they were really only awaiting the Islamic to attack and defend themselves as they know what muslims believe in.
    Anyways I must now go as I am trying to work on my 1952 Ford 8N tractor transmission, So good day and keep A watchful eye on the middle east and yes we should all pray for Obama, but I feel he is too far gone so I pray for the safety and well being for America and its good people. Good Day and God Bless, Lewis Jones.



    Enclosed is a Bible study of the 7 Bible clues which reveal the identity of the coming antichrist of the Great Tribulation. Hoping for your comments and feedback.

    Your eternal friend in Jesus,



    Revelation 13:17b,18: “The mark of the beast {Or antichrist} is the *NAME* of the Beast or the number of *HIS NAME*. This calls for wisdom. If anyone has insight, *LET HIM* calculate the number of the Beast {Even in AD 96 when Revelation was written}, for it is a man’s number {Or “Number of a MAN”}. *HIS* number is *666*.” God has promised in the above inspired passage that any saint {Even in AD 96–which implies that the name was known in AD 96} with spiritual wisdom and insight may calculate the name of the beast which is a *MAN’S NAME* and adds up to 666.
    In Thess 2:3 the Beast of the End-Times is called a “*MAN* of sin or lawlessness” or very SINFUL MAN and therefore the name of the Beast which adds up to 666 is a *MAN’S* name which is also confirmed in Rev 13:17b,18 above. Therefore, the NAME of the Beast which adds up to 666 is a sinful *MAN’S NAME* and could not be the name of a woman or a city, country, computer or Satan, etc.. Rev 13:16,17: “He {The False Prophet} forced everyone… to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead. No one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast {Nero Caesar??} or the number of his name {666}. The antichrist is called a beast 36 {6×6} times in Revelation.
    Actually there are 7 BIBLE CLUES that show who the antichrist of the future 1260-day Tribulation will be. By an amazing coincidence all 7 Bible clues can be applied to Nero Caesar!!
    {1} The anti-christ will be a “MAN OF SIN” or very sinful MAN as per 2 Thess 2:3 above.
    {2} The number of this sinful man’s name is 666 as per Rev 13:16-18. The Bible was written by 40 divinely inspired Hebrews in Hebrew and Greek; so then it is highly probable that this man’s name adds up to 666 in Hebrew or Greek. Nero Caesar’s name adds up to 666 in Hebrew which we will show later in this Bible study.
    {3} This sinful man whose name adds up to 666 died BEFORE AD 96 when Revelation was written.{See Rev 17:8 below} We will show later why Revelation was written between Sept AD 95 and Sept AD 96. Nero Caesar lived from December 15th, AD 37 to June 9th AD 68.
    {4} This sinful man who was alive and then died before AD 96 was FATALLY WOUNDED by a sword wound to his head. Nero Caesar committed suicide with a sword wound to his head on June 9th, AD 68. {See Rev 13:3 and Rev 13:14 below}
    {5} This very sinful man who died before AD 96 was a KING in the Roman Empire as per Daniel 7:24. There were 11 Roman Kings or Caesars who died before AD 96 including the 6th Roman Caesar who killed Paul and Peter in AD 66; and whose name adds up to 666 in Hebrew. Domitian Caesar was the 12th Caesar who was alive when Revelation was written in AD 96.
    {6} The beast is also called an 8th KING who ruled before AD 96 as one of 7 KINGS crowned by the city on 7 hills. {Rev 17:9-11} The identity of these 8 KINGS will be discussed later in this article.
    {7} This very sinful ROMAN KING whose name adds up to 666 and who was fatally wounded by a sword before AD 96, will “COME UP FROM THE *ABYSS* or hell as per Rev 11:7 & Rev 17:8. We know that the ABYSS is HELL by comparing 2 Peter 2:4 with Luke 8:30b,31. We can be sure that Nero Caesar is now in the Abyss or Hell since he killed Paul and Peter and thousands of Christians and sent Vespasian {the father of Titus and Domitian Caesar} to kill the Jews and destroy their Temple. The MAN OF SIN or Nero also killed his own mother and killed his pregnant wife by kicking her in the stomach.
    Revelation 17:8: The beast, which you saw, once was {alive}, Now {in AD 96} is not {alive} and will come up out of the Abyss and go to his destruction. The inhabitants of the earth whose names have not been written in the book life.. .. will be astonished when they see the beast, because he once was {Before AD 96}, now {In AD 96} is not {Alive} and yet will come. Rev 13:14: He {The False Prophet} will order the inhabitants of the earth to set up an image in honor of the beast who was {FATALLY-Rev 13:3} wounded by the sword and yet lived.” Rev 13:3: One of the heads of the beast seemed to have had a fatal wound. but the fatal wound had been HEALED!! The whole world was astonished and followed the beast.

    When I was a missionary in Israel I studied the Hebrew language. One of the first things that you learn when you study the OT Ancient Hebrew language {Which is also the language of Israel today!} is that the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet ALSO represent 22 numbers! When you read Psalm 119 you will note that the 176 sentences are divided into 22 sections; each section with 8 sentences or verses praising the Word of God. These 22 sections are each headed by one of the letters in the Hebrew alphabet in the exact same order as shown below. The ancient Hebrew language {Which is exactly the same as the modern Hebrew language} frequently used the letters of their alphabet to designate NUMBERS IN THE OT as follows:
    ALEPH=1. BETH=2. GIMEL=3. DALET=4. HE=5. VAV=6. ZAYIN=7. CHETH=8. TETH=9. YODH=10. KAPH=20. LAMED=30. MEM=40. NUN=50. SAMEKH=60. AYIN=70. PE=80. TSADHE=90. KOPH=100. RESH=200. SHIN=300. TAV=400.
    NOTE: Most vowel sounds excpt “O” {VAV} are not used as letters in Hebrew. These vowel sounds are designated by dots and dashes under their *PRECEDING* consonants. In Hebrew “N” is added on the end of all foreign names ending in “O”. Therefore, the foreign name of Nero would be “NERON” in Hebrew. The name Nero Caesar would be pronounced Neron Kaysar in Hebrew. The “E” in Neron and the 2 “A” sounds in Kaysar {There is no “C” in Hebrew} are designated by dots and dashes under their preceding consonants and therefore are not letters in the 22 letter Hebrew alphabet, and so have no numerical value. Neron in Hebrew would use 4 letters with numerical value: N-R-O-N and Kaysar in Hebrew would use 3 letters with numerical value: K-S-R. There would be a dot under the first N to show the “E” sound in NEron There would also be 2 dots under the “K” to show the “AY” sound in KAYsar and a dash under the “S” to show the “AH” sound in KaySAHr.
    The 4 letters with numerical value in NERON would be {SEE TABLE ABOVE} N = 50; R = RESH = 200; O = VAV = 6; and N = NUN = 50 and 50+20+6+50 equals 306. The 3 letters with numerical value in “KAYSAR woyld be K = KOPH = 100; S = SAMEKH = 60; and R = RESH =200 and 100+60+200 equals 360. And so the numerical value of Nero in Hebrew is 306 and the numerical value of Caesar in Hebrew is 360, and therefore the numerical value of Nero Caesar is 306+360 or exactly *666*!
    There is a very interesting footnote in the revised Standard Version concerning the number 666 which states that some ancient manuscripts have the number **616** which *DOUBLY* confirms that Nero Caesar may be the Anti-Christ!! You will note that the Hebrew language adds an “N” to all foreign names eding in “O”. Now “N” or “NUN” in Hebrew has a numerical value of **50**!! and so if you decided not to add the last “N” in NERON then Nero Caesar would add up to exactly **616** in Hebrew. I think you will admit that this is an absolutely amazing coincidence!!
    Any honest Hebrew language scholar will confirm that the letters of Nero Caesar’s name add up to 666 in the Hebrew language whose 22 letters are also 22 numbers as shown above. Since all of the prophecies concerning the Antichrist are written in OT Hebrew {Like Daniel 7:8-25} or NT Koine Greek it would then seem logical that God would use one of these 2 Bible languages to identify the Name of the Beast whose letters add up to 666. One of the problems of doing this in NT Koine Greek is that the letters of their alphabet are not also numbers. And therefore you can only assign a numerical value of 22 to the 22nd letter, etc.. Using this formula you could not get any name to add up to over 250, let alone 666. You have the same problem with English and all other languages other than the Hebrew language!
    NOTE: The 3 different Greek words used in Revelation 13:18b to arrive at the number 666 are the 3 different Greek words for 600 and 60 and 6 and not 6 + 6 + 6.
    Will the 6th Caesar {Julius, Augustus, Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius & the *6th* is NERO who ordered the execution of Paul & Peter in AD *66*} be the Beast who comes up from the Abyss {Or Hell-See Rev 11:7 & Rev 17:8} in the coming Great Tribulation??

    Rev 1:8,9: “I, John, your brother and companion in the suffering and kingdom and patient endurance that are ours in Jesus, was on the island of Patmos beacuse of the Word of God and the testimony of Jesus.” We know that the island of Patmos was the site of a Roman prison in the first Century and that the Apostle John was suffering in this prison because of his religious beliefs. {As per Rev 1:8,9 above} The island of Patmos is about 30 miles from the port of Ephesus in Western Turkey.
    History tells us that the second huge Roman persecution of Christians {The first was NERO’S PERSECUTION OF MAY AD 64 TO JUNE AD 68 OR 49 MONTHS} occurred in the last year of the reign of Domitian Caesar which would have been from September AD 95 to September AD 96. During the last year of his rule Domitian Caesar decreed that everyone in the Roman Empire must worship idols of former Roman Caesar’s or else they would be killed or put in prison. Historical documents show us that the Apostle John {Who then lived in Ephesus} lived to about AD 100 and therefore would have been alive during Domitian’s evil decree of September Ad 95 to September of AD 96. Since we can be sure that the Apostle John would never worship an idol of a Roman Caesar it is then highly probable that John was put in prison on Patmos Isle sometime during Domitian’s evil decree from September AD 95 to September AD 96. Rev 1:10,11: “On the Lord’s Day I {John} was in the spirit and I heard a loud voice {Jesus} said, ‘Write on a scroll what you see and send it to the 7 churches: to Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatria, Sardis, Philadelphis and Laodicea.” The last 6 churches are all in Western Turkey within 77 miles of Ephesus. About 50 years earlier Paul had started churches in these 7 cities. Paul always had Jewish converts in the cities where he preached since he had the habit of teaching in Jewish synagogues on the Sabbath. It was then highly probable that all 7 of these chuches had Jewish believers who were very familiar with the Hebrew language and of course knew that the 22 letters of the Jewish alphabet are also 22 numbers and also remembered the first Roman persecution by Nero or the “MAN OF SIN” about 30 years earlier when Paul & Peter and thousands of Christians were martyred because of Nero Caesar. Nero also sent Vespasian, the father of Titus and Domitian; to kill the Jews and destroy their Temple. He also killed his mother and killed his pregnant wife by kicking her in the stomach.

    Christian writings in the early 2nd century AD show that many Christians at that time believed that Nero Caesar {Who adds up to 666 in Hebrew} would return as the Anti-Christ of the End-Times. Rev 13:18: “This calls for wisdom. If anyone has insight {Even in AD 96}, let him {Even in AD 96} calculate the Beast, for it is a man’s number. His {Nero Caesar’s} number is 666!” And so the above Scripture absolutely guarantees that anyone with spiritual wisdom and insight could figure out who the Anti-Christ of the End-Times would be even when Revelation was first given to the churches in AD 96, and that the number of his name adds up to 666. This would of course mean that the future antichrist must have been alive before AD 96 when this Scripture was given to the churches. Nero Caesar {Whose name adds up to 666 in Hebrew} certainly qualified since he lived from Dec 15th, AD 37 to June 9th, AD 68 when he was fatally wounded by his own SWORD.
    Revelation 17:8b: “Those whose names have not been written in the Book of Life will be astonished when they see the beast {666}, because he once was {Alive–AD 37-68} now in AD 96 is not {Alive}, and yet will come.” {During the Great Tribulation} The Beast once was {Alive before AD 96} now is not {Alive in AD 96}, and will come out of the ABYSS {Or HELL} and go to his destruction.” {On the last Day-See Rev 19:20b}
    The fact that the ABYSS is HELL is confirmed by comparing 2 Peter 2:4 with Luke 8:30b,31: 2 Peter 2:4: “God did not spare the angels when they sinned but sent them into HELL, putting them in gloomy dungeons to be held for judgment.” Luke 8:30b,31: “Many demons {Or Hell’s Angels} had gone into him {A demon-possessed man}. And they begged Jesus repeatedly not to order them into the ABYSS! {Because they had already been in Hell or the ABYSS before!!} Also in Luke 16:22-24 we read that there was a rich man already in HELL at the time of Jesus. Now we can be absolutely certain that an evil Roman king from the city on 7 hills; who was fatally wounded by a sword *BEFORE* Revelation was written in AD 96; and whose name adds up to 666 is presently in this ABYSS or HELL!!
    All historical documents agree that Nero Caesar {The 6th Caesar who ordered the execution of Paul & Peter in AD 66 and whose name adds up to 666 in Hebrew} was fatally wounded by his own SWORD on June 9th AD 68. In Revelation 13:14b we learn that the False Prophet of 666 will order the building of a statue of 666 “Who was {FATALLY-See Rev 13:3} wounded by the SWORD and yet lived!” {AGAIN} Nero Caesar {Whose name adds up to 666 in Hebrew} again qualifies for this inspired clue as to the identity of the antichrist. Nero’s 4-year Roman persecution began when he blamed the Christians for the burning of Rome in AD 64; and ended when Nero was fatally wounded by his own SWORD on June 9th, AD 68.
    Almost all conservative Bible theologians agree that the 4th Beast of Daniel 7:7,19 is the *ROMAN* Empire. In Daniel 7:20,21 we learn that a little horn who is also called a *KING* in Daniel 7:24 will come from this *ROMAN* Empire. Daniel 7:24b,25-27: “A *KING* {From the *ROMAN* Empire–Nero Caesar??} will arise…. He will speak against the Most High and oppress his saints. The saints will be handed over to him for a Time, Times and ½ a Time.” “But the court will sit, and his {666 or the Roman King or the Beast or Nero Caesar-See Rev 19:20,21 and 2 Thess 2:8} power will be taken away and completely destroyed forever. *THEN* the sovereignty, power and greatness of the kingdoms under the whole Heaven will be handed over to the saints, the people of the Most High. His Kingdom will be an everlasting Kingdom.”
    Revelation 6:7,8: When the Lamb opened the 4th seal, I heard the voice of the 4th living creature say, “Come!” I looked, and there before me was a pale horse! Its rider was named Death {666, who will cause the death of millions} and Hades {The False Prophet who will cause millions to go to Hades by receiving the mark of 666} was following close behind him. THEY {Nero Caesar and the False Prophet} were given power over a fourth of the earth to kill by sword, famine and plague, and by the wild beasts of the earth. Daniel 7:8,20,24 says that an evil Roman King will conquer 3 of the 10 kingdoms {which will cover one fourth of the earth??}–Russia {Combined with former Soviet Union}, China and India cover one fourth of the earth and have over one fourth of the world’s population! These 3 kingdoms may object and become jealous of 666 and his False Prophet ruling every country in the world.
    The following 10 powerful nations have about 50% of the world’s population and certainly have the military, political and “religious” power to control and rule all the nations of the world: #1. United States #2. Russia #3. China {1.3 Billion} #4. Great Britain #5. France #6. India {1.1 Billion} #7. Germany #8. Japan #9. Brazil #10. Egypt. After appointing 10 kings who have never before ruled {See Rev 17:12,13} of these 10 nations 666 will then have “authority over every tribe, people, language and nation” as per Rev 13:7b, from his headquarters in Rome. 666 and his False prophet will then quickly gain complete control over the radio, tv, internet, newspaper, book and magazine medias.
    Revelation 13:4: Men worshipped the dragon {Satan}, and they also worshipped the beast {666 or Nero Caesar} and asked, “Who is like the beast? Who can make war against him?
    The next 2 paragraphs are an interesting SPECULATION about what might happen at the beginning of the 1260-day Great Tribulation and who might be the future false propet of 666.
    Revelation 6:6: “A quart of wheat for a day’s wages!” This phrase can also be translated “A loaf of bread for a day’s wages.” This event will occur at the coming of the black horse rider {Rev 6:5} which will take place just before or at the beginning of the Great Tribulation. Because of the world’s present economic crises the peoples in the 40 poorest counties now have to pay a full day’s wages for a loaf of bread as per Rev 6:6. And if the world experiences a world-wide depression this event could occur in over 100 countries. The world economic crises is rapidly accelarating. Many countries such as the Phillipines are far worse off than people in the USA during the Great Depression when there was 20 % unemployment. Two years ago there was 8 % unemployment in the Phillipines. One year ago there was 20% unemployment in the Philipines and NOW there is 40 % unemployment!! The world economic crises is rapidly accelarating. There are now 70 countries with unemployment rates of over 30 % and this should rapidly increase. And then the world will certainly be looking for an Economic Savior such as 666 and his very deceptive False Prophet. They will be looking for someone who promises CHANGE!! If the Great Tribulation would begin in the near future is there a well-known, powerful world leader that may qualify to be the deceptive False Prophet of 666 who will promise CHANGE you can believe in!! Will this powerful world leader try to bankrupt the USA which will in turn cause a worldwide depression and cause the price of a loaf of bread to cost a full day’s wages??? The antichrist is called a beast 36{6×6} times in Revelation and the false prophet is also called a beast in Rev 13:11. Obama has nicknamed his presidential car “THE BEAST”.
    And so Nero Caesar with the help of the armies of the False Prophet {Obama??} and other nations aligned with him will conquer 1/4 of the world {See Rev 6:8; 13:4b} and then 666 will appoint 10 kings over 10 kingdoms to rule the world who have never before ruled {see Rev 17:12-14} and who will then take orders from 666 and his False Prophet from their headquarters in the evil city on 7 HILLS or Rome.{See Rev 17:9} NOTE: There are many statues of the exact likeness of Nero Caesar including a 151 foot statue in the “Golden House” in Rome. The statue of Liberty {Without pedestal} is also exactly 151 feet high… hmmm. At the beginning of Great Tribulation the False Prophet of 666, Rev 13:14: “Will order the people of the earth to set up a statue in honor of the beast who was wounded {Fatally-Rev 13:3} by the SWORD and yet lived!” {Again} This staue of the Beast will be the “exact likeness” of Nero Caesar and could possibly be seen on World Wide TV so that people of all nations will be able to worship this statue as per Rev 13:15b. Obama;’s Air Force 1 plane just had a photo op with the Statue of Liberty….Hmmm….

    “Babylon” is called a CITY 7 times in Revelation, chapter 18, and a SEAPORT in Rev 18:17-19. Peter was inspired to call Rome “Babylon” in I Peter 5:13. Rome is a CITY and a SEAPORT built on 7 HILLS! Babylon and Jerusalem are not seaports and are not built on 7 hills!
    Rev 13:14-17: The False Prophet deceived the inhabitants of the earth. He ordered them to set up an image in honor of the beast who was {FATALLY-Rev 13:3} wounded by the sword and yet lived. He was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast {666}, so that it could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed. He also forced everyone to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast {NERO CAESAR} or the number of his name {666}. And God will supply all the needs of His faithful and corageous Tribulation saints just as He miraculously supplied all the needs of the Israelites for 40 years in the wilderness. {See Matt 6:31-34}
    Rev 13:5-10: The beast was given a mouth to utter proud words and blasphemies and to exercise his authority for 42 {30-day} months {Or 1260 days or time, times and 1/2 a time-See Dan 7:25 & Dan 12:1,2,6b,7b}….. He was given power to make war against the saints and to conquer them. And he was given authority over every tribe, people, language and nation. All inhabitants of the earth will worship the beast–all whose names have not been written in the book of life belonging to the Lamb…. This call for patient endurance and faithfulness on the part of the saints.
    Matt 24:9-12…Matt 24:29-31: Jesus says, “Then {During the 42-month Great Tribulation} you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by ALL nations because of Me. At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other, and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people. Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, but he who stands firm to the end will be saved… Immediately after the distress of those {1260} days ‘the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light and the stars will fall from the sky.’ At that time the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and all the nations of the earth will mourn. They will see the Son of Man coming on the **CLOUDS**{See Rev 1:7; Mark 14:62 & I Thess 4:16,17} of the sky, with power and great glory. And He will send His angels with a loud **TRUMPET**{See Rev 10:7; 11:15-18; I Cor 15:51,52; I Thess 4:16} call, and they will gather His elect from the 4 winds, from one end of the heavens to the other.” {Mark 13:27 adds, “From the ends of the earth to the ends of the heavens.
    There will be 2 Comings of Jesus on the same Last Day: The first above was *FOR* His saints and then after the Marraige Feast of the Lamb Jesus will come *WITH* His saints as per Rev 19:6-8; 11,14,19-21: “Hallelujah! For our Lord God Almighty reigns, Let us rejoice and be glad and give Him glory! For the Wedding of the Lamb has come, and His bride has made herself ready, fine linen, bright and clean was given her to wear…. I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True… The armies of Heaven were following Him, riding on white horses and dressed in fine linen, white and clean… Then I saw a beast and the kings of the earth and their armies gathered together to make war against the Rider on the horse and His army {See Rev 17:14 & Jude 14,15}. But the beast was captured, and with him the false prophet who had performed the miraculous signs and his behalf. With these signs he had deluded those who had received the mark of the beast and worshipped his image. The two of them were thrown ALIVE into the fiery lake of burning sulfur {See 2 Thess 2:8}. The rest of them were killed by the sword that came out of the mouth of the Rider on the horse, and all the birds gorged themselves on their flesh. Rev 20:10b: They will be tormented day and night for ever and ever.


    Most Bible scholars believe that the book of First Peter was written shortly after the beginning of Nero’s Roman persecution of Christians in AD 64 because of I Peter 4:12,13 & 5:8,9. We know that Peter and his wife were living in Rome at this time. Peter was inspired to write in I Peter 5:13: “She {Peter’s wife} who is in *BABYLON* {Nickname for *ROME*!} sends you her greetings, and so does my son Mark.” Apparently some Christians including Peter were inspired to call ROME “BABYLON” after Nero’s terrible persecution of Christians starting in AD 64. This is very interesting since the evil city of the End-Times is called “BABYLON” 6 times in Revelation 14:8; 16:19; 17:5; 18:2,10,21. Ancient Babylon Had destroyed God’s Holy Temple and God’s Holy City, Jerusalem; and killed, exiled and persecuted God’s people for 70 years. Actually all encyclopedias agree that Babylon was completely evacuated in 275 BC and completely destroyed by 141 BC. The Wikipedia encyclopedia states, “By 141 BC, when the Parthian Empire took over the region, Babylon was in complete desolation and obscurity.” The only question that remains is: Was Babylon rebuilt so that there could be people living in Babylon around AD 65 when Peter wrote 1 Peter 5:13??? Which leads us to the promises of God in Jeremiah 50:1-3,13: This is the word the Lord spoke through Jeremiah concerning Babylon..”Babylon will be captured… A nation from the north will attack her and lay waste her land. No one will live in it; both men and animals will flee away!” Jeremiah 52:52:61-64: When you get to Babylon, see that you read all these words aloud. Then say, “O Lord, you have said you will destroy this place, so that neither man nor animal will live in it; IT WILL BE DESOLATE FOREVER When you finish readiing this scroll, tie a stone to it and throw it into the Euphrates. Then say, “So will Babylon SINK TO RISE NO MORE because of the disaster I will bring upon her.” And God ALWAYS keeps His promises.
    And God kept His promise for about 2284 years; since ancient Babylon is still a pile of rubble to this very day, and will remain that way until the Last Day of the Planet Earth; for God always keeps His promises. In Revelation “Babylon” {Nicknamed Rome by Peter} is a “GREAT SEAPORT” in Rev 18:17-19; JUST LIKE ROME and UNLIKE Babylon whose ruins are NOW 4 miles from the very shallow Euphrates River; or Jerusalem which is 2000 to 3000 feet above sea level and 35 miles from the Mediterranean Sea. Babylon is also completely FLAT whereas the End-Time “Babylon” will be a city built on 7 Hills JUST LIKE ROME!!
    Rev 17:18: “The woman you saw {Rev 17:3–Who sits with the Beast with 7 heads} is the great *CITY* {Rome–nicknamed Babylon in I Peter 5:13–See Rev 17:5a} that will rule over the kings of the earth.” {During the Great Tribulation} Rev 17:9-11: “This calls for a mind with wisdom. The 7 heads are 7 hills on which the woman {Or city of Rome} sits.” Rome is a city built on 7 HILLS!! They {The 7 Heads} are also 7 KINGS {From the city on 7 hills or Rome}. Five {Of these 7 KINGS} have fallen {Or died before AD 96}, one {the 6th KING} *IS* {Or reigning when Revelation was written in AD 96}, the other {or 7th KING} has not yet come, but when he {The 7th KING} does come, he must remain for for a little while. {Possibly the False Prophet of 666 {Or Black Horse Rider} who will be anointed by Satan just before the coming of the 8th KING {Or Pale Horse Rider} who ruled before as one of the 7 Kings} The beast {Nero Caesar who once was {Alive from Dec 15, AD 37 to June 9, AD 68}, and NOW {In AD 96} is not {Alive} is an 8th KING. He belongs to the 7 {KINGS}, because He once was {Alive-AD 37-68} NOW {In AD 96} is not {Alive}, and yet will come {1260 days before the Last Day}.”
    WHO ARE OR WILL BE THE 8 KINGS OF REV 17:10,11?? ROME APPOINTED THE JEWISH KINGS AFTER THEY CONQUERED ISRAEL IN 63 BC AND THE 7 KINGS OF REV 13:1B all had “blasphemous names” so we can assume that they were evil kings who had killed or persecuted Jesus and His followers. And so the first 3 EVIL KINGS {Who are all called KINGS in God’s Word{See Matt 2:1; Mark 6:25,26 & Acts 12:1} were all Israeli KINGS who killed or persecuted Jesus and His followers} and who were appointed by the evil city on 7 hills or Rome:


    ** {#1} ** Herod the Great who tried to kill the baby Jesus: Rev 12:3-5: “Another sign appeared in Heaven : An enormous red DRAGON {Or Satan-See Rev 12:9} with 7 heads {Or 7 KINGS-See Rev 17:10a}… and 7 crowns on his {7} heads {Satan crowns the 7 kings whereas 666 crowns the 10 horns}. The DRAGON {Or Satan} stood in front of the woman who was about to give birth, so that he might devour her Child the moment he was born {Thru his first evil king or Herod the Great as per Matt 2:13b,16!!} She gave birth to a Son {Jesus} a male Child, who will rule the nations with an iron scepter!!”
    **{#2}** Herod who killed John the Baptist and ridiculed and tortured Jesus {See Matt 14:1-12; Luke 23:7-11}
    **{#3}** Herod Antipas who killed the Apostle James and tried to kill Peter. {See Acts 12:1-5,19-23} **{#4}** Nero Caesar who will come again as the 8th KING who will be the anti-christ of the End-Times.
    **{#5}** Titus Caesar who killed thousands of Christians when he destroyed Jerusalem and the Temple in AD 70. Titus is also mentioned as a “Prince” in Daniel 9:26. Titus Caesar was the oldest son of Vespasian Caesar who was Caesar from Dec AD 69 to AD 79; and therefore heir and Crown *PRINCE* to the throne in Rome and was Caesar from AD 79 to AD 81.
    **{#6**}** Domitian Caesar the 6th KING {“NOW IS”} was ruling in AD 96, and decreed in the last year of his reign {Sept AD 95 to Sept AD 96} that everyone must worship former Roman Caesars {Like Nero} or be killed and put in prison. {Like the Apostle John who was living in Ephesus at that time.}
    **{#7}** Possibly the False Prophet of 666 who will be crowned the 7th evil King of Rome by Satan shortly before the coming of the:
    **{8th}** KING or Nero Caesar {The End-Time Beast or Anti-Christ}; who ruled before as one of the **7 KINGS** The 4TH & 8TH KING will come up up from the Abyss or Hell exactly 1260 days before the last Day to rule from the evil city on 7 hills or Rome.
    Rev 17:6: “The woman {ROME} will be drunk with the blood of the saints, the blood of those who bear testimony to Jesus.” While in in Rev 13:7 we learn that the Anti-Christ will be given “power to make war against the saints and to conquer them.” And in Rev 13:15b we read that 666 will “cause all who refuse to worship his statue to be killed.” We must therefore conclude that the evil city “on 7 hills” or Rome will be the HEADQUARTERS of 666 during the Great Tribulation.
    The Anti-Christ will very quickly conquer 1/4th of the world with many miracles {See Rev 6:8; 13:4} and will then appoint 10 Kings who have never before ruled over the 10 most powerful nations of the world {See Rev 17:12-14,17}. The following 10 powerful nations have about 50% of the world’s population and certainly have the military, political and “religious” power to control and rule all the nations of the world: #1. United States #2. Russia #3. China {1.3 Billion} #4. Great Britain #5. France #6. India {1.1 Billion} #7. Germany #8. Japan #9. Brazil #10. Egypt. Brazil borders every country in South America except for Chile. Egypt is the university, intellectual and theological center of Islam. And then 666 will have “authority over every tribe, people, language and nation” as per Rev 13:7b, from his headquarters in the evil city built on 7 hills or Rome.

  85. ldyboxtrkr

    Anyone can tell folks what the Bible says. You can quote it all you want. But do you understand what you are being told ? That’s the big question.
    I don’t believe(yet) that Obama IS the anti-christ.
    I know that he is AN anti-christ. The devil knows the Bible better than any man ( or woman ). After all, this is an war between him and God. There is no pastor , priest , president or dictator who will ever trump that. The Bible is our guide – our love letter from God himself. Read it for yourself and ask Jesus to help you interpret without someone telling you what you should think. Your mind is a God given gift – use it !! We are not sheep.
    (by the way – sheep are very stupid animals , that’s why they need a shepherd).

  86. Anonymous

    Obama is the False Prophet. The Pope is the Beast (Antichrist) and the Catholic “Church” is the Great Whore of Babylon. Obama is clearly a charismatic, and, since the False Prophet Beast seems the one that does a lot of the deceiving, whereas the Beast (Antichrist) seems to enjoy being worshiped and not really going out and deceiving personally, though the Pope has done quite a bit of that. The Antichrist needs a peace maker to end the war in the Middle East (i.e. the head that was wounded fatally and was miraculously healed, that will be the doing of the False Prophet, and perhaps the Antichrist, though the Antichrist seems to get the credit for it. We all know how much of a peacemaker Obama is. In the end, it really doesn’t matter whether he’s the Beast or the False Prophet. Both have the same ending if you read the book of Revelation.

  87. ldyboxtrkr

    Obama’s narcissism certainly makes him a likely candidate , but I’m cautious about accusations.
    Mark 13:22 tells us there will be false prophets and false christs(messiahs) PLURAL – not singular.
    If you read and understand Revelation you will find that the Beast doesn’t make his appearance here on earth until chapter 13 (after he tries to make war in Heaven and gets thrown down) Everything up until chapter 13 , describes the things going on in Heaven and the judgements on earth , the seals and the trumpets – leading up to THE anti – christ being revealed. You have to remember the man of lawlessness will not be revealed until the Holy Spirit is taken out of the way (2 Thess Chpt 2). The true church ( the bride of Jesus ) will be taken up at the last trumpet
    ( 1 Corinthians 15:51 -52)
    With all due respect , sir/ma’am , nothing you have written above is backed by scripture – you’ve given no references. It is only your opinion.
    And it DOES matter what you tell people – “if you read the Book of Revelation” ( 22:18-19).

  88. logan

    i don’t believe obama could be the anti christ because the false prophet has to lift up the anti christ so its possible he is the false prophet

  89. truthislove45

    Greetings beach girl and all: There is a remnant throughout the world who are disturbed on a deeper level, then just political by Obama! Why because they innately know something is wickedly amiss, they can scence the frenzy of his followers is beyond normal. Is Obama an Islamics in practice, no but in action! What do I mean?! Obama like the Islam agenda believes he can lie to achieve his evil policy’s! 1 John 2:22 who is the liar? It is the man that denies Jesus is the Christ. Such a man is the antichrist-he denies the Father and the Son (read this chapter, great insight) Islam declares there is one god (I spell it with a lower case because there god is not the true God) but Allah and he has no Son! So we are faced with a choice what the scriptures say or the Koran. If one looks at the actions of Muhammad, they would see a violent, oppressive liar who killed opposes with the sword. Islam a religion of people nonscene Islam is a religion of the sword. So for Obama to shake hands with Islam is to shake hands with lies. It is no wonder because Obama is no Christian, with his lips yes. With his actions he is of the same disobediant spirit as Islam, the antichrist spirit. Thus it is no surprise Obama seeks to cater power to Islam, well mocking Christ and Christianity!

  90. will

    Wow, you guys are really brainwashed aren’t you? finally our nation elects a leader who isn’t a war mongerer, not a rifle-toting bible beater hill billy, not interested more in stealing oil from other nations more than taking care of its own citizens, is an intellect and excellent public orator, shows compassion and diplomacy with every move and you rip him apart. You want big oil to drive your big cars to carry around your guns that you have the ‘god given right to bear’. Careful, now, you don’t want to end up like the Islamic radicals. Or do you?

  91. invar

    We will not goose step, seig-heil or sing hosannas to your Marxist fuhrer.

    You are a brain-washed drone, cheering your dictator as he shreds the constitution, nationalizes industry, confiscates private property and destroys the economy.

    You want your Marxist fascists to impose tyranny upon the rest of liberty-loving Americans.

    That’s what the Second Amendment is for: protecting us and our liberties from the likes of you.

  92. Snowman

    Im done with Oil and all the bull that fanatics go crazy over.

    Thats not where its at. Addicted to oil? HA. Not by a longshot.

    More people are born every year, there is a new driver on the road every hour of every day. So to say we are addicted is blasphemy and a lie. Its a game of numbers, no more no less. They just dont add up, and I do not think anyone in Washington is using the Calculator correctly.

    However, I have seen the jobs in the Classifieds go from 20 pages, to 2 pages, in 2 years since 2001.

    Using us, the people, as pawns in thier game of Washington and the Government. I feel I am being “used” as a citizen today to lowly scrape by with teeth and nail.

    Throwing stimulus money at us like we are broke. Why did they do that? It makes no sense? If we already are spending money wrongly…..WHY THE HELL DID THEY GIVE US MORE?????WTFFFFFF

    And another thing, if you OWED money to the IRS, and you DIDN’T GET YOUR STIMULUS MONIES?? WHO THE HELL COUNTS THAT????HUH???????????? That check was NEVER CASHED!!! CROOKS!!!!


    Liars. All of em.

  93. Snowman

    Anybody with me…?

    We just sit there and take it, and take it, and another round of BS……

    While we just sit here, attached to our keyboards and ethernet connection, just waiting to blog out that noob who puts out a rant and name him failblog of legendariest threads.

    Using us, really using us, to play this wierd ass game of I dont know what. Just sit here blinded by the bills, and the work, and the bull.

    I aint no rocket scientist, but I would like to try to do whats best. No way that small commitee of government can thinktank thier way out. We all have to do it together.

    We have no inventions, no real thought anymore, we are numbed by big corporation I believe and fast food.

    Who the hell Farms anymore? Where the hell are the chickens and cows man? Where are our Ideals gone to as shifting into this digital age?

    We are tearing each other apart to stay afloat, and I know we can get thru this, not with money, but with our small brains.

    Money is not the answer, we need actual product, inventions, export, import, and not all this fake ass figures getting thrown around, while our children stay glued to those video games and general internet garbage.

    Thank you, if I see you in the real world, and your hands are full, I would like to help open the door for you.


    Lets get over ourselves.

  94. Snowman

    I see all you fools talking about christians and religion and all that crap.

    You people I believe are on the failing side of life.

    You have it good in America, where water runs out of faucets like a waterfall. Electricity comes to our houses with no second thought.

    While elsewhere in the world, there is a child walking somewhere to this stream of water and replenishment.

    You should be so lucky we live in a country like USA.

    You cowards, using religion as a whole of a poeple, and hailing your christianity as the holy.

    I’m a jew, and from what Ive read, you guys named your religion after this guy, who was in Israel? Arent you guys like jewish or something anyways?

    Where do you get off with all that religion garbage.

    The bible to me is a means of morals, hope, love, and a guide for us to find ourselves and treat each other with respect. Not to hail one book higher than another.

    After all, didnt you guys directly copy some of the jewish stuff, just like the Jews copied the stuff before them??

    Are you people insane? You must think that you can turn a book into a staff or something.

    Come back down to earth, youre heads are too high up in the clouds, gazing at the stars, and not looking directly in-front of you.

    After all, isnt that what these religious books are about, not to look to the skies for the answers, but to figure them out for ourselves.

  95. ldyboxtrkr

    Snowman , you have a lot of good points , many of which I agree with and have wondered about myself. (like where the hell is industry? inventors?
    where the hell are America’s future builders gonna come from?) If you think about it – that would be our “blue collar” folks. Will blue collar jobs even exist in a few years? Trade skills aren’t even thought of anymore – much less taught.
    Now – if you wanna hate us Christians – you might want to rethink what you stand for – because a very hearty part of the blue collar workers in this country ARE Christians. We are you’re plumbers , electricians , builders , truck drivers , construction workers , farmers , fishermen and factory workers.
    It’s the political , higher education elitists, and laze-abouts who serve no god but themselves ,that think they have a better way of doing things .(like sucking every dime from hard working Americans by imposing tyranny). Rather than teaching the young about the good old fashioned WORK ETHIC like I grew up with , we have a generation of “me first , gimme , gimme more” , whiners. And just for the record , sir , FAITH is much different than religion.
    Religion is a formality of men – Faith is a knowledge of who God is.

  96. Anonymous

    Exactly. He wants to end the wars and give the poor health care. Thats the devils work. Jesus bring us Cheney Please!

  97. invar

    You clueless goose-stepping imbeciles crack me up.

    So you think your messiah is going to end wars?


    North Korea has nukes and is threatening nuclear war.

    Iran is right behind them.

    Syria may have nukes.

    Everyone on the planet is gearing up for war on your false messiah’s watch – and you IDIOTS think he is going to bring peace??

    History and common sense shows you to be ignorant fools.

    You think it’s a good thing for your messiah to “Give” the poor health care?

    Does the health care industry belong to your false god to give to the poor? How is he going to pay for ‘giving’ health care to the poor?

    I’ve read how – he’s going to ROB and STEAL the money from those who work and from those who have – and forcibly give it to those whom HE chooses to give it to.

    That’s Marxist tyranny bub.

    But then, that’s what you goose stepping stooges support and worship, which makes YOU the operatives for the devil’s work.

    Transforming yourselves into angels of light, just like Lucifer – and forcing miserable hell upon everyone.

  98. http://www.wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=101215

    ‘U.S. told us don’t take Netanyahu seriously’
    Senior Palestinian official declares Obama’s promises are ‘what counts’

    “…Hamad countered: “No matter what is the position of the Israeli government and no matter what are the statements of Netanyahu, what counts is what was promised to us by Obama, which is totally the opposite [of Netanyahu’s positions].””

    So it appears that ‘President’ Obama is against Israel –(sarcasm). Many Iranian people are pleading for Obama to come to their rescue.

    This flavor of kool aid that Satan has the world drunk on really stinks.

    If you are a Christian and you are outspoken please expect a soon inevitable life of incarceration, death, and intense persecution for speaking out against this antichrist in the White House.

    As he incrementally and actively helps destroy this Country through wile and a forked tongue have faith that ‘precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints.’ Psalms 116:15

  99. Dear Sir,

    I am Fahim Qaiser from Pakistan . I have studied your web site, and I found it the most wonderful site to get right to the True Word of God. My suggestion for you is to create your material in my language of Urdu and Punjabi also. It will bring lots of blessings of the Word of God for the Pakistani and Indian Urdu and Punjabi speaking people. For that purpose I as a translator will bring your material into Urdu languages and into Punjabi language as well.

    Although it will take your low expenses as well, as fund for the Word of God to reach out to the deserving people. I my self, work on a local radio station also. Many times it becomes difficult for us to keep doing this because of being minorities and because of the lack of the financial resources. I will wait for your response.

    Fahim Qaiser ( Pakistan ).

  100. invar

    Dear Fahim,

    Our prayers are with you and the work God has placed on your shoulders is one we shall pray for.

    It is a mighty risk to yourself to preach Christ in an Islamic land is it not? We will pray for your safety and success in doing the work Christ gave you to do in Matthew 28:19. Few in America understand the grave risk and persecution our brethren in Pakistan and India endure to live and preach a Christian Gospel.

    There is a congregation of brethren that I serve in Kakinada, and Chennai India. I have family that just returned from a mission trip from Rajupalem. Their language however is Telugu which I do not speak or write. Most of my material is sent to the congregation in English, and translated by a local pastor there for their congregation.

    You are welcome to do the same with any material on this site, and I highly recommend that you visit
    http://www.borntowin.net/newsite/ for excellent biblical study material and here: http://www.borntowin.net/newsite/Audios/index.aspx?level=1 for mp3 audio sermons in English.

    A wealth of study information, however, at this time – none of the information is in Urdu or Punjabi. Someone of your bilingual skill would be needed to translate English into your native language.

    There are people I know that have found a source to get Bibles printed for those congregations in Telugu, I could check to see if those sources print the scriptures in Urdu. I understand getting such material to Pakistan however, is nearly impossible.

    But our Lord opens doors for His will and work to be done. It will be a blessing to see how he does so for your work.

    May our Lord Bless your efforts and keep you in the work you are doing for Christ.

  101. Wes Hazlett


    Bodyguard Christian Apologetics will also keep you in prayer.

    You may also want to try the following links that may offer some translation programs:


    God bless and stay strong

  102. Wes Hazlett

    Almighty God’s Wrath is Kindled Upon our Harlot Nation.

    As God liveth, we are being warned by God of a future for America that should make every lukewarm believer and coward who presupposes to be called by His Name- tremble- absolutely tremble.

    Teachers of the law teaching false doctrines and saying peace and prosperity when there IS NO PEACE.


    Almighty God is JUDGING HIS OWN IN AMERICA because false teachers and cowards are teaching from behind the pulpit. False teachers are confusing the gospel to those without and those called by HIS NAME do not even know what the WORD OF GOD SAYS and WHAT IT DOES NOT SAY.

    Cowards! We have become COWARDS.

    God rewards those who are faithful to Him. I have repented and I have humbled myself and God is revealing much in my spirit from His Spirit.

    America is in dire need of repentance from wickedness. The bloody sister that God said LIVE unto, is grown up to be a harlot.

    Do we not marvel that God is not allowing His members to escape the wrath of Satan? God Himself has sliced open the bowels of America because America rejected the ROCK that formed it.

    Does Job fear God for nought? Is the churchian and conservative Christian who wraps himself up in an American flag justified in the eyes of God? Nay -as though mere opposition to liberalism and the filth of the godless changes people’s hearts?

    We have been DUPED, millions have been deceived into thinking that the ‘prolife mission to save the unborn glorifies God by asking permission to pray at an abortion clinic. We have been sorely mistaken if we think that supporting a mission in Haiti excuses us from preaching the soul saving gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ in our own schools and workplaces!

    Now we marvel at an antichrist Barack Obama going into the schools to propagandize our children? WHY DO WE MARVEL? Is not evolution accepted in the public school? is not sexual liberation taught in the school? Is not the hoax of global warming taught as though mankind has power over God’s footstool?

    America has become detestable in the eye’s of God. We have become open season for the wolves and every foul bird. God has purged His own members of spiritual authority on this Nation that HE formed because we have failed to abide in His righteousness, love and fear of Him- as opposed to fear of man, fear of the godless, fear of losing our reputations, fear of bucking the way things are.

    We have declined and rejected God’s authority so we have been handed over to cruel authority. We have rejected God’s blessings in abiding in His Word so OUR BORDERS are disappearing. We have failed to protect the unborn by sharing the gospel with the mother and father SO NOW GOD IS ALLOWING OUR TAX DOLLARS TO PAY FOR THE BIRTH’S OF PEOPLE WHO ARE NOT CITIZENS.

    We rely on our military might and EVEN AS OUR MILITARY MIGHT GROWS we lose more of our Nation’s warriors to senseless death’s. Why? HOW CAN WE construct a model of behavior and law in another Country when OUR OWN COUNTRY is full of the cancer of that which God detests!

    We are afraid to share the TEN COMMANDMENTS or the power of the CROSS- so God is removing the physical symbols all over America BY HIS OWN PROVIDENCE TO DO SO. No more putting faith in ‘Christian monuments’! No more putting faith in statues and relics. God is drawing a line in the sand and asking WHO IS ON THE LORD’S SIDE?

    Wake up! Wake up! GET OUT OF HER MY PEOPLE say’s the Lord.

    This is what the Lord God Almighty has revealed to me- a poor and wretched instrument unworthy of life and worthy of hell.

    God bless HIS MERCY. He is calling those that are called by HIS NAME TO FEAR HIS NAME. To be MOVED TO ACT as a good solder and a faithful steward of His Word—-and not be cowards. God KNOWS those who are His.

    “For my people is foolish, they have not known me; they are sottish children, and they have none understanding: they are wise to do evil, but to do good they have no knowledge.” Jeremiah 4:22.

    “Declare this in the house of Jacob, and publish it in Judah, saying, Hear now this, O foolish people, and without understanding; which have eyes, and see not; which have ears, and hear not: Fear ye not me? saith the LORD: will ye not tremble at my presence, which have placed the sand for the bound of the sea by a perpetual decree, that it cannot pass it: and though the waves thereof toss themselves, yet can they not prevail; though they roar, yet can they not pass over it? But this people hath a revolting and a rebellious heart; they are revolted and gone.” Jeremiah 5:20-23

    Does Job fear God for nought? Does the lukewarm and the coward in American fear God for nought?

    “And the LORD said unto Satan, Hast thou considered my servant Job, that there is none like him in the earth, a perfect and an upright man, one that feareth God, and escheweth evil? Then Satan answered the LORD, and said, Doth Job fear God for nought? Hast not thou made an hedge about him, and about his house, and about all that he hath on every side? thou hast blessed the work of his hands, and his substance is increased in the land. But put forth thine hand now, and touch all that he hath, and he will curse thee to thy face.” Job 1:8-11

    The falling away is in full sway. The testing is underway. The persecution is coming severely. Let there be no mistake. God JUDGES Nation’s DURING the life of that Nation and America is BEING JUDGED BY GOD AND THIS JUDGMENT IS COMING FIRST TO TO THOSE THAT CLAIM TO KNOW GOD.

    No more hiding brother’s and sister’s. We must come together in agreement of boldness and courage and yield up our own complacency and seek the Spirit. I love you all in Christ. I cannot contain this fear for our Country inside me.

  103. Geir (Gerhardt) Smith

    Bus to Orly Taitz’ 9/8 – 8 AM Santa Ana, Calif, court hearing on Obama’ fraud, lies and tricking
    Be there in force and protest Obama. Yell it like town hall.
    Obama’s the Antichrist and this the Revelation and Apocalypse.
    He frauded his ID to get the Potus post.
    By lies he got the nuke bomb at his beck and call.
    Nukes’re a grave matter he can blow up the planet in 1 second. High Treason.
    FBI arrest him: try him; send him to Death Row. Life-prison for doing Treason to world’s highest post: Potus.

  104. blah

    The 2012 predictions, and any other such predictions, about a specific ending date are false for Christ said no one (including himself) knows but my father (God).

    Does not the oldest Greek versions of existing text that were later incorporated into what we know as the Bible use the word “antichrists” – plural. The Bible also clearly says that FEW will be saved – because most people will not be followers of Christ – they will be Antichrists. Did not Jesus say you are either for him or against him / believe in him or not believe in him (this is clearly expressed in parables he used).

  105. ldyboxtrkr

    Yes. I don’t go for the prediction thing , but I definitely see God’s hand working in the things that are happening now. see Matthew 24:42

  106. bob

    Obama is the anti-christ or the false prophet.
    He has the power and the lies to back it up.
    I think its’s either him or the pope.

  107. Richard Schurz
    Dear brother in Jesus, God says, “I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times. what is still to come!… What I have said, that will I bring about; what I have planned that will I do!” Isaiah 46:10a, 11b Enclosed are complete Bible studies on every important question related to the End-Times which may be very close. Could the Great Tribulation possibly begin in 2010?? Are we months away Israel bombing Iran and the beginning of World War III?? Are we months away from a world-wide depression which has already began in dozens of nations?? Was the Haitian earthquake the beginning of the birth pain earthquakes mentioned in Matthew 24:7,8?? You will also find the latest amazing speculations which show that Obama could possibly qualify as the future False Prophet of 666. Would greatly appreciate any comments or Bible studies you may have on the Last Days. Your eternal friend in Jesus, Richard BIBLE STUDIES ON THE PROPHETIC PORTION OF GOD’S WORD — TABLE OF CONTENTS WHAT ARE THE 7 BIBLE CLUES WHICH REVEAL THE IDENTITY OF 666, AND COULD OBAMA POSSIBLY BE THE FUTURE FALSE PROPHET OF 666??……………… WILL THE CITY ON 7 HILLS OR ROME BE THE END-TIME BABYLON?? AND WHO ARE THE 7 KINGS FROM THE CITY BUILT ON 7 HILLS??……………….. DOES THE BIBLE GIVE US CLUES FOR THE EXACT DATES IN THE CHRONOLOGY OF JESUS CHRIST??…………….. WILL THE REIGN OF 666 & THE GREAT TRIB LAST EXACTLY 1260 DAYS??……………….. IS A BIBLE MONTH ALWAYS EXACTLY 30 DAYS??…………………… WILL GOD’S 2 WITNESSES OR *MEN* {REV 11:6} OR PROPHETS {REV 11:10} WHO WILL PROPHESY FOR 1260 DAYS CLOTHED IN SACKCLOTH BE MOSES AND ELIJAH??………………… WILL THE RESURRECTION OF GOD’S SAINTS BY OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST TAKE PLACE EXACTLY 6,000 YEARS AFTER GOD’S FIRST 7TH DAY REST?……………… IS THE 1,000 YEAR FIRST RESURRECTION MENTIONED IN REVELATION 20:4-6 FOR MARTYRS ONLY ??………….. WHAT ARE SOME OF THE MANY REWARDS FOR THE FAITHFUL AND COURAGEOUS MARTYRS??…………… WHEN WAS SATAN STOPPED FROM DECEIVING THE NATIONS SO THAT THE GOSPEL COULD BE PREACHED TO EVERY NATION IN THE WORLD AS PER MATTHEW 24:14 AND REVELATION 7:9??………………… WILL THE GREAT WHITE THRONE JUDGMENT IN REVELATION OCCUR 1,000 YEARS AFTER THE 2ND COMING OF JESUS?? …………….. WILL THE MANY PLAGUES OF GOD’S WRATH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF 666 DURING THE GREAT TRIBULATION ALSO HURT GOD’S FAITHFUL SAINTS?……………….. GOD’S END-TIME SANCTUARY IN THE WILDERNESS–TRIBULATION UNIVERSITY……………… WHEN IS THE DAY OF THE LORD OR LORD’S DAY??………………. INTERESTING SPECULATION AS TO WHEN THE LAST DAY OF THE LAST DAYS MAY BE??……………….. WHAT IS THE 1ST END-TIME EVENT CHRISTIANS SHOULD BE LOOKING FOR?…………………. WHAT ARE THE 7 BIBLE CLUES WHICH REVEAL THE IDENTITY OF 666 AND COULD OBAMA POSSIBLY BE THE FUTURE FALSE PROPHET OF 666?? Revelation 13:17b,18: “The mark of the beast {Or antichrist} is the *NAME* of the Beast or the number of *HIS NAME*. This calls for wisdom. If anyone has insight, *LET HIM* calculate the number of the Beast {Even in AD 96 when Revelation was written}, for it is a man’s number {Or “Number of a MAN”}. *HIS* number is *666*.” God has promised in the above inspired passage that any saint {Even in AD 96–which implies that the name was known in AD 96} with spiritual wisdom and insight may calculate the name of the beast which is a *MAN’S NAME* and adds up to 666. In Thess 2:3 the Beast of the End-Times is called a “*MAN* of sin or lawlessness” or very SINFUL MAN and therefore the name of the Beast which adds up to 666 is a *MAN’S* name which is also confirmed in Rev 13:17b,18 above. Therefore, the NAME of the Beast which adds up to 666 is a sinful *MAN’S NAME* and could not be the name of a woman or a city, country, computer or Satan, etc.. 666 is also identified with a MASCULINE pronoun 28 times in God’s Word which we will show later. Rev 13:16,17: “He {The False Prophet} forced everyone… to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead. No one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name {666}. The antichrist is called a “BEAST” 36 {6×6} times in Revelation and the BEAST is a much better name than antichrist since antichrist is mentioned 4 times in God’s Word {I John 2:18, 22; 4:3; 2 John 1:7} and each time the word encompasses all who are against Christ. I JOHN 2:18: “Even now many antichrists have come.” Surely all who receive the mark of the Beast are antichrists. 666 is referred to in the MASCULINE gender 28 times and the Beast is never referred to in the feminine or neuter gender. It is interesting to note that if the Beast of the end-times will be a religious organization, country or city it would be referred to in the female or neuter gender!!! The masculine pronouns used for the Beast are “HIS” 11 times: Rev 13:1, 5,16b,18b; 14:9,11; 17:7b; 19:2; 20:4(2X) & Daniel 7:26. “HE” 10 times: Rev 13:1;6a,7a,7; 17:8b; 17:11; 2 Thess 2:6; Daniel 7:24,25 & Daniel 9:27. “HIM” 5 times: Rev 13:4b; 19:20; 2 Thess 2:6; Daniel 7:25 & Daniel 9:27. “HIMSELF” 2 times in 2 Thess 2:4. Actually there are **7 BIBLE CLUES** that show who the BEAST of the future 1260-day Tribulation will be. By an amazing coincidence all 7 Bible clues can be applied to Nero Caesar!! {{1}} The BEAST will be a “MAN OF SIN” or very sinful MAN as per 2 Thess 2:3 above. {{2}} The number of this sinful man’s name is 666 as per Rev 13:16-18. The Bible was written by 40 divinely inspired Hebrews in Hebrew and Greek so then it is highly probable that this man’s name adds up to 666 in Hebrew or Greek. Nero Caesar’s name adds up to 666 in Hebrew which we will show later in this Bible study. {{3}} This sinful man whose name adds up to 666 DIED BEFORE AD 96 when Revelation was written.{See Rev 17:8 below} We will show later why Revelation was written between Sept AD 95 and Sept AD 96. Nero Caesar lived from December 15th, AD 37 to June 9th AD 68. {{4}} This sinful man who was alive and then died before AD 96 was FATALLY WOUNDED by a sword wound to his head. Nero Caesar committed suicide with a sword wound to his head on June 9th, AD 68. {See Rev 13:3 and Rev 13:14 below} {{5}} This very sinful man who died before AD 96 was a KING in the Roman Empire as per Daniel 7:24. There were 11 Roman Kings or Caesars who died before AD 96 including the 6th Caesar who killed Paul and Peter in AD 66; and whose name adds up to 666 in Hebrew. Domitian Caesar was the 12th Caesar who was alive when Revelation was written in AD 96. {{6}} The beast is also called an 8th KING who ruled before AD 96 as one of 7 KINGS crowned by the city on 7 hills. {See Rev 17:9-11} The identity of these 8 KINGS will be discussed later in this article. {{7}} This very sinful ROMAN KING whose name adds up to 666 and who was fatally wounded by a sword before AD 96, will “COME UP FROM THE *ABYSS* or *HELL* as per Rev 11:7 & Rev 17:8. We know that the ABYSS is HELL by comparing 2 Peter 2:4 with Luke 8:30b,31. We can be sure that Nero Caesar is now in the Abyss or Hell since he killed Paul and Peter and thousands of Christians and sent Vespasian {the father of Titus and Domitian Caesar} to kill the Jews and destroy their Temple. The MAN OF SIN or Nero also killed his own mother and killed his pregnant wife by kicking her in the stomach. Inscriptions have been found in Ephesus in which Nero is called “Almighty God” and “Savior”. In Revelation 13:8a we learn that all the unsaved inhabitants of the world will worship the Beast. Nero and Caligula “abandoned all reserve” in promoting emperor worship – they were the only two Roman Caesars who demanded divine honors while still alive. Nero claimed to be the sun-god Apollo. In 2 Thess 2:4 we read that the “Man of Sin” will proclaim that he is God! Revelation 17:8: The beast, which you saw, once was {alive}, Now {in AD 96} is not {alive} and will come up out of the Abyss and go to his destruction. The inhabitants of the earth whose names have not been written in the book life.. .. will be astonished when they see the beast, because he once was {Before AD 96}, now {In AD 96} is not {Alive} and yet will come. Rev 13:14: He {The False Prophet} will order the inhabitants of the earth to set up an image in honor of the beast who was {FATALLY-Rev 13:3} wounded by the sword and yet lived.” Rev 13:3: One of the heads of the beast seemed to have had a fatal wound, but the fatal wound had been HEALED!! The whole world was astonished and followed the beast. When I was a missionary in Israel I studied the Hebrew language. One of the first things that you learn when you study the OT Ancient Hebrew language {Which is also the language of Israel today!} is that the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet ALSO represent 22 numbers! When you read Psalm 119 you will note that the 176 sentences are divided into 22 sections; each section with 8 sentences or verses praising the Word of God. These 22 sections are each headed by one of the letters in the Hebrew alphabet in the exact same order as shown below. The ancient Hebrew language {Which is exactly the same as the modern Hebrew language} frequently used the letters of their alphabet to designate NUMBERS IN THE OT as follows: ALEPH=1. BETH=2. GIMEL=3. DALET=4. HE=5. VAV=6. ZAYIN=7. CHETH=8. TETH=9. YODH=10. KAPH=20. LAMED=30. MEM=40. NUN=50. SAMEKH=60. AYIN=70. PE=80. TSADHE=90. KOPH=100. RESH=200. SHIN=300. TAV=400. NOTE: Most vowel sounds excpt “O” {VAV} are not used as letters in Hebrew. These vowel sounds are designated by dots and dashes under their *PRECEDING* consonants. In Hebrew “N” is added on the end of all foreign names ending in “O”. Therefore, the foreign name of Nero would be “NERON” in Hebrew. The name Nero Caesar would be pronounced Neron Kaysar in Hebrew. The “E” in Neron and the 2 “A” sounds in Kaysar {There is no “C” in Hebrew} are designated by dots and dashes under their preceding consonants and therefore are not letters in the 22 letter Hebrew alphabet, and so have no numerical value. Neron in Hebrew would use 4 letters with numerical value: N-R-O-N and Kaysar in Hebrew would use 3 letters with numerical value: K-S-R. There would be a dot under the first N to show the “E” sound in NEron There would also be 2 dots under the “K” to show the “AY” sound in KAYsar and a dash under the “S” to show the “AH” sound in KaySAHr. The 4 letters with numerical value in NERON would be {SEE TABLE ABOVE} N = NUN = 50; R = RESH = 200; O = VAV = 6; and N = NUN = 50 and 50+20+6+50 equals 306. The 3 letters with numerical value in “KAYSAR would be K = KOPH = 100; S = SAMEKH = 60; and R = RESH =200 and 100+60+200 equals 360. And so the numerical value of Nero in Hebrew is 306 and the numerical value of Caesar in Hebrew is 360, and therefore the numerical value of Nero Caesar is 306+360 or exactly *666*! There is a very interesting footnote in the revised Standard Version concerning the number 666 which states that some ancient manuscripts have the number **616** which *DOUBLY* confirms that Nero Caesar may be the future Anti-Christ!! You will note that the Hebrew language adds an “N” to all foreign names eding in “O”. Now “N” or “NUN” in Hebrew has a numerical value of **50**!! and so if you decided not to add the last “N” in NERON then Nero Caesar would add up to exactly **616** in Hebrew. I think you will admit that this is an absolutely amazing coincidence!! Any honest Hebrew language scholar will confirm that the letters of Nero Caesar’s name add up to 666 in the Hebrew language whose 22 letters are also 22 numbers as shown above. Since all of the prophecies concerning the antichrist are written in OT Hebrew {Like Daniel 7:8-25} or NT Koine Greek it would then seem logical that God would use one of these 2 Bible languages to identify the Name of the Beast whose letters add up to 666. One of the problems of doing this in NT Koine Greek is that the letters of their alphabet are not also numbers. And therefore you can only assign a numerical value of 22 to the 22nd letter, etc.. Using this formula you could not get any name to add up to over 250, let alone 666. You have the same problem with English and all other languages other than the Hebrew language! NOTE: The 3 different Greek words used in Revelation 13:18b to arrive at the number 666 are the 3 different Greek words for 600 and 60 and 6 and not 6 + 6 + 6. Will the 6th Caesar {Julius, Augustus, Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius & the *6th* is NERO who ordered the execution of Paul & Peter in AD *66*} be the Beast who comes up from the Abyss {Or Hell-See Rev 11:7 & Rev 17:8} in the coming Great Tribulation?? Rev 1:8,9: “I, John, your brother and companion in the suffering and kingdom and patient endurance that are ours in Jesus, was on the island of Patmos beacuse of the Word of God and the testimony of Jesus.” We know that the island of Patmos was the site of a Roman prison in the first Century and that the Apostle John was suffering in this prison because of his religious beliefs. {As per Rev 1:8,9 above} The island of Patmos is about 30 miles from the port of Ephesus in Western Turkey. History tells us that the second huge Roman persecution of Christians {The first was NERO’S PERSECUTION OF AD 64-68} occurred in the last year of the reign of Domitian Caesar which would have been from September AD 95 to September AD 96. During the last year of his rule Domitian Caesar decreed that everyone in the Roman Empire must worship idols of former Roman Caesar’s or else they would be killed or put in prison. Historical documents show us that the Apostle John lived to about AD 100 and therefore would have been alive during Domitian’s evil decree of September AD 95 to September of AD 96. Since we can be sure that the Apostle John would never worship an idol of a Roman Caesar it is then highly probable that John was put in prison on Patmos Isle sometime during Domitian’s evil decree from September AD 95 to September AD 96. Rev 1:10,11: “On the Lord’s Day I {John} was in the spirit and I heard a loud voice {Jesus} said, ‘Write on a scroll what you see and send it to the 7 churches: to Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatria, Sardis, Philadelphis and Laodicea.” The last 6 churches are all in Western Turkey within 77 miles of Ephesus. About 50 years earlier Paul had started churches in these 7 cities. Paul always had Jewish converts in the cities where he preached since he had the habit of teaching in Jewish synagogues on the Sabbath. It was then highly probable that all 7 of these chuches had Jewish believers who were very familiar with the Hebrew language and of course knew that the 22 letters of the Jewish alphabet are also 22 numbers and also remembered the first Roman persecution by Nero or the “MAN OF SIN” about 30 years earlier when Paul & Peter and thousands of Christians were martyred because of Nero Caesar. Nero also sent Vespasian, the father of Titus and Domitian; to kill the Jews and destroy their Temple. He also killed his mother and killed his pregnant wife by kicking her in the stomach. Christian writings in the early 2nd century AD show that many Christians at that time believed that Nero Caesar {Who adds up to 666 in Hebrew} would return as the BEAST of the End-Times. Rev 13:18: “This calls for wisdom. If anyone has insight {Even in AD 96}, let him {Even in AD 96} calculate the Beast, for it is a man’s number. His {Nero Caesar’s} number is 666!” And so the above Scripture absolutely guarantees that anyone with spiritual wisdom and insight could figure out who the BEAST of the End-Times would be even when Revelation was first given to the churches in AD 96, and that the number of his name adds up to 666. This would of course mean that the future BEAST must have been alive before AD 96 when this Scripture was given to the churches. Nero Caesar {Whose name adds up to 666 in Hebrew} certainly qualified since he lived from Dec 15th AD 37 to June 9th, AD 68 when he was fatally wounded by his own SWORD. Revelation 17:8b: “Those whose names have not been written in the Book of Life will be astonished when they see the beast {666}, because he once was {Alive–AD 37-68} now in AD 96 is not {Alive}, and yet will come.” {During the Great Tribulation} The Beast once was {Alive before AD 96} now is not {Alive in AD 96}, and will come out of the ABYSS {Or HELL} and go to his destruction.” {On the last Day-See Rev 19:20b} The fact that the ABYSS is HELL is confirmed by comparing 2 Peter 2:4 with Luke 8:30b,31: 2 Peter 2:4: “God did not spare the angels when they sinned but sent them into HELL, putting them in gloomy dungeons to be held for judgment.” Luke 8:30b,31: “Many demons {Or Hell’s Angels} had gone into him {A demon-possessed man}. And they begged Jesus repeatedly not to order them into the ABYSS! {Because they had already been in Hell or the ABYSS before!!} Also in Luke 16:22-24 we read that there was a rich man already in HELL at the time of Jesus. Now we can be absolutely certain that an evil Roman king from the city on 7 hills; who was fatally wounded by a sword *BEFORE* Revelation was written in AD 96; and whose name adds up to 666 is presently in this ABYSS or HELL!! All historical documents agree that Nero Caesar {The 6th Caesar who ordered the execution of Paul & Peter in AD 66 and whose name adds up to 666 in Hebrew} was fatally wounded by his own SWORD on June 9th AD 68. In Revelation 13:14b we learn that the False Prophet of 666 will order the building of a statue of 666 “Who was {FATALLY-See Rev 13:3} wounded by the SWORD and yet lived!” {AGAIN} Nero Caesar {Whose name adds up to 666 in Hebrew} again qualifies for this inspired clue as to the identity of the BEAST. Nero’s 4-year Roman persecution began when he blamed the Christians for the burning of Rome in July, AD 64; and ended when Nero was fatally wounded by his own SWORD on June 9th, AD 68. Almost all conservative Bible theologians agree that the 4th Beast of Daniel 7:7,19 is the *ROMAN* Empire. In Daniel 7:20,21 we learn that a little horn who is also called a *KING* in Daniel 7:24 will come from this *ROMAN* Empire. Daniel 7:24b,25-27: “A *KING* {From the *ROMAN* Empire–Nero Caesar??} will arise…. He will speak against the Most High and oppress his saints. The saints will be handed over to him for a Time, Times and ½ a Time.” “But the court will sit, and his {666 or the Roman King or the Beast or Nero Caesar-See Rev 19:20,21 and 2 Thess 2:8} power will be taken away and completely destroyed forever. *THEN* the sovereignty, power and greatness of the kingdoms under the whole Heaven will be handed over to the saints, the people of the Most High. His Kingdom will be an everlasting Kingdom.” Revelation 6:7,8: When the Lamb opened the 4th seal, I heard the voice of the 4th living creature say, “Come!” I looked, and there before me was a pale horse! Its rider was named Death {666 who will cause the death of millions} and Hades {The False Prophet who will cause millions to go to Hades by receiving the mark of 666} was following close behind him. THEY {Nero Caesar and the False Prophet} were given power over a fourth of the earth to kill by sword, famine and plague, and by the wild beasts of the earth. Daniel 7:8,20,24 says that an evil Roman King will conquer 3 of the 10 kingdoms {which will cover one fourth of the earth??}–Russia {Combined with former Soviet Union}, China and India cover one fourth of the earth and have over one fourth of the world’s population! These 3 kingdoms may object and become jealous of 666 and his False Prophet ruling every country in the world. It is also possible that Israel will attack Iran’s nuclear facilities which will precipitate World War III and Russia China and India will back Iran. The following 10 powerful nations have about 50% of the world’s population and about 70 % of the world’s military power and certainly have the military, political and “religious” power to control and rule all the nations of the world: #1. United States #2. Russia #3. China {1.3 Billion} #4. Great Britain #5. France #6. India {1.1 Billion} #7. Germany #8. Japan #9. Brazil #10. Egypt. Brazil borders every country in South America except Chile. Egypt is the university, intellectual and theological center of Islam. After appointing 10 kings who have never before ruled {See Rev 17:12,13} in these 10 nations 666 will then have “authority over every tribe, people, language and nation” as per Rev 13:7b, from his headquarters in Rome. 666 and his False prophet will then quickly gain complete control over the radio, tv, internet, newspaper, book and magazine medias. It is interesting to note that Obama is presently trying to control all of these medias in the USA which may be the world’s most free country!! There are some who suggest that these 10 nations will all come from Europe and will not include Russia, China, India, Japan and the USA and will therefore only have about 5 % of the world’s population and about 20% of the world’s military power. Daniel 7:24 confirms that the 10 kings of a revived Roman Empire also mentioned in Rev 17:12 will help 666 rule the world. However to assume that the 10 kings of these 10 end-time kingdoms must come from Europe is a false assumption since a REVIVED Roman Empire could include the Major powers of the world of the future Great Tribulation. Revelation 13:4: Men worshipped the dragon {Satan}, and they also worshipped the beast {666 or Nero Caesar} and asked, “Who is like the beast? Who can make war against him? The next 5 paragraphs are an interesting SPECULATION about what might happen at the beginning of the 1260-day Great Tribulation and who possibly may be the future False Prophet of 666. The False Prophet is referred to as “HE” {Masculine Gender} 9 times in Rev 13:11-16 & Rev 19:20. And “HE” will be a very “DECEPTIVE” False Prophet as shown in Rev 13:11-16 & Rev 19:20. And so Nero Caesar with the help of the armies of the False Prophet {Obama??} and other nations aligned with him will conquer 1/4 of the world {See Rev 6:8; 13:4b} and then 666 will appoint 10 kings over 10 kingdoms to rule the world who have never before ruled {see Rev 17:12-14} and who will then take orders from 666 and his False Prophet from their headquarters in the evil city on 7 HILLS or Rome.{See Rev 17:9} Revelation 6:6: “A quart of wheat for a day’s wages!” This phrase can also be translated “A loaf of bread for a day’s wages.” This event will occur at the coming of the black horse rider {Rev 6:5} which will take place just before or at the beginning of the Great Tribulation. Because of the world’s present economic crises the majority of people in the 40 poorest counties now have to pay a full day’s wages for a loaf of bread as per Rev 6:6. And if the world experiences a world-wide depression this event could occur in over 100 countries. The world economic crises is rapidly accelarating. Many countries are far worse off than people in the USA during the Great Depression when there was 20 % unemployment. The world economic crises is rapidly accelarating. There are now 40 countries with unemployment rates of over 30 % and this should rapidly increase. And then the world will certainly be looking for an Economic Savior such as 666 and his very deceptive False Prophet. They will be looking for someone who promises CHANGE!! If the Great Tribulation would begin in the near future is there a well-known, powerful world leader that may qualify to be the deceptive False Prophet of 666 who will promise CHANGE you can believe in!! Will this powerful world leader try to bankrupt the USA which will in turn cause a worldwide depression and cause the price of a loaf of bread to cost a full day’s wages??? The False Prophet is featured in Revelation 13:11-17; 16:13 19:20 & 20:10. Do Obama’s religious beliefs qualify him as a False Prophet?? Some insight into Obama’s “Christianity” comes from an interview he gave in 2004 to Chicago Sun-Times religion editor Cathleen Falsani for her book, “The God Factor: Inside the Spiritual Lives of Public People.” “I’m rooted in the Christian tradition,” said Obama. He then adds something most Christians will see as universalism: “I believe there are many paths to the same place, and that is a belief that there is a higher power, a belief that we are connected as a people.” Jesus says of Himself, “I am the Way and the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” That sounds exclusive, but Obama says it depends on how this verse is heard. According to Falsani, Obama thinks that “all people of faith — Christians, Jews, Muslims, animists, everyone — know the same God. “Obama doesn’t believe he, or anyone else, will go to HELL. But he’s not sure he’ll be going to heaven, either.” The False Prophet will certainly teach that you can have your cake and eat it too, and that you will not go to HELL if you you receive the Mark of the Beast, allowing you to buy or sell everything. However, Revelation 14:9=11; 19:20 & 20:10 confirm that he and all who receive the mark of the Beast will be tormented day and night for ever and ever in HELL!! Obama told a crowd at Hocking College that he believes the Sermon on the Mount JUSTIFIES his support for legal recognoition of same-sex unions?? Obama approves of same sex romantic and sexual relationships as do his former church, his pastor, and his former (So-called} Christian denomination?? The False Prophet should be hugely popular world wide. Interesting fact: Obama has greater worldwide popularity than any leader in modern history according to a recent poll in Reader’s Digest and was also awarded the Nobel Peace Prize even though he did nothing to deserve it. Jesus is our Messiah and the Prince of Peace and is called the LAMB 27 times in the book of Revelation. The False Prophet is someone who is like a LAMB according to Rev 13:11b. People from all over the world including Louis Farrakhan {A Muslim leader} have already given Obama this interesting nickname: “THE MESSIAH”!! In a recent poll taken by BBC in September, 2009 about 66% of those polled around the world thought Obama would make a great World President!! 666 and his False Prophet will both be very proud of their accomplishments and have tremendous egos: Interesting fact:: Obama has over 300 large photographs of himself in the West Wing of the Whitehouse and there are many continual additions. NOTE: There are many statues of the exact likeness of Nero Caesar including a 151 foot statue in the “Golden House” in Rome. The statue of Liberty {Without pedestal} is also exactly 151 feet high… hmmm. At the beginning of Great Tribulation the False Prophet of 666, Rev 13:14: “Will order the people of the earth to set up a statue in honor of the beast who was wounded {Fatally-Rev 13:3} by the SWORD and yet lived!” {Again} This staue of the Beast will be the “exact likeness” of Nero Caesar and could possibly be seen on World Wide TV so that people of all nations will be able to worship this statue as per Rev 13:15b. Obama’s Air Force 1 plane just had a photo op with the Statue of Liberty….Hmmm…. The face of the Statue of Liberty could easily be changed to look like Nero Caesar within a week with a giant mask! 666 is called a BEAST 36 {6X6 times in Revelation and the False Prophet is also called a “BEAST” in Rev 13:11. Obama has nicknamed his presidential limousine “THE BEAST”!! In Revelation 13:11 the False Prophet is called the BEAST of the {PRESENT} EARTH. Whereas all true Christians are looking forward to a new heaven and NEW EARTH as per 2 Peter 3:13: “We are looking forward to a new heaven and a NEW EARTH the home of righteousness.” {See Rev 21:1} Obama is the all-time world’s greatest champion of EARTH day and saving the PRESENT EARTH from Global Warming, Geeenhouse gasses, coal burning and carbon emissions and he may bankrupt the world in trying to achieve these goals. If you dial O-B-A-M-A on your touch phone the “O” + “M” are both 6’s or 6+6 and the 3 letters B + A + A are 2+2+2 which equals 6 for a grand total of 6+6+6 or 666. And of course the name BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA HAS 18 LETTERS WHICH IS 6+6+6 OR 666. In English Gematria {A = 1 B = 2 etc} Obama-Biden adds up to 66: O = 15 B = 2 A = 1 M = 13 A = 1 B = 2 I = 9 D = 4 E = 5 N = 14 & 15 + 2 + 1 + 13 +1 + 2 + 9 + 4 + 5 + 14 equals 66!! In Daniel 9:27 and Matthew 24:15 666 is called an “ABOMINATION”. In a recent Middle East tour Obama declared that the USA was “NOT a Christian nation!” I would tend to agree with Obama since with dominating majorities in the House, Senate and Supreme Court Obama is rapidly and surely turning this nation into an “OBAMANATION”!! WARNING: The possible identity of the future False Prophet of 666 is just an interesting SPECULATION. ” Revelation 7:9,14,4: “There before me was a great multitutude that no one could count, from EVERY nation, tribe, people and language {The Full number of Gentiles} standing before the throne in front of the Lamb….These are they who have come out of the Great Tribulation; they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.”…..”Do not harm the land or the sea or the trees until we put a seal on the foreheads of the servants of our God.” Then I heard the number of those who were sealed: 144,000 {Evangelists} from the 12 tribes of Israel. It is possible that only Jews will be saved during the last months of the Great Tribulation after the Full number of Gentiles has come in. “Babylon” is called a CITY 7 times in Revelation, chapter 18, and a SEAPORT in Rev 18:17-19. Peter was inspired to call Rome “Babylon” in I Peter 5:13. Rome is a CITY and a SEAPORT built on 7 HILLS! Babylon and Jerusalem are not seaports and are not built on 7 hills! Rev 13:14-17: The False Prophet deceived the inhabitants of the earth. He ordered them to set up an image in honor of the beast who was {FATALLY-Rev 13:3} wounded by the sword and yet lived. He was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast {666}, so that it could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed. He also forced everyone to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast {NERO CAESAR} or the number of his name {666}. And God will supply all the needs of His faithful and corageous Tribulation saints just as He miraculously supplied all the needs of the Israelites for 40 years in the wilderness. {See Matt 6:31-34} Rev 13:5-10: The beast was given a mouth to utter proud words and blasphemies and to exercise his authority for 42 {30-day} months {Or 1260 days or time, times and 1/2 a time-See Dan 7:25 & Dan 12:1,2,6b,7b}….. He was given power to make war against the saints and to conquer them. And he was given authority over every tribe, people, language and nation. All inhabitants of the earth will worship the beast–all whose names have not been written in the book of life belonging to the Lamb…. This calls for patient endurance and faithfulness on the part of the saints. Matt 24:9-12…Matt 24:29-31: Jesus says, “Then {During the 42-month Great Tribulation} you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by ALL nations because of Me. At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other, and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people. Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, but he who stands firm to the end will be saved… Immediately after the distress of those {1260} days ‘the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light and the stars will fall from the sky.’ {Luke 21:28 adds, “When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near!”} At that time the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and all the nations of the earth will mourn. They will see the Son of Man coming on the **CLOUDS**{See Rev 1:7; Mark 14:62 & I Thess 4:16,17} of the sky, with power and great glory. And He will send His angels with a loud **TRUMPET**{See Rev 10:7; 11:15-18; I Cor 15:51,52; I Thess 4:16} call, and they will gather His elect from the 4 winds, from one end of the heavens to the other.” {Mark 13:27 adds, “From the ends of the earth to the ends of the heavens.” There will be 2 Comings of Jesus on the same Last Day: The first above was *FOR* His saints and then after the Marraige Feast of the Lamb Jesus will come *WITH* His saints as per Rev 19:6-8; 11,14,19-21: “Hallelujah! For our Lord God Almighty reigns, Let us rejoice and be glad and give Him glory! For the Wedding of the Lamb has come, and His bride has made herself ready, fine linen, bright and clean was given her to wear…. I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose Rider is called Faithful and True… The armies of Heaven were following Him, riding on white horses and dressed in fine linen, white and clean… Then I saw a beast and the kings of the earth and their armies gathered together to make war against the Rider on the horse and His army {See Rev 17:14 & Jude 14,15}. But the beast was captured, and with him the false prophet who had performed the miraculous signs and his behalf. With these signs he had deluded those who had received the mark of the beast and worshipped his image. The two of them were thrown ALIVE into the fiery lake of burning sulfur {See 2 Thess 2:8}. The rest of them were killed by the sword that came out of the mouth of the Rider on the horse, and all the birds gorged themselves on their flesh. WILL THE CITY ON 7 HILLS OR ROME BE THE END-TIME BABYLON?? AND WHO ARE THE 7 KINGS FROM THE CITY BUILT ON 7 HILLS?? Most Bible scholars believe that the book of First Peter was written shortly after the beginning of Nero’s Roman persecution of Christians in AD 64 because of I Peter 4:12,13 & 5:8,9. We know that Peter and his wife were living in Rome at this time. Peter was inspired to write in I Peter 5:13: “She {Peter’s wife} who is in *BABYLON* {Nickname for *ROME*!} sends you her greetings, and so does my son Mark.” Apparently some Christians including Peter were inspired to call ROME “BABYLON” after Nero’s terrible persecution of Christians starting in AD 64. This is very interesting since the evil city of the End-Times is called “BABYLON” 6 times in Revelation 14:8; 16:19; 17:5; 18:2,10,21. Ancient Babylon Had destroyed God’s Holy Temple and God’s Holy City, Jerusalem; and killed, exiled and persecuted God’s people for 70 years. Actually all encyclopedias agree that Babylon was completely evacuated in 275 BC and completely destroyed by 141 BC. The Wikipedia encyclopedia states, “By 141 BC, when the Parthian Empire took over the region, Babylon was in complete desolation and obscurity.” The only question that remains is: Was Babylon rebuilt so that there could be people living in Babylon around AD 65 when Peter wrote 1 Peter 5:13??? Which leads us to the promises of God in Jeremiah 50:1-3,13: This is the word the Lord spoke through Jeremiah concerning Babylon..”Babylon will be captured… A nation from the north will attack her and lay waste her land. No one will live in it; both men and animals will flee away!” Jeremiah 52:52:61-64: When you get to Babylon, see that you read all these words aloud. Then say, “O Lord, you have said you will destroy this place, so that neither man nor animal will live in it; IT WILL BE DESOLATE FOREVER When you finish readiing this scroll, tie a stone to it and throw it into the Euphrates. Then say, “So will Babylon SINK TO RISE NO MORE because of the disaster I will bring upon her.” And God ALWAYS keeps His promises. And God kept His promise for about 2284 years; since Babylon is still a pile of rubble to this very day, and will remain that way until the Last Day of the Planet Earth; for God always keeps His promises. The ruins of ancient Babylon are a tourist attraction in Iraq and the Iraqi government will not allow any of the ruins to be removed or built upon. If you check out the latest Iraqi Tour Guides you will notice the folowing statement: “Today, Babylon lies COMPLETELY in ruins. A large and splendidly carved stone lion is all that remains of its former glories.” “Babylon” {Nicknamed Rome by Peter} is a “GREAT SEAPORT” in Rev18:17-19; JUST LIKE ROME and UNLIKE Babylon whose ruins are NOW 4 miles from the very shallow Euphrates River; or Jerusalem which is 2000 to 3000 feet above sea level and 35 miles from the Mediterranean Sea. Babylon is also completely FLAT whereas the End-Time “Babylon” will be a city built on 7 Hills JUST LIKE ROME!! Rev 17:18: “The woman you saw {Rev 17:3–Who sits with the Beast with 7 heads} is the great *CITY* {Rome–nicknamed Babylon in I Peter 5:13–See Rev 17:5a} that will rule over the kings of the earth.” {During the Great Tribulation} Rev 17:9-11: “This calls for a mind with wisdom. The 7 heads are 7 hills on which the woman {Or city of Rome} sits.” Rome is a city built on 7 HILLS!! They {The 7 Heads} are also 7 KINGS {From the city on 7 hills or Rome}. Five {Of these 7 KINGS} have fallen {Or died before AD 96}, one {the 6th KING} *IS* {Or reigning when Revelation was written in AD 96}, the other {or 7th KING} has not yet come, but when he {The 7th KING} does come, he must remain for for a little while. {Possibly the False Prophet of 666 {Or Black Horse Rider} who will be anointed by Satan just before the coming of the 8th KING {Or Pale Horse Rider} who ruled before as one of the 7 Kings} The beast {Nero Caesar who once was {Alive from Dec 15, AD 37 to June 9, AD 68}, and NOW {In AD 96} is not {Alive} is an 8th KING. He belongs to the 7 {KINGS}, because He once was {Alive-AD 37-68} NOW {In AD 96} is not {Alive}, and yet will come {1260 days before the Last Day}.” WHO ARE OR WILL BE THE 8 KINGS OF REV 17:10,11?? ROME APPOINTED THE JEWISH KINGS AFTER THEY CONQUERED ISRAEL IN 63 BC AND THE 7 KINGS OF REV 13:1B all had “blasphemous names” so we can assume that they were evil kings who had killed or persecuted Jesus and His followers. And so the first 3 EVIL KINGS {Who are all called KINGS in God’s Word {See Matt 2:1; Mark 6:25,26 & Acts 12:1} were all Israeli KINGS {who had killed or persecuted Jesus and His followers} appointed by the evil city on 7 hills or Rome. AND SO THE 8 KINGS WERE OR WILL BE: ** {#1} ** Herod the Great who tried to kill the baby Jesus: Rev 12:3-5: “Another sign appeared in Heaven : An enormous red DRAGON {Or Satan-See Rev 12:9} with 7 heads {Or 7 KINGS-See Rev 17:10a}… and 7 crowns on his {7} heads {Satan crowns the 7 kings whereas 666 crowns the 10 horns}. The DRAGON {Or Satan} stood in front of the woman who was about to give birth, so that he might devour her Child the moment he was born {Thru his first evil king or Herod the Great as per Matt 2:13b,16!!} She gave birth to a Son {Jesus} a male Child, who will rule the nations with an iron scepter!!” **{#2}** Herod who killed John the Baptist and ridiculed and tortured Jesus {See Matt 14:1-12; Luke 23:7-11} **{#3}** Herod Antipas who killed the Apostle James and tried to kill Peter. {See Acts 12:1-5,19-23} **{#4}** Nero Caesar who will come again as the 8th KING who will be the BEAST of the End-Times. **{#5}** Titus Caesar who killed thousands of Christians when he destroyed Jerusalem and the Temple in AD 70. Titus is also mentioned as a “Prince” in Daniel 9:26. Titus Caesar was the oldest son of Vespasian Caesar who was Caesar from Dec AD 69 to AD 79; and therefore heir and Crown *PRINCE* to the throne in Rome and was Caesar from AD 79 to AD 81. **{#6**}** Domitian Caesar the 6th KING {“NOW IS”} was ruling in AD 96, and decreed in the last year of his reign {Sept AD 95 to Sept AD 96} that everyone must worship former Roman Caesars {Like Nero} or be killed and put in prison.{Like the Apostle John who was living in Ephesus at that time.} **{#7}** Possibly the False Prophet of 666 who will be crowned the 7th evil King of Rome by Satan shortly before the coming of 666. **{8th}** KING or Nero Caesar {The End-Time Beast or antichrist}; who ruled before as one of the **7 KINGS** The 8TH KING who was also the 4TH KING will come up up from the Abyss or Hell exactly 1260 days before the last Day to rule from the evil city on 7 hills or Rome. Rev 17:6: “The woman {ROME} will be drunk with the blood of the saints, the blood of those who bear testimony to Jesus.” While in Rev 13:7 we learn that the BEAST will be given “power to make war against the saints and to conquer them.” And in Rev 13:15b we read that 666 will “cause all who refuse to worship his statue to be killed.” We must therefore conclude that the evil city “on 7 hills” or Rome will be the HEADQUARTERS of 666 during the Great Tribulation. The BEAST will very quickly conquer 1/4th of the world with many miracles {See Rev 6:8; 13:4} and will then appoint 10 Kings who have never before ruled over the 10 most powerful nations of the world {See Rev 17:12-14,17}. The following 10 powerful nations have about 50% of the world’s population and ABOUT 70% OF THE WORLD’S MILITARY POWER and certainly have the military, political and “religious” power to control and rule all the nations of the world: #1. United States #2. Russia #3. China {1.3 Billion} #4. Great Britain #5. France #6. India {1.1 Billion} #7. Germany #8. Japan #9. Brazil #10. Egypt. Brazil borders every nation in South America except for Chile. Egypt is the university, intellectual and theological center of Islam. And then 666 will have “authority over every tribe, people, language and nation” as per Rev 13:7b, from his headquarters in the evil city built on 7 hills or Rome. DOES THE BIBLE GIVE US CLUES FOR THE EXACT DATES IN THE CHRONOLOGY OF JESUS CHRIST?? All encyclopedias state that Augustus Caesar died in August of AD 14 and therefore the 15th year of the reign of his successor, Tiberius Caesar, would have been from August of AD 28 to August of AD 29. Luke 3:1,2: “In the 15th year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar… the Word of God came to John son of Zechariah in the desert.” Now we know from Luke 3:1-3 above that John the Baptist began his ministry in the 15th year of Tiberius which most likely began on his 30th birthday according to OT Law {As per I Chron 23:3}. And we know from Luke 1:35-37 that John was 5 to 6 months older than Jesus. Luke 3:23: “Now Jesus Himself was as thirty years old when He began His ministry.” So if Jesus began His ministry on His 30th human birthday {As per OT Law} on or about December 2nd, AD 29 then John would have began his ministry 5 to 6 months earlier About June 2nd to July 2nd, AD 29 which would been in the 15th year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar since the 15th year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar was completed in August of AD 29. We will show later that the 30th birthday of Jesus was about December 2nd, AD 29 and that He was baptized or Anointed 40 days earlier on October 23rd, AD 29. And that the Resurrection Day of our Lord Jesus was exactly 1260 days after His Anointing on October 23rd, AD 29 which would have been on April 5th, AD 33. Numbers 28:16: “On the 14th day of the 1st month the Lord’s Passover is to be held.” Exodus 12:6,7,12,13: “Take care of them {The Passover Lambs} until the 14th day of the month when all the people of Israel must slaughter them at Twilight {Just after sundown}. Then they are to take some of the blood and put it on the doorframes of their houses. On that same night I will strike down the firstborn of the Egyptians… but when I see the blood I will PASS OVER you.” Deut 16:1: “Observe the month of ABIB and celebrate the PASS OVER of the Lord your God, because in the month of ABIB He brought you out of Egypt by night.” Luke 22:7,8: Then came the day of Unleavened Bread on which the Passover Lamb “Had” to be sacrificed. Jesus said, “Go and make preparations for us to eat the Passover.” Christ became our Passover Lamb on Passover Day! 1 Cor 5:7: “For Christ our PASSOVER LAMB has been sacrificed.” Whereas the Jews {who were following the evil Babylonian moon calendar held their Passover on the 15th of Nisan which always occurs on the night of a full moon} observed the Passover on the wrong day as per John 18:28: “Then the Jews led Jesus from Caiaphas to the palace of the Roman Governor {Pilate}. By now it was early morning, and to avoid ceremonial uncleanness the Jews did not enter the palace; for they wanted to be able to eat the PASSOVER!!” Which would have been the day “AFTER” Jesus correctly held the Passover on the 14th of ABIB which God has commanded. So we can assume that the month of ABIB is different from the Babylonian moon month of Nisan and therefore has nothing to do with the moon. So then when does the first month of the Bible Year called ABIB begin?? Some have speculated that it may begin of the first day of Spring which comes every March 21st. If you go to the Internet under {www.timeanddate.com/calendar} you will be able to find the calendar for the month of April AD 33 {Backspace and remove AD 2010 and type in AD 33}. You will observe that April 2nd, AD 33 was on a Thursday and that April 5th, AD 33 was on a Sunday. So it is quite possible that Jesus held the Passover right after Sundown on April 2nd, AD 33; was crucified on Friday, April 3rd, AD 33; and then was raised to life on Sunday, April 5th, AD 33. Then the 14th day of the first Bible month of ABIB or PASSOVER DAY would have began on the 14th day after March 21st AD 33 {The first day of Spring}. This absolutely confirmed by the fact that there was a full moon {The 15th of Nisan} on April 3rd AD 33 {As per full moon footnote on calendar for April AD 33 proven by the exact science of Astronomy} which would have been the day AFTER Jesus correctly held the PASSOVER on the 14th of ABIB or at twilight on Thursday, April 2nd, AD 33. If the first day of ABIB was from sundown, March 20th, AD 33 to sundown March 21st, AD 33 then the 14th day of ABIB or Passover Day would have been from sundown, April 2nd, AD 33 to sundown, April 3rd, AD 33. And so our Lord’s Resurrection Day is always on the 16th of Abib; which is always on April 5th each and every year!! ***WILL THE REIGN OF 666 AND THE GREAT TRIBULATION LAST EXACTLY 1260 DAYS?? By comparing Revelation 12:6b and Revelation 12:14b we find that 1260 Days and Time {360 Days} Times {720 Days} and ½ a Time {180 Days} are the exact same period of time. Likewise, when we compare Revelation 13:5b with Daniel 7:25b we learn that 42 {30-day Bible} MONTHS and Time {12 Months}, Times {24 Months} and ½ a Time {6 Months} are also the exact same period of time. And therefore 42 {30-Day Bible Months} and Time, Times and ½ a Time are the exact same period of time since 42 X 30 days equal exactly 1260 days. 12 Months = 360 Days = {1 Time} 24 Months = 720 Days = {2 Times} 6 Months = 180 Days = {Half a Time} And therefore: 42 Months = 1260 Days = {3 and a Half Times} Almost all conservative Bible theologians agree that the 4th Beast of Daniel 7:7,19 is the *ROMAN* Empire. In Daniel 7:20,21 we learn that a little horn who is also called a *KING* in Daniel 7:24 will come from this *ROMAN* Empire. Daniel 7:24b,25-27: “A *KING* {From the *ROMAN* Empire–Nero Caesar??} will arise…. He will speak against the Most High and oppress his saints. The saints will be handed over to him for a Time, Times and ½ a Time.” {Which is also 42 {30-day} MONTHS or 1260 DAYS–*NOT* 7 years} “But the court will sit, and his {666 or the Roman King or the Beast-See Rev 19:20,21 and 2 Thess 2:8} power will be taken away and completely destroyed forever. *THEN* the sovereignty, power and greatness of the kingdoms under the whole Heaven will be handed over to the saints, the people of the Most High. His Kingdom will be an everlasting Kingdom.” Revelation 13:5,7a: “The Beast {Who was a *KING* from the “City on 7 hills”—Or *ROME*–See Rev 17:9-11,18} will utter proud words and blasphemies and will exercise his authority for *42 MONTHS* {Which is also 1260 days or Time, Times and ½ a Time–*NOT* 7 years}. *42* Jewish/Babylonian moon months have always been only 1239 days since 29.5 days X 42 months = 1239 days. {A new moon comes every 29 ½ days} And then in Daniel 12:1,2,6b,7b we learn that the resurrection of the saved and the lost will occur at the “END” of the Great Tribulation that will last for Time, Times and ½ a Time which is also 42 MONTHS or 1260 DAYS–*NOT* 7 years. FOR EXAMPLE: If the 1260-day Tribulation begins on October 23rd, 2010 then it must then end exactly 1260 days later or on April 5th, 2014 which would be the LAST DAY or RESURRECTION DAY or DAY OF THE LORD. Daniel 12:1B,2,6B,7B:“There will be a time of distress such as not happened from the beginning of nations until then. But at that time your people—EVERYONE whose name is found written in the Book—will be delivered. Multitudes who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake; some to everlasting life, others to shame and everlasting contempt… It will be for a Time, Times and ½ a Time {Or 1260 days or 42 Months}. When the power of the holy people has been finally broken *ALL THESE THINGS {The 1260-day Great Tribulation immediately followed by the resurrection of the saved and lost} WILL BE *COMPLETED*!!” Isaiah 46:10a,11b: God says, “I make known the *END* from the beginning, from ancient times what is still to come… What I have said, that will I bring about, what I have planned that will I do!” NOTE: The prophecies and time periods found in Daniel 8:1-27 {1150 days or 2300 morning & evening sacrifices} & Daniel 10:11 to 11:45 & Daniel 12:11,12 {1290 & 1335 Days} were all completely fulfilled during the evil reign of Antiochus Epiphanes IV from 172 BC to 164 BC {See Macabees 1:10,44-64; 4:52,53} and have absolutely nothing to do with the time periods and prophecies of the 1260-Day Great Tribulation. Daniel 12:1-10 was an End-Time Prophecy parenthesis { } which did not include Daniel 11:45 nor Daniel 12:11,12. Almost all of the prophecies in the OT are a parenthesis { } in a text which had nothing to do with the prophecy. Now there are some who suggest that the Anti-Christ will exercise his authority for 7 years {Not 42 Months} and that the Great Tribulation will last 7 years {Not 1260 Days or 3 ½ Times}. They have only **ONE** Bible verse {Daniel 9:27—which they grossly misinterpret} to support this idea which absolutely contradicts God’s Divine Time Periods as found in Rev 13:5b, Dan 7:25b & Dan 12:7b. NOTE: According to Leviticus 25:8 a Sabbath ‘week’ is *7 YEARS and 7 times 7 YEARS or ‘weeks’ is a Jubilee or 49 years. I believe that the first half of Daniel’s 70th Week has already been completed since Jesus has already put an end to all meaningful sacrifices and offerings and made a New Covenant with many until the *MIDDLE* of the 70th WEEK when He was cut off but not for Himself {See Dan 9:26a & 9:27b}. Hebrews 10:8-10: When Christ came into the world, He said: “Sacrifice and offering You did not desire… Christ set aside the first {Covenant} to establish the second…we have been made holy through the sacrifice of the body of Jesus Christ once for all.” Hebrews 9:15: “Christ is the Mediator of a NEW COVENANT.” Those who wrongly believe in a 7-year Great Tribulation believe the “HE” who confirmed a Covenant with many and put an End to sacrifice and offering in Daniel 9:27a is the Anti-Christ of the End-Times and not Jesus. Daniel 9:27: “He {Jesus not 666} will confirm a Covenant with many for one 7. In the Middle of the 7 {Or after 3 & ½ Times or 1260 days from Oct 23rd, AD 29} He {Jesus} will put an End to sacrifice and offering {Or on April 3-5, AD 33}. {And then after a long pause} And on a wing of the temple he {The Anti-Christ} will set up an abomination that causes desolation, until the end that is decreed {See Rev 19:20 & 2 Thess 2:8b} is poured out on him {Which will occur on the Last Day of the 1260-day Great Tribulation at the 2nd Coming of the Anointed One} Note: Since we know that the last half of the last 7 is exactly 1260 days then the first half of the Last 7 must also be 1260 days or Oct 23rd, AD 29 to April 5th, AD 33. NOTE: When you go from BC to AD you must deduct 1 year since there was NO year Zero. For example: Oct 23rd, 1 BC to Oct 23rd AD 1 was just 1 YEAR and not 2 years. Therefore, Oct 23rd, 455 BC to Oct 23rd, AD 29 would be exactly 483 years or 69 7’s since 455+29 = 484 minus 1 equals exactly 483 years or 69 7’s or WEEKS. Daniel 9:24: “70 7’s are decreed to *ANOINT THE MOST HOLY* {After 69 7’s or 483 years—The Anointed One then began teaching the New Covenant} *TO ATONE FOR WICKEDNESS* {Exactly 3 ½ Times or 1260 Days after His Anointing in the *MIDDLE* of the Last 7; the Anointed One put an end to all sacrifices for sin—See Dan 9:27a} *TO PUT AN END TO SIN AND BRING IN EVERLASTING RIGHTEOUSNESS*.” {EVERLASTING RIGHTEOUSNESS will occur on the Last Day of the 70 7’s exactly 3 ½ Times or 1260 Days after the Abomination of Desolation comes up from the Abyss—See Dan 9:27} NOTE: About 280 years earlier God made this amazing prophecy in Isaiah 44:28: The Lord… says of *CYRUS*, “He is my shepherd and will accomplish all that I please; he will say of JERUSALEM LET IT BE REBUILT!” This verse absolutely contradicts the Artaxerxes theory! Daniel 9:25,27: “From the issuing of the Decree {By Cyrus on October 23rd, 455 BC—See Isaiah 44:28 above} to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until the ANOINTED ONE, the RULER, comes {Jesus was Anointed on Oct 23rd , AD 29} THERE WILL BE 7 7’S AND 62 7’S {Or 69 7’s or 483 years}… *HE* {The ANOINTED RULER} will confirm a Covenant with many for one 7 {This Covenant will not End until the Last Day of the Last 7 when the ANOINTED RULER, Jesus Christ, comes again}. In the MIDDLE of the 70th 7 {On April 3-5, AD 33 exactly 1260 days after His Anointing} *HE* {The ANOINTED RULER} will put an end to all {Meaningful} sacrifices and offerings {By His Atonement for sin}. {And then after a long pause the Last Half of the 70th Week will begin when}… “The Abomination of Desolation will come {Up from the Abyss or Hell-See Rev 11:7 & 17:8b} until the decreed end is poured out on him.” {By the Anointed Ruler {Jesus} exactly 1260 days later on the Last Day—See Rev 19:20; Dan 9:27b; 2 Thess 2:8b} And so the “FIRST HALF” of the 70th Week began at the Anointing of Jesus on Oct 23rd, AD 29; and ended 1260 days later in the “Middle of the 70th Week” on April 5th, AD 33 at the Resurrection of Jesus; when He completed our Atonement for sin by “Tasting Death” {See Heb 2:9b} for all who will be saved; and when He eliminated all other meaningful sacrifices and offerings for sin. Have you ever wondered why God selected the time period of 1260 Days for the Great Tribulation immediately before the 2nd Coming of Jesus and our resurrection?? It may very well be because Jesus went through 1260 days of Great Tribulation beginning with His 40 days of fasting and ending with His resurrection!! I Pet 2:21: “Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow in His steps.” As we have shown before Jesus became our High Priest and began His ministry on His 30th earthly birthday on December 2nd AD 29 {See Luke 3:23} as per OT Law {See I Chron 23:3} which was exactly 40 days after His Anointing or Baptism {See Luke 4:2 and Matt 4:2} on October 23rd, AD 29; which was exactly 1260 days before His resurrection on April 5th, {The 16th of ABIB} AD 33. And so the 30th birthday of Jesus was 40 days after October 23rd, AD 29 on or about December 2nd, AD 29. Jesus was 30 years old when he began his ministry {as per OT law} on his 30th birthday or on December 2nd, AD 29. Which would mean that Jesus would have been born on December 2nd, 2 BC since you must deduct 1 year going from BC to AD since there was no year Zero. {Dec 2nd 1 BC to Dec 2nd AD 1 was just 1 year and not 2 years} If Jesus was born on December 2nd, 2 BC then He would have been circumcised on the 8th day or on December 10th, 2 BC and his parents would have taken him to God’s temple to offer a sacrifice 33 days later as per OT law {See Lev 12:3,4,6-8} which would have been on January 12th, 1 BC. The events that occurred when Joseph, Mary and Jesus went to God’s temple to offer a sacrifice are recorded in Luke 2:21-38. Joseph could have been warned by an angel that Herod the Great would try to kill Jesus as early as the evening of Jan 12th, 1 BC {See Matt 2:13-15} and Herod’s decree to kill all the children in the Bethlehem {See Matt 2:16} area could have occurred as early as Jan 13th, 1 BC. Now according to the exact science of astronomy there were 2 eclipses of the moon in this approximate time period on March 13th, 4 BC and on JANUARY 9th, 1 BC. Now according to the complete Works of Josephus, pages 363-365 we learn that Herod had erected a large golden eagle above the temple entrance which was against God’s law. Mathias and 40 Jews tore down this golden eagle and destroyed it; and they were captured and burned to the stake by order of Herod; and that night there was an eclipse of the moon. {On January 9th, 1 BC} Herod could have then ordered the death of all of the children 2 years old or younger on or about Jan 13th, 1 BC. Herod then became deathly sick because of his terrible sins, and went to his winter home in Jericho where he ordered that all the principal men of the Jewish nation should be burned alive. Herod also ordered the death of his own son Antipater who was to succeed him; and on the 5th day after the execution of his son; Herod the Great died. And so Herod the Great {Who tried to kill Jesus} would have died at least 10 days after January 9th, 1 BC when there was an eclipse of the moon in the Jerusalem area. Herod the Great would then have died on January 19th, 1 BC or shortly thereafter according to the historical account of Josephus, and therefore Jesus could have been born about December 2nd, 2 BC. The March 13th, 4 BC eclipse of the moon doesn’t work since then Jesus would have been 33 years old when he began his ministry which would contradict God’s Word in Luke 3:23: “Now Jesus Himself was as 30 years old {His human age} when He began His ministry.” On the Last Day of the 70th Week {Which is also the Last Day of the 1260-day Great Tribulation at the 7th & Last Trumpet} Jesus will give the saints of all ages their new heavenly bodies and they will then enjoy the marriage Feast of the Lamb. Immediately after the Marriage Feast of the Lamb {On the same Last Day of the Lord} Jesus will mount a great White Horse and His saints of all ages will follow Him on white horses. {See Rev 19:7,8,11-14; 17:14} They will conquer the Beast {666} and his armies, and the Beast {Nero Caesar or 666} will then be thrown back into the Abyss or Hell for all eternity. {See Rev 19:20; Dan9:27b; 2 Thess 2:8b}Revelation 3:3: Jesus said, “REMEMBER WHAT YOU HAVE RECEIVED; OBEY IT AND REPENT. BUT **IF** YOU DO NOT WAKE UP, I WILL COME LIKE A THIEF, AND YOU WILL NOT KNOW AT *WHAT TIME* I WILL COME TO YOU.” Wasn’t Jesus a Post-Trib Prophet when he never even mentioned the supposedly very important pre-trib, rapture, fairy tale in Matt 24:3-31 or Rev 5 to 19!! Rev 22:16: “I Jesus, have sent My angel to give *YOU*{The Greek for *YOU* is plural and therefore includes*ALL SAINTS*} this testimony {ALL OF REVELATION} *FOR THE CHURCHES*!” QUESTION: Will every saint present during the Great Tribulation have his name written in the LAMB’S BOOK OF LIFE and therefore be a member of the CHURCH of Jesus Christ?? ANSWER Revelation 13:8: “All inhabitants of the earth will worship the Beast > {Anti-Christ}…. ALL whose names have not been written in the LAMB’S BOOK OF LIFE!” The ONLY TIME that Paul mentions the Anti-Christ of Man of Lawlessness {Who will rule the world from Rome during the 1260-Day Tribulation} is in 2 Thess 2:3-9. 2 Thess 2:9: “The coming of the Lawless One will be in accordance with the work of Satan displayed in all kinds of counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders.” 2 Thess 1:1; 2:1,3,8: “To the *CHURCH* of the Thessalonians… Concerning the *COMING* of our Lord Jesus Christ and *OUR* being gathered to Him… Don’t let anyone deceive you in any way, for *THAT DAY* will not come *UNTIL* the Man of Lawlessness is revealed!!, the Man doomed to destruction… Then the Lawless One will be revealed whom the Lord Jesus Christ will destroy with the splendor of His *COMING*!” And so Paul absolutely confirms the *COMING* of the Lord Jesus will come on the *LAST DAY* of the Great 1260-day Great Tribulation when His *CHURCH saints will be gathered to Him! And Mark 13:11b absolutely contradicts the idea {From a wrong interpretation of 2 Thess 2:7} that the Holy Spirit will not be in the Tribulation saints. 2 Thess 2:6 paraphrased with obvious additions: “The reason that the Coming of the Man of Lawlessness is being held back: is that he may be revealed at the PROPER TIME.” Which would be exactly 1260 days before the *COMING* of our Lord Jesus Christ on the *LAST DAY*. Some End-Time Groups who wrongly interpret Daniel 9:27a, and who believe in a 7-year Tribulation, {Starting with a New Jewish Temple} are now spreading false rumors that religious Jews are planning to tear down the Muslim Dome of the Rock in order to rebuild a Jewish Temple to Biblical specifications and will then REINSTUTE animal sacrifices??? However there are several big problems with this scenario: ** All 21 Arab Muslim nations including Pakistan which has many nuclear bombs would then immediately declare an all-out Holy War on Israel, and the Israeli government fully understands this. I know this for I was a missionary in Israel. ** A Jewish Temple built to Biblical specifications would then take at least 7 years to build during this continuous war with the 21 Muslim nations. And most of these same End-Time Groups also teach that a pre-trib rapture could occur TODAY {Not at least 7 years from today} Now all those who believe in a 7-year Tribulation only because of the wrong interpretation of Daniel 9:27a also believe that immediately following this pre-trib rapture of the Church saints that the Anti-Christ will make a Covenant with Israel; allowing the Jews to make animal sacrifices in a Jewish Temple built to Biblical specifications. By wrongly interpreting Daniel 9:27a thay believe that at the end of 3 1/2 years in the middle of the 70th week the Anti-Christ will then put an end to all animal sacrifices. These same problems would also apply to mid-trib and pre-wrath rapturists who also believe in this same 7-Year End-Time scenario and who also believe illogically according to their beliefs that this 7-year Tribulation could then begin TODAY. **** Most importantly: For over 1,000 years religious Jews have believed that when their Messiah comes He will bring with him the New Jewish Temple and the required Ark of the Covenant. And then the Messiah will re-establish the Levitical priesthood; who will then offer animal sacrifices according to OT Law. For according to OT Law {See Numbers 3:5-10} all Jewish Priests must prove that they are direct descendants of Levi and these Levitical genealogies were completely destroyed when the last Jewish Temple was destroyed in AD 70. Therefore, no Scriptural OT animal sacrifices could possibly occur before then; since no Jew can now prove that he is a Levite!! And so if you are waiting for this Jewish Temple to be built to Biblical specifications by Jews who will then offer animal sacrifices; you are going to have to wait until this bogus Jewish messiah comes. Please do not hold your breath until this time! Did Herod the Great completely destroy the 2nd Temple including its foundations around 17 BC?? The following is a quote from “Antiquities of the Jews” by Josephus, Page 334, Para 1 & 3: “And now Herod, in the 18th year of his reign undertook a very great work, that is is, to build of himself the temple of God.and make it LARGER in compass, and to raise it to a most significant altitude, as esteeming it to be the most glorious of all his actions and this would be sufficient for an everlasting memorial to him….so Herod TOOK AWAY THE OLD FOUNDATIONS AND LAID OTHERS, and erected the temple upon them. Herod’s Temple was 100 cubits {150 feet} long.” {The first two temples were both 60 cubits {90 feet} long as per 2 Chronicles 3:3 & Ezra 6:3.} So then He
  108. kerry thompson

    you people are totally insane. to make reference to books of faith and to try to link it to a politician is incredible. who made you idiots translators of books of faith.

  109. A.Z.

    I would tend to think Obama is the false prophet here to prepare the way for the Anti-christ.

    1. The anti-christ is suppose to be a false christ, and as a chirst like figure he/she will speak with authority. Obama is lost without his teleprompter and prepared speeches. Christ did not walk around with cliff notes to read from – he spoke with authority – thus the real anti-christ will similarly act.

    2. Everything Obama seems to be doing is to prepare the way for the anti-christ to seize power in the US and/or to destroy the US so the anti-christ can arise to power from another nation. Just look at all the hidden powers in the legislation passed he has had passed. Of course Obama is often only putting the icing on the cake, so to speak on, on things that were started by earlier presidents who have a similar agenda, regardless of party. For example; illegal aliens – what better way to force a national identity card onto all of – that would give the government/anti-christ the power to control all by a “mark”. Interesting how several years ago a scientist patented a way to tattoo bar codes (or similar i.d. information / data) onto human skin – mark of the beast?

  110. Joe

    Let’s not forget it was the Republican Governor of Arizona who was the one who wanted everyone to have to show their papers. And that all of the conservative news and political groups agreed with that fine. So now Obama is talking about doing the same thing nationally it’s a problem? Haha.

  111. A.Z.

    The reason why the politicians allowed for illegal aliens to pour into the U.S. without doing anything, aside from wanting their vote to stay in power, is to create a situation whereas the citizens demand that it be taken care of and of course part that solution will be a national i.d. Without this i.d. you will not be able to buy or sell or get a job, which is what the mark of the beast does. And wow, guess what, a inventor has already patented a method to store personal information (your i.d., banking information, medical) within a tattoo which can be applied to your skin (or should I say on you hand or your forehead as the Bible does). And before you say no one is going to walk around looking like Chakotay from Star Trek Voyager this problem is easy solved by transparent / invisible ink that you eye cannot pick up, but a scanner will. Of course another reason for the national i.d. will be that the same politicians will allow another major terror attack to occur. With 9/11 they were able to pass new laws that they would never have been able to get away with before. And with the economic crises they manufactured they were able to pass more laws. All these new laws and regulations are designed to set up a framework under which they can seize power when they allow another attack.

  112. F.Williams

    You are speaking in complete circles and you have not provided one word of evidence that Obama is an antichrist! Please read revelations carefully sir! The antichrist will rise out of the EUROPEAN nations!!! The false prophet will bring the antichrist in the picture and where is he? I wonder if Obama was white with an american name would you still put this type of energy in making these accusations! You dont think George Bush screwed this country enough? Its’s funny how you people turn a blind eye to his failures! Idiots!!!

  113. fonda williams

    obama may be the beginning of the antichrist,but with all due respect the anti christ will come from rome ( the roman empire) or the roman catholic, the seven heads will be he seven mountains or hills in rome. the whore in revelation speaks of the roman catholic church and the fornication of the popes through out history.thecatholic church persecuted early christians if they did not obey the papacy

  114. David

    Obama has everyone fooled into thinking only he can save America by get the weak and oppressed on his side. He is a great deciever of man they beleive his lies because he is telling them what they want to hear while all the time leading them down the road of destuction.

  115. Andy J.

    Im not going to judge anyone and say they are the anti-christ, but im not going to say he isnt either. If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck, its probably a duck. If you read above, there seems to be alot of waddeling and quacking coming from obama. But one thing that hasnt been addressed here is the micro-chip that obama is mandating for all americans by march 2013. Furthermore, if you.think this is scary now, all obama has to do in order to circumvent congress and set up as dictator is to declare martial law… And he already has the signs made in florida with the declaration printed on them. I am assuming they are elsewhere as well. Peace! <

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