A Very Dangerous Game

Christians who are unmoored from the bible and Jesus Christ, are flocking to a cult of personality that they insist will save the country.

History is an excellent teacher.  It repeatedly reminds us about the failings of human nature and how easily an angry and worried people are stoked into making nationalist populists who promise glory, their kings and dictators.

History teaches that in such times, Constitutions  and bounds of morality are redefined and/or abolished altogether to embrace a new morality that their chosen political saviors preach in the name of saving the state and the people from declared enemies from within and without.

America did not germinate from nor did it become established by the dictates of men in positions of power and office. It was not forged from the top on down like the monarchies of Europe.  It was forged from the bottom on up, by a people who were already self-governed by God.  It was grounded and rooted in the biblical and Christian religions that enshrined the concept of liberty as determined from the scriptures.

Our Founders and Framers and men like Alexis DeToqueville wrote that the success of America as an idea and a nation – is based on the construct that the people should be governed by God and the bible in their personal lives, thus making it unnecessary for an all-intrusive government to rule them.  They warned that the moment Americans abandoned the scriptures and the Christian religion, the nation would cease to be great and that tyrants would forge our chains from within.

All of that knowledge has been discarded for political expediency.  As the culture of this nation continues to grow more wicked and evil, leaders chosen to represent the people become more vulgar, crass, self-serving and ignorant of the very documents they vow an oath to uphold. They became a law unto themselves, and established incrementally – an oligarchy that empowered a dictatorship that has been building a police state after essentially perpetrating a velvet coup, right under our noses.

And so the people, fearful and angry and worried – flock and cheer a  strongman this election cycle.  A man who speaks to the things that the oligarchy has refused to touch or declared off-limits to challenge. He too plays upon their base fears, publicly insults specific persons for scorn and ridicule, targets businesses and institutions that must be punished and forced to run and operate their businesses in accordance to the whims of a single man, to ‘make the country great again’. He is the opposite side of the same coin from a party whose ideology is firmly rooted in the Marxist/Communist philosophy.    The people think he stands in direct opposition to the very agenda and politicians that he himself had funded and supported for years because today he knocks down the sacred cows of the Left in boilerplate speeches without specifics beyond the promises that what he will do will be great.

So the people cheer, just as a past generation had cheered a man who spoke in nearly the same vulgar, arrogant  and inciteful manners with similar ideals to make his country ‘great again’.

IlDuce crowds


In the online forum, bulletin board and social media world – it is becoming an everyday commonality that supporters for such a man are demanding the purging and banning of ‘traitors’ and ‘impure’ persons from myriad online communities.  Some fantasize about actually deporting such ‘dissidents’ along with the illegal aliens that their Champion says he will send back across the border.

Efforts to explain Conservative and Christian principles that mandate a refrain from supporting their candidate are greeted with ridicule, insult and scorn.   Mimicking the very person they idolize by engaging in similar public castigation and insulting harassment.  Mob-like actions of insults and threats occur whenever there is commentary on a news item or blog entry that does not flatter their King-Presumptive, just like the article below has suffered when posted on various fora.  Warnings about future ‘remembrances’ and sometimes subtle and even direct threats of execution for treason are popping up in commentary from the most vocal and rabid True Believers.

I have read the ridicule coming from self-identifying Christians who insist we are not voting for a pastor for president – and that moral behavior is no measure of how a person will govern.  Somehow along the way, brethren have bought the lie sold to us back when Bill Clinton was president, that sexual infidelity, adultery, divorce, false witness, lies and pompous arrogance that would normally define a person’s character, are no longer  a measure to consider.  We have been told they are irrelevant, in the past and no longer important to consider before casting a vote Because the speeches of what their Chosen Political Savior says they will do when in office are more important to the survival of the nation.

It’s one or another we are told, and Donald Trump it is said is better than what we would suffer under Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders.

And this is the justification and rationalization that many Christians I know and respect are lecturing those of us who have decided to stop practicing insanity – by refraining from voting or supporting any of the two choices we are being presented as candidates.

A whole nation can go off the cliff to support someone who leads them to utter ruin.  Christians are not to be of this world, and when there are fruits that call into question someone seeking leadership over us Christians, we should follow the biblical examples and instructions for selecting those who are supposed to represent us and our values and principles.

This will engender hatred and scorn, but as we are finding in this country today – the truth is hated, no matter if it is insisting homosexuality is a sin, or that grown men have no place in women’s bathrooms – even if they self-identify as a woman.

As Steve Deace so excellently points out below, a dangerous game of compromise is being played by those whom God does not expect compromise from.  Perhaps it is time for us to review what scripture has to say about selecting leaders.


By: Steve Deace

DISCLAIMER: I am grateful for the opportunity I have here at Conservative Review to reach those on the broad spectrum of conservatism on several issues, some of which conservatives don’t always agree on. But in this case I’m writing to you, Christian leaders, as s very specific target audience. Since it’s arguable no one faces more of a dilemma with this election than you do, for you represent the sacredness of the Gospel even more than conservatism. 

Dear Christian Leaders,

I hope this letter finds you well, and I thank you for the time, talent, and treasure you have given to the cause of Christ and its resulting American exceptionalism. Thank you for putting these words from the Scriptures into practice: “Now the Lord is that spirit, and where the spirit of the Lord is there is liberty.”

I’m writing this as a 42-year old believer who has been blessed by the works of so many of you. Some of you I am proud to call friends, or know as acquaintances. Some of you I hope to meet someday to share how God used you to take this son of a 15-year old girl raised in a home of abuse, and give him the strength and courage to break generational cycles of dysfunction. If not for your testimonies and willingness to stand for Christ against the prevailing winds of the culture, odds are I would’ve succumbed to them.

I say these things because I want you to know this letter is coming from a place of concern more so than criticism. I struggle with a critical spirit, which is why I’ve waited several weeks before penning this letter that I have started and stopped several times. I needed to make sure I was in a place I could remove as much of myself as possible, and address these concerns in the spirit rather than with my own, haughty one.

With that long disclaimer out of the way, allow me to cut right to the chase.

If you are supporting Donald Trump, or flirting with doing so, you are playing a very dangerous game. There is simply no moral, biblical, or even strategic case for doing so, near as I can tell. And if I’m wrong, then let us come now and reason together. 

First of all, holiness and character is of more value in the kingdom than ideological correctness. That is not to say ideological correctness isn’t important, because it is, and it’s where I make my living for the most part. But God has often worked through strange ideological bedfellows to accomplish His will. For example, three of the greatest minds in church history were Augustine, Calvin, and Wesley. Yet they vehemently disagreed with one another, even on vitally important doctrines. However, the fruit of their callings remains impactful to this very day.

Some of you will say, “But wasn’t David a man of poor character and morality and God used him in a mighty way?” Yes, that is true, but others paid dearly for David’s sins. His own nation was plunged into civil war. His daughter was raped by her brother. He had a man killed so he could have his wife.

The point of David’s life is not that he’s the hero, but God is. That God so wants to be known He is willing to even use the worst of us to reach us.

So what made David a man after God’s own heart? That despite all his documented shortcomings, David in the end sought God’s forgiveness and repentance when confronted with “Thou art the man.” Trump, by his own admission, does not have a repentant heart. He has not sought God’s forgiveness, because he doesn’t think he needs it. Thus, the King David-Trump comparisons are flawed exegesis and should cease here.

Furthermore, the Scriptures make clear the qualifications for public office:

Moreover, look for able men from all the people, men who fear God, who are trustworthy and hate a bribe, and place such men over the people as chiefs of thousands, of hundreds, of fifties, and of tens.

There is simply no way to avoid the conclusion that Trump violates every syllable of these requirements.

Now that we’ve addressed the biblical case, what about the moral one?

Other than that, Trump seems like a righteous dude.

Of course, Paul writes all of us were these things, because all of us were sinners, too. However, we live differently now – or at least should – because we are new creations in Christ. Unfortunately, this campaign has revealed this is who Trump remains to this day.

Finally, let’s look at the strategic argument. Generally, there are three archetypes of politicians in the Scriptures: 

  1. Josiah – The true statesman. The man who does the hard thing, no matter how hard it may be, because it is the right thing. A man sold out to the cause of righteousness. Sadly, there are very few of these.
  2. Hezekiah – The typical politician. The man who does the principled thing when it’s easy or it suits him. As in when the Scriptures say one of the holiest celebrations of the Passover since Moses came at the time of his ascendancy. However, when it gets hard, or his ego gets in the way, he will serve himself/mammon instead. So that same Hezekiah is relieved that at the end of his reign the judgment to come, which he contributed to with his own arrogance, won’t take place until he’s dead and buried. Rather than humbly repent and seek God’s mercy as a David might have done. Like most politicians, Hezekiah was principled at first, but less so the longer he was in power. Eventually principle gave way to political expediency.
  3. Ahab – A pure megalomaniac whose only motivation is his own ego, elevation, and experiences. A hedonist/narcissist/tyrant whose only ethos is the golden rule: he who has the gold gets to make all the rules. Thankfully, there are very few of these as well, mainly because they’re like the Lords of the Sith in Star Wars. If there are too many of them, they tend go after one other.

Trump is an Ahab. He is not like anything we have ever dealt with before. He is not a RINO, Republicrat, or any other kind of Hezekiah type. He won’t even pander to you on the bathroom issue when it would help him. Why? Because you’re all nothing but marks to him. He is utterly and undeniably shameless.

Trump is merely a conqueror convinced that if he’s calling all the shots the world would be a better place. He is a law unto himself.

He is the sort of figure we read about in history books. Not a raving madman Hitler type, and those making such comparisons are intellectually lazy and should be dismissed. Nor is Trump even the kind of megalomaniac Obama is, with his Soviet-era style ruthless pursuit of Marxism.

Rather, Trump is merely a conqueror convinced that if he’s calling all the shots the world would be a better place. He is a law unto himself.

In our day and age, Alpha Males are few and far between. So much so that many believe Trump is an Alpha, but he is not. Like most tyrants he is deeply insecure. How many 70-year old men are still defensive about their penis size? And it is those very insecurities that cause him to lash out so maliciously. Think of the damaged Commodus in the movie “Gladiator.”

It is the alpha male that is required to confront and take down the tyrant. Men willing to storm the beaches of Normandy, proclaim we have “no king but Jesus,” or face down Commodus in front of a full crowd at the Coliseum. Where are the alpha males in our day willing to do so? I pray God will raise some up among our ranks.

The tyrant cannot be negotiated with. He cannot be befriended. Nor can he show empathy. For all is weakness to him. Therefore, everything is transactional. You are there for as long as you’re useful, and then gone when you are not.

Like what just happened to Ben Carson, and pretty much everyone else that comes into Trump’s orbit once he’s used them for what he needed at the time. Like how my friend Bob Vander Plaats was a great guy when Trump thought he needed his endorsement, and then Trump called him a crook when he didn’t get it.

Like his spirit animal, Ahab, who came home to whine to his wife about how he couldn’t buy this one property he wanted, Trump takes to Twitter and friendly media enclaves to do the same. And then his Twitter following, and adorning media throng, acts as his Jezebel when she told Ahab just to go take what he wants because he’s the king.

Tyrants cannot be loved on. They must be broken. You will only know if they have been broken if you see the fruit of the spirit in their lives. Do they practice altruism, as in the right thing expecting nothing in return? Is there a public repentance, or a repentance of convenience? Meaning they tell you what you want to hear now just so they can get from you what they want.

When you dance with the devil, the devil doesn’t change. He changes you.

Anything short of that and I can promise you, as God Almighty is my witness, you are being played. And once that is revealed it will not be the tyrant that is exposed for scorn and mockery, but you.

Every. Single. Time.

In short, this is a dangerous game. This is not dining with sinners. This is attempting to evangelize Herod’s Court, where even Christ himself kept silent among such godlessness and darkness. You have never been this way before. He is unlike anything you have encountered. He would arguably be the most personally damaged and feckless individual ever to occupy the Oval Office.

He is beyond the milquetoast pabulum the system usually serves up, which is why he was able to crush the system. When you dance with the devil, the devil doesn’t change. He changes you.

He will see your willingness to love on him as weakness. He is laughing at you now, even as we speak, for wanting to meet with him. He sees it as the groveling of the already defeated. There’s a reason he attracts heretical Paula White types who are only in this for personal gain, too. Because real recognize real.

Such a man can be brought to Christ, because nothing is beyond the power of Christ. However, he must be broken like any wild stallion, or a prodigal son. He must hit rock bottom, such as when Nebuchadnezzar was sent to live as a wild animal. He must be shown there is a power greater than he, otherwise he will believe he is that power.

Just as you wouldn’t reward a petulant, rebellious teenager with more power and pleasure, the absolute worst thing that you can do is reward such a man just the same. You will not pierce his heart, but he will break yours.

In conclusion, I urge you to consider these two final questions:

  1. Do you really believe you could look Jesus in the eye at your judgment and justify supporting such a man for the most powerful office in the world?
  2. If you do support him, must we then apologize to the Clintons for the stones we threw at their immorality, as well as to others whose sin we have rightly lobbied against in the past since we’re now excusing it from Trump?

I know what the alternative appears to be, and I do not wish it. If she becomes president, I will oppose her Leftist schemes as I always have (unlike Trump, who lavished praise and financial contributions upon her). But I am not afraid of Hillary Clinton. Let me tell you what I am afraid of.

I am afraid of the message we will be sending this culture by compromising everything we claim to believe in, by supporting a man who embodies everything we supposedly oppose. And I’m afraid the cost for that message could transcend generations, as the culture declares we are the emperor who has no clothes. That when push comes to shove we offer them nothing not already of this world. The same fear-mongering and situational ethics they can get anywhere else. Just minus all that annoyingly sanctimonious moralizing. We will confirm for them they were right to tune us out. That we are who they thought we were. We will write the God-haters’ material for them.

That will have consequences for our fellow countrymen that will last long past the next four years.

I urge you, as a representative of the next generation who will someday take your place, please do not put us any further behind the eight ball with this culture than we already are. They already don’t trust us, nor do they take us seriously, and that’s if they don’t ignore us altogether.

Give us a real chance to reach the next generation, rather than spending years defending the indefensible simply because there is an “R” after its name.

The scriptures say we are not Christians because of our hermeneutically sound systematic theology. Or because we follow creeds. But because we testify to the fact that God supernaturally reached down into history to raise His Son from the dead. The Son who God gave to pay the penalty we deserve because He loved us so. To demonstrate that love, God was willing to lose something of tremendous value to Him, as testimony of His love for us.

His only Son.

We came to Christ because of that testimony. We bowed at the knee to Jesus and chose to follow him because he showed what he was willing to lose for us. Love knows no greater man than Jesus, who laid down his life for his friends.

Perhaps we have lost this culture because we haven’t shown it similar sacrificial love. We haven’t shown them we’re willing to lose anything for what we believe, except the same things of this world they value.

Not to mention maybe, just maybe, God would providentially award such faithfulness in the sort of supernatural ways He has for His people in the past? Perhaps we do not see God move in such ways in our day because we prefer our ways to His?

And where has that gotten us — an election between Hillary and her donor.

This is our rendezvous with destiny. Except this time it isn’t wrestling with existential threats outside of us, but the brokenness inside of us.

We don’t need Barabbas the zealot. We need Jesus. And we have the means to give them Jesus, if only we have the faith and courage of conviction. When we came to Christ did we know for sure how it would turn out, or did we have faith? Let us stop trying to manipulate outcomes as our adversaries do, and instead show real faith that while we do not know what the future holds, we know who holds the future.

Duty is ours, but outcomes belong to God.

Thank you for reading my letter and at least considering these words. I pray you will fight the good fight, keep the faith, and finish the race.


Filed under Chrisitan Viewpoint, Politics

9 responses to “A Very Dangerous Game

  1. Shannon

    Amen! Now we Pray that people wake up and have eyes to see and ears to hear. My 12 year old saw right through the lies and deception and came to me to open my eyes…for at first I was on the Trump bans wagon with the rest of the blind only when my daughter spoke to me and we went to Scripture and I could see the Truth . Thank you Jesus. Jesus Christ is our true government and soon we will all see the true King of Kings! Fantastic heart piercing letter! Thank you for posting this wonderful letter.

  2. kerberos616

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  5. There is much food for thought and for prayer in these insightful articles. Whatever our personal opinions, we should respect the opinions of others and their right to freely and openly share ideas and beliefs. When we resort to threats and insults, it takes us to a place that we should not go. By freely sharing ideas and options it helps us all to make better choices. May Almighty God, by the Grace of His Son Jesus Christ, help us all to do the right thing in His eyes. “Trust in the LORD with all thine heart, and lean not on thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy paths.” (The Holy Bible, Proverbs 3:5-6)

  6. Anonymous

    Wow. You write as if you actually know the man. I have no idea if he is as bad as you portray him to be. I have never met him. But I have read the reports of those who have. And I am talking about the little people. Those we don’t see in political circles. Seems to me he has helped quite a lot of people with no thought of return. And these are just the ones who have spoken up.

    He admits he is not the most pious person. Even thanks the evangelicals for their support “knowing I probably don’t deserve it.” His words in his speech. Go back and listen to it. Also as for ripping people off and using them. I bet he has. He also admits that he has used the system, he knows how it works, he was/is one of them! Openly admits it. He has also admitted its wrong. Maybe the dude has had a change of heart? Realized where his actions were taking him and this country. That is possible.

    Either way, hate him or love him, you are voting for a greater evil if you don’t vote for him. Please stop the eye rolling. When Hitlery is in office and makes you stop your opinions about homosexuals, when third term abortions pick up speed, when we flatten other countries “for the furtherance of globalism” then you have only yourself to blame. Cause that’s what your voting for. You may vote libertarian. Go ahead, your still putting her in power. And when all of you have to go underground. Pat yourselves on the back! Cause at least you didn’t vote for Trump!!!

  7. invar

    I’m not voting for the Trojan Stalking Horse for Hildabeast so you can stop with the silly attempts to shame principled Conservatives into voting for a lesser evil. Been there, done that – and the nation has gone over the cliff as a result. Trump’s character based on his personal fruits, statements and policies clearly indicate he is not someone fit for the office. Period. If a man cannot maintain his own wedding vows, brags about bedding other married women, why would anyone entrust him to keep a vow to uphold the Constitution?????? This nation is about to do an Italy 1922 with TRUMP. So be it. I will have no part of it. Seig-heil your dear leader to your heart’s content.

  8. Russ

    Since sitting on the sidelines is not an option what do you suggest? Vote Hillary and pray for her epiphany,repentance and turning to God for guidance. Or vote Donald and pray for same?
    Get your houses in order people! The sirens of summer have begun and fires will rage before stunned unbelieving eyes. Prepare your hearts and know where to turn.
    Is my house in order? Not by a long shot.
    Jesus taught us to pray and pray we must as a firm commitment. I suspect I have a lot of company digging out of the Dark Night of the Soul. Don’t give up, Join Jesus in the Garden of Gestemany mourn with him.

  9. invar

    I suggest to vote for a Constitutonalist. A new party for Christian conservatives has to be empowered outside the poisonous fume of D.C. and the Beltway. Our Kingdom is not of this world, and I think we are about to discover our prayers for the Kingdom of God to come will be much more fervent in the near future.

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