A Conservative Party No More


The Republican Party revealed itself as indistinguishable from the Democrat Party while demonstrating it’s hostility to First Principles under the Trump/Establishment Partnership last week.

Take courage fellow Constitutional Conservatives, Truth has willed itself out.

Last week was not just a repudiation of your foundational principles by an entire party – but a confirmation that the party you called ‘home’ is not what you thought it was.  It has not been for some time.

I admire Ted Cruz.  He gained my utmost respect with what he did last Wednesday night.   The vitriol and hatred being flung at him, his wife, his family and all of us by the GOP and Trump himself, is just another example of a nation and culture that hates what was once considered the pillars of virtue, morality and righteousness.

What transpired last week was validation that a resignation from the GOP is perfectly warranted.  The continuous and relentless attacks on Ted Cruz and Constitutional Conservatives who will not pledge fealty to Trump and the party continues to illustrate that it is not Hillary they fear and despise – but you and me.

That said, there are some Conservatives already talking about a Cruz candidacy in 2020.  I think the sloganeering for Cruz in 2020 is a bit off-putting.  Conservatives do not get wrapped up in cults of personality and assert they can save us and the nation.   Marxists do that.  Fascists (or if you prefer, Nationalist Populists) do that.

If you take time to seriously realize what is happening – this is no longer simple party politics.  You are witnessing the absolute END of a Republic and the start of something frightening and dangerous in terms of your near future and the future of liberty.

That the phrase “defend the Constitution” is booed by delegates at a Convention of a party that portrays itself as it’s only defender (simply because they hate the man speaking it), was as revealing to what the Trump phenomena is all about as anything else you could ever demand in terms of a sign.

It’s time to get sober because all of this is not some sporting event where you can rah-rah your team, have a beer and go home to bed later drunk and happy.  We’ve been fundamentally transformed, and we have all been played.

Sloganeering Cruz in 2020 is absurd considering you are watching the permanent entrenchment of a Ruling Class oligarchy under the false guise of an everyman outsider businessman who will fix all that ails us. The mobs want a monarchy from both the Left and the populist nationalist right.   Constitutional Conservatives are in exodus and in the wilderness.  You are witness to the death of a party and a Republic by an overwhelming majority of the population that no longer has any reverence or use for the foundational principles and the documents that safeguarded liberty.  They want a king.  It’s all about the man, or the woman, or loyalty to a party instead of once solid principles or values.  The absolute absurd and ridiculous efforts made to justify the egregious and the affronts to those principles demonstrates the total abandonment of the pillars of our liberty by both major parties.

They will claim them, and pay lip service to them, but the fruits are easily discernible to those who have eyes to see and ears to hear.

This is a day to mourn.  Not a day to proclaim a new president, a new savior or caesar for 2020.

A nation has to be re-evangelized to the religious heritage it has discarded and the foundational principles it has abandoned.  A nation has to repent of it’s waywardness.  But the mobs clamoring for Hillary or Trump see no need for such things.  Indeed, even their champions themselves see no need for such humility under God because they see themselves as the means to perfection.  They despise “bible thumpers” and portray anyone suggesting a return to First Principles as religious fanatics who pose a danger to freedom and the separation of church and state.

These nominees reflect the culture and this people.  It’s time to get real about that and stop fooling yourselves that we are a majority, because if we were – the majority has surrendered to ideologies and leaders who are anathema to everything we stood for, replacing them for empty promises of vengeance, walls and punishments to sate their feelings.  And no marvel, for the churches and religious institutions themselves are dwindling in attendance and influence. Government has become god.  Men are made messiahs and saviors.

Cruz has indeed manifested himself as a leader of the kind of Conservatism we still believe in and make us who we are, and he can do well to preach it.  Because until we return to becoming a religious and moral people, we have no hope of having decent leaders, because this people and the mobs will reject them for worse and more heinous wicked ones.  Being deceived and doing the deceiving because they delight in the season of unrighteousness under a sole ruler who is their own authority.

A people have to be won to the principles we once shared before we can give any thought to someone like a Cruz being elected a leader that can administer a nation.

I am not alone in similar sentiment.  Andrew McCarthy shares his views as well:

It’s Not My Party

…..Take away the conservatism, the limited-government constitutionalism, the devotion to liberty, the fiscal discipline, the clear-eyed recognition of America’s enemies, and what are you left with? A Republican party whose only real boast is that it can do statism with more adult moderation than the hard Left that has captured the Democratic party.



Filed under Politics, Trumpism

6 responses to “A Conservative Party No More

  1. F ted Cruz he accepted Obamas invitation to ride on AF 1 to dallas , what a 2 faces POS !!!!!! Cops arte Pissed !!!!!!!!!

  2. kerberos616

    Reblogged this on Kerberos616.

  3. Jay Butternut

    Cruz is no better than the rest of them. His wife works for Goldman Sachs and he did in fact do the plane ride with Oboma and Pelosi. He is done Who we need is the Lone Survivor. A military takeover is our only hope with the rabble we call citizens, A Republic is only for a Christian people and we are sure not that.

  4. It would be much better if all of us would be more polite and civil. When we start demanding people think a certain way, or say what we want them to say, that is dangerous territory. Freedom means allowing others to disagree with you and respecting their right to their own opinions. I personally thought the reaction to Senator Cruz’s speech was overblown. I also thought that he had some very good points. While one may have wanted him to say certain things, given the negative aspect of the primary season, perhaps all of us should be more understanding that it may take time for some of the wounds to heal.

  5. Don

    It would be nice to wait for a conservative to run in the 2020 election. Problem is, Hillary will have done so much damage during her 4 year reign, that it will be too late. I will not take that chance.

  6. invar

    Elections are not going to save us anymore. The Republic has already been fundamentally transformed into a fascist mobocracy.

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