Jimmy Carter Staffer: Begin Killing Conservatives and Republicans


“Republicans and conservatives are the enemy. They are expendable. They will be targets in the Revolution when it comes” – Roland Windsor Vincent – Unhinged Marxist Nutjob and advocate of murder and genocide.

The zeitgeist of the Marxist Left is taking off the masks that reveal that they want a genocide and extermination of people in America that they hate – namely White Conservatives and Christians from the South.

Open calls for violence against Americans who do not march in lockstep with the Reds, homos and Brownshirts for Obama and the Left are escalating at an almost exponential level.   Sometime soon – a lit fuse will hit powder – which is exactly what these vermin Leftist scum want.  The unrelenting agitation from the “Untermensch” is to sow violence and terror and in the the chaos hand the reins over to their masters to put down those they hate with extreme military prejudice.

The Praetorian stormtroopers for the Marxist Dictatorial Regime now ruling us are busy prepping the battlefield and demonizing the Americans that they want the country to applaud the extermination of.

In the wake of the Jihadist shooting in Chattanooga Tennessee yesterday, Andrea Mitchell – the gaunt Goebbelish ghoul on NBC attempted to lead a former classmate of Jihadist Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez into blaming the Islamic murder of 4 American Marines on “Small Town Southern Culture”.

Andrea Mitchell to Chattanooga killer’s HS classmate: Was he into guns, or hunting maybe?

The demonization works in conjunction with radicals who are now urging and advocating the murder and deaths of Conservatives, Christians and anyone they see as an enemy of their Utopian vision in ObamaLand, while at the same time going through pretzel twists of logic to exonerate Islam for any culpability of actual terrorism.

The Narrative of the Left in America is that Southern White Conservatives are Monsters, terrorists, violent and ruinous and they need to be killed for the sake of the Party, the Revolution, the Country, the Planet.  Of course if any White Conservative were to suggest violence, a SWAT team would invariably be deployed to arrest or silence such a person.  But Leftists and Marxists always get a pass when they incite murder, violence and genocide.  Free speech we are told.  But publicly state you consider Homosexuality a sin – then watch your freedom of speech vaporize into the ether.

Some animals are obviously more equal than others in Obama’s Amerika.

All I can say to the fomenters of genocide and mass murder in the name of their Leftist morality: we are waiting for you vermin to make that last mistake.

“SHOOT REPUBLICANS” Says Former Carter Staffer

“Republicans and conservatives are the enemy. They are expendable. They will be targets in the Revolution when it comes” writes Roland Windsor Vincent, in a recent post on his blog, Army Of The Revolution.

The entry, entitled “Protect Animals And The Environment. Shoot Republicans“, centers around animal rights and how “active Republican and conservatives voters are enabling the Animal Holocaust” and “If we were to start shooting Republicans, we would likely not harm a single friend of animals or the environment.”

His article ends with:

I mention Republicans and conservatives, but the enemy is all in the human race who do not care.

In my view, the animals need a massive depopulation of the human race.

It may come in revolution, in climate disasters, in pandemics. But it must come.

The Earth cannot survive the human race, which for all practical purposes is a parasitic life form which annihilates other species, pollutes the air and oceans, and is responsible for climate change and the next mass extinction of hundreds of thousands of species.

If it were up to me, we’d start by eliminating Republicans.

Mr. Roland Vincent is also a contributor to the Greanville Post. In a recent article he wrote on that site, he calls for repealing the 2nd Amendment, while also claiming that he enjoys skeet shooting. Excerpts include:

The Founding Fathers inserted the Second Amendment into the Bill of Rights to assure the ability of the people to resist government tyranny. They were all too familiar with the British monarchy’s oppression of the colonies, and wanted to guard against any future oppression. At the time, muskets were all the governments had to use against the people, and the people having muskets also seemed like a good idea at the time.

To apply that Eighteenth Century standard today, the people would have to have access to nuclear weapons, bombers, and missiles.

Clearly, no one advocates for such weapons in the hands of private citizens. Well, maybe a few lunatic Republicans might, but no one seriously entertains the idea.

So the Second Amendment has outlived its purpose.

The Second Amendment is nothing more than a myth.
A fund-raising tool for the Right.
An excuse for gun manufacturers to profit from the killing of people and animals.
A talking point for Conservatives.
And a safe harbor for criminals, psychopaths, and the delusional rednecks who pretend they are soldiers on the weekends.

It’s time to repeal the Second Amendment.

How he plans on “shooting Republicans” without guns is beyond me, or maybe he just wants the law-abiding disarmed, so the marxist revolutionaries can take them out with illegally acquired firearms.

Ordinarily, such writings would be disregarded as crazed rantings from a fringe kook. But Mr. Roland Vincent has a credible past. In an autobiography that he wrote for the Greanville Post, he touts himself as political strategist, served as a staffer under President Jimmy Carter, was staff for George Wallace, and was a Los Angeles city commissioner alongside then-Mayor Tom Bradley.

In fact, his laments over his political efforts in California, taking blame for the election of Reagan.

In a post he made on Michael Moore’s facebook page, Vincent recalls the days before he was Carter’s deputy campaign manager in California, when he worked on a ballot initiative campaign to limit property taxes. He supported the measure at the time because he felt that tying property taxes to a fluctuating real estate rates unfairly targeted the poor, who often had to sell their homes because they couldn’t pay property tax. But he laments that this set the table for limiting property tax rates nationwide, and somehow is responsible for Reagan winning the 1980 election.

In 1977, Howard Jarvis, the now well known author of California’s Proposition 13 (an initiative constitutional amendment limiting property taxes) had twice failed to get his measure on the ballot and approved by voters. Property taxes in California were tied to assessed value of real estate, and because of a booming real estate market were soaring. They were becoming so burdensome that many fixed income homeowners were actually losing their homes. Local governments were using property tax revenues as huge slush funds for pet projects. The most troublesome aspect of the entire property tax scheme, as far as I was concerned, was that property taxes were the primary method of funding schools. The result of which were wretched schools in poor neighborhoods and well-funded schools wealthy communities.

At the time I was a Commissioner in Mayor Tom Bradley’s administration. I was also the only Democrat holding any kind of office in the entire state who supported Jarvis’ tax limitation proposal. Jarvis was widely considered a political gadfly. He had very little support among Republican Party officials. He had been marginalized by elected Republicans, and his two prior failures weighed heavily on his being taken seriously in the press.

Howard asked me to run the campaign once the initiative qualified for the ballot. I went on to direct the campaign for Prop 13, which narrowly passed in 1978.

Proposition 13 ignited tax reform and tax limitation campaigns across the country, and ushered in the anti-tax climate which propelled Reagan into the presidency in 1980, and continued with the right-wing take-over of Congress in 1982.

In fact, Vincent is so credible, his posts even get picked up by the anarcho-primitivism offshoot of the International Workers of the World site, a well known radical communist union.

Congratulations to Jim Hoft, founder and proprietor of The Gateway Pundit for creating another tool for Americans to track the insane national Fascist Socialist movement that insists it is “progressive” when it is in reality a backwards and genocidal ideology.


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3 responses to “Jimmy Carter Staffer: Begin Killing Conservatives and Republicans

  1. art

    I’m so sick of these demented, demon possessed lefturd Marxist screaming for genocide or certain groups, in part to save mother earth and furry woodland creatures.

    if these mentally Ill communists care so much why aren’t they lining up themselves at gubmint suicide parlors to do their part and take all their afro/lahteeno illegals and urban ghetto psychopaths with them

  2. Anonymous

    Bravo Vincent. We need more like minded people!

  3. invar

    We are waiting for you Genocidal Leftist Scum to make that last mistake. You will rue the moment you even thought about it.

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