ABC News Asserts That Mexican Drug Violence Is Fault of U.S. Constitution

Drug Violence Caused By US Constitution

Yup, you read the headline right. But should any of us that understand that the mainstream media despises the pesky 2nd Amendment as much as the Marxists in government do be surprised?

As life gets more difficult here at home with a slumping economy and a spoiled-rotten entitlement mindset among most Americans, the continuous shredding of the Constitution by everyone from politicians and their propaganda arms of the 4th branch of Government in the media is greeted with yawns.

So when the mainstream media goes to the extremes of propagandizing the big lies against our very foundations in blaming the woes and miseries of the third world cesspools on our own foundational documents – they must perceive that doing away with that pesky document altogether within the realm of possibility.

In the very least, they are conditioning the American people to accept the severe regulation or abolishment of the 2nd Amendment. With the SCOTUS opinion on the DC vs Heller case regarding the ability of states to regulate the 2nd Amendment to be handed down anytime, isn’t it convenient that yet another media expose in blaming that pesky Constitutional Amendment again rears it’s head?

Warner Todd Huston at Newbusters has a good opinion about ABC News blaming the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution for the latest round of cartel drug violence in Mexico this latest round of media propaganda.

ABC News: Mexican Drug Violence U.S. Constitution’s Fault

By Warner Todd Huston

True to the liberal penchant for blaming every ill in the world on the USA, ABC News has produced a “report” claiming that the increasing number of guns and drug cartel violence in Mexico is all the fault of… the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. That’s right, it isn’t the drug dealers and killers in Mexico that are at fault, it’s James Madison and the Founding Father’s fault! Now, before you imagine that I am employing hyperbole in my introduction, just look at the title of their piece: “U.S. Guns Arming Mexican Drug Gangs; Second Amendment to Blame?

ABC wrote that “U.S. gun stores and gun shows are the source of more than 90 percent of the weapons being used by Mexico’s ruthless drug cartels,” but then noted that “It’s virtually impossible to buy a firearm in Mexico as a private citizen.” To anyone really thinking about it, this fact sort of confirms the pro-gun bromide that “if you make owning a gun a crime, only criminals will have guns,” doesn’t it?

Regardless, ABC allows the Mexican attorney general to present Mexican criminality as the fault of the U.S. Constitution.

Mexico’s strict gun laws are being subverted by the easy availability of weapons in the U.S., the Mexican attorney general, Eduardo Medina-Mora Icaza, told ABC News. “The Second Amendment,” said the attorney general, “is certainly not designed to arm and give fire power to organized crime abroad.”

If that same Mexican government wasn’t so rife with corruption, weakness and crime, our laws here wouldn’t be such a problem for them there. Here is the thing, if Mexicans had the same God-given right to self-defense as Americans, all their guns would be purchased right at home. But, Constitutional right or no, the same violence would be happening in Mexico as the violence is not the fault of gun laws. It is the fault of Mexican corruption and drugs.

Further, the Mexican drug cartels are powerful and flush with money. If they really wanted guns and the USA didn’t offer an easy mark to obtain them, they’d merely go elsewhere. Certainly we should try harder to assure that our Constitutional rights don’t interfere with the laws of a neighboring nation, but to assume we are the sole cause of their ills is poppycock.

Naturally the ABC piece bandies around the term “high-powered assault weapons” as if it were a meaningful phrase instead of a kitchy and misleading term as used by anti-gun advocates, but the piece is also misleading with its claim of “cop killer” bullets in the newly popular Belgian-made pistol dubbed by Mexican gangs as the “mata policia.” ABC reports the power of the Belgian FN pistol as if its round was especially powerful and is perhaps a new and rising threat to standard police bullet proof vests. However, this is misleading in the fact that the “mata policia” isn’t any more dangerous than most rifle rounds, including the 7.62×25 round of many handguns made in Eastern Europe and China. In other words, its popularity isn’t because it is more dangerous than any other weapons, but as much out of a sort of fad as anything.

Additionally, the ABC piece also slings around the name “AK47” quite a lot. Where this is misleading is that the AK47s sold in the USA are not automatic weapons. They are not machine guns. Yet the ABC piece leads the reader into imagining that they might be. If machine guns are being used by Mexican gangs they are certainly not coming from the United States because machine guns such as the proper AK47 are illegal here.

But a telling item came from ABC’s first posting of this story on-line. Here was one of their original paragraphs:

The drug cartels’ weapons of choice include variants of the AK-47, .50-caliber rifles converted to automatic firing capability and a Belgian-made pistol called the “cop killer” or “mata policia” because of its ability to pierce a bulletproof vest.

Yet, hours later the paragraph was altered to read this way:

The drug cartels’ weapons of choice include variants of the AK-47, .50-caliber sniper rifles and a Belgian-made pistol called the “cop killer” or “mata policia” because of its ability to pierce a bulletproof vest.

Notice what’s missing (from my bold in the first version)? You see, you cannot make a civilian style .50 cal. rifle fire in automatic mode.

It should also be noted that the straw-man purchase is already a federal crime. So, if people are buying large lots of guns for someone else, that is already against the law. This is also a matter of our government not enforcing current laws. New laws aren’t needed but we aren’t even enforcing many of the laws we do have on the books already.

But, this whole story also points to a support for something else that doesn’t get mentioned: building the border fence. If we had better border control, we wouldn’t have American guns so easily crossing the boarder to kill the Mexicans that Mexican guns don’t want to kill. Build a fence and we’d certainly make it harder to smuggle guns.

Still, the lawlessness of a neighboring nation is no reason to destroy a Constitutional right here.


Filed under Culture War, Illegal Insurgency, Media Bias

8 responses to “ABC News Asserts That Mexican Drug Violence Is Fault of U.S. Constitution

  1. Pingback: Eric Holder says “Hey lets ban guns” and Pelosi says “Are you nuts?” « The IUSB Vision Weblog

  2. Things we can’t control. The U.S. started the Mexican War about 150 years ago, completely unprovoked… our reading of the 2nd amendment has little to do with how it was envisioned by our founders. These are things that we must live with but must work to change, because if we do nothing, it damages our diplomacy. Here is an instance where we can take a bite-size chunk out of crime in Mexico and the U.S. It is more than a Mexican crisis. We can’t understate this problem because these are our neighbors, and they may quickly turn to enemies because of stories like these. Border control would do much less to stem the flow of guns than imposing harsher gun laws in (at least) the border states.

  3. invar

    The U.S. started the Mexican War about 150 years ago, completely unprovoked…

    Historical revisionist bovine excrement.

    Obviously you must be a product public skool edumacation and a complete ignoramus of history.

    our reading of the 2nd amendment has little to do with how it was envisioned by our founders.

    Care to back up your false claim with facts and quotes from the Founders themselves?

    I got tons of quotes that concur that the birthright to arms was for the purpose of overthrowing and holding at bay – government tyranny or any usurpation of our Rights.

    But of course people like you are not interested in facts – only in pushing your stupid agenda.

    These are things that we must live with but must work to change

    Keep your damn hands off of our Constitution and our Rights! Work to change yourselves – stop working to usurp, circumvent, abolish and regulate OUR RIGHTS!

    Or there is going to be trouble.

    because if we do nothing, it damages our diplomacy.

    Screw “diplomacy”! That’s just code for “surrender”. Our right to arms has NOTHING to do with the corruption and violence in Mexico.

    Here is an instance where we can take a bite-size chunk out of crime in Mexico and the U.S. ,

    No – you can stick that sentiment where the sun does not shine. All you idiots want to do is take a bite out of our Rights. No amount of gun control ever curtailed crime – all it did was make it easier for criminals to prey on the unarmed and helpless and provide tyrannical regimes an easy path to genocide.

    It is more than a Mexican crisis. We can’t understate this problem because these are our neighbors, and they may quickly turn to enemies because of stories like these.

    And that is exactly why we need to remain and stay heavily ARMED. Because we live in an evil and dangerous world that is only repelled by the violent use of force to put down.

    Border control would do much less to stem the flow of guns than imposing harsher gun laws in (at least) the border states.

    Gun laws do nothing to stop the flow of guns to criminals, it only prohibits the law abiding from defending themselves.

    DC and Chicago have the strictest gun laws in the nation – and the highest crime rates.

    Do the math you idiot!

    But you won’t – you are nothing but a stormtrooper for the madness overtaking the nation.

    But if you keep attempting to pave the road to tyanny with all these ‘good intentions’ – you are going to reap a whirlwind.

    We see people like you as an enemy usurper of our rights – your clever arguments do not play here.

  4. Mike

    invar, i am not sure who contributes to this site. I could not find a contact link of anykind or i would have emailed this link. I would like you to follow this link and consider posting it on your site.

    Every American should watch this and KNOW this country was not intended to be a democracy but a republic. Unfourtunately we are on the road to anarchy followed by an Oligarchy. God bless.

  5. tomadan

    It is not a coincidence that gun smugglers come to the United States for these military-style weapons. Guns like these are so easily available in such quantity that they define the civilian gun market in America.

  6. invar


    Perhaps if we enforced our borders, we would not have either problem of illegal Mexicans or the Mexican cartels arming themselves to war on innocents.

    The fact we have guns is not the source of the problem.

    The fact the government refuses to secure our borders IS the problem.

    Besides, we like having firepower on tap for civie use – we may need it one day soon.

  7. We are failing to mention that the high demand side (USA) of drugs in our Country make the supply side (MEXICO) a lucrative marriage.

    Unless the USA desires to stop buying illegal drugs and actually enforce employment regulations for illegal aliens, stop giving away food stamps and medical benefits to illegal aliens —–this Country cannot stop illegals from entering our borders because the DEMAND and the INCENTIVE for them to be here is WORTH THE RISK.

    Saying that you have your guns ready is such a noble thing too. What about the rest of the Country that simply are peace loving American citizens that thought we had a Country that protected it’s citizens?

    Liberals are complete wackjobs and are helping kill this Country.

  8. invar

    The drug problem is on the same level as abortion…
    … spiritual dereliction.

    Perhaps if parents went back to actual parenting, instead of leaving it up to government indoctrination centers, and churches were doing their job, and making disciples instead of providing once a week feel-good entertainment, both problems would shrink to managable levels and not epidemic ones.

    But the failure to secure the border, is the Constitutional failure of the federal government.

    It is by design they keep the border open. They get to put millions of dependents on the welfare rolls, which translates to millions on the voter rolls.

    Keeps the poverty pimps in power permanently.

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