Obama’s Feds Will Now Tell Us What We Can Eat, and What We Cannot

FDA food nazis

From healthcare to nutrition – Obama’s Federal Beast will dictate every aspect of your life.  The FDA announced Thursday it is banning trans fats in U.S. food supply.

Like those yummy Cinnabon rolls?

Kiss that deliciousness goodbye.

Use margarine or vegetable shortening?

Kiss it goodbye.

Obama’sFederal Beast Nanny State has issued an FDA agency ban on trans fats in the USA food supply.  What that means is all commercial sales of trans fats will now be eliminated in both direct sales, and it’s use in food.Anyone who wants to use trans fats in consumer goods will have to petition the agency for a regulation allowing it, and that would likely not be approved.

So when exactly was any of that put to a vote?  Who decides what can be banned in terms of what we might want to fry our potatoes in? Who decided we could not use a basic ingredient used to make pies crusts?  Who are these unelected ‘czars’ in the FDA who just decide to BAN something  – ‘for our own good’????

Isn’t Communism grand?  In the name of Your Health – the Federal Beast is going to BAN something you may choose to use in your cooking.  The same group of Communist nitwits that banned the use of coconut oil in movie popcorn; Center for Science in the Public Interest were the key agitators to get the ban enacted.

Don’t you just feel so safe knowing that the federal beast has the power to determine what you may or may not eat?

That Obama’s feds will now tell us what we can eat and what we cannot, will be applauded and cheered by the seig-heiling dupes who have no clue what the Beast will come after next.

Just wait until some agency of the Beast decides that for the safety of our mental health – that sales of the bible shall be banned.

Don’t laugh.  There are people in positions of power advocating that exact thing.  Now that precedents are set that a federal agency can ‘ban’ food they determine is not good for our health – what is to stop the same argument made for ‘mental health’?  Think that could never happen here?

Then you have not a clue what is actually happening or who the people are that are running the Federal Beast.


Alexes Garcia


 snip –
The FDA announced Thursday it will require the food industry to gradually phase out artificial trans fats, saying they are a threat to people’s health. Commissioner Margaret Hamburg said the move could prevent 20,000 heart attacks and 7,000 deaths each year.
..The FDA announced Thursday it will require the food industry to gradually phase out artificial trans fats, saying they are a threat to people’s health. Commissioner Margaret Hamburg said the move could prevent 20,000 heart attacks and 7,000 deaths each year.


Filed under Obama Marxist Tyranny

2 responses to “Obama’s Feds Will Now Tell Us What We Can Eat, and What We Cannot

  1. Musashi

    I hate what we have become.

  2. Maybe there’s a bright side…This will leave us healthier and fit in order to tie the many nooses we will need to purge ourselves of this arrogant, tyrannical, cancerous form of governance.

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