Category Archives: Obama Marxist Tyranny

The Collective Mindset Had Triumphed Over Individualism


America has devolved into the mindset of Statism – either neo-Fascist Nationalist Populism or neo-Socialist Marxism.  The Body Politick divided and insistent that the other ideology will destroy the country, ignoring the fact that both purveying ideologies are Collectivists.

The following essay written by a good friend in the Liberty Movement has captured the core of the argument between Trump Republicans and the Obama/Hillary Democrats.  While many are arguing for Collectivism, the Natural Rights Movement is attempting to reacquaint an ignorant people of the discarded construct of Individualism.

Individualism in Early America

This comment appeared on a FB thread post:

I read on Facebook a lot of empty bravado calling anyone who isn’t a Trump supporter a whiney sore loser or “cry baby liberal pansy” or worse. I don’t think these types of self-satisfied people are prepared for the pushback taking place. When people see their very idea of Democracy threatened it awakens something. We will allow a plutocracy to prevail and push women & minorities back to the 50s over our cold. dead. bodies.

Noam Chomsky: With Trump Election, We Are Now Facing Threats to the Survival of the Human Species

These guys, along with “Democracy Now” are nothing but a bunch of Collectivists who are perfectly fine with tyranny — tyranny is what Collectivism breeds.

Where were their criticisms of the Obama administration when it bailed out the massive banking corporations in the exact manner as did the Bush administration?

Where is their criticism of the Obama administration when he signed the NDAA of 2012 which legalized rendition?

Where is their criticism of the Obama administration which also just declared CBD to be “non-medicinal” and now a schedule 1 drug?

Why are seemingly intelligent people championing such anti-liberty actions of Collectivists on “both sides” of the false political paradigm?

Why worry about what Trump *might* do when these Collectivists have no regard for all the evils of past administrations?

This all just seems like total insanity to me. After all, it’s the Hillary supporters who had been rioting and destroying the private property of other individuals.

I cannot take anything these Collectivists have to say seriously due to their blatant hypocrisy.

I find it very sad that the masses continue to worship the STATE rather than stand up against such tyranny.

Philosophy – Natural Rights Coalition

In today’s society, totally ignorant of the history of such philosophy breeds comments such as:

Can you give an example when your vision on non-“collectivism” has been implemented?

…Even if I could give such examples of how the Philosophy of Individualism has been implemented at the founding of America’s Civil Law through the honoring and protection of our Natural Rights, it wouldn’t justify the hypocrisy these collectivists exemplify in only criticizing one side of the partisan duopoly for such violations of our Natural Rights.

Please don’t misunderstand, I am equally as critical of so called “Conservatives” when they act likewise hypocritical.

My point is that the masses continue to listen to hypocritical collectivists who are deceiving them into believing that only the other so called “side” of the false political “left-right” dichotomy is tyrannical.  Call them fascists or socialists, they are all collectivists.  And by definition of their chosen philosophy, they do not honor the unalienable Natural Rights of the individual.

The Philosophy of Individualism has been implemented in America’s Civil Law from the onset, albeit imperfectly — certainly, slavery in America was hypocritical to our founding documents.  However, it should also be noted that pre-Civil War America’s slavery population was ~13%.  Compare that to the present situation whereby nearly everyone has become “wage” slaves of the STATE.  It’s supposed to be the other way around.  the STATE is supposed to be our servant.

Natural Rights principles are what our entire founding documents were created upon.  They are what Jefferson penned as being “self-evident” in the Declaration of Independence.

Examples of Individualism in America’s onset include:

• Natural Right of health care freedom:

the STATE didn’t violate or engage in the private free market of medical care and medicine (i.e.: the STATE waged no selective drug wars, so people were free to choose drug remedies by their own free will); the STATE didn’t force out of business or out of the country medical scientists who provided remedies that had a proven track record of success for people’s ailments; the STATE didn’t mandate uncontrolled dosing of the masses through their water supplies of chemicals proven to be toxic; etc…

• Innocence until proven guilty:

the STATE used to honor this principle, yet there are a myriad of instances where individuals are treated as guilty until proven innocent; tyrannical acts such as rendition were not practiced by the STATE (while rendition had been likely practiced illegally by previous administrations for perhaps decades, it has only been recently legalized by the most recent administration as previously noted).

• Natural Right of property & privacy:

there was never originally a so called “income” tax in America; the founders mandated such direct taxes to be illegal, for it was self-evident that every individual had the right to the fruit of his/her own labor AND the right to keep one’s personal affairs private; the STATE didn’t engage in “civil asset forfeiture”; the STATE didn’t engage in massive general spying on its citizens; the STATE never prohibited gardening or farming on one’s own property.

• Natural Right to self-defense:

the STATE didn’t violate violate one’s Natural Right of self-defense by prohibiting or interfering with individual armament (in fact, it was militias of individuals who volunteered to fight in the Revolutionary War in order to maintain this paramount Natural Right… now, such collectivists I criticize desire to entirely disarm Americans who have not violated the Natural Rights of others, thus another example of guilty until proven innocent).

• Natural Right to free market commerce and private contract:

the STATE didn’t initially control or manipulate currency, nor did it infringe upon free market commerce; private individuals were free to engage — or NOT engage — in their private business with others according to their own free will and without ANY STATE intervention whatsoever; business licenses didn’t initially exist because it was self-evident that individuals have the Natural Right to profit and therefore survive; marriage licenses didn’t originally exist — marriage is not only a private matter, but also one of CHURCH rather than STATE… remember “separation of CHURCH & STATE”?  😉

[noteworthy: a “license” or “permit” means that the STATE is asserting it’s authority over the individual — as “master” — giving the license/permit bearer *permission* to do something that the individual doesn’t have the Natural Right to already do.]

We could go on about how far more tyrannical America has become since its Individualistic leaning onset, resultant of embracing Collectivist principles.  But basically, if one wasn’t violating the Natural Rights of anyone else, the STATE at most all levels didn’t interfere in the private lives of individuals.

… That was the original concept anyway, and I submit that these principles define libertarianism, however, definitely not according to the Libertarian Party.  The LP is largely divided by libertarians, and anarchists who call themselves “libertarians”.  There are also anarchists who call themselves “voluntarists” (or some form thereof), no doubt hoping to make their false ideology sound more alluring to the ignorant

However, by contrast libertarians understand that if no one ever violated the Natural Rights of anyone else, there would be no need for government at all, and therefore, anarchy could actually work.  We also realize that this is a fantasy.

We who live in the real world of human society, and are of sound mind, acknowledge that some people will always violate the Natural Rights of others.  Therefore, limited government having the primary if not sole function of protecting the Natural Rights of ALL individuals is necessary for a society whose goal is to maximize peace, prosperity, and liberty for ALL.

But I have digressed…

Of course, maintaining a libertarian leaning republic didn’t last long.  Government continued to wax corrupted and powerful, thus a new tyranny was born and since fostered by the advance and then mass indoctrination of Collectivist philosophy.

…taking this time to exemplify some of the various ways tyranny has grown in America is helping to encourage me in my goal of fleshing out the website, especially to address various Natural Rights violations by the US Government at all levels and offer practical solutions that end all such violations.

I truly believe that Natural Rights principles, which are all also rooted in the “Golden Rule” shared by many cultures of commoners throughout all of human history, are unifying rather than dividing.  And right now, there is only growing division in “Neo-Amerika”… and that’s not sustainable — Untied We Stand, Divided We Fall.


Filed under Culture War, Obama Marxist Tyranny, Politics, Trumpism

Obama Green-Lights A Race War


BLM Banner

Black power groups warn of more white killings to come while Black Lives Matter – Soros target Conventions for chaos and violence to force martial law and hand Obama another term.

Have you noticed that after every Jihad killing spree Obama preaches that we must be tolerant and advises there should be no backlash against Muslims while scrubbing any reference to Islam?

Have you noticed that after any Black on white violence, there is silence from both the Obama regime and the media while any reference to a black, Muslim or minority is scrubbed?

Have you noticed that if a massacre by a protected minority of the Obama regime is sensational enough they demand tolerance and understanding preaching that retaliatory violence is not the answer?

Have you noticed that after every mass shooting, Obama blames guns, whites and income inequality?

However, have you noticed that after every single police action against blacks, even in the midst of ghetto thugs committing a crime, Obama is up front to blame racism and whites for the “unfair targeting of blacks”?

If you connect the pattern, you can clearly see that Obama has been stoking a race war since he has been in office – pouring volatile gasoline in pools all over the cities in America where matches are already lit.

Yesterday, Obama lit the fuse himself just hours before a madman who said he wanted to kill Whites and especially white police officers shot 11 cops and killed 5 of them.


Today another of Obama’s sons shot three police officers in Bristol, TN

 Highway gunman motivated by police shootings

A man accused of shooting indiscriminately at passing cars and police on a Tennessee highway told investigators he was angry about police violence against African-Americans, authorities said Friday.

One woman died and three others, including one police officer, were injured in the rampage.

Obama has blood on his hands.  He has divided and stoked the nation into a conflict that he himself has green lit.  He has instigated a war on police, and nationalized several local police departments, whereby the White House dictates who and how they uphold the law, and which laws they are allowed to enforce.  Obama has been emptying  federal prisons of convicted drug felons because of their skin color and restoring ex-cons’ right to vote.

Today his Heinous went on his usual condescending, meandering lecture and blamed the assassinations on guns, when the perp himself stated his reasons for killing White cops, was in concert with Obama’s own rants about race and police action involving blacks.  But as is predictable, Obama went on to blame the guns.

“We also know when people are armed with powerful weapons, unfortunately, it makes attacks like these more deadly and more tragic,” he said. “In the days ahead, we will have to consider those realities as well.”

And of course as expected from fellow Alinskyite Hillary Clinton, she too blamed white people on CNN with Wolf Blitzer exclaiming “Too many African- Americans have been killed by police officers….There’s bias and racism in this country against the black community…I call on ‘white people’ to put ourselves in their shoes who have to have the talk about how to protect themselves”.

Out of chaos comes order, and if the promised vendettas and assassinations by black power groups actually happens, Obama will not only push for gun bans via his pen and phone, he will do what all despots do – and target the very people he unleashed his hordes against.


“More Will Be Assassinated In The Coming Days! Do You Like The Work Of Our Assassins? Get Your Own Sniper”


‘Black Power group’ claims responsibility for police killings and warns of more assassinations to come

A Facebook page claiming to represent a black power group has posted messages claiming responsibility for the deaths of five police officers in Dallas.

Five officers were gunned down by at least two shooters who picked out officers from an ‘elevated position’ – believed to be a multi-storey car park.

It came in the week of public outrage over the deaths of two unarmed black men shot by police.

…The so-called Black Power Political Organization claimed on its Facebook account that it was behind the attack and that ‘more assassinations are coming’.

However, authorities in Dallas have not confirmed any political link to the shootings.

Its message – posted in the aftermath of the shootings – said: “‪#‎BlackPower‬! ‪#‎BlackKnights‬! Sniper Assassins Take Down Five Police Officers! And More Will Be Assassinated In The Coming Days!

The account has since been taken down and Facebook confirmed to Mirror Online said the page was removed for violating its standards.

The group has posted dozens of statements on alleged racially-motivated incidents and threatening violent action over at least the several months.

And this is a war make no mistake, whether we would recognize it or not.

Black power groups are busy reaching out to ISIS and militant Jihadists that Obama is flooding the country with from Syria and the Middle East for help against whom they say is a common enemy:


This is just the beginning since Obama green-lit a race war.  Like all Marxists and Communists, a “revolution” does not achieve the desired results without mayhem, bloodshed and violence to get the people to accept draconian measures to “restore law and order”.

The goal for some appears to be to create mayhem and anarchy so that the conventions cannot go forward so that Obama can suspend the elections in November as some BLM members are texting and tweeting among themselves:


And not just the mobs of blacks stoked into a racist fury by race pimps and Obama, but big players are investing in chaos and anarchy in order to bring about their much-desired outcomes.

Democrats to Spend $800,000 to Disrupt GOP Convention

Leftist billionaire George Soros has put at least $12,460,121 into the Black Lives Matter movement and the shadowy radical Leftist network that funds it for one purpose and one purpose only – to destroy the “white” American core of capitalism, free markets, limited government and American traditional culture and values.

At that time the violent disruption of Donald Trump’s rally in Chicago and the subsequent Leftist riot outside the venue, coupled with the threats of violence that caused the cancellation of Ted Cruz campaign activities in Miami, should have put Republicans and conservatives on notice that Obama’s radical transformation of America was not going to end quietly.

Welcome to ‘Fundamental transformation’ Amerika.

It goes downhill from here.


Filed under 2nd Amendment/Gun Rights, Obama Marxist Tyranny, Race War

Rule Of Law? Fuggedaboutit.


Some Animals Are More Equal Than Others in this post-Constitutional American Tyranny we exist in.

Nothing new in the Banana Republic that Obama and both parties have fundamentally transformed us into.

Rule of law? What rule of law?  The Oligarchy is exempt.  The “law” is just for us little people so the high and mighty can sleep secure knowing we are in our place.

“The Law” is now whatever the Ruling Class and their courts say it is – however they massage it, however they decree it to be.

Justice John Roberts rewrote the Affordable Care Act to redefine a “Penalty” to become a “Tax”

He rewrote the Affordable Care Act again to redefine the meaning of “An Exchange Established by the State” to mean “An Exchange Established by the Federal Government”.

Anthony Kennedy “Reads into” the Constitution the right to redefine marriage for 300 million Americans and pisses in the face of 6,000 years of human history and religious law and tradition.

Now, FBI Director James Comey tells us that the law which criminalizes gross negligence of classified material, which underscores the point that government officials have a high obligation to safeguard national defense secrets, now says today that they cannot prosecute Hillary Clinton because she did not INTEND to harm the United States.

It’s all about what the meaning of the word IS, is in this brave new tyranny erected over us, and the United States is making Banana Republics look morally upright and legitimate in comparison.

FBI Rewrites Federal Law to Let Hillary Off the Hook

By Andrew C. McCarthy

There is no way of getting around this: According to Director James Comey (disclosure: a former colleague and longtime friend of mine), Hillary Clinton checked every box required for a felony violation of Section 793(f) of the federal penal code (Title 18): With lawful access to highly classified information she acted with gross negligence in removing and causing it to be removed it from its proper place of custody, and she transmitted it and caused it to be transmitted to others not authorized to have it, in patent violation of her trust. Director Comey even conceded that former Secretary Clinton was “extremely careless” and strongly suggested that her recklessness very likely led to communications (her own and those she corresponded with) being intercepted by foreign intelligence services.

Yet, Director Comey recommended against prosecution of the law violations he clearly found on the ground that there was no intent to harm the United States.

In essence, in order to give Mrs. Clinton a pass, the FBI rewrote the statute, inserting an intent element that Congress did not require. The added intent element, moreover, makes no sense: The point of having a statute that criminalizes gross negligence is to underscore that government officials have a special obligation to safeguard national defense secrets; when they fail to carry out that obligation due to gross negligence, they are guilty of serious wrongdoing. The lack of intent to harm our country is irrelevant. People never intend the bad things that happen due to gross negligence.

I would point out, moreover, that there are other statutes that criminalize unlawfully removing and transmitting highly classified information with intent to harm the United States. Being not guilty (and, indeed, not even accused) of Offense B does not absolve a person of guilt on Offense A, which she has committed.

It is a common tactic of defense lawyers in criminal trials to set up a straw-man for the jury: a crime the defendant has not committed. The idea is that by knocking down a crime the prosecution does not allege and cannot prove, the defense may confuse the jury into believing the defendant is not guilty of the crime charged. Judges generally do not allow such sleight-of-hand because innocence on an uncharged crime is irrelevant to the consideration of the crimes that actually have been charged.

It seems to me that this is what the FBI has done today. It has told the public that because Mrs. Clinton did not have intent to harm the United States we should not prosecute her on a felony that does not require proof of intent to harm the United States. Meanwhile, although there may have been profound harm to national security caused by her grossly negligent mishandling of classified information, we’ve decided she shouldn’t be prosecuted for grossly negligent mishandling of classified information.

I think highly of Jim Comey personally and professionally, but this makes no sense to me.

Finally, I was especially unpersuaded by Director Comey’s claim that no reasonable prosecutor would bring a case based on the evidence uncovered by the FBI. To my mind, a reasonable prosecutor would ask: Why did Congress criminalize the mishandling of classified information through gross negligence? The answer, obviously, is to prevent harm to national security. So then the reasonable prosecutor asks: Was the statute clearly violated, and if yes, is it likely that Mrs. Clinton’s conduct caused harm to national security? If those two questions are answered in the affirmative, I believe many, if not most, reasonable prosecutors would feel obliged to bring the case.


Filed under Corruption on a Grand Scale, Obama Marxist Tyranny

America On The Edge Of Eruption And Chaos


You are living in the midst of the collapse of the American civil society. The Republic is already gone and lost.  What comes next, will astound and horrify everyone who is not given over to strong delusion.

You feel it.  You see it.  You read it.

It’s all beginning to unravel, exactly as designed and intended by those who rule us.  They have knowingly set the myriad  fuses to the powder keg alight and what they now intend, defies your ability to comprehend, even when their plans are hiding in plain sight.

Anger, fear, aggression, intolerance in the name of tolerance, radical zeal for political messiahs, racial strife, gender insanity, cultural calamity, all happening during an ongoing  global economic collapse amidst fundamental transformation of the West that the vast majority of your neighbors and countrymen pretend is not happening, or is not that important to worry about.

The representative Constitutional Republic we were established as, is gone.  Oh some still pay it lip service to it in the halls of power, but just as II Timothy 3 reveals the cultural rot of the last days – so too does America acknowledge the form of a Constitution, but they deny it’s power and application.  The Democrat Party went full Marxist-Communist while the Republican Party fully funded and empowered a Dictatorship of a pen and a phone then went to war against their own constituents in order to have a seat at the table of the new order.

Most Americans have been brainwashed to think we are a democracy, mob rule that can change our foundational underpinnings whenever the mood strikes.  Who needs a First Amendment when society demands safe zones from any speech and biblical religious exercise they hate?  Who needs a Constitution When the Ruling Class and Agitators stoke the masses into demanding rulings, policies and actions be imposed to placate their appetites and stoke their zeal for punishment of those they have been told to hate?

We are openly lectured by a presidential candidate that we should be transformed into a “Socialist Democracy”, of which we already are in all practicality – but many now want to make that official.  Imbecillic morons who leech like parasites off the remaining producers in the country zealously demand the empty promises of Marxists hawking overt Communism and are eager to wage violence to demand it’s implementation in full.

More than half a population that hates the country they live in, demands freebies and entitlements at our expense while abusing the very programs supposedly meant to help them.  They demand more. They insist on more.  Then they insist they be absolved of any responsibility, and others should pay for their delights.   The nation’s economy is already in the early stages of collapse as trillions upon trillions are wasted by dependent slaves like this moron (make sure you see the last 15 seconds after this disgusting display of irresponsibility):

And the rulers demand more people like the above be granted your property and your wealth, because they say it is their right to take your wealth and your stuff because you are the wrong color, the wrong religion and your intolerant bigotry must be met with government-imposed intolerance and punishment.

Eventually and soon – the milk and honey train will come to an abrupt halt as it has in most Socialist utopias like Venezuela.  And just as we saw in Greece and Europe – conflagration and upheaval erupts, violence, bloodshed and the cries for a strong dictator to promise order and a return to a chicken in ever pot and a Smart Phone in every hand ensues.  We are already in this process of collapse, witnessing the complete and catastrophic eruption of rage and revenge that is going to grow more pronounced, more virulent and widespread as the days wane on.


And I have not even mentioned the Caliphate, Jihadist Islam and Iran with nuclear weapons yet.

Monstrous events in such an environment usually trigger the societal powder keg to detonate, and usually the blast is much larger than even the experts suggest it will be.

But if you understand the genocidal game being played by the masterminds, the question of how to eradicate and kill tens of millions of useless eaters that the Ruling Class is convinced will not come along quietly to the new order that fundamental transformation has irrevocably initiated, everything happening suddenly becomes clear.

Then later, in the ruins of misery – the echoes of Bonhoffer and Rand and Satayana will ring in our ears if there is anyone left whose understanding of the world was not limited to TMZ and the Kardashians.


“Upon closer observation, it becomes apparent that every strong upsurge of power in the public sphere, be it of a political or a religious nature, infects a large part of humankind with stupidity. … The power of the one needs the stupidity of the other. The process at work here is not that particular human capacities, for instance, the intellect, suddenly atrophy or fail. Instead, it seems that under the overwhelming impact of rising power, humans are deprived of their inner independence and, more or less consciously, give up establishing an autonomous position toward the emerging circumstances. The fact that the stupid person is often stubborn, must not blind us to the fact that he is not independent. In conversation with him, one virtually feels that one is dealing not at all with him as a person, but with slogans, catchwords, and the like that have taken possession of him. He is under a spell, blinded, misused, and abused in his very being. Having thus become a mindless tool, the stupid person will also be capable of any evil and at the same time incapable of seeing that it is evil. This is where the danger of diabolical misuse lurks, for it is this that can once and for all destroy human beings.” – Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Papers from Prison

A conflagration is imminent. What sets it off – is yet to be seen as there are so many lit fuses flaring up, crackling and sputtering their way to the big keg of black powder that this nation has become.

Ruins, ala Rome is a guaranteed future for us all at this point.


Society is reaching critical mass

By Robert Arvay

There is a limit to how much stress can be put on something before it is finally and irreversibly destroyed.  It goes by several different names.  Critical mass, tipping point, and system overload are but a few.  In each case, the term refers to an event that finally breaks the camel’s back (to use yet another term for the same thing).

Society is not merely reaching its critical mass; it is reaching it so swiftly that predictably, there will be an abrupt and catastrophic breakdown of historic proportions, eclipsing even the fall of the Roman Empire.

This is not hyperbole.  In modern times, humanity has witnessed such catastrophes.  The French Revolution with its resultant Reign of Terror was followed in later years by the Communist Revolution in Russia and even later by the rise of fascism in Germany and Japan.  Each of these events unleashed apocalyptic death and destruction.  Nor were they the end of it.

Today, however, the event is taking place in a form both more subtle and more explosive than ever before.  It is not merely the political, economic, and military structures being overturned, but the very core and foundation of humanity itself: the human psyche.

There is no need to list the examples of that.  The litany of social upheavals eroding family, morals, and education in America and Europe is well known to those who follow such things.  Likewise, the accelerating advance of technology has affected us all in its breathtaking speed.  Beyond that, radical Islamist terrorism has become destructive not merely in terms of its death toll, but also in the fact that it has become the hate that dare not mention its name.

And therein is encapsulated the nature of the catastrophe about to engulf us.  We are faced not with an enemy we cannot defeat, but with one we dare not offend.  Almost literally, we have met the enemy, and he is us.

The modern American fascists do not wave swastika banners; they go to court to force ordinary citizens to (for example) participate in same-sex wedding ceremonies by providing services to them, whether bakery or photography.  Merely to quote the Bible can bring about civil, even in some cases criminal penalties.  Students on college campuses are not free to state their political preference if that preference is Donald Trump.  Why?  Because some of their fellow students feel “threatened.”

The backlash has up until recently been silent.  That is changing.  The Sanders and Trump candidacies are merely the rumblings of a volcano preparing to erupt.  People are fed up.

No one can predict exactly what the spark will be that sets off the powder keg.  All we can say with certainty is that there is a powder keg, and there is a lit fuse.




Filed under Culture War, Obama Marxist Tyranny, Race War

America Doomed To A Fate Worse Than What History’s Lessons Teach


History and human nature display the certain doom for any semblance of an American Representative Republic from ever returning.  Rome’s Fall would be a better fate for us than what is now coming.

“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”  – George Satayana

““When the situation was manageable it was neglected, and now that it is thoroughly out of hand we apply too late the remedies which then might have effected a cure. There is nothing new in the story. It is as old as the sibylline books. It falls into that long, dismal catalogue of the fruitlessness of experience and the confirmed unteachability of mankind. Want of foresight, unwillingness to act when action would be simple and effective, lack of clear thinking, confusion of counsel until the emergency comes, until self-preservation strikes its jarring gong–these are the features which constitute the endless repetition of history.” – Winston Churchill, House of Commons, 2 May 1935

To quote the scriptures to emphasize the point the two men above made if you believe that God is the same yesterday, today and forever:

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I also will reject you from being My priest. Since you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children. – Hosea 4:6

Because America has not only forgotten God and declared His Laws and Ways to be evil, criminal, racist and discriminatory, it has also the notorious distinction that the bulk of it’s citizens and populace totally ignore history and human nature as completely irrelevant to them.  They see no reason to understand history outside of the revisionist pap being taught in every public school about how rotten this nation was at it’s foundation.

They do not care that the Republic has been fundamentally transformed into a despotic tyranny of which they are comfortable.  As long as Breads and Circuses are constantly maintained, it does not matter which emperor the factions clamor for: Caligula or Nero, Trump or Hillary – the end-result is exactly the same: ruins.  Willfully discarded by their own people for the empty promises of hope, change and greatness by those whom intend to rule, rather than govern.

The following essay opines that the best-case scenario for America at this point, is the fate of Rome.


For America, the Fall of the Roman Empire Is the Best Case Scenario

A lot of people, especially Millennials with degrees in Intersectional Climate Change Gender Studies, may not know it, but there is a way to anticipate what’s going to happen in the future. It’s not perfect, but it helps you make educated guesses about what’s next. It’s called “History,” and apparently no one in our ruling class has ever heard of it.

Roman history is especially applicable to America and all of Western civilization. The Romans had a good run, but then their moral, political, and cultural weaknesses grew insurmountable and the empire fell. Not all at once, mind you, but slowly – Rome fell long before the barbarians showed up at the city gates and started looting. Rome was powerful enough that its unworthy inheritors were able to live off the corpse for a few centuries before its enemies finished it off. In fact, Rome today still lives off the past. You go to Rome today primarily to see the ruins, and to shake your head over what the Romans just threw away.

The first phase of Roman civilization was the Republic, with something like a democracy (at least for some people) but with a definite rule of law, formal and especially informal. Noble Romans dedicated their lives to upholding these informal norms and values, the mos maiorum that formed the foundation of their society. The elite had its indulgences, but the expectation of a young noble Roman was that he would be highly educated, that he would serve Rome in its Army, and then move into politics and continue to serve in a series of governmental and diplomatic offices. And, if it came to it, he was expected to die for Rome.

But human nature asserted itself and the Republic became unstable, as factions developed and the mos maiorum was put aside for the sake of expediency. Populist politicians arose and agitated for the rights of regular Romans; the patricians were scandalized and fought back, sometimes killing the populist leaders. Eventually, some cunning Romans figured out that the armies they had been entrusted with were useful for more than crushing Rome’s foreign enemies. Sulla and then Caesar, frustrated by the checks and balances of the Republic – neither of them was a check and balance kind of guy – used their commands to take power. They were emperors in all but name; after the patricians tried one last time to reassert the Republic by getting stabby with Julius, the empire was born.

And thus began a period of glory that was in reality merely a blip in the long trend line downward. With the Republic gone, there was an imperial bureaucracy to take on many of the responsibilities citizens had once personally undertaken. The defense of Rome was outsourced to barbarians, who were allowed into Roman territory but never integrated. That, of course, went poorly. But Republican Rome’s inertia was strong enough to propel the Western empire on for another five centuries before it finally collapsed in exhaustion.

And now our civilization is likewise demonstrating its own shortness of breath, with Europe a few decades ahead of us on the downslope. Europe is utterly exhausted. It believes in nothing – its churches are empty and that hopelessness has translated into a demographic death spiral. Europe does nothing new and merely feeds off of the fading triumphs of the last century. Its politics are frozen in a cycle of failure even as the barbarians it unwisely invited into its midst establish their own internal kingdoms. The elite is no longer composed of citizen-soldier-politicians in the mode of the ancient Roman patricians, or even the modern Winston Churchill. Instead, it is all bland bureaucrats, terrified of losing power and using their regulatory cudgel to squelch the unrest by marginalizing the unsatisfied and outlawing the speech of the uncooperative.

But while the elite obsesses about stomping out “racism” and “sexism” and “cisnormativity,” the real enemy slaughters Europeans at will. But pretty soon the surviving Europeans’ waning survival instinct will kick in and they will notice that Muslim terrorists are not running free in Putin’s Russia. Then they too will reject the chaos of their failing Republic for strongmen, and their course will be set.

Here at home, the left has tossed out our own American mos maiorum, with Obama leading the charge to disregard the norms and customs that he finds far too constricting. Obama is the poster child for the ruling class’s decline. He is poorly educated – internalizing your commie prof’s clichés and lies does not make you educated even if your degree says “Harvard” – and utterly without any personal investment through service to his country (Obama in the military? That’s a laugh. Do they make camo mom pants?). Of course he has no respect for our norms and customs – he does not know anything about them and he has no personal investment in them. He has no business running anything, as he has amply demonstrated during perhaps the most damaging presidency since James Buchannan’s.

Led by pedestrian street agitators like Obama and his equally undistinguished cohort of leftist allies, the left has gleefully chipped at the foundations of our American Republic, not understanding that our society is not static. They cannot disregard the rules and expect the rest of us to keep obeying them. Oh, some try – the GOP establishment’s supine response to Obama can be understood as a desperate gambit to try and preserve the old ways. They hope – without basis – that Obama is merely a blip and that after he flies off into his narcissistic sunset in a gas-guzzling jet things will go back to normal. Their strategy is passive. They want to wait him out.

But the rest of us don’t want to wait and see if that happens. We want to respond. And that’s why we have two very different candidates promoting two very different responses. We have Ted Cruz, who is promoting radical action to return to the American Republic, with a focus on the Constitution. He is the true American mos maiorum candidate.

And then we have Donald Trump, who cares nothing for norms and customs and embraces raw power much as Obama and the left do, only he promises to protect the interests of a different constituency. He’s a would-be Caesarean strongman/savior, though to analogize him further to Julius Caesar is to insult the concept of analogies. Trump is a vulgar fool milking phony populism for power, best understood as a particularly tacky Graachi. Unlike them, Trump is both ignorant and a coward, but like them, if he does get elected president, he will be cut off at the knees by the patricians of the establishment.

Hillary Clinton is an even more anti-Republic candidate. Like Trump and Obama, she cares nothing for anything but power. Another sub-par mind trading off her degrees from a half century ago, this unaccomplished, bitter harridan lacks the wisdom to chart a course that avoids aggravating our society’s already gaping wounds. Instead, she’ll pour salt into them for no reason other than her own delight at asserting power, gleefully poking at normals with initiatives like forcing women to accept men into their bathrooms and trying to disarm the law-abiding. Inevitably, she will be stunned when she finds her actions greeted by a reaction she cannot control, and the American Republic will disappear as her rule by power is replaced by her opponents’ rule by power. Oh, we may get a good emperor or two along the way, but history tells us how this story ends.

Someday, after the gloom of the next Dark Age clears, some tourist from a society that has rediscovered liberty will look at the ruins of the Capitol and shake his head at the fools who did not realize what they were throwing away.


Filed under History, Obama Marxist Tyranny, Politics

One Pic Sums Up Obama’s Entire Presidency


My only comment:




Filed under Obama Marxist Tyranny

Republic Lost


“A Constitution of Government once changed from Freedom, can never be restored. Liberty once lost is lost forever. When the People once surrender their share in the Legislature, and their Right of defending the Limitations upon the Government, and of resisting every Encroachment upon them, they can never regain it”. – John Adams

The deliberations of the Constitutional Convention of 1787 were held in strict secrecy. Consequently, anxious citizens gathered outside Independence Hall when the proceedings ended in order to learn what had been produced behind closed doors. The answer was provided immediately. A Mrs. Powel of Philadelphia asked Benjamin Franklin, “Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?” With no hesitation whatsoever, Franklin responded, “A republic, if you can keep it.”

Well, we lost the Republic.  It’s gone.   And this people lie to themselves and pretend that a Republic still governs us simply because they can cast a ballot, buy food with an EBT card and have funds available to purchase beer and porn.  They embrace nearly all vestiges of Socialism, Marxism and every other ill ISM that those bastard parents created and call it ‘fairness’ and ‘equality’.  We are governed by an elite cadre of Oligarchs that have taken over both major political parties and orchestrated a velvet coup that most Americans to this very moment, are clueless occurred.

We’re done.  The Grand Experiment was surrendered and squandered for the promise of free crap from the pockets of those we are jealous and envious of.

Government has become god.

And this people, slaves.

Willing slaves.  As long as they get their handout.

The following essay from Christopher Taylor.


I’ve written and said in several places and times that our Republic is dead.  This sounds pretty radical to people and I get looks of sad contempt and dismissal like old Christopher that opinionated jerk has gone too far, the poor dear.  Its the kind of response you give old people when they say something terribly unfashionable and out of date, a sort of kindly dismissal and mockery.

So I thought I’d make my case here and let people decide.

The quote at the top is what Benjamin Franklin gave when he was asked what the revolution and constitutional convention has given the people of America.  Franklin, like all of the founding fathers, knew that this experiment was fragile and prone to destruction.  They knew that without constant vigilance, virtue, and vitalization, the republic was doomed.

We’ve left all that behind.  When, exactly, is a matter of some debate, but for me the last desperate, slim glimmer of a hope was November 2012 when President Obama was reelected.  When doesn’t really matter so much as how and why.


Over and over, the founders warned future generations and their people that unless the nation clung to certain specific principles, it would lose liberty and everything they’d fought for.  Chief among these was virtue.

“We have no government armed in power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Our Constitution was made only for a religious and moral people. It is wholly inadequate for the government of any other.” -John Adams

“Bad men cannot make good citizens. It is when a people forget God that tyrants forge their chains. A vitiated state of morals, a corrupted public conscience, is incompatible with freedom. No free government, or the blessings of liberty, can be preserved to any people but by a firm adherence to justice, moderation, temperance, frugality, and virtue; and by a frequent recurrence to fundamental principles.” -Patrick Henry

“Dependence begets subservience and venality, suffocates the germ of virtue, and prepares fit tools for the deigns of ambition.” -Thomas Jefferson

“A general dissolution of the principles and manners will more surely overthrow the liberties of America than the whole force of the common enemy…. While the people are virtuous they cannot be subdued; but once they lose their virtue, they will be ready to surrender their liberties to the first external or internal invader…. If virtue and knowledge are diffused among the people, they will never be enslaved. This will be their great security.” -Samuel Adams

“Reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principles”. -George Washington

In short, a nation which is not guided by strong ethical principles based upon an objective, absolute standard, will be blown about like a rudderless, anchorless ship in a storm.  And a people who have no virtue will not consider the future or greater rewards and concepts, but only their immediate personal gain.

“We have forgotten that he who will not answer to the rudder will answer to the rocks” -Mortimer Adler


“The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.” -Thomas Jefferson

Such a people will, as the founders warned, stop voting for what is right and good, but for what is handy and valuable to them personally and directly.  As Sir Alex Fraser Tytle noted:

A democracy… can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largess from the public treasury. From that time on the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury, with the results that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship.

To put it simply, people will start voting themselves goodies at the expense of liberty, the future, economics, and personal well being.  As soon as a republic crosses that line, it ends.  And we’ve crossed that line.

The problem too many people develop is a sort of blindness.  They know at some level it isn’t true, but begin to convince themselves that if only the right sort of people get into office, they can fix everything, or at least slow the disaster.  But the United States is a democratic republic, so that means we elect representatives by popular vote to govern in our place.

And in that kind of system, we get the people who reflect and represent the culture and people of the nation at large.  Once a nation loses its virtue and direction, it votes for people just like that.  We get venal, corrupt, selfish leaders without integrity, honor, or virtue because we have become a nation of people with these characteristics.  They represent us in more than simply policy decisions; they represent us as people as well.


Even if, by some chance or act of God, some leader is elected who differs from this pattern, they are powerless and shunned.  The politician now who is constitutionally responsible, has integrity, honor, and seeks liberty and future benefit for the nation over immediate comfort and gain is the outcast who will not play by the rules.  They are the trouble maker, the rebel, the crazy guy who won’t shut up.

Imagine, if you will, some miraculous scenario where all three branches of government were somehow filled with your perfect ideal of a conservative servant of the people and the constitution.  That sounds wonderful, right?

Now imagine what happens once they are sworn into office.  That very second, the news media, popular culture, academia, and out-of-power Democrats begin to bombard every conceivable outlet from social media to film, TV, radio, newspaper, books, personal conversation, and more with the same message. Monsters.  Tyrants.  Horrific.  Racist.  Sexist. Homophobic.  Islamophobic.  Theocrats.  Extremist.  Draconian.  They hate the elderly, children, handicapped, transexuals, minorities, women, on and on.  They support rape.  They support slavery.  They’re trying to put you back in chains.  They burn crosses.  They’ll drag you in chains behind their pickup truck.

Every single policy position, every single vote, every single action would be met with carefully orchestrated, filmed, and broadcast rallies and protests.  The pre-printed signs would be handed out, the paper-machet giant heads would be constructed, the streets closed off so that the “people” hired by groups like International A.N.S.W.E.R. can “spontaneously” take to the streets.

Every news broadcast would be filled with sad little faces and woeful stories of how horrific this bill is that hasn’t even taken effect and how its causing their puppy to starve.  Every hit song would be about how horrible things are on the streets filled with starvation, misery, and death.  Simply returning to how things were ten years ago would be depicted as Jim Crow times ten, packed with uninsured people dying on the streets.

And the people of the United States, bombarded with this in overwhelming fashion, would vote these people out in the next possible election, replacing them with radicals who would not only reverse what the Conservative Majority did, but go even further in the name of social justice and righting past wrongs.  They’d use this chance and the momentum to go even further than ever before.

Who wins what office makes no difference.  Until the nation undergoes a tremendous shift at the basic, cultural level, elections will only pour more of the same on this country and every new election makes matters worse.  And that cultural shift takes time, not elections.


“Through the Mercy of Fools all Justice is lost.” -Rabbi Nachmanides

We’re at a point in this nation where the Supreme Court has been stuffed with a near-majority of members for whom the constitution is simply a set of words they can use to lever in anything the latest progressive positions hold.  When a court has even a few judges who are utterly disinterested in constitution, wisdom, reason, justice, or sanity, that court ceases to have any validity whatseover.  It has been corrupted to the point of being useless.

Arguments we have to get the right sort of politician in this position or that for The Judges ignores the utter destruction of the constitution and nation that has already been wrought by a supposed judicially sensible majority.  After the utter abortion that was the Kelo vs New London decision, the court followed up with several horrendously decided trash cases which demonstrated that they cannot be trusted with power no matter who they are or what they claim about law.

Will a supreme court justice picked by a corrupt, horrible hag like Hillary Clinton be much worse than even a lying bozo like Donald Trump?  Yes.  But the bad is not a question of ruining the nation, its a question of how fast and in what direction.  Its going that way anyway, its just a matter of how swiftly.


Technically, the USA is still around, of course.  We have the framework, sagging and rotted as it is, of what the country means still in place.  There are the habits of a Republic still here.  Technically we still vote.  In name at least we have representatives in office.  All of it still looks more or less the same.  Its just been gutted, like the shell of an insect that has been burrowed out from within by parasites.

The only direction this nation goes from here on out is away from liberty, away from the founders, away from the great experiment, and toward inevitable failure and tyranny.  There’s only one vector, even if it staggers a bit once in a while.


There’s a phrase some use to describe this attitude: “let it burn.”  Some misunderstand this as a call to destroy the nation.  But its not.  Its a call to step back and give up the fight because its going down either way.  For years now I’ve been telling everyone to focus locally, on family, neighbors, local politics.  Your home, your area, your town.  Because the federal government is a write-off.  There is no fixing it through any elections.

That’s what Let It Burn means; not “revolution!!!” but rather “its already burning and the firefighters know it won’t be saved.”  Let it Burn recognizes that its already on fire.  We’re past the point of preventing it.  We cannot save this Republic, until we get past the hard times ahead and begin the slow, painful process of rebuilding.

I’m sorry.  I don’t like it either.  but that doesn’t make it any less true.  And recognizing this doesn’t make me a crazy old man.  Just a sad one.

“Posterity–you will never know how much it has cost my generation to preserve your freedom. I hope you will make good use of it.” -John Quincy Adams

Sorry, John.  We didn’t.  We gave it a pretty good run for a while, but its over.


Filed under Culture War, Obama Marxist Tyranny

America The Fallen


There is no Paul Revere right now, yet daily we can see the encroachment of the kings’s men upon what remains of those who stand up for liberty.

I find it very telling, that the Federal Beast who rounded up and arrested more patriots yesterday says that those they sent SWAT teams to arrest:

“…recruited, organized, and led hundreds of other followers in using armed force against law enforcement officers in order to thwart the seizure and removal of Cliven Bundy’s cattle from federal public lands…These indictments and subsequent arrests send an irrefutable message to the American people that our determination remains steadfast to protect them and pursue individuals who participate in violent acts of this nature

Oh yeah?  ‘pursue individuals who participate in violent acts of this nature’????? What about these thugs who actually engaged in REAL violence?

Grand Jury Decision Reached In Ferguson Shooting Case

BLM killcops

What about those who looted and burned down Ferguson Missouri?  Shot cops in Baltimore?  Advocated the killings of all law enforcement agents?  No, the key words there are ‘of this nature’ that means any defiance of federal agents imposing tyranny are those they will pursue. Marxist Blackshirts burning down towns and hunting cops in the name of ‘racial justice’ does not rise to that criteria apparently.

These are the very same government tyrants that have looked the other way while the leaders and antagonists of the Black Lives Matter mob that instigated those acts have been invited to the White House and obtained celebrity status.  How many rioters in those mobs doing real violence and damage have been rounded up like the patriots who were actually protesting real government tyranny?  Answer: NONE.

The message from the Feds is clear: Defy us or dare to stand up against what we are doing, and you will be arrested and/or killed. 

How long before bloggers like me and all those who speak out against real lawless tyranny being perpetrated by the rulers that have usurped the Constitutional limits on government, are rounded up or killed by agents of the state?  Given the history of other republics that have fallen into imperial tyrannies led by an oligarchy, my guess is not long.

It is important for all of you to know and understand this lesson from history: you CANNOT stop tyranny via civil means.  No laws, rules or new guards to safeguard our liberties will be regarded by the kind of tyrants and their agencies that now rule us.  The only legitimate authority the government now has, are the guns that their agents WILL put to your head to force compliance.

And for most, as history teaches – they will ignore tyranny and try to keep a low profile so as to avoid the possibility of ending up a hunted undesirable dissident.  And that is how despotism becomes permanent and ends up a genocide against all those that the regime determines are enemies of the state.

I do not know how long Youtube will allow this to remain up before the Feds tell them to take it down, but I urge you to listen to what this patriot says and urges.  His words are truth, and the fact the government has declared what he says to be an act of insurrection ought to tell you that the America you once knew, has fallen.  Tyranny is here.


Filed under 2nd Amendment/Gun Rights, Chrisitan Viewpoint, Obama Marxist Tyranny

It’s 2008 All Over Again


The insane messianic zealotry that made Obama a king for the Left has transposed itself to Donald Trump by a people who will eventually embrace a bloodbath


This year’s election circus has proven to me beyond any shadow of doubt that freedom and the Constitution are as good as dead in this country.

This nation is hopelessly divided between more than half a population that want a Marxist dictatorship and the rest who now want a populist king that they loft all their hopes for change upon.

Details of plans beyond words?  Forget it. You will be told that a good negotiator does not reveal his hand and operates in secret until a deal is made. Ask for specifics, be told amidst angry vitriol that you are traitor who will be killed when the time comes for payback.

Separation of powers? Screw it. We want a king who will impose reparations or build walls by the power of his charisma and give us free shite while punishing anyone who dares oppose them.

Such a people and such a country are not capable of maintaining liberty in any capacity beyond a strong leader they think will do their bidding to impart revenge on the half of the population they hate.

I am clearly beginning to understand that a majority of the American people want a dictatorship or a monarchy, not a Representative Republic that we already lost in a velvet coup 8 years ago.  They want a king so long as he is THEIR KING.

Sadly, as history teaches, such a people shall have it.

Make no mistake – I have no intention of supporting any of the GOP Establishment’s picks for ruler.  They hate Trump and Cruz with a vehemence and they want a crony who will keep their fascist gravy train running without interruption.  I fully expect them to find a way to throw support to Hillary if shenanigans at the GOP Convention does not seat their puppet for them.

I’m more concerned about the national mentality of a people who see Trump as a political savior and their crowbar for revenge. Obama already set that precedent and it seems to me that Trumpians are eager to pick that up and continue running with it.

I want no part of that – but I will continue to give warning about what The Almighty will give them all over to,notably all of their appetites, and they shall be consumed by it.

Angelo Codevilla who is an amazing intellect and analyst has shared his perspective on this circus passing itself off as an election cycle.  This is the man who coined the title that I use often to describe the Establishment in DC as the “Ruling Class”.  He perfectly illustrated the mindset that exists in DC versus the rest of us in ‘flyover country’ – or as he coined us “the Country Class”.   Codevilla has noticed the same exact thing that I have in terms of warning about what will come from a desperate people who loft all their desires upon a man running for the highest office in the land.  Like me, he sees what is going on as simply 2008 all over again.

Before you have a knee-jerk rejection of the title Codevilla used, you should carefully consider the warnings he gives about where this former Constitutional Republic currently sits in terms of reality, and what a zealous mob seeking retribution will cost what is left of our liberties.

Donald Trump Is The Next Barack Obama

The difference between Donald Trump and Barack Obama amounts only to whatever difference may exist between each emperor’s set of cronies.

The Obama years have brought America to the brink of transformation from constitutional republic into an empire ruled by secret deals promulgated by edicts. Civics classes used to teach: “Congress makes the laws, the president carries them out, judges decide controversies, and we citizens may be penalized only by a jury of our peers.”


Nobody believes that anymore, because no part of it has been true for a long time. Barack Obama stopped pretending that it is. During the twentieth century’s second half, both parties and all branches of government made a mockery of the Constitution of 1789. Today’s effective constitution is: “The president can do whatever he wants so long as one-third of the Senate will sustain his vetoes and prevent his conviction upon impeachment.”

Obama has been our first emperor. A Donald Trump presidency, far from reversing the ruling class’s unaccountable hold over American life, would seal it. Because Trump would act as our second emperor, he would render well-nigh impossible our return to republicanism.


Donald Trump Is Everything that Has Ruined Us

Today, nearly all the rules under which we live are made, executed, and adjudicated by agencies such as the Environmental Protection Agency, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, and countless boards and commissions. Congress no longer passes real laws. Instead, it passes broad grants of authority, the substance of the president’s bureaucracy decides in cooperation with interest groups.


Trump’s career and fortune have been as beneficiary in the process by which government grants privileges to some and inflicts burdens on others.

Nancy Pelosi’s remark that we would know Obamacare’s contents only after it passed was true, and applicable to nearly all modern legislation. The courts allow this, pretending that bureaucrats sitting with their chosen friends merely fill in details. Some details! Americans have learned that, as they say in DC, if you are not sitting at one of these tables of power, “you’re on the menu.”


Trump’s claim to be an enemy of rule-by-inside-deal is counterintuitive. His career and fortune have been as participant and beneficiary in the process by which government grants privileges to some and inflicts burdens on others. Crony capitalism is the air he breathes, the only sea in which he swims, his second nature. His recipe for “fixing” America, he tells us, is to appoint “the best people”—he names some of his fellow crony capitalists—to exercise even more unaccountable power and to do so with “unbelievable speed.” He assures us that, this time, it will be to “make America great again.” Peanuts’ Lucy might reply: “This time, for sure!”


Deal-Making Expands Government

In recent years, Obama and the Democratic Party (with the Republican leadership’s constant collusion) have prevented Congress from voting to appropriate funds for individual programs and agencies. They have lumped all government functions into “continuing resolutions” or “omnibus bills.” This has moved the government’s decision-making into back rooms, shielding elected officials from popular scrutiny, relieving them of the responsibility for supporting or opposing what the government does. This has enabled Obama to make whatever deals have pleased him and his Republican cronies.


This has moved the government’s decision-making into back rooms, relieving elected officials of responsibility.

Trump touts his own capacity to make good deals. But good for whom? And who is to say what is good? Who or what causes would benefit from continuing government by secret deals? Who or what would lose? Trump’s stated objective is to wield whatever power might be necessary to accomplish whatever objectives upon which he—in consultation with whomever—might choose from time to time. But the difference between Trump and Obama amounts only to whatever difference may exist between each emperor’s set of cronies.


By contrast, the U.S. Constitution of 1789, as explained by James Madison, envisages a continuous mutual effort at persuasion among the American people’s many parts, to “refine and enlarge the public views” and to result in ”decisions based on the “cool and deliberate sense of the community.” For two centuries, the government’s main decisions have happened through open congressional proceedings and recorded votes. That’s the republic we used to have.


Rule By Will, Not Law

Like Obama, Trump is not about persuading anybody. Both are about firing up their supporters to impose their will on their opponents while insulting them. Throughout history, this style of politics has been the indispensable ingredient for wrecking republics, the “final cause” that transforms free citizens into the subjects of emperors.


Both are about firing up their supporters to impose their will on their opponents while insulting them.

This style of politics has grown, along with a ruling class that rejects the notion that no person may rule another without that person’s consent. As I have shown at length elsewhere, America is now ruled by a uniformly educated class of persons that occupies the commanding heights of bureaucracy, of the judiciary, education, the media, and of large corporations, and that wields political power through the Democratic Party. Its control of access to prestige, power, privilege, and wealth exerts a gravitational pull that has made the Republican Party’s elites into its satellites.

This class’s fatal feature is its belief that ordinary Americans are a lesser intellectual and social breed. Its increasing self-absorption, its growing contempt for whoever won’t bow to it, its dependence for votes on sectors of society whose grievances it stokes, have led it to break the most basic rule of republican life: deeming its opposition illegitimate. The ruling class insists on driving down the throats of its opponents the agendas of each its constituencies and on injuring persons who stand in the way. This has spawned a Newtonian reaction, a hunger, among what may be called the “country class” for returning the favor with interest.


The Cycle of Revenge Rarely Slows

Ordinary Americans have endured being insulted by the ruling class’s favorite epitaphs—racist, sexist, etc., and, above all, stupid; they have had careers and reputations compromised by speaking the wrong word in front of the wrong person; endured dictates from the highest courts in the land that no means yes (King), that public means private (Kelo), that everyone is entitled to make up one’s meaning of life (Casey), but that whoever thinks marriage is exclusively between men and women is a bigot (Obergefell).

Trying to stop the cycle of political payback with another round of it, while not utterly impossible, is well-nigh beyond human capacity.

No wonder, then, that millions of Americans lose respect for a ruling class that disrespects them, that they identify with whomever promises some kind of turnabout against that class, and that they care less and less for the integrity of institutions that fail to protect them.


Trump’s voters expect precisely such turnabout. Within good measure, not only would this right any number of wrongs and restore some balance in our public life, it is also indispensable for impressing upon the ruling class and its constituents that they too have a stake in observing the limits and niceties that are explicit and implicit in our Constitution.


But not only do opposing sets of wrongs not make anything right. As I have argued (Sophocles did it a lot better), trying to stop the cycle of political payback with another round of it, while not utterly impossible, is well-nigh beyond human capacity.

Neither Obama nor Trump seem to know or care that cycles of reciprocal resentment, of insults and injuries paid back with ever more interest and ever less concern for consequences, are the natural fuel of revolutions—easy to start and soon impossible to stop. America’s founders, steeped in history as few of our contemporaries are, were acutely aware of how easily factional enmities deliver free peoples into the hands of emperors. America is already advanced in this vicious cycle. The only possible chance of returning it to republicanism lies in not taking the next turn, and in not following one imperial ruler with another.


Filed under Obama Marxist Tyranny, Politics

When Government Begins Crushing Dissent


A vital history lesson to remember as the Federal Beast in Washington begins to round up political dissenters whom they deem terrorists.

Apologies to Niemoller, but I think it appropriate

First they came for Christian and Conservative 501C3 Applicants.

But I did not speak up because I was not applying for tax exempt status from the IRS

Then they came for business owners that refused to acquiesce and endorse the homosexual agenda

But I did not speak up because I don’t own a business and we shouldn’t judge behavior.

Then they came for those who spoke out against Muslims and Islam.

But I did not speak up because I did not want to be labeled an Islamophobe.

Then they came for those who protested government confiscation of private property

But I did not speak up because I rent and those were just right-wing nut jobs.

By the time they came for me, everyone that was left, applauded or pretended not to notice.

Please read the following essay that contains a lesson of history and how a tyrannical government crushed dissent, and spread a climate of fear to subjugate their people to absolute despotism.  Take note that when a government institutes a climate of fear, neighbors turn on neighbors and families betray one another in the vain hopes they will be left alone or receive lenient treatment.

Recall Jesus warned of this very thing:

“Then they will deliver you to tribulation, and will kill you, and you will be hated by all nations because of My name. At that time many will fall away and will betray one another and hate one another”. – Matthew 24:9-10

Recognize these same things are being employed against those our government has deemed political enemies, to the applause of a majority of those who call themselves Americans.

Aftermath of bombings at the finish line of the Boston Marathon

A Warning To The Feds On Incremental Prosecutions Of The Liberty Movement

At the very onset of what would become the Soviet Empire, Vladimir Lenin decreed the creation of a national internal army called the “Cheka.” The Cheka were handed very broad police powers and tasked with the disruption and elimination of any form of dissent within the communist system. Lenin launched what would later be known as the “Red Terror”, in which nearly every Russian population center had an established Cheka office of operations using surveillance, infiltration, nighttime raids, imprisonment, torture and execution to silence opposition to the authority of the state.

Some of these people were active rebels, some were outspoken political opponents and journalists, others were merely average citizens wrongly accused by neighbors or personal enemies. The Cheka created a society of fear and suspicion in which no one could be trusted and little criticism was spoken above a whisper anywhere, even in one’s own home.

It is important to note, however, that the dominance of the Cheka was established incrementally, not all at once.

Agents of the state began their “cleansing” of the Russian population by targeting specific groups at opportune times and worked their way through the citizenry at an exponential pace. The most intelligent, effective and dangerous activists and rebels were slated for destruction first, as they represented a kind of leadership mechanism by which the rest of the population might be mobilized or inspired. More innocuous organizations (like Christian churches and rural farmers) were persecuted as background noise while the political mop-up was underway.

Through this incrementalism, the communists were able to intern or eradicate vast numbers of potential opponents without the rest of Russians raising objections. The general populace was simply thankful that the eye of the Cheka had not been turned upon them, and as long as it was some other group of people unrelated to their daily life that disappeared in the night, they would keep their heads down and their mouths shut.

I would point out that the communists were very careful and deliberate in ensuring that the actions of the internal police were made valid through law and rationalized as a part of “class struggle.” Such laws were left so open to interpretation that literally any evil committed could later be vindicated. Man-made law is often a more powerful weapon than any gun, tank, plane or missile, because it triggers apathy within the masses. For some strange reason, when corrupt governments legalize their criminality through legislation or executive decree, the citizenry suddenly treats that criminality as legitimate and excusable.

Incremental prosecution and oppression is effective when the establishment wishes to avoid outright confrontation with a population. Attempt to snatch up a million people at one time, and you will have an immediate rebellion on your hands. Snatch up a million people one man at a time, or small groups at a time, and people do not know what to think or how to respond. They determine to hope that the authorities never get to them, that it will stop after a few initial arrests, or they hope that if they censor themselves completely, they will never be noticed.

In fact, corrupt governments issue warrants of arrest for a handful of dissenters and initiate imprisonment in a very public manner in the beginning with the express purpose of making examples and inspiring self censorship in the masses so that the authorities do not have to expend large amounts of resources to fight a more complex rebellion.

I bring up the historic example of the Cheka and incrementalism because a trend is brewing within our current establishment by which I believe a similar (if not more sterilized) brand of oppressive action is being planned against the liberty movement.

After the debacle in Burns, Oregon during the refuge standoff, federal officials immediately began a subtle campaign in the media promoting internal police powers that when examined in an honest light, are truly anti-liberty.

It remains my personal position according to the evidence I have seen that the refuge standoff was likely influenced by at least one if not more federal provocateurs and that Ammon Bundy was “encouraged” in his choice of actions and location by this person or persons. The goal? I can only guess that the intent was to trap the liberty movement in a Catch-22 scenario; either we join the poorly planned and executed standoff on some of the worst defensive ground possible and risk everything on one centralized event, or, we refuse to participate in the strategy and watch helplessly as a group of people, many with good intentions but little tactical sense or training, are arrested or killed. Either we gamble everything on the worst possible terms, or, we avoid the gamble and watch as the entire movement is made to look weak or incompetent by association with a few.

The majority of the movement chose the latter action, rightly I feel. Burns was no Bundy Ranch — everything about it felt rigged. And though there were many angry anonymous voices calling us “sunshine patriots” and “keyboard warriors” because we would not participate, apparently none of those loud mouths ever showed up in Burns either, so I am assuming they finally saw the wisdom in our decision.

It would seem as though the feds did not get exactly what they wanted out of the refuge standoff, but they have decided to squeeze as much advantage out of the event as possible.

Cliven Bundy was arrested after arriving by plane in Portland, Oregon, not on any charges relating to the refuge and his son Ammon, but on charges stemming from the Bundy Ranch standoff of 2014.

These charges include a strange and very broad legal measure relating to “interference with the duties of federal officials.” This in particular should be disconcerting to all of us, for “interference” could be any number of activities.

Any duties of federal officials that are not moral or constitutional should be interfered with in a tactically intelligent manner whenever possible. Such charges are a deliberate anathema to civil disobedience designed to counter immoral actions by government authorities. For any opposition could be deemed “interference” given a twisting of precedence, and thus treated as illegal.

In my recent article “Liberty Activists And ISIS Will Soon Be Treated As Identical Threats,” I examined statements made by the Justice Department’s chief of national security, John Carlin, in an article published by Reuters. Carlin and the Justice Department have made it clear that they intend to apply rules of prosecution used for foreign terrorist organizations to “domestic extremists.” The Oregon standoff was specifically mentioned as an example of such extremism.

Carlin claimed that domestic extremists represent a “clear and present danger,” alluding to the “Clear And Present Danger Doctrine” allowing the government in “times of national crisis” to prosecute almost any citizen giving “material support” to enemies of the state. “Material support” in the past has even included verbal opposition to government policies. Meaning, Carlin is testing the waters of material support laws and such tests may target liberty movement speakers and journalists along with anyone involved in physical opposition. As with the Cheka, no one is really safe.

These charges are also being brought in a retroactive manner, long after the supposed crimes have been committed as we have seen with Cliven Bundy. Meaning, the feds plan to retain warrants and prolong charges, only arresting people later when they think they can get away with it. This is where the incrementalism comes in…

Rumors of further indictments have surfaced possibly including dozens of people involved in the Bundy Ranch standoff. And because of the nature of the incremental game the government is playing, verification is difficult until the arrests are activated.

It has come to my attention from personal sources that there may be a lot of truth to the rumors of pending or retroactive indictments, and that the FBI in particular may be biding its time and waiting to bring charges when particular people are at their most vulnerable and when the movement is less likely to react. These sources have indicated that the federal government is seeking to work around the public relations problems of standoff scenarios like Ruby Ridge, Waco, and Bundy Ranch. The feds may claim that they have “seen the light” in terms of avoiding outright mass murder, but I believe they have just found a better way to sneak past public opinion.

If they can manipulate the liberty movement into participation in poorly planned standoffs like Burns, Oregon, they will. Such standoffs are doomed from their inception and can even be controlled from within by agents provocateur. They are not a real threat.

If a standoff occurs organically, as it did at Bundy Ranch in Nevada, and public support is on the side of the liberty movement, then the establishment will simply back off and pluck activists from their homes or at the airport months later.

It is incumbent upon me to offer a warning to federal agencies in the event that incremental prosecution of liberty activists is truly a strategy they are planning to carry out: It is the general consensus of many in the liberty movement that ANY further arrests predicated on activism at Bundy Ranch or similar opposition events in the past to Bureau Of Land Management abuses of power will result in further and expanded engagements by activists. That is to say, such arrests and indictments will not be allowed to continue.

This is not a threat, this is fair warning to government agencies that they are walking a razor’s edge. Incremental prosecutions and dismantling of the liberty movement will not be tolerated; they represent a non-negotiable line in the sand. The feds may or may not care what the consequences will be for crossing this line. They may even think they want such consequences. Regardless, consequences there will be.

While the refuge occupiers essentially handed their heads to the feds on a platter, and the movement was not able to salvage the situation in any viable manner, this does not mean that liberty activists will not take measures during future events depending on the circumstances. Federal agencies may be quick to forget the massive response at Bundy Ranch. This is a mistake. They should probably expect a similar response, if not a more aggressive one, if further arrests are undertaken.

With the ethereal nature of criminal charges like “material support” or “interference with federal officials,” due process becomes a bit of joke. You see, federal agents and agencies, you have to take into account the reality that the liberty movement is well aware of the government push to remove due process altogether. With the AUMF and the NDAA, among other executive actions, we realize that the friendly mask of due process is worn by government today, but not necessarily tomorrow.

If the movement gives ground and does nothing while dozens or more are retroactively imprisoned one case at a time for opposing federal abuse, then how long will it be before the rest of us are imprisoned on even broader charges? How long before the mask comes off and the rendition and indefinite detention provisions of the AUMF and the NDAA come into play? Do you really expect the movement to put faith in due process given the circumstances? Of course you do not.

I would venture to guess that the feds think that any opposition that does arise during the execution of warrants against liberty activists will be “easily managed.” This would be a mistake.

We have seen this all before in the passive sublimation of past societies. We recognize the signs of trespasses to come. And if such trespasses are brought upon the liberty movement or the population at large, then many of us will adopt the attitude that there is not much left to lose.

Personally, I do not look forward to this kind of fight, but I have no illusions that it can be avoided given the course our country has taken. Federal agencies have deemed it a matter of national security to watch us all very closely. They should keep in mind, though, that we are also watching them.


Filed under 2nd Amendment/Gun Rights, Obama Marxist Tyranny