The Obama Administration Is A Trojan Horse for Jihadist Islam and Enemies of America

Barrack Hussein The Obama is a nothing less than a Manchurian candidate for America’s most devout and deadly enemies.


Let’s play connect-the-dots.

After the Jihad attack at Fort Hood by Nidal Hasan, Obama’s Administration and the media went immediately to work to squelch the fact that Nidal was a Jihadist committing an act of terrorism. Almost immediately, the FBI was dismissing the attack as “not terror related” while the media went into overdrive to conceal, under report the facts about Nidal’s actions and even make excuses for it.  Later of course the media did backflips along with Obama’s own Justice Department to conceal Hasan’s ties to Jihad groups and his military service red flags before his wanton attack on fellow unarmed military personnel.  Obama that afternoon was quick to insist of the American people not to: ” jump to conclusions”.   What a contrast to the same man who within hours of the killing of abortion doctor George Tiller, ordered his Administration to send Federal Marshals and National Guard units to protect abortion clinics after his cronies were instant in declaring the killing of the doctor as “terrorism”.  

What has Obama done to protect U.S. military bases in the wake of the Jihad terrorist attack?

Nothing.  No alerts.  No guards being sent.  He and his propaganda machine continue to insist that it was not Islamic terrorism, but racism or anti-war pressure, or stress that brought a self-admitted Islamic Extremist to do Jihad on Americans at Fort Hood.  Obama’s Patriarch, Mob Boss Mayor Richard Daley even surmised in a fit of illustrative stupidity – “It’s the evil gun’s fault”.

Of course Obama’s Department of Homeland Security Idiot Janet Napalitano went immediately on the offensive to pre-emptively denounce any “Muslim backlash” – insinuating that even calling Hasan a Jihadist or Islamic Extremist was ‘racism’.  Funny that, coming from the same Marxist ideologue who released the April 2009 DHS Terror Assessment report that pre-emptively named Right Wing Christians, anti-abortion activists, gun owners, returning vets and Constitutionalists as “Extremists” and “Terrorists“.

Even now, Obama is stonewalling Congress’ inquiry into the failures that permitted Nidal Hasan to remain at his post WITH a promotion, even after the Army knew he was in contact with Al Qaeda. Obama is refusing to cooperate with the Congressional Committee’s inquiries for the White House to provide a list of witnesses that ignored or turned a blind eye to the many warnings the Forth Hood Jihadist had made.  Why does Obama stonewall the investigation of this Jihadist?  Perhaps the fact that Nidal Hasan was involved with Obama’s Transition Team might have something to do with it?

How much did Obama know of this Jihadist’s intentions, and when did he know it?  Perhaps that will help explain Obama’s current denials to cooperate with Congress.

I see a pattern with this Obama regime.  A pattern that would, upon consideration of his actions and statements,  indicate that Obama is working as an operative for Islamic Jihadists and America’s Communist enemies.  Rather than working to defend America’s allies, interests and Constitution, Obama and his regime are working daily to dismantle American Security – while providing every avenue and excuse for Islamic Jihadists to continue to wage their war against the West .  

Adding insult to injury of course is the decision by Obama to bring Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and four other top al-Qaeda terrorists to New York City for a civilian trial.  The insanity and absolute outrage of this act alone should convince all Americans that Barrack Hussein The Obama is a nothing less than a Manchurian candidate for America’s most devout and deadly enemies.

Consider a few things not routinely covered by anyone in the State Run Media,  it clearly showcases a disturbing pattern;

Obama is quick to dismiss Jihadists as terrorists, even going so far as to strike the use of the word “terrorism” in conjunction with Islamic extremists, in favor of the more nebulous “man-made disaster” sidestep intended to whitewash what his Muslim brothers are actually doing in their own war against the Christian Capitalist West.  Interestingly, it was the task force that Nidal Hasan himself attended that suggested the lexicon change from “terrorism” to “disaster” Obama has adopted.

Obama is always glowing about Islam in his references – even to the point of always referring to the Koran as “holy” (no such prefix used in reference to the Bible).  Obama can quote the Koran, but rarely quotes the Bible. Obama glows about Islam  while he is silent, dismissive or denouncing of Christianity and Judaism.

He has hosted several dinners on high Muslim holy days and issued several global addresses to Muslim’s worldwide, but said nothing to Christians or Jews on their holy days or made similar video addresses.

Obama’s regime and supporters have made it clear that his enemies are Conservative Americans, America’s Christian and Judaic Heritage and Foundations, Constitutionally protected liberties and restraints on government.  It is no coincidence that Obama’s enemies are also the same targets of Islamic Jihadists.

Obama is going to great lengths to injure our relations with allies and make them vulnerable by abandoning them, while at the same time, excusing, apologizing and embracing avowed enemies. Obama has made it policy to “reach out” to Islam and has appointed devout Muslims to high security posts in the DHS.  Obama personally swore-in Muslim Activist and Syrian-born Kareem Shora to the Homeland Security Advisory Council just days after the Fort Hood massacre.

But Obama does not just stop there.

Here, Obama is adopting terror group Hamas’ demands of expelling Israel from it’s own land and making it official United States Foreign Policy:

US Goal to Expel Jews in ‘Occupied’ Israeli Lands

 A top State Department official spelled out on Tuesday that the goal of the United States in its negotiations in the Middle East is to pressure Israel into expelling Jews from Judea and Samaria in order to “end the occupation that began in 1967.”

William J. Burns, Under Secretary for Political Affairs, said in his address to the Middle East Institute Tuesday that he sees the U.S.mandate as one of “determined leadership” and that American must be straightforward about its intentions. 

Although he made no mention of any demands upon the PA in order to achieve its goal of establishing a new Arab state within Israel’s current borders, Burns was blunt about America’s expectations of Israel.

“We do not accept the legitimacy of continued Israeli settlements; we consider the Israeli offer to restrain settlement activity to be a potentially important step, but it obviously falls short of the continuing Roadmap obligation for a full settlement freeze,” he said.

Further, he said, “We seek to deepen international support for the Palestinian Authority’s impressive plan to build over the next couple years the institutions that a responsible Palestinian state requires. And we also seek progress toward peace between Israel and Syria, and Israel and Lebanon, as part of a broader peace among Israel and all of its neighbors.”

While nearly at the same time, this same buffoon following the directives of his boss, makes an official policy statement in support of a Jihadist regime hell-bent on destroying Israel and the United States (the Great and Little Satans) with the right to have nukes:

U.S. Recognizes Iran’s “Right” to Nukes

U.S. Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs William Burns told the Middle East Institute in Washington on Tuesday that the U.S. recognizes the Iranian regime’s “right” to nuclear power, does not seek regime change and is ready for more talks with Iran.

“We seek a relationship with the Islamic Republic of Iran based upon mutual interest and mutual respect. We do not seek regime change. We have condemned terrorist attacks against Iran. We have recognized Iran’s international right to peaceful nuclear power. With our partners in the international community, we have demonstrated our willingness to take creative confidence-building steps, including our support for the IAEA’s offer of fuel for the Tehran research reactor.”

Coincicence?  Inexperience?  Collective insanity?

I don’t think so.

As with everything from this regime, it’s all deliberate and purposeful – with a clever masquerade that these ‘missteps’ and ‘apologies’ are for a misguided sense of good.

Because Jihadists are allowed to lie to infidels taquiyya – in deliberate fashion if it brings about their destruction or conversion to Islam.

And Obama lies repeatedly and egregiously and always has.

Obama is a Trojan Horse for a Marxists and Jihadists and the enemies of America.


Filed under Obama Marxist Tyranny, War On Jihadists

2 responses to “The Obama Administration Is A Trojan Horse for Jihadist Islam and Enemies of America

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