MarxoFascist Democrat: Assault Weapons Ban “Just The Beginning”


Jan Schakowsky (D-IL), a member of the Democratic Party’s leadership in the House of Representatives, says that plans for an assault weapons ban and private-sales background checks were only the beginning of a broader gun control agenda.

They openly admit it.  It was never just about ‘assault weapons’.  It is about the ability of American citizens to defend themselves.

They are going to keep pushing and pushing and pushing until they achieve the total abolishment of our right to keep and bear arms, Second Amendment be damned.

This coming from the same Communist who said that the goal of ObamaCare was to run health insurance companies out of business.

The Obama Stooge reveals the plan for gun control to Jason Mattera whom she does not recognize as a Conservative journalist who manages to secure the agenda by asking a few pointed questions:


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Filed under Obama Marxist Tyranny

One response to “MarxoFascist Democrat: Assault Weapons Ban “Just The Beginning”

  1. Rob

    Excellent information and thankyou for helping to expose these elitist hypocrites.

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