If You Are Wondering – The Time Has Come


November 30, 2018 · 10:23 pm

The Trump Dumpster Steakhouse

Because a train wreck graphic is too clichéd.

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The Collective Mindset Had Triumphed Over Individualism


America has devolved into the mindset of Statism – either neo-Fascist Nationalist Populism or neo-Socialist Marxism.  The Body Politick divided and insistent that the other ideology will destroy the country, ignoring the fact that both purveying ideologies are Collectivists.

The following essay written by a good friend in the Liberty Movement has captured the core of the argument between Trump Republicans and the Obama/Hillary Democrats.  While many are arguing for Collectivism, the Natural Rights Movement is attempting to reacquaint an ignorant people of the discarded construct of Individualism.

Individualism in Early America

This comment appeared on a FB thread post:

I read on Facebook a lot of empty bravado calling anyone who isn’t a Trump supporter a whiney sore loser or “cry baby liberal pansy” or worse. I don’t think these types of self-satisfied people are prepared for the pushback taking place. When people see their very idea of Democracy threatened it awakens something. We will allow a plutocracy to prevail and push women & minorities back to the 50s over our cold. dead. bodies.

Noam Chomsky: With Trump Election, We Are Now Facing Threats to the Survival of the Human Species

These guys, along with “Democracy Now” are nothing but a bunch of Collectivists who are perfectly fine with tyranny — tyranny is what Collectivism breeds.

Where were their criticisms of the Obama administration when it bailed out the massive banking corporations in the exact manner as did the Bush administration?

Where is their criticism of the Obama administration when he signed the NDAA of 2012 which legalized rendition?

Where is their criticism of the Obama administration which also just declared CBD to be “non-medicinal” and now a schedule 1 drug?

Why are seemingly intelligent people championing such anti-liberty actions of Collectivists on “both sides” of the false political paradigm?

Why worry about what Trump *might* do when these Collectivists have no regard for all the evils of past administrations?

This all just seems like total insanity to me. After all, it’s the Hillary supporters who had been rioting and destroying the private property of other individuals.

I cannot take anything these Collectivists have to say seriously due to their blatant hypocrisy.

I find it very sad that the masses continue to worship the STATE rather than stand up against such tyranny.

Philosophy – Natural Rights Coalition

In today’s society, totally ignorant of the history of such philosophy breeds comments such as:

Can you give an example when your vision on non-“collectivism” has been implemented?

…Even if I could give such examples of how the Philosophy of Individualism has been implemented at the founding of America’s Civil Law through the honoring and protection of our Natural Rights, it wouldn’t justify the hypocrisy these collectivists exemplify in only criticizing one side of the partisan duopoly for such violations of our Natural Rights.

Please don’t misunderstand, I am equally as critical of so called “Conservatives” when they act likewise hypocritical.

My point is that the masses continue to listen to hypocritical collectivists who are deceiving them into believing that only the other so called “side” of the false political “left-right” dichotomy is tyrannical.  Call them fascists or socialists, they are all collectivists.  And by definition of their chosen philosophy, they do not honor the unalienable Natural Rights of the individual.

The Philosophy of Individualism has been implemented in America’s Civil Law from the onset, albeit imperfectly — certainly, slavery in America was hypocritical to our founding documents.  However, it should also be noted that pre-Civil War America’s slavery population was ~13%.  Compare that to the present situation whereby nearly everyone has become “wage” slaves of the STATE.  It’s supposed to be the other way around.  the STATE is supposed to be our servant.

Natural Rights principles are what our entire founding documents were created upon.  They are what Jefferson penned as being “self-evident” in the Declaration of Independence.

Examples of Individualism in America’s onset include:

• Natural Right of health care freedom:

the STATE didn’t violate or engage in the private free market of medical care and medicine (i.e.: the STATE waged no selective drug wars, so people were free to choose drug remedies by their own free will); the STATE didn’t force out of business or out of the country medical scientists who provided remedies that had a proven track record of success for people’s ailments; the STATE didn’t mandate uncontrolled dosing of the masses through their water supplies of chemicals proven to be toxic; etc…

• Innocence until proven guilty:

the STATE used to honor this principle, yet there are a myriad of instances where individuals are treated as guilty until proven innocent; tyrannical acts such as rendition were not practiced by the STATE (while rendition had been likely practiced illegally by previous administrations for perhaps decades, it has only been recently legalized by the most recent administration as previously noted).

• Natural Right of property & privacy:

there was never originally a so called “income” tax in America; the founders mandated such direct taxes to be illegal, for it was self-evident that every individual had the right to the fruit of his/her own labor AND the right to keep one’s personal affairs private; the STATE didn’t engage in “civil asset forfeiture”; the STATE didn’t engage in massive general spying on its citizens; the STATE never prohibited gardening or farming on one’s own property.

• Natural Right to self-defense:

the STATE didn’t violate violate one’s Natural Right of self-defense by prohibiting or interfering with individual armament (in fact, it was militias of individuals who volunteered to fight in the Revolutionary War in order to maintain this paramount Natural Right… now, such collectivists I criticize desire to entirely disarm Americans who have not violated the Natural Rights of others, thus another example of guilty until proven innocent).

• Natural Right to free market commerce and private contract:

the STATE didn’t initially control or manipulate currency, nor did it infringe upon free market commerce; private individuals were free to engage — or NOT engage — in their private business with others according to their own free will and without ANY STATE intervention whatsoever; business licenses didn’t initially exist because it was self-evident that individuals have the Natural Right to profit and therefore survive; marriage licenses didn’t originally exist — marriage is not only a private matter, but also one of CHURCH rather than STATE… remember “separation of CHURCH & STATE”?  😉

[noteworthy: a “license” or “permit” means that the STATE is asserting it’s authority over the individual — as “master” — giving the license/permit bearer *permission* to do something that the individual doesn’t have the Natural Right to already do.]

We could go on about how far more tyrannical America has become since its Individualistic leaning onset, resultant of embracing Collectivist principles.  But basically, if one wasn’t violating the Natural Rights of anyone else, the STATE at most all levels didn’t interfere in the private lives of individuals.

… That was the original concept anyway, and I submit that these principles define libertarianism, however, definitely not according to the Libertarian Party.  The LP is largely divided by libertarians, and anarchists who call themselves “libertarians”.  There are also anarchists who call themselves “voluntarists” (or some form thereof), no doubt hoping to make their false ideology sound more alluring to the ignorant

However, by contrast libertarians understand that if no one ever violated the Natural Rights of anyone else, there would be no need for government at all, and therefore, anarchy could actually work.  We also realize that this is a fantasy.

We who live in the real world of human society, and are of sound mind, acknowledge that some people will always violate the Natural Rights of others.  Therefore, limited government having the primary if not sole function of protecting the Natural Rights of ALL individuals is necessary for a society whose goal is to maximize peace, prosperity, and liberty for ALL.

But I have digressed…

Of course, maintaining a libertarian leaning republic didn’t last long.  Government continued to wax corrupted and powerful, thus a new tyranny was born and since fostered by the advance and then mass indoctrination of Collectivist philosophy.

…taking this time to exemplify some of the various ways tyranny has grown in America is helping to encourage me in my goal of fleshing out the www.NaturalRightsCoalition.com website, especially to address various Natural Rights violations by the US Government at all levels and offer practical solutions that end all such violations.

I truly believe that Natural Rights principles, which are all also rooted in the “Golden Rule” shared by many cultures of commoners throughout all of human history, are unifying rather than dividing.  And right now, there is only growing division in “Neo-Amerika”… and that’s not sustainable — Untied We Stand, Divided We Fall.


Filed under Culture War, Obama Marxist Tyranny, Politics, Trumpism

What Happens To The Reagan/Constitutional Conservative Movement Now?


Refusing to embrace Trump is said will relegate Principled Conservatives to a political wilderness of irrelevance.  What happens to Conservatives without a home?  Does it even have a future?

We’ve spent the last decades watching the Constitutional Conservatism that Reagan branded into the GOP get trod underfoot within the Republican Party via the Establishment leadership.  It should not have surprised us, because that same Dole/Bush liberal Rockefeller Republican opposed Reagan with vehemence in his runs for the presidency – and even after he was in office.  They made it a cause to eradicate it from their party once Reagan left office, because to have listened to the beltway bunch – we are an embarrassment to their party.  There is probably no better definition of this than in Angelo Codevillas excellent essay: America’s Ruling Class and the Perils of Revolution, which if you have not read – I highly invite you to do so.

But today – it is self-evident that the Republican Party we thought was the home of limited government, Constitutional Conservatism, is nothing of the sort.  Since 2012 the leadership made it clear via rules changes that Reagan Conservatives and Originalists were to sit down, shut up and vote the party without having a say in how things are run or what policies and platforms to cherish.   The Leadership under Mitch McConnell even threatened to ‘punch us in the nose’ for daring to primary him with a Tea Party favorite.  They lied to the entire base promising to stop Obama’s Fundamental transformation if we handed them the Senate.  But the polls had barely closed and the Leadership was already giving us the middle finger.   The Ruling Class leadership established themselves as nothing but career collaborators with the Democrats and Conservative efforts to demand the foundations we respect, should be upheld.  But we were rebuffed and their contempt for us laid bare.

The Establishment worked harder to oppose their own base than the unConstitutional affronts of Obama and the Democrats.  Even to the point of empowering and funding his entire agenda.  It was a punch to the gut after a slap in the face and they told us at the beginning of this 2016 election cycle to lie back and enjoy the rape.

In the aftermath of the 2016 Primaries and the debacle of Trump – many Conservatives are now left wondering ‘what happens to the movement now?’.

Does it morph into this Nationalist Populist Fascism Trump and his hordes are preaching?  Does it get folded into Socialism Light under Rience Priebus?  Does it get redefined by Trump into something we would never recognize?   Does it need to depart the GOP and form or work to build a new party?  If so, and a departure is necessary, what then?

What happens to the core principles and foundations that are now apparently a minority within the GOP and the electorate itself?

I may have an answer as to what we might see, because I have seen a very similar thing happen, albeit not politically.

The fallout from Apostasy.

I’ve witnessed a microcosm of what I think is happening to Conservatism within churches in this country.

Now before you discount that and think that church fellowship and politics have nothing in common – understand that for most Constitutional Conservatives – their political cores are a belief system, doctrines of Americanism if you will – that becomes the prism by which they look at everything in society.  Everything.  Not just political campaigns.  But how they live their lives.   Not unlike how some Christians look at the world through the prism of the bible.

If you think that notion is absurd, then you are not a Constitutional Conservative.  You are something else entirely.

I’ve witnessed and/or been part of several large corporate churches having gone apostate on their foundational doctrines to embrace ‘new truth’ (i.e.: homosexual marriage, Chrislam or even changes in basic doctrinal beliefs) all for the sake of ‘getting new people to like us’ and grow the weekly coffer. Often it is done under the pretense of ‘preaching the Gospel’ to the unreached.    In one case, a church simply had individuals in leadership who wanted to force the church to accept heresy as a doctrine or tear the entire church down and remake it into their own image.  Some due to individuals in leadership that hated the church itself for their own personal reasons.

What happened in those experiences I think, is what we are watching take place now with Conservatism and the GOP.  And here is what happens:

During the process of ‘fundamental Transformation’ – the introduction of heretical ‘new truths’ are preached within the church.  Some doctrines declared outdated, un-useful, offensive or just plain wrong. A discussion is started about adopting or morphing other doctrines into their own. Most nod blindly in agreement, because a large number of brethren believe whatever they are told from the pulpit, rather than prove what is true themselves.  However, those who have their nose in scripture are alarmed and upset at the perversions being preached.  The leadership does nothing and actually assists the doctrinal changes begin implemented, often by proof texting the bible to authorize the changes.  So the new doctrines are imposed, incrementally at first – and then full implementation despite the complaints from longtime members who recognize apostasy.

A large number of brethren convince themselves that they can change the church from within, and work to rectify the growing discord and contentions with the elders and pastors.  Often they are placated with meaningless promises of involvement in church board decisions, or their suggestions and complaints will be taken under advisement.  They soon find their efforts get them branded as sowers of discord.

The Ministry then goes full tilt to preach ‘unity’ and ‘obedience’ to whatever the pastorship says and or decrees is the new doctrine.  This happens week after week, so as to condition the members to accept what the church government tells them.  Often there are sermon series on Romans 13, and the requirement to obey church hierarchy.

Those who continue to complain or discuss the apostasy with others, are ostracized, sermonized against and ultimately disfellowshipped, marked and put out of the congregation.  This causes a huge backlash and the leadership almost always tamps down with an authoritarian fist, warning brethren they will lose their souls if they do not accept the new doctrines and to either shut up and keep their discontent to themselves, or leave.

A major split occurs (which is where I think we are currently at with the GOP).  A number of those who recognize apostasy leave the church to form new smaller congregations.  The diminishment of the larger church is almost immediate – and usually a war of words, legal actions and other nefarious behaviors are directed at those who decide they no longer want to be part of the Mother Church.  Members of the older congregation are instructed to have no contact with those who left, and sometimes they work to discredit, sabotage and ruin the efforts those that left are making to form a new congregation.  Often internecine wars go on for years, causing more discord and division.  The larger church often aligns itself with larger apostate churches to keep their tithes and offerings up – but in short order they are folded into the churches they have adopted doctrines from and cease to be who they once were.

The dangerous fallout of such splits is the disillusionment in God that many people suffer.  Some quit the faith altogether.  Some run back to embrace ideas and beliefs they once practiced before conversion.  Some grow hostile to the very essence of Christianity, God and the bible itself.  Still there remains a remnant of core principled Believers who recognize they have no home and work to establish new fellowships among likeminded.

Among the splintered groups comes those ‘leaders’ who believe in the core doctrines that were discarded, but they now want a following for themselves.   So they work to yank as many people from the now irrelevant ‘mother church’ into their own congregations, promising them a restoration of ‘truth once delivered’ by a church that has gone apostate.  They succeed for awhile, but then members are subjected to the personal interpretations of the ‘new leader’.  Like sheep – lots of brethren will follow a man because of his oratory skills or influence.  People want to go where there are numbers rather than dwell within a handful.  But the warring factions of those who split the first time, split again and again – most often over whose name is on the door and who is in charge.  Some insist upon the precise and exact interpretation of everything from prophecy to which translation must be the only one referenced, or they declare the splintered group to be just another apostate group.  More splits occur.

This leads to a tiny minority of core people beholden to doctrine rather than men or numbers that are left to fellowship together. Home fellowships or congregations are on the rise with small groups renting storefronts.  Their numbers are less than a couple dozen people every week.  Their influence in the community is limited or next to nothing.

The results are that the brethren are jaded and worry about which charlatan or false preacher will come in and try to lead them astray.  They turn inward in terms of trust, and the preaching of the Gospel is neglected for the sake of simply catering to a core group of people who want to meet and congregate and share what they have in common.  The Great Commission becomes more diluted and society is untouched or influenced by the truths they should be sharing.

The culture around us is a testament to the damage that this kind of apostasy and splits in a body that is supposed to be serving as a witness and light to a nation that once called itself of God.  The church at large becomes lukewarm and ineffective.

That said, there are positives that occur when a biblically-oriented people remove themselves from apostasy.  Their faith and values are not diminished or rewritten to suit the agenda of others.  And while it may seem they are in the wilderness and irrelevant – they learn the beauty that comes from truly being free of ‘plantation control’.  They can maneuver and move wherever the Spirit of God directs them to move without approval or direction of a hierarchy of men that often limits what individuals can do unless the ‘leadership’ endorses it.

Over time, I have seen smaller groups network with others and they become a ‘leaderless’ movement as it were, all claiming Christ as their head and of no need for a party of men to tell them what they can or cannot do.  They field their own missionaries, outreach and are having an influence on younger people who were invisible in the larger corporate churches.  I see God’s Hand moving in these groups and I think that they will be the ones Daniel 11:32 describes as doing ‘great exploits’ – despite the fact Christian influence in America and the West in on the wane.

I am not discouraged over the fact that Christianity is largely irrelevant in a hedonist culture that sees them as intolerant or evil.  We were told this would happen in Matthew 24.  I am content to know that it is with a minority that a witness is given before God.

What happens to the Reagan Constitutional Conservative Movement Now?

As with the church – if the Constitutional Conservative movement is splintered and relegated to pockets and corners, having been rejected by the majority party and a nation that no longer reflects the values we believe in, we should in no wise capitulate and give into becoming apostates ourselves.  We have to admit we have no home or place within the Republican party.  It is wholly apostate and corrupted, it has entrenched rules that will forever eschew what you and I believe in.   We risk having our core values watered down and diminished by remaining within it.  We can build a new fellowship and party that better values what we are governed by.

For even if we are irrelevant as far as the political zeitgeist and direction of the country goes in the near future – we are the ones who have yet to do great exploits as a tiny minority that holds to the truth of our foundations and religious heritage.  We are the ones who will provide a witness and a searing conscience to those who willfully discarded what was established for liberty to be maintained in this land.  We are the ones to point the disillusioned to the path and the way back to freedom.

Our political worldview based on the true history of our founding and the documents that established liberty should not change simply because the rest of the nation has embraced Socialism and big government.  We will be the remnant that have the seeds of liberty in our souls – and should they need to be planted in the ashes of consequences, we will be the ones to plant good seed for a hoped-for good crop understanding that though we are limited to planting and watering – it is God that brings forth the increase.


Filed under Chrisitan Viewpoint, Corruption on a Grand Scale, Culture War, Politics, Trumpism

Fifteen Years After 9-11, The Free West Has Lost, and Islam Knows It.


Darker, much darker days are coming.

Embracing a lie, embracing bigger lies, refusing to see a beast for what it is,  and then willfully and deliberately twisting the reality unfolding before their eyes while clinging to the Left’s insistent declarations about Islam has consigned our civilization to death.


The West’s Cognitive Dissonance and fatal Case of Normalcy Bias regarding Islam was a suicide pact.  If you did not see this video in the previous blog entry from yesterday – watch it now and understand the point being made with this blog entry:


The essay below by Robert Spencer encapsulates vital truths that the video shows you in vivid detail.  We have committed suicide as a civilization and consigned our posterity to a horror of an existence.  All because we listened to Leftists who share an unholy Alliance with Islam for the sake of bulldozing everything they hate so they can build a utopia in our wake.


On this day, December 7, 1956

This war has gone on for a very long time, and today, in all the reminiscences, and eulogies, and encomia, and lamentations, virtually no one has explained why, for the simple reason that essentially no one among the political and media elites knows why. Yet even the most dire estimates of exactly how long this is going to take have fallen wide of the mark. General Petraeus said in 2010 that it could take another ten years to defeat the Afghan “insurgency.” Do you think the Taliban is likely to be disbanded and Afghan a stable, functioning republic in 2020? In 2007, Britain’s security chief, Admiral Lord Alan West, said it could take 30 years to defeat terrorism in the United Kingdom. Do you think that in 2037, Britain will be peaceful and free of jihad terrorists?

The very idea is preposterous, and it is preposterous for the same reason that here we are 15 years after the September 11, 2001 jihad attacks, and no one know why this strange war has lasted so long. West said in that 2007 interview that to defeat terrorism, “I now realise that we are talking about a generation — and by that I would say 30 years. That doesn’t mean necessarily that we are going to stay at a severe level of threat for all those years. But to be able to say one has absolutely changed the mind-set and thought of people IS going to take a generation.” Yet in reality, nothing, nothing whatsoever, is being done in Britain or anywhere else to change “the mind-set and thought of people.”

And that is precisely why, fifteen years now after 9/11, the West is weaker and more vulnerable than ever: the entire Western intelligentsia, the totality of our political and media elites, steadfastly refuses to acknowledge exactly what the “mind-set and thought” of the terrorists really is, and where it comes from. And because of that refusal, policies that don’t deal with the actual problem keep being applied and re-applied, at the cost of thousands of American lives, billions of American dollars, and nothing to show for all this expenditure but a sharp and continuing loss of American power and prestige. The jihadis who struck the U.S. on September 11, 2001 have made such immense advances since then not because they are strong, or clever, or capable, but because we are weak, short-sighted, and resolute not in fighting them but in maintaining our denial about who they are and what they want, to the extent that we have taken numerous steps not to stop them, but actually to enable them to achieve their goals — the billions to the Islamic Republic of Iran and the massive Muslim migrant influx being just two of the most recent examples.

And today, instead of stories about the jihad threat and how it can be defeated or at least contained, the media is full of articles that would give an uninformed observer the impression that 3,000 Muslims were killed in the 9/11 attacks: the media preoccupation today is almost entirely with Muslims as victims. “Muslim Americans still struggle with hate crimes, 15 years after 9/11,” claims AOL. “For many Muslims, especially those born after Sept. 11, Islamophobia seems to be a fact of life,” laments the Huffington Post. The Washington Post has a piece by Rep. Keith Ellison: “I’m the first Muslim in Congress. I believe America can beat Islamophobia. Fifteen years after 9/11, American Muslims have seen both progress and peril.”

Coming after Fort Hood, and Boston, and Garland, and Chattanooga, and San Bernardino, and Orlando, as well as Paris, Brussels, Nice, and so very many others, this myopia is ludicrous to the point of being grotesque. And it is one key reason why this war drags on, fifteen years after 9/11: millions passively and unthinkingly accept the dogma that to speak honestly and accurately about the jihadis’ motives and goals is to descend in “racism” and “bigotry,” and to endanger innocent Muslims. And so fifteen years after 9/11, it is still almost unheard-of for there to be an honest discussion of jihadi motives and goals in the mainstream.

Fifteen years after 9/11, the free West is dug in: wholeheartedly committed to denial, willful ignorance, and policies that are self-defeating to the point of suicidal. In light of that, the wonder is not that this war has lasted so long, but that we have held out so long. Unless the political landscape changes considerably and this denial is decisively rejected and discarded, darker, much darker, days are coming


Filed under War On Jihadists

They Were Just Getting Started

On 9-11-01



And They are not slowing down.

An Islamic Caliphate successfully invaded Europe as refugees and welfare recipients, while Obama celebrated importing the 10,000th Syrian “refugee” into the US a few weeks ago.

So our fate will look just like this in the very, very near future.


America has willfully ignored the truth shown them on 9-11.   And just like Europe – has embraced national suicide as their own government facilitates an invasion of a Caliphate bent on conquering the world for their religion.

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Filed under War On Jihadists

Refuse To Choose Evil, Even If They Say It Is A Lesser Evil


Between Trump or Hillary, choosing either one of them is still choosing tyrannical evil.

I marvel how American Christians having deceived themselves, can compartmentalize sin and evil into acceptable behaviors and choices.  From Adultery to Homosexual Marriage and all the other Commandments that have been ‘done away with’-  American Christians absolve themselves of any shame or guilt when engaging in routine sins.   How many self-identifying Christians today think it is okay or even GOOD to lie and deceive others if they think it is the best interest?  How many who claim Christ  engage in sex outside of the sanctity of marriage and think God is okay with their lifestyle behavior?  How many self-identifying Christians think a woman has the right to kill her baby and that organizations that facilitate infanticide are ‘necessary’ institutions?

American pastors and charlatan evangelists pushing the prosperity gospel have leavened the whole lump of the faith in this country, deceiving their flocks and many others into thinking themselves ‘cleansed’ by simply believing on the Name of Jesus; as if He were a magic talisman that never uttered the words ‘Go and sin no more”, or “To him who overcomes will I grant to sit with Me in my throne…” (Rev. 3:21).

As such, we now have a culture and people in America that have become desensitized to wickedness.  We cannot identify sin, or recognize evil anymore.  We have created new definitions of immorality, and consigned the former morality that forged us to be an unacceptable evil.

Today Christians engage in classifying sin and evil into categories of bad, badder and worse – or – a necessary evil.  America has fulfilled the Isaiah 5:20 prophecy of woe by declaring evil to be a good, while good is routinely declared to be an evil, by those who claim to read the Word of God no less.

The fruits of this ‘conditioning’ to declare some evils and sins as worse than other evils and sins is perfectly manifested in the two “candidates” running for the Presidency this year.  In fact, it is being preached by the rabid Trump militants that because Hillary is the worst sort of evil, that voting for Trump is no longer a choice – but a moral and patriotic imperative, because his ‘evils’ are lesser, and hers are greater.

I have read the proverb flung from the Trump faithful that insist that the ‘perfect is the enemy of the good’, which declares anyone who will not bend the knee and vote for their champion as an enemy, a traitor to the nation.   They insist that because no candidate is perfect, we must choose one whose personal moral character and behavior is so reprehensible that Trump himself would be unfit to hold any church office whatsoever:


The saying is trustworthy: If anyone aspires to the office of an overseer, he desires a noble task. Therefore an overseer must be above reproach, the husband of one wife, double-minded, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach, not a drunkard, not violent but gentle, not quarrelsome, not a lover of money.  He must manage his own household well, with all dignity keeping his children submissive, for if someone does not know how to manage his own household, how will he care for God’s church?  He must not be a recent convert, or he may become puffed up with conceit and fall into the condemnation of the devil.  Moreover, he must be well thought of by outsiders, so that he may not fall into disgrace, into a snare of the devil. 

Deacons likewise must be dignified, not double-tongued, not addicted to much wine, not greedy for dishonest gain.  They must hold the mystery of the faith with a clear conscience. And let them also be tested first; then let them serve as deacons if they prove themselves blameless. – I Timothy 3: 1-10

While Trump may not engage in drunkeness, he has bragged openly about his adulterous affairs and conquests of other men’s wives.  He has not kept his own wedding vows, and routinely demonstrates he is quarrelsome, double-minded, slanderous, a lover of money (braggart that he is on his wealth), undignified and disrespectable.

How can Christians assume that a man who cannot maintain his own personal wedding vows or control his tongue and temper while engaging in the politics of personal destruction, is a man fit to hold the most powerful office in the world?

“But Hillary is worse!”,  they shout.

The argument that Hillary’s proclivity for evil is known, the benefit of Trump is that his use of evil to govern is an unknown evil that is preferable to the known evil.  While there is no political record to measure Trump’s fruits by,  his personal record, interviews and his press events reveal the fruits of a man who admires tyrants.   He asserted that the Chinese government’s massacre in Tiananmen Square was a strength to admire; that Saddam Hussein’s dictatorship and how he dealt with dissidents (or terrorists) was a measure of strength and stability in Iraq. Then there’s praise of North Korea’s dictator Kim Jung Un and of course Trump’s positive views of Vladimir Putin.  The  common denominator is raw, unapologetic brute force.  Not too dissimilar from Trump’s campaign of personal public destruction of Conservative Republicans who have refused to endorse him.  What happens when such a man has the ability to muster military and police forces to his will?

Trump has revealed he admires statist regimes that crush dissent – the governing by raw force and death.  Based on his words, that is not an unknown evil as the acolytes assert.  It is a known evil that most are choosing to ignore because they fear Hillary more.

Couple that with the facts Trump said he said he could shoot someone in cold blood and he would not lose a single voter; Tweeted and retweeted a quote from Fascist Benito Mussolini and got angry that people were upset over it; and kept a book containing the “My new order speeches” of Adolf Hitler by his bedside for reading pleasure.

Who says and reads such things?  Is that a stable mind worthy of the office of POTUS?

But… but…. HILLARY!

Such is the exclamation with the palpable fears of someone worse than Obama continuing the collapse of the country.  Hillary is indeed a known evil.  One of massive corruption to enrich herself by any and all means, and to further her quest for power.   Trump is just an unknown evil, regardless of the fact he has the mind of a tyrant.    His bizarre and punitive statements advocating expansion of libel laws against anyone who says things that are not nice to him should send up similar alarm bells of those worried about Hillary gutting the Second Amendment.   Trump attacking other Republicans and journalists is routinely ignored and not up for consideration that the fruits of this man are just as reprehensible for a Christian to consider supporting as they are of Hillary.

“But it’s one or the other – you must choose!  If not, your choice will be made for you by someone else and Hillary will win!”

When citing that verse in 1 Timothy as my reason for refusing to vote for either morally reprehensible “choice” this year, I am lectured that we are not voting for a pope or pastor, so the application of scripture is invalid.  A definitive statement made as if the moral law only applies to church people and does not apply to someone ruling over an entire nation.  To demand ‘perfection’ in a political candidate they say is just… evil.   They again utter the ‘perfect is the enemy of the good’ proverb, which in itself is absurd because it renders Jesus’ own admonition to Christians in Matthew 5:8 to be totally null and void. But American Christians today have become experts in justifying all kinds of sin and evil as acceptable and even necessary.

Which brings to mind another admonition from Jesus:

“Why do you call me Lord, Lord and not do the things which I say?” – Luke 6:46

Why indeed?

Christians medicate themselves on the culturally false doctrines that teach repentance and overcoming sin are no longer necessary, and that the only sin by which they think they are held to account is to declare sin for what it is, that dreaded ‘do not judge’ heresy that prohibits Americans from judging good from evil.

Perhaps that is the leading contributor to the newfound belief that choosing evil is a good thing compared to what they think is a greater evil.  It’s how a people decide that sex no matter how they enjoy it, is better than being confined to matrimony and why killing an infant in the womb is better than raising an ‘unwanted’ child.

It perfectly explains the two “choices” of evil that we are presented with this November.   Which I will declare ladies and gentlemen (and transgendered… whatever you call yourselves), is an indictment of We The People.  Both of those horrible candidates are a reflection of the character of the people in this country who selected them to rule us.

“Vote Trump to save SCOTUS!  We know Hillary will turn the Supreme Court and our rights will be declared unConstitutional!”

I do not share the blind faith and belief that Trump is going to nominate Justices that will uphold and defend what is left of the Constitution. The fact so many have already surrendered to the belief that SCOTUS can write law, decree law and strike down whatever it disagrees with and therefore make law by gavel, engenders the desperation to save the high court from dissolving our liberties. Which proves two things: we already live in a tyranny – and that this people are as ignorant of the Constitution and their inalienable rights as the Leftists are.

The “binary choice” of either Hillary or Trump is no different than being presented with the binary choice of being boiled alive in oil, or being burned alive at the stake.  Which would you take?  The end result is exactly the same no matter which one you choose.

I refuse to make that choice and I have other plans. Should such a choice be ‘forced’ upon us via shaming and intimidation – then it simply confirms the fact that this tyranny you live in,  you have grown comfortable with and would applaud more heinous forms of despotism.  Another ‘unknown evil’.  Which is really not unknown.  History teaches lessons to those willing to learn.

I am not alone in these sentiments:

Christians At A Crossroad: Choosing The Lesser Of Two Evils Is Still Choosing Evil



Filed under Chrisitan Viewpoint, Politics, Trumpism

A Conservative Party No More


The Republican Party revealed itself as indistinguishable from the Democrat Party while demonstrating it’s hostility to First Principles under the Trump/Establishment Partnership last week.

Take courage fellow Constitutional Conservatives, Truth has willed itself out.

Last week was not just a repudiation of your foundational principles by an entire party – but a confirmation that the party you called ‘home’ is not what you thought it was.  It has not been for some time.

I admire Ted Cruz.  He gained my utmost respect with what he did last Wednesday night.   The vitriol and hatred being flung at him, his wife, his family and all of us by the GOP and Trump himself, is just another example of a nation and culture that hates what was once considered the pillars of virtue, morality and righteousness.

What transpired last week was validation that a resignation from the GOP is perfectly warranted.  The continuous and relentless attacks on Ted Cruz and Constitutional Conservatives who will not pledge fealty to Trump and the party continues to illustrate that it is not Hillary they fear and despise – but you and me.

That said, there are some Conservatives already talking about a Cruz candidacy in 2020.  I think the sloganeering for Cruz in 2020 is a bit off-putting.  Conservatives do not get wrapped up in cults of personality and assert they can save us and the nation.   Marxists do that.  Fascists (or if you prefer, Nationalist Populists) do that.

If you take time to seriously realize what is happening – this is no longer simple party politics.  You are witnessing the absolute END of a Republic and the start of something frightening and dangerous in terms of your near future and the future of liberty.

That the phrase “defend the Constitution” is booed by delegates at a Convention of a party that portrays itself as it’s only defender (simply because they hate the man speaking it), was as revealing to what the Trump phenomena is all about as anything else you could ever demand in terms of a sign.

It’s time to get sober because all of this is not some sporting event where you can rah-rah your team, have a beer and go home to bed later drunk and happy.  We’ve been fundamentally transformed, and we have all been played.

Sloganeering Cruz in 2020 is absurd considering you are watching the permanent entrenchment of a Ruling Class oligarchy under the false guise of an everyman outsider businessman who will fix all that ails us. The mobs want a monarchy from both the Left and the populist nationalist right.   Constitutional Conservatives are in exodus and in the wilderness.  You are witness to the death of a party and a Republic by an overwhelming majority of the population that no longer has any reverence or use for the foundational principles and the documents that safeguarded liberty.  They want a king.  It’s all about the man, or the woman, or loyalty to a party instead of once solid principles or values.  The absolute absurd and ridiculous efforts made to justify the egregious and the affronts to those principles demonstrates the total abandonment of the pillars of our liberty by both major parties.

They will claim them, and pay lip service to them, but the fruits are easily discernible to those who have eyes to see and ears to hear.

This is a day to mourn.  Not a day to proclaim a new president, a new savior or caesar for 2020.

A nation has to be re-evangelized to the religious heritage it has discarded and the foundational principles it has abandoned.  A nation has to repent of it’s waywardness.  But the mobs clamoring for Hillary or Trump see no need for such things.  Indeed, even their champions themselves see no need for such humility under God because they see themselves as the means to perfection.  They despise “bible thumpers” and portray anyone suggesting a return to First Principles as religious fanatics who pose a danger to freedom and the separation of church and state.

These nominees reflect the culture and this people.  It’s time to get real about that and stop fooling yourselves that we are a majority, because if we were – the majority has surrendered to ideologies and leaders who are anathema to everything we stood for, replacing them for empty promises of vengeance, walls and punishments to sate their feelings.  And no marvel, for the churches and religious institutions themselves are dwindling in attendance and influence. Government has become god.  Men are made messiahs and saviors.

Cruz has indeed manifested himself as a leader of the kind of Conservatism we still believe in and make us who we are, and he can do well to preach it.  Because until we return to becoming a religious and moral people, we have no hope of having decent leaders, because this people and the mobs will reject them for worse and more heinous wicked ones.  Being deceived and doing the deceiving because they delight in the season of unrighteousness under a sole ruler who is their own authority.

A people have to be won to the principles we once shared before we can give any thought to someone like a Cruz being elected a leader that can administer a nation.

I am not alone in similar sentiment.  Andrew McCarthy shares his views as well:

It’s Not My Party

…..Take away the conservatism, the limited-government constitutionalism, the devotion to liberty, the fiscal discipline, the clear-eyed recognition of America’s enemies, and what are you left with? A Republican party whose only real boast is that it can do statism with more adult moderation than the hard Left that has captured the Democratic party.



Filed under Politics, Trumpism

The Last Nail



July 20, 2016 · 12:39 pm

Obama Green-Lights A Race War


BLM Banner

Black power groups warn of more white killings to come while Black Lives Matter – Soros target Conventions for chaos and violence to force martial law and hand Obama another term.

Have you noticed that after every Jihad killing spree Obama preaches that we must be tolerant and advises there should be no backlash against Muslims while scrubbing any reference to Islam?

Have you noticed that after any Black on white violence, there is silence from both the Obama regime and the media while any reference to a black, Muslim or minority is scrubbed?

Have you noticed that if a massacre by a protected minority of the Obama regime is sensational enough they demand tolerance and understanding preaching that retaliatory violence is not the answer?

Have you noticed that after every mass shooting, Obama blames guns, whites and income inequality?

However, have you noticed that after every single police action against blacks, even in the midst of ghetto thugs committing a crime, Obama is up front to blame racism and whites for the “unfair targeting of blacks”?

If you connect the pattern, you can clearly see that Obama has been stoking a race war since he has been in office – pouring volatile gasoline in pools all over the cities in America where matches are already lit.

Yesterday, Obama lit the fuse himself just hours before a madman who said he wanted to kill Whites and especially white police officers shot 11 cops and killed 5 of them.


Today another of Obama’s sons shot three police officers in Bristol, TN

 Highway gunman motivated by police shootings

A man accused of shooting indiscriminately at passing cars and police on a Tennessee highway told investigators he was angry about police violence against African-Americans, authorities said Friday.

One woman died and three others, including one police officer, were injured in the rampage.

Obama has blood on his hands.  He has divided and stoked the nation into a conflict that he himself has green lit.  He has instigated a war on police, and nationalized several local police departments, whereby the White House dictates who and how they uphold the law, and which laws they are allowed to enforce.  Obama has been emptying  federal prisons of convicted drug felons because of their skin color and restoring ex-cons’ right to vote.

Today his Heinous went on his usual condescending, meandering lecture and blamed the assassinations on guns, when the perp himself stated his reasons for killing White cops, was in concert with Obama’s own rants about race and police action involving blacks.  But as is predictable, Obama went on to blame the guns.

“We also know when people are armed with powerful weapons, unfortunately, it makes attacks like these more deadly and more tragic,” he said. “In the days ahead, we will have to consider those realities as well.”

And of course as expected from fellow Alinskyite Hillary Clinton, she too blamed white people on CNN with Wolf Blitzer exclaiming “Too many African- Americans have been killed by police officers….There’s bias and racism in this country against the black community…I call on ‘white people’ to put ourselves in their shoes who have to have the talk about how to protect themselves”.

Out of chaos comes order, and if the promised vendettas and assassinations by black power groups actually happens, Obama will not only push for gun bans via his pen and phone, he will do what all despots do – and target the very people he unleashed his hordes against.


“More Will Be Assassinated In The Coming Days! Do You Like The Work Of Our Assassins? Get Your Own Sniper”


‘Black Power group’ claims responsibility for police killings and warns of more assassinations to come

A Facebook page claiming to represent a black power group has posted messages claiming responsibility for the deaths of five police officers in Dallas.

Five officers were gunned down by at least two shooters who picked out officers from an ‘elevated position’ – believed to be a multi-storey car park.

It came in the week of public outrage over the deaths of two unarmed black men shot by police.

…The so-called Black Power Political Organization claimed on its Facebook account that it was behind the attack and that ‘more assassinations are coming’.

However, authorities in Dallas have not confirmed any political link to the shootings.

Its message – posted in the aftermath of the shootings – said: “‪#‎BlackPower‬! ‪#‎BlackKnights‬! Sniper Assassins Take Down Five Police Officers! And More Will Be Assassinated In The Coming Days!

The account has since been taken down and Facebook confirmed to Mirror Online said the page was removed for violating its standards.

The group has posted dozens of statements on alleged racially-motivated incidents and threatening violent action over at least the several months.

And this is a war make no mistake, whether we would recognize it or not.

Black power groups are busy reaching out to ISIS and militant Jihadists that Obama is flooding the country with from Syria and the Middle East for help against whom they say is a common enemy:


This is just the beginning since Obama green-lit a race war.  Like all Marxists and Communists, a “revolution” does not achieve the desired results without mayhem, bloodshed and violence to get the people to accept draconian measures to “restore law and order”.

The goal for some appears to be to create mayhem and anarchy so that the conventions cannot go forward so that Obama can suspend the elections in November as some BLM members are texting and tweeting among themselves:


And not just the mobs of blacks stoked into a racist fury by race pimps and Obama, but big players are investing in chaos and anarchy in order to bring about their much-desired outcomes.

Democrats to Spend $800,000 to Disrupt GOP Convention

Leftist billionaire George Soros has put at least $12,460,121 into the Black Lives Matter movement and the shadowy radical Leftist network that funds it for one purpose and one purpose only – to destroy the “white” American core of capitalism, free markets, limited government and American traditional culture and values.

At that time the violent disruption of Donald Trump’s rally in Chicago and the subsequent Leftist riot outside the venue, coupled with the threats of violence that caused the cancellation of Ted Cruz campaign activities in Miami, should have put Republicans and conservatives on notice that Obama’s radical transformation of America was not going to end quietly.

Welcome to ‘Fundamental transformation’ Amerika.

It goes downhill from here.


Filed under 2nd Amendment/Gun Rights, Obama Marxist Tyranny, Race War