Daily Archives: September 4, 2007

The Complete Disconnect About This War on Jihadist Islam

American’s unfortunately do not get it.

A week before General Petreus’ report to Congress on the situation in Iraq and ALREADY – the Defeatists in the Senate are framing the debate to insist of retreat and surrender.

As the noted Aid and Comfort to Jihadists’ ‘Newspaper of Record’ attests, the Democrats are already trying to reframe the Iraq debate to insist on defeat REGARDLESS of what Petreus has to say.

As Congress reopened for business on Tuesday, the Democratic leadership promised to force a change in President Bush’s war strategy, and lawmakers maneuvered to frame the debate over Iraq ahead of reports next week by Gen. David H. Petraeus and Ambassador Ryan C. Crocker.

“Many of my Republican friends have long held September as the month for the policy change in Iraq,” Senator Harry Reid of Nevada, the Democratic majority leader, said in his opening speech on the Senate floor. “It’s September.”

“The calendar hasn’t changed,” he said. “It’s time to make a decision. We can’t continue the way we are.”

Of course this is typical of the Moonbat Demcorat Marxists running the show in DC – and as usual – the GOP Never-Met-An-Illegal-We-Didn’t-Want-To-Give-Amnesty-To Bluebloods are just as eager to join coattails with the Party of Defeat and make themselves look big and bold in the eyes of the Drive By Media.

The other half, is just willing to begrudgingly suck in the “Stay the course” option there – while Chavez rattles sabers to our South, making bold Mussolini-like war-gestures to America and Britian while his Axis allies in Iran are ready to go Nuclear and wage the Jihad to the next level: annihilation of the Infidels in America and Israel.

I read the news from overseas and sit in amazement at the total disconnect Americans have for what is being arrayed against us.

I agreee with newt Gingrich on this score: America is Missing the Option in Our National Security Debate

As he enumerates in like manner – if this was August 1944, and we were waiting for Patton’s report on the progress in France and the debacle with the Market Garden Operation – with today’s power-mad imbeciles in Washington clamouring for retreat – can you imagine the calls to pull out of Europe during the Second World War??

Yet here we are. The world in the midst of World War III (or IV depending on your perspective on the Cold War) – with threats of annihilation and subjugation to either Islam or Communism by Axis allies wanting America destroyed – and no one is discussing the the real global war that wants to come and visit us here again in our streets.

Next week will be the sixth anniversary of the enemy attack on the United States on 9/11. Six years ago, more than 3,000 innocent civilians were murdered by an evil barbaric force, an irreconcilable wing of Islam that seeks to repress women, eliminate religious freedom and punish personal liberty.

For six years, we have been at war on a worldwide basis with a movement funded largely by Saudi Arabian and Iranian sources.

For six years, we have failed to confront the scale of our enemy, the direct threat of nuclear and biological weapons if possessed by that enemy, and the scale and nature of the strategy needed to win the larger war with that enemy.

Next week, Gen. David Petraeus, who did a brilliant job in his two previous tours of Iraq and is the best counterinsurgency Army general America has, will issue his report on how the “surge” is working in Iraq.

And yet next week, our elites will continue to hide in the smaller argument about Iraq and avoid the larger argument about the global war.

When the analysis and debate on that report begins, there will be an important option missing.

The ‘Stay the Course’ Camp Versus the ‘Lose Quickly’ Camp…

…What will be missing in this debate is a third choice: “a war-winning strategy.”

The great tragedy of the six years since 9/11 is that we have not had a national debate about the scale of our opponents, the depth of their hatred for our way of life and the very real threat that they will acquire nuclear and biological weapons. With the former, they may kill hundreds of thousands of Americans in our cities. With the latter, millions of Americans could die in a deliberate attack.

There is no debate about the potential for a second holocaust in which millions die if Israel is overwhelmed with nuclear weapons or if the missiles Hezbollah fires from Southern Lebanon are launched with chemical warheads or if a coalition of terrorist forces backed by Iran, Syria and Saudi Arabia simply wear down the Israeli will to resist.

…If the “Reid-Pelosi Defeat America” legislation passes, every terrorist group on the planet will rejoice.

If the leftwing, pro-defeat activists celebrate a victory over Gen. Petraeus and President Bush, they will be joined in their celebration by every anti-American group around the world.

Legislating defeat should not be an acceptable option for any American who cares about our national security and who wants to defeat the enemy who attacked us on 9/11.

We Are Faced With a Large Worldwide Threat, and We Need a Large Worldwide Strategy for Victory

The greatest need in American policy today is for a strategy to win the larger war.

A strategy for a larger war requires a much more thorough statement of the scale of our enemies and their preparations.

A strategy for a larger war will involve some very difficult and, at times, frightening conversations about who is helping our enemies and what it may take to cut off that aid.

Confronting the Real War on its worldwide terms will require fundamental changes in national security, homeland security, budgets and preparations. More at Link

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Filed under War On Jihadists

Anything But Christian – Recognizing A Post Christian America

One of the focal points of this site is warning about and cataloguing the decline of America as it relates to the removal of God and Christian Tradition from the culture.

A lukewarm Christianity that bends to debased cultural demands, is unwilling to stand up for it’s beliefs due to ‘tolerance’, or otherwise stays isolated and ineffective in it’s Matthew 28:19 mission, has no influence on a culture heading into oblivion.

In the wake of a faith being shamed into silence and ostracization by the whole of society, Secular Humanism, Socialism and militant Islam will replace the foundations of liberty – and the freedoms you enjoy today – will be gone tomorrow.

The roar of equating Christian fundamentalism with Jihadists is growing louder by both the Secular Left, and Socialist Left-leaning Christians, and a trend such as this left unchallenged will eventually lead to state-sponsored and directed persecution of bible-believing Christians. History proves this out time and again.

Of course a huge majority of Christians think such a persecution is unthinkable in America. I submit they re-read Jesus’ own words in describing the end of the Age:

“Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of me. At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other, and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people. Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, but he who stands firm to the end will be saved. – Matthew 24: 9-13

This trend of a Post-Christian West is being noted, and fellow Christians are attempting to galvanize those of the Faith to Stand UP in this time to restore and salvage what our liberties rest upon.

America’s “ABC” Moment

We are now living in what some scholars call the “Post-Christian West.” By this they mean that Christianity no longer influences culture in Europe or in North America in a way that it once did. Of course there are many inherited influences still evident in the law, but for the past fifty years Europe, then the United States, has jettisoned Christian influences in arts and entertainment, politics, and education. It is becoming, some scholar’s say, an “ABC Moment”—“Anything But Christian.”

While well over 90% of Americans still say they believe in God, and many still identify as “Christian,” the values of biblical orthodoxy no longer form the foundations of American culture. The once vaunted Judeo-Christian consensus is cracking. You can see this in public debates about human sexuality, marriage and the family, the right to life, bio-medical ethics, and the place of religion in public life.

While presidential candidates on both sides of the partisan divide look for ways to demonstrate their religious knowledge and fidelity, for most of them, truly Christian values and practice do not characterize their lives—or at least many of their policy perspectives. Christianity has been invited out of the public university where the ABC Moment is embraced and encouraged.

For those of us who identify ourselves as Christian people life is becoming more challenging. Our values are no longer reinforced in grade school or at the office.
But this ABC Moment can be our moment. It’s a time when living Christian values makes us different. Our lives are potentially a greater testimony than ever. In a time when the church is passé, our friends and associates need to see Christianity-in-us more than ever. God grant that you and I possess the doctrinal understanding and faithfulness to rise to the occasion.

I say AMEN.

What say you, and when will you say it?

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Filed under Culture War