Daily Archives: September 21, 2007

A Nation Bereft of Wisdom


“The further America removes God and religious exercise of Judeo-Christian practice from the public square, the deeper into duncehood we fall.”

The verdict is in; America is become a land of imbeciles.

Doesn’t matter what topic or subject that impacts Americans that you wish to look at: politics, economics, education, science, current events, history, entertainment – everything indicates that a nation that had the greatest gifts ever bequeathed to it, have traded it all for the pleasures of idiocy.

It does not take effort to be an idiot. Emotional foolishness is easy to accept and hold onto with insane rabid passion. Pretending to be wise and having a mind so open, the brain falls out, renders one an imbecile.

And I’m not just referring to the Hollywood idiots either.

Our entire culture and the issues, news and reaction taking place today showcases that America has become as unhinged and stupid as a Sally Field at an awards ceremony that forgot her talking point rantings.

Whether it be the emoting idiocy of the Global Warming Religionists, the mantras of the appeacenik anti-war nincompoops, the brazen immigration insurgency or the mass stupidity of elected officials pandering to gimme, gimme constituencies that rob from the producers and then sue them for imagined injury – America has traded the sound wisdom of our foundational principles and religious heritage, and cast it aside for the wisdom of fools and idiots.

This is because having no principles or common sense outside of one’s feelings requires no work or responsibility. In an age of no responsibility – no effort is required to think and contemplate, and the herd of the American Idol mindset rolls the masses aimlessly onwards to the next patch of O.J./Brittney/Paris/Lohan crappola that will consume the brain cells of the populace in hysterical wonderment.

Wisdom however, requires effort, study, comparison, reflection, measurement, experience, understanding and sacrifice.

Those are qualities being rejected across the board in a liberal miasma of moral equivalency, multiculturalism and emotional Socialist nonsense that have poisoned our institutions, culture and people to the point that America has become deaf, dumb and blind.

How can I make such an outrageous claim?


Our enemies and the much of the world are laughing their butts off at our collective stupidity and marveling how easy it is to bend us over, yank off our shorts and shove whatever agenda they have right up our wazzoos. Hell, we’ll even ASK for it if prodded and cajoled with the right class-warfare/multicultural propaganda selfish greed slogans.

That’s just for starters.

This is how far gone our sanity is. If you wanted proof to measure how tall the American dunce cap is, just ask yourself these questions:

How does Jimmy Carter get away with insisting – Iran is no threat to Israel when Ahmadinejad keeps announcing that Israel’s days are numbered and they have 600 missiles targeted at them?

How does the THOUGHT of even letting the Iranian Hitler Wannabe Ahmadindehead into this country much less letting the Bringer of the Islamic Apocalypse GO to Ground Zero – and have American Secret Servicemen ESCORT his sorry ass there???

How does an American University get away with INVITING a madman who kidnapped Americans in 1979, and denies the Holocaust ever took place while promising another one, TO GIVE A SPEECH to American students???

How do so-called American Christians publicly announce they are keeping Ramadan and that they worship the same God as Muslim’s do?

How does Congress besmirch General Petraeus, whom they overwhelmingly confirmed, and call him a liar even BEFORE they have heard his testimony about Iraq?

How does an American High School offer English Classes as a SECOND Language?

Why do we cheer when the central bank Dealers cut rates to bail out billion-dollar bankers and hedge-fund casino speculators while tanking the dollar to worthless levels and launching double-digit inflation??

Why are we letting Congress grant Amnesty to Illegal Mexican Insurgents by sneaking the provision into a defense spending bill?

How does massive amounts of Arab ownership of American stocks go unchecked?

In a time of Jihad warfare, why the hell are our borders not shut and how can we let Mexican trucking companies have unfettered access to American roads?

How do Muslim Imams intimidating passengers on a plane get to sue the airline for “discrimination”?

How can a nation built on the pillars of capitalism and freedom applaud and demand “rights” to “FREE” Government-mandated Soviet-style Health care?

How do Hollywood millionaires come up with the equation that convincing Americans to stop washing their hair and to wipe their behinds with one square of toilet paper saves the earth?

Why do we listen to a Global Warming Evangelist lecture Americans about riding bicycles or walking to work instead of driving a car while he flies around the world in a private gas-hog jet?

Why are O.J., Brittney, Lindsey, Paris and other stories of raucous sin and debauchery more interesting and important to the American people than declarations of war on Americans by a host of Islamic Jihadists??

The obvious answer to all of these is because America no longer has any wisdom.

From the average Joe Sixpack to the Leader of the free World, America seems dumbfounded and inept to deal with threats and crisis or be assertive about it’s own culture and values.

The Trojan horses of tolerance, multiculturalism, ignorance and self loathing have taken their toll on the American resolve. A Nation forged and tested in the fires of trial, adversity and struggle, who fought two empires at the same time and defeated them both, now wants to cut and run from the fight against an Islamic Reich. We are become a nation bereft of common sense and purpose.

Just a generation ago, American culture, language, ingenuity, and resolve in it’s foundations was unquestioned. Threats and denouncement of our way of life was met with scorn and a willingness to see any such things beaten to dust. A People that had come from the fires of tribulation in the 1930’s, was forged as a sword to go forth and conquer two enemies on opposite sides of the globe. They then built a time of prosperity unseen in world history and took on directly the threat of Communism without blinking an eye.

Today, we are not even a shadow of that Greatest Generation. Self-doubt, self-loathing, debasement and the push to embrace things anethema to our foundations is preached, taught, studied and indoctrinated into the American mindset.

A nation founded on the pillar of liberty is incrementally sliding into the slavery and tyranny of Socialism. A nation lifted up by the ethic of rugged individualism, is surrendering to the demands for a collective mobocracy. An economy and culture crafted on the platform of personal responsibility, has given way to the moribund absolution of any responsibility to the prefects of the government.

Why have we become such a nation of imbeciles?


The further America removes God and religious exercise of Judeo-Christian practice from the public square, the deeper into duncehood we fall.

As we reject God, we reject Wisdom, for the spirit of a sound mind, comes from our Creator. (2 Timothy 1:7). As we pull further away from God, our ability to reason, to love and to serve is replaced with insanity, hatred and selfishness.

The blessings and cursings of a nation of God’s people are enumerated and conditioned in the book of Deuteronomy chapter 28. When you look at America’s rise to Greatness, you can read the first fifteen verses of the chapter and see how God kept His promises. But read verses sixteen through the end of the chapter, and you can see the results of those curses now beginning to occur in our nation, just as it had in Ancient Israel. We have rejected God for the religion of Secular wisdoms and hedonistic stupidiities.

I am sorry my countrymen, but the foolish stupidity of so many morons bent on self-gratification and emotional logic has consigned us to suffer the woes that are a natural consequence of the harmful behaviors that this nation has been engaged in for generations.

Out the door with our wisdom, goes our liberty, our prosperity and even our very lives. The daily headlines confirm this course each and every day.

If we hope to save ourselves from the end results of our national stupidity and those things God says in His Word will occur (end results the Jihadists themselves are promising for us), this nation needs to fall on it’s face in tears and repentence and return to the foundational principles that founded us in sincere humility.

For once wisdom returns, eschewing stupidity and nonsense will again become a no-brainer.

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Filed under Chrisitan Viewpoint, Culture War