Daily Archives: November 12, 2014

ObamaCare Has No Legitimate Authority


ObamaCare Architect Jonathan Gruber confirms they lied to fool the people to pass the bill because ‘Americans are too stupid” to accept and understand the truth.

UPDATE With NEW VIDEO: “It’s a very clever, you know, basic exploitation of the lack of economic understanding of the American voter,” Gruber said at the Honors Colloquium 2012 at the University of Rhode Island.

He confirms they lied to pass ObamaCare because Americans are ‘too stupid’ – not once, but multiple times on different occasions.

Does that piss you off?

Apparently not.  Most Americans have no idea what was done to pass an unConstitutional, bogus infringement on your life.

Just imagine, that during an “off-thecuff” press conference, former President Bush said that his Administration had to lie to the American people about WMDs in Iraq to get us into war over there because we were “too stupid” to know what was good for us.  The press, the media, the Left would go bonkers and the streets would fill with violent protests.

So it’s interesting that in the case of ObamaCare – when the architect admits they lied in order to get ObamaCare passed – because the American people are too stupid to know what is good for them…. that the press and media corps in this country refuse to report on it, Talk Radio and Fox News being the exception.

Since we know Nancy Pelosi said that ‘We have to pass it [ObamaCare] so you can find out what is in it”, we also are learning that they decided that they had to lie about it, in order to get it passed.  And Congress and the Supreme Court went along with the lie, redefined the lie and made the lie a force of ‘law’.

It is NOT a ‘law’.  It is tyranny – plain and simple, and the American people have a duty to defy, refuse, resist and oppose such tyranny by any and every means available at their disposal.

ObamaCare was built on a foundation of lies in order for the government to take control of your life by force if necessary.  Why do you think they put the IRS in charge of enforcing it??  They will crush you economically before sending armed agents to take everything you own and imprison you for refusal to comply.

Like the rest of the federal government, ObamaCare has no legitimate authority.  All it has is the power of a gun being put to our heads and reserving power to decide who gets healthcare and who does not.  Who lives, and who dies.

Not even King George III wielded such tyranny over the Colonists.


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