Daily Archives: February 9, 2015

Obama’s Takeover Of The Internet: He Will Impose It, So We Can Find Out What Is In It.


The FCC Commissioner sounds the alarm on Obama’s intent to regulate the internet, and the intent to hide the regulatory plans from public until they are implemented… by decree.

UPDATE: 2-11-15

Ajit Paion just stated on the Mark Levin Show that the Government takeover and regulation of the entire Internet is “A done deal”.  The details of this takeover are being kept secret from the public until it is enacted into “law”.    Paion said that Obama had demanded the FCC Commissioners take it over after the November elections by decreeing the Internet a “public utility” like railroads and television.  Paion noted that in classic Central Planning fashion, Obama’s regime creates “a problem that does not exist” for the excuse of nationalizing and taking it over.  Paion said the Obama regime has insisted it must “fix” “a problem that does not exist using authority it does not have”.  And the 3 Democrat appointed Commissioners have already decided Obama will get his way without any recourse of us ‘subjects’.

• Rates will increase.

• The public will be limited in choosing Government-directed ISP service plans.

• Political “campaigning” and discussion will be regulated

• Raising funding for advocacy and political causes will be regulated.

• Free political speech on the internet will be regulated.

• Content will be regulated.

• The rules and implementation will mimic ObamaCare.

• The details of this plan are secret until they are implemented into “law”.


FCC Commissioner Ajit Paion is alerting the public to President Obama’s internet regulation plan. The plan itself is concerning on many levels, however the decision by the White House to hide the regulatory plans from public review and sunlight review  is a key indicator of the deceit involved.

As is now self-evident with the Obama Tyranny, whatever he and they say their intents are – be assured they will do the exact opposite.

The White House is saying they have to implement the regulations for us to be able to see what’s in them:

Exposed – President Obama’s 322 Page Secret Plan To Regulate The Internet – The White House Will Not Allow Public To See….

This is an unofficial announcement of Commission action. Release of the full text of a Commission order constitutes official action.
 SeeMCI v. FCC, 515 F.2d 385 (D.C. Cir. 1974).
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Last night, Chairman Wheeler provided his fellow Commissioners with President Obama’s 332- page plan to regulate the Internet. I am disappointed that the plan will not be released publicly. The FCC should be as open and transparent as the Internet itself and post the entire document on its website. Instead, it looks like the FCC will have to pass the President’s plan before the American people will be able to find out what’s really in it. In the coming days, I look forward to continuing to study the plan in detail. Based on my initial examination, however, several points are apparent.
First, President Obama’s plan marks a monumental shift toward government control of the Internet
It gives the FCC the power to micromanage virtually every aspect of how the Internet works. It’s an overreach that will let a Washington bureaucracy, and not the American people, decide the future of the online world. It’s no wonder that net neutrality proponents are already bragging that it will turn the FCC into the “Department of the Internet.” For that reason, if you like dealing with the IRS, you are going to love the President’s plan.
Second, President Obama’s plan to regulate the Internet will increase consumers’ monthly broadband bills.   The plan explicitly opens the door to billions of dollars in new taxes on broadband. Indeed, states have already begun discussions on how they will spend the extra money. These new taxes will mean higher prices for consumers and more hidden fees that they have to pay.
Third, President Obama’s plan to regulate the Internet will mean slower broadband for American consumers.
The plan contains a host of new regulations that will reduce investment in  broadband networks. That means slower Internet speeds. It also means that many rural Americans will have to wait longer for access to quality broadband.
Fourth, President Obama’s plan to regulate the Internet will hurt competition and innovation and move us toward a broadband monopoly. 
The plan saddles small, independent  businesses and entrepreneurs with heavy-handed regulations that will push them out of the market. As a result, Americans will have fewer broadband choices. This is no accident. Title II was designed to regulate a monopoly. If we impose that model on a vibrant broadband marketplace, ahighly regulated monopoly is what we’ll get. We shouldn’t bring Ma Bell back to life in this dynamic, digital age.
Fifth, President Obama’s plan to regulate the Internet is an unlawful power grab.
Courts have twice thrown out the FCC’s attempts at Internet regulation. There’s no reason to think that the third time will be the charm. Even a cursory look at the plan reveals glaring legal flaws that are sure to mire the agency in the muck of litigation for a long, long time.
And sixth, the American people are being misled about what is in President Obama’s plan to regulate the Internet.
 The rollout earlier in the week was obviously intended to downplay the plan’s massive intrusion into the Internet economy. Beginning next week, I look forward to sharing with the  public key aspects of what this plan will actually do.


Filed under Obama Marxist Tyranny