Daily Archives: February 18, 2015

As The World Burns


World War III is engulfing the globe. Jihadists hell bent on their Caliphate are committing atrocities that make the Nazi’s look like amateurs.  Meanwhile, Obama indulges in himself…. as usual.

It is self evident that His Heinous Barack Obama our first dictator-in-chief is an overt narcissist whose importance in his own mind is beyond comprehension by us mere mortals.  It has been commented by some that Obama’s cold and near-heartless personality is matched only by his arrogance.

Credence lends itself to that assertion when it was shortly learned of the burning alive by ISIS of the Jordanian pilot, Obama went on to prepare for an interview at Buzzfeed where he was filmed “doing what everyone does”: taking selfies and talking to himself in a mirror about promoting ObamaCare.

While Obama helps set the world ablaze, he fiddles with the self-absorbed generation of like-minded narcissists to loft himself up to the Imperial Leader he sees himself as.

To put the reality we are saddled with Dear Leader into perspective, I made this short little video – because words cannot do what this video will be able to convey.

He really is in love with himself, and here we thought it was just a Summer thing.


Filed under Obama Marxist Tyranny, War On Jihadists