Daily Archives: February 22, 2015

Obama Rewrites American History – Says Islam Woven Into America At Our Founding


Obama lifts up Islam while providing aid and comfort to ISIS at his Summit on ‘Extremism’ last week, and rewrites history to state that Islam was woven into America at our Founding.

In order to fundamentally transform an entire country and society, one has to rewrite it’s history to reflect a false projection so that society will accept the imposition of alien values, culture and principles.  Since 2008, Obama has publicly engaged in this effort on every front imaginable.  He has continuously bashed America in front of the world while admonishing us here at home of sins that he insists we must pay a penalty for.  From economics to ideology to religious faith – Obama has told big lies, over and over while insinuating other big lies – to the point that he now thinks he can blatantly rewrite history to impose a false narrative for the express purpose of ‘fundamentally transforming the United States of America’.

Obama publicly stated ‘America is no longer a Christian nation” as a pretext to morally equivocate alien beliefs and ideologies and get them into public acceptance.

Now that he has achieved that equivocation in the minds of a bulk of the population with help from his Praetorian media and Marxist professors in academia,  Obama is now working to establish them as a foundation for the transformation he is imposing via dictatorial fiat. One way of doing that is to completely rewrite a nation’s history as to reflect a worldview totally alien to what it once was. Josef Stalin is an excellent textbook example of rewriting history to enable his iron fist of power to be established, and most genocidal maniacs of last century did similarly.

Obama follows that textbook example, and what better way to do so than to start at the beginning of our history and erase the entire context, principle and purpose of the nation?

So at the nefarious White House summit last week to absolve Islam and blame Christianity and Americans for ‘violent extremism’ in front of a host of invited Islamic leaders from around the world – Obama stated that not only were the terrorists of ISIS not Muslim, but that “Islam has been woven into the fabric of America since it’s founding”.

Historically – this is one of his biggest and potentially most damaging lies to foist upon the country.  Islam had absolutely no involvement or place in America’s early history – not the war of Independence, the thinking of the Founders or our establishing history.  The actual first involvement of Islam upon America was one foisted upon the young nation similar to what we see Islam doing today: waging jihad, conquering territory by the sword, taking slaves, demanding tribute and so forth.

However, history and facts do not matter to Obama and his ideologues – only their intent to fundamentally transform America matters.  Even so far as to give aid and comfort to ISIS and the Islamic Jihadists of the world by exclaiming at the close of their ‘summit’ that these Islamic terrorists “have legitimate grievances” and need us to provide better jobs and opportunities in order to get their demented warriors to choose flipping burgers instead of setting humans ablaze and cutting off heads.  Nevermind that ISIS is possibly the wealthiest terror organization on the planet and many of their Jihadists had jobs that they left in order to go wage war on infidels.  No, no no.  The narrative is that these Islamists have been impoverished by the policies of America and we Americans drive Muslims to wage jihad on us because we are Islamophobic – and if we dare call them terrorists, it only gives them legitimacy and causes them to hate us.  ISIS has seized upon that insanity coming from the Obama regime, and is now using Obama’s own words in their own propaganda against us in order to gain converts for their global caliphate cause.

Obama’s big lies keep getting bigger, following the Goebbel’s adage that if you tell the big lie often enough – it will become accepted as the truth.

The truth however is this: Obama commits treason with our avowed enemies who are waging war on us and state they intend to subjugate us to Islam – while also rewriting our history to create a fiction out of thin air that Islam was an integral part of our foundation as a country – and that Islam has contributed to our wealth and prosperity.

Obama has committed treason.  Understand it.  Say it.  For of all the enemies America has ever faced, HE – Obama, is perhaps it’s most insidious enemy of America and liberty to ever exist.


In his bloviating speech on Thursday at his summit on countering violent extremism, President Obama bent over backwards to make nice with Islam. Not only were terrorists not Muslim, President Obama stated, but Islam played a crucial role in America’s founding.

“Here in America,” Obama stated, “Islam has been woven into the fabric of our country since its founding.”

Obama seems significantly more comfortable with this characterization of the historic role of Islam than he is with the non-fictional actual historic role of Christianity and Judaism in the American founding.

After all, this is the same man who stated in 2006, “Whatever we once were, we are no longer a Christian nation – at least, not just. We are also a Jewish nation, a Muslim nation, a Buddhist nation, and a Hindu nation, and a nation of nonbelievers.”

This is the same president who said in April 2009, “Although, as I mentioned, we have a very large Christian population, we do not consider ourselves a Christian nation or a Jewish nation or a Muslim nation. We consider ourselves a nation of citizens who are bound by ideals and a set of values. I think modern Turkey was founded with a similar set of principles.”

It is fair to say that modern Turkey was not founded upon the same principles as the United States. It is also fair to say that Islam has not been woven into the fabric of our country since its founding, at least not in any meaningful sense.

That does not mean that there were no Muslims in America at the founding — many African slaves were originally Muslim, and were forcibly converted from that faith. But to say that Islam as a religion has been “woven into the fabric of our country since our founding” is simply false. The first wave of Muslim immigrants to the United States did not begin until well after the Civil War. The first mosque in the United States was not built until 1915, by most reports.

Islam had zero impact on the founders or their philosophy – less than zero, given that the founders despised the religion, or what they knew of it. President Obama fictionalized this history at an Iftar dinner in 2012:

As I’ve noted before, Thomas Jefferson once held a sunset dinner here with an envoy from Tunisia — perhaps the first Iftar at the White House, more than 200 years ago. And some of you, as you arrived tonight, may have seen our special display, courtesy of our friends at the Library of Congress — the Koran that belonged to Thomas Jefferson. And that’s a reminder, along with the generations of patriotic Muslims in America, that Islam — like so many faiths — is part of our national story.

Well, not so much. That magical “first Iftar” was a meeting between Sidi Solima Mellimelli, an emissary of the brutal Barbary pirates, and the president. Jefferson had over Mellimelli in an attempt to bribe him into submission after the USS Constitutioncaptured ships from the bey of Tunis. Mellimelli requested food, lodgings, and concubines.

Jefferson already knew of Islam, having been educated in 1786 after Barbary pirates attempted to blackmail America into monetary tribute. At that time, the Barbary emissary justified piracy with reference to the Koran, according to a report from Jefferson:

The Ambassador answered us that it was founded on the Laws of the Prophet, that it was written in their Koran, that all nations who should not have acknowledged their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as prisoners.

John Quincy Adams, writing of these negotiations, stated:

The precept of the Koran is perpetual war against all who deny that Mahomet is the prophet of God. The vanquished may purchase their lives, by the payment of tribute; the victorious may be appeased by a false and delusive promise of peace; and the faithful follower of the prophet may submit to the imperious necessities of defeat: but the command to propagate the Moslem creed by the sword is always obligatory, when it can be made effective. The commands of the prophet may be performed alike, by fraud, or by force.

Quincy Adams would later lament, “Such is the spirit, which governs the hearts of men, to whom treachery and violence are taught as principles of religion.”

As Thomas S. Kidd writes, philosophers upon whom the founders relied had similarly negative views of Islam. Montesquieu wrote that the Turks were despotic. William Blackstone wrote that religion could be used for despotism, as shown by “terrible ravages committed by the Saracens in the east, to propagate the religion of Mahomet.” Thomas Paine wrote of Islam in Common Sense, but only as a reference point for despotic attempts to stifle liberty: he said that divine right of kings was a “superstitious tale, conveniently timed, Mahomet like, to cram hereditary right down the throats of the vulgar.”

The historical record demonstrates that Islam had virtually no role in the foundation of the early Republic outside of being used as a negative comparison point for freedom and self-government.

President Obama is obviously rewriting history. But since he’s busily rewriting the present, too, why should anyone be surprised?


 Obama’s Summit Helped Isis

By allowing ideology to trump good national security practice, the administration’s recent summit on “Violent Extremism” has empowered America’s enemies.

Friday saw the close of the of the three-day international summit on violent extremism hosted by the White House.

Coming as it did just a just after the release of ISIS/Islamic State videos on the immolation of Lt Kassasbeh, the Jordanian Royal Air Force pilot, and the slaughter of 21 Egyptian Christians, and the reported death of another US hostage, the timing allowed it potentially to be a perfect platform for a muscular response to the barbarity of the Islamic State, for the announcement of actions akin to the attacks against ISIS launched by King Abdullah II of Jordan and President Sisi of Egypt.

Instead, the President spoke of the real grievances the Muslim world has had with the West, the danger of Islamophobia in the U.S., and the need for more community outreach. As the same time, Marie Harf of the State Department gave an interview in which she presented “more jobs” as the answer to the rise of global jihadist movements, and Eric Holder attackedFOX News for its obsession with discussing “radical Islam” and “Islamic extremism.” All this just after the President used the National Prayer Breakfast to compare ISIS atrocities today with Christians using violence in the name of Jesus centuries in the past. How these statements were meant to weaken our enemies is not clear.

That enemy, whether it is was Al Qaeda in Afghanistan, ISIS in Iraq, or the Tsarnaev brothers who bombed the Boston marathon, has a narrative, a story they tell to recruit new terrorists and justify the mass murders they commit daily.

That story is not one of America failing to provide jobs for the world’s needy, or the lack of community outreach in America. It is a story of Islam under attack by the West, a perpetual Holy War against the infidel until the House of Islam – Dar al Islaam – covers the world and all live under sharia in a new Caliphate.

When the Commander-in-Chief speaks of our crusades, he reinforces the message of the people who beheaded those 21 Christians. And ironically, when Marie Harf says all America has to do is solve the world’s problems, she too helps our enemies, unwittingly portraying America as an imperial nation that must become involved in everyone’s business and shape their futures whether or not we have been asked to do so or not.

Ignorance is a very dangerous thing. The mere fact that no one in a position of power in our government understands that the Islamic State beheaded the 21 Christians because they were infidels but immolated Lt Kassasbeh because he was an apostate, demonstrates just how little we know the enemy in this the 14th year of the war against the Global Jihadi Movement. Those two different horrific acts were religiously and theologically determined.

Faith matters to our foes. They have read the Koran. For them, Chapter 9 Verse 5, which reads:

And when the sacred months have passed, then kill the unbelievers wherever you find them, capture them and besiege them and lie in wait for them with every stratagem of war.

is not a remnant of a 7th century story but the eternal word of Allah.

The Attorney General said this week: “The terminology, it seems to me, has little to no impact on what ultimately we have to do.” Would he say the same of a doctor diagnosing him in hospital? If words have meaning, then what we call something matters. Cancer is not that same as the flu.

America and her allies are in a war with people who do what they do to please their God and obtain salvation by serving him as warriors. Washington summits and more community outreach will not stop the next attack against the Homeland. And quoting the Crusades to prove how relative all things really are will only embolden new recruits to rally under the flag of Jihad.



White House Summit on Violent Extremism Opens With Muslim Prayer – No Other Faiths Represented

A Muslim prayer was recited at the start of the second day of the White House summit on “Countering Violent Extremism,” but no other religious text was presented during the portion of the event that was open to the press.

Imam Sheikh Sa’ad Musse Roble, president of the World Peace Organization in Minneapolis, Minn., recited a “verse from the Quran” following remarks by Obama administration officials and Democratic members of Congress.

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Filed under History, Obama Marxist Tyranny