Daily Archives: January 21, 2016

The Harbingers That Scream America’s Days Are Numbered


Open borders, promotion of state totalitarianism, acceptance of Communism, a negative replacement birthrate, and a blind eye to Islam have sealed our fate.

Let me just say it: America is toast.  As is Western Civilization itself.

It’s committed suicide.  Just as every single Republic and Democracy that has come before ours has done.  What remains is a fragile shell that keeps up an appearance of strength and stability.   It masks the rot that has hollowed out the foundations and guts of a nation and people.  As a result: a perverse and wicked people denounce what was once foundational and celebrate what is anathema to our foundations;   institutional corruption exists at all levels of society;  an oppressive government is empowered under false promises to restore what once was.

We are witnessing the collapse of the civil society.

Our leaders have already abandoned the Constitution and replaced it with a defacto federal dictatorship.  Faith in the institutions that maintained liberty are now abandoned as corruption has eviscerated them of legitimacy.

We are about to discover just how thin the veneer of this shell of civilization really is.  Anarchy is being sown in the streets.   Violence at the hands of cherished ‘minorities’ are ignored by the media, while the targeted races and religions are shamed into silence and capitulation of ideas hostile to their own existence.  Seeds of genocide are being planted.  A Christian culture and civilization that created an unparalleled time of prosperity, education, wealth and relative stability in a hostile world, has been abandoned and is being abolished.  It is being dismantled.   What is being erected to replace it will be remembered as a time of horror unlike any ever recorded in human history.  Scripture tells us that if God does not intervene in this near future ahead of us – no flesh, no person, no living thing would survive (Matthew 24:21-22).

The self-loathing liberal Socialism/Marxist political religion that makes up a majority of the body politick in the West, including America have enslaved themselves to meddlesome utopian totalitarian statism to provide all their desires at the expense of liberty without a shred of responsibility.  At the same time, they have made themselves wholly ignorant, impotent and helpless in the face of a rising beast in the world.  A Beast whose armies of barbarians have already invaded their lands by invitation of their blind leaders who seek dependents to their welfare states for permanent political power.  Barbarians that their people willfully ignore and lie to themselves about because Political Correctness is the only ‘truth’ they believe in.

America and the West are literally walking to their own slaughter and demise.  Few however, believe that and most assume via false bravado that somehow Americans will rise up and do what is necessary to restore liberty.

They are dead wrong.

There are several harbingers that reveal the experiment in Constitutional liberty has already failed.

First, and most notable: the majority of this people cannot even agree on what the definition of liberty itself is.  The biblical principles that established the concept of liberty as the Founders intended, are no longer understood or accepted by a people that have abandoned the faith of their forbears.   Freedom today simply means one gets to do whatever one wants, at the expense of someone else.  Americans no longer have a common foundation that established our culture, and have been indoctrinated to LOATHE their culture, race and religious history.

Second: an exponentially growing number of the populace sees nothing wrong with Communism, applauds totalitarianism and hates the very engine of freedom and liberty in terms of wealth, success, private property and Capitalism.

The plain truth is that America could have survived a Marxist, Jihad-arming despot like Obama.  But America cannot survive the millions of our populace that made him their king and embrace a totalitarian ideology he has made policy by virtual decree. Freedom of religion, speech and press are things that a near-majority in colleges and high schools across the country want regulated or abolished.

According to Pew Research Center, 40 percent of Americans aged 18-34 are in favor of government censorship of speech that they say is “offensive to minority groups.”  1st Amendment?  They see no need for it.  They ridicule those who cite it, if their beliefs are in contradiction to theirs.

In such an environment, telling the truth about Islam, crime and black ghetto thugs, or Open Border Immigration or Barrack Hussein Obama – is not only ignored and disregarded, they desire to empower government to forbid, ban and regulate such ‘speech’ itself if it opposes or contradicts their indoctrinated worldview.  They want their ‘safe space’ from even knowing opposing views exist.   George Orwell would be surprised at how quickly and intently his literary warning about totalitarianism has advanced in the once-free Republic that is falling before your eyes.

End WhitePrivilege

America’s First Amendment ‘Obsession’ Is ‘Expression Of White Supremacy’

According to a columnist for the Duke University student newspaper, America’s “obsession with the First Amendment” is really just “an expression of white supremacy.”

“I am thinking about how an urgent and overdue conversation about racism—on our campus and across our country — has been derailed by a diversionary and duplicitous obsession with the First Amendment,” graduate student Bennett Carpenter wrote in university newspaper The Chronicle. “I am thinking about how quickly the conversation has shifted from white supremacy to white fragility — and how this shift is itself an expression of white supremacy.”

Apparently unaware of the irony of using a newspaper column to call for restrictions on free speech, Carpenter argued that Americans give too much deference to the First Amendment and should focus more on censoring violent speech.

“Words hurt as much as actions; indeed, words are actions,” he declared. “Within the context of white supremacy, any distinction between a defaced poster, a racist pamphlet and legal or extralegal murder can be only of degree.”

Ari Cohn, a lawyer with the Foundation for Individual Rights In Education, first noticed the article, which ran on Tuesday with the title “Free speech, Black lives and white fragility.”


Did you comprehend the real intent behind Carpenter’s view of Amerika?  Free speech is only okay so long as you don’t say anything he disagrees with because in so doing, if you are white, you commit the equivalent of ‘murder’.  He has just suggested empowering government to criminalize speech and belief he and the Left disagree with.

It is interesting that Bennett Carpenter and his tutors have volunterred themselves to be the ones to decide for us untermench what the changing definition of violent speech shall be.  You can read and hear it nearly every day now.  ‘White privilege’, ‘The 1%’ and the other assorted garbage coming out of the mouths of these Red Diaper babies are the harbingers of a genocide they are already in bloodlust for.  How can a people co-exist in a society where your very beliefs and skin color are grounds for punishment?

You can’t.

Those who intend you harm will tell you what they intend to do if you’ll just listen to them.  And they are telling us.  LOUDLY.

Statists like Carpenter, have been groomed to support a totalitarian state by the very colleges and school systems you paid huge sums to indoctrinate America’s kids. And, as if a phase 1 of an insidious plot were being finalized – I realize such people who applaud this Leftist totalitarianism will be the very same people who will embrace the Islamic top-down totalitarianism once it begins to assert itself over a population.

Nature abhors a vacuum.  As Christianity shrunk, Secular Hedonism and Statism rapidly replaced the bulwarks of Western Civilization.  As the rot spreads and the thin shell of  our institutions themselves collapse resulting in another vacuum,  another totalitarian top-down system is already in-place to fill it.  But that system has a zealous tyrannical religious core that the current one does not.

syrian refugees

Third:  A Negative Replacement Birthrate combined with massive Alien Immigration without assimilation into a distinctive American culture guarantees we will be either bred out of existence or conquered by sheer numbers from within.

Think that impossible?  How many of you cannot find jobs because you cannot speak Spanish?  How many items do you now buy whose labels are bi-lingual?  Why is preference given to non-citizens from Mexico and South America and now “Syrian refugees” over those of us Americans born here?

These are similar questions Europeans were asking themselves 20 years ago in regards to migrants from Muslim nations in Africa and the Middle East that were put into their welfare programs.

This final harbinger is already producing bitter fruit that is tangible to anyone willing to see the truth without running to their ‘safe space’.

Let’s look at this very harbinger unfolding across Europe.  You will conclude the same thing I did – it’s formerly Christian Secular people have committed self-extinction.  Not only because they have embraced Communistic governing systems, but mainly because they have a shrinking birthrate while at the same time  they have surrendered their cultures to an invasion of hostile migrants put into welfare who have no desire to assimilate, but dominate.

Simple math lays out the fact that Europe has already become Eurabia.

We have allowed our own posterity to be indoctrinated into a hostility of the very rights, freedoms and liberties that made America, AND we have imported by the tens and tens of millions – those spiritually, mentally and physically hostile to the same.

These harbingers scream at us that America’s days are truly numbered.

It’s Still the Demography, Stupid

Mark Steyn

Most people reading this have strong stomachs, so let me lay it out as baldly as I can: Much of what we loosely call the Western world will not survive this century, and much of it will effectively disappear within our lifetimes, including many if not most Western European countries. There’ll probably still be a geographical area on the map marked as Italy or the Netherlands–probably–just as in Istanbul there’s still a building called St. Sophia’s Cathedral. But it’s not a cathedral; it’s merely a designation for a piece of real estate. Likewise, Italy and the Netherlands will merely be designations for real estate. The challenge for those who reckon Western civilization is on balance better than the alternatives is to figure out a way to save at least some parts of the West.

The argument was straightforward. The western world is going out of business because it’s given up having babies. The 20th century welfare state, with its hitherto unknown concepts such as spending a third of your adult lifetime in “retirement”, is premised on the basis that there will be enough new citizens to support the old. But there won’t be. Lazy critics of my thesis thought that I was making a “prediction”, and that my predictions were no more reliable than Al Gore’s or Michael Mann’s on the looming eco-apocalypse. I tried to explain that it’s not really a prediction at all:

When it comes to forecasting the future, the birthrate is the nearest thing to hard numbers. If only a million babies are born in 2006, it’s hard to have two million adults enter the workforce in 2026 (or 2033, or 2037, or whenever they get around to finishing their Anger Management and Queer Studies degrees). And the hard data on babies around the Western world is that they’re running out a lot faster than the oil is. “Replacement” fertility rate–i.e., the number you need for merely a stable population, not getting any bigger, not getting any smaller–is 2.1 babies per woman. Some countries are well above that: the global fertility leader, Somalia, is 6.91, Niger 6.83, Afghanistan 6.78, Yemen 6.75. Notice what those nations have in common?

Scroll way down to the bottom of the Hot One Hundred top breeders and you’ll eventually find the United States, hovering just at replacement rate with 2.07 births per woman. Ireland is 1.87, New Zealand 1.79, Australia 1.76. But Canada’s fertility rate is down to 1.5, well below replacement rate; Germany and Austria are at 1.3, the brink of the death spiral; Russia and Italy are at 1.2; Spain 1.1, about half replacement rate. That’s to say, Spain’s population is halving every generation. By 2050, Italy’s population will have fallen by 22%.

Enter Islam, which sportingly volunteered to be the children we couldn’t be bothered having ourselves, and which kind offer was somewhat carelessly taken up by the post-Christian west. As I wrote a decade ago:

The design flaw of the secular social-democratic state is that it requires a religious-society birthrate to sustain it. Post-Christian hyperrationalism is, in the objective sense, a lot less rational than Catholicism or Mormonism. Indeed, in its reliance on immigration to ensure its future, the European Union has adopted a 21st-century variation on the strategy of the Shakers, who were forbidden from reproducing and thus could increase their numbers only by conversion.

That didn’t work out too great for the Shakers, but the Europeans figured it would be a piece of cake for them: “westernization” is so seductive, so appealing that, notwithstanding the occasional frothing imam and burka-bagged crone, their young Muslims would fall for the siren song of secular progressivism just like they themselves had. So, as long as you kept the immigrants coming, there would be no problem – as long as you oomphed up the scale of the solution. As I put it:

To avoid collapse, European nations will need to take in immigrants at a rate no stable society has ever attempted.

Last year, Angela Merkel decided to attempt it. The German Chancellor cut to the chase and imported in twelve months 1.1 million Muslim “refugees”. That doesn’t sound an awful lot out of 80 million Germans, but, in fact, the 1.1 million Muslim are overwhelmingly (80 per cent plus) fit, virile, young men. Germany has fewer than ten million people in the same population cohort, among whom Muslims are already over-represented: the median age of Germans as a whole is 46, the median age of German Muslims is 34. But let’s keep the numbers simple, and assume that of those ten million young Germans half of them are ethnic German males. Frau Merkel is still planning to bring in another million “refugees” this year. So by the end of 2016 she will have imported a population equivalent to 40 per cent of Germany’s existing young male cohort. The future is here now: It’s not about “predictions”.

On standard patterns of “family reunification”, these two million “refugees” will eventually bring another four or five persons each from their native lands – or another eight-to-ten million. In the meantime, they have the needs of all young lads, and no one around to gratify them except the local womenfolk. Hence, New Year’s Eve in Cologne, and across the southern border the Vienna police chief warning women not to go out unaccompanied, and across the northern border:

Danish nightclubs demand guests have to speak Danish, English or German to be allowed in after ‘foreign men in groups’ attack female revellers

But don’t worry, it won’t be a problem for long: On the German and Swedish “migrant” numbers, there won’t be a lot of “female revelry” in Europe’s future. The formerly firebreathing feminists at The Guardian and the BBC are already falling as mute as battered wives – saying nothing, looking away, making excuses, clutching at rationalizations… Ten years ago, I wrote:

The problem is that secondary-impulse societies mistake their weaknesses for strengths–or, at any rate, virtues–and that’s why they’re proving so feeble at dealing with a primal force like Islam.

“Multiculturalism” was less an immigration policy than an advertisement of our moral virtue. So the really bad thing about New Year’s Eve is not that Continental women got groped and raped by coarse backward “migrants”, but that all these gropes and rapes might provoke the even more coarse and backward natives. I did all the gags a decade ago:

The old definition of a nanosecond was the gap between the traffic light changing in New York and the first honk from a car behind. The new definition is the gap between a terrorist bombing and the press release from an Islamic lobby group warning of a backlash against Muslims.

And so it goes ten years on. We’re beyond parody now. A decade back, I noted:

Then September 11 happened. And bizarrely the reaction of just about every prominent Western leader was to visit a mosque: President Bush did, the prince of Wales did, the prime minister of the United Kingdom did, the prime minister of Canada did . . . The premier of Ontario didn’t, and so 20 Muslim community leaders had a big summit to denounce him for failing to visit a mosque… But for whatever reason he couldn’t fit it into his hectic schedule. Ontario’s citizenship minister did show up at a mosque, but the imams took that as a great insult, like the Queen sending Fergie to open the Commonwealth Games.

Nobody makes that mistake these days. Six Canadians working for a Quebec Catholic humanitarian organization repairing schoolrooms in Burkina Faso get slaughtered by Muslim terrorists, and the Prince Minister skedaddles to a mosque run by a woman-hating loon to hold the moment of silence.

Like I said, I did all the jokes way back when, and it’s not so funny after ten years. My thesis was straightforward: a semi-Muslim France will not be France; it will be something other, and – if you happen to value things like freedom of speech and women’s rights – it will be something worse:

Can a society become increasingly Islamic in its demographic character without becoming increasingly Islamic in its political character?

This ought to be the left’s issue. I’m a conservative–I’m not entirely on board with the Islamist program when it comes to beheading sodomites and so on, but I agree Britney Spears dresses like a slut: I’m with Mullah Omar on that one. Why then, if your big thing is feminism or abortion or gay marriage, are you so certain that the cult of tolerance will prevail once the biggest demographic in your society is cheerfully intolerant? Who, after all, are going to be the first victims of the West’s collapsed birthrates?

And so it goes, on the streets of the most “liberal” “progressive” cities on the planet.

A few weeks before The Wall Street Journal published my piece, I discussed its themes at an event in New York whose speakers included Douglas Murray. Douglas was more optimistic: He suggested that Muslim populations in Europe were still small, and immigration policy could be changed: Easier said than done. My essay and book were so influential that in the decade since, the rate of Islamization in the west has increased – via all three principal methods: Muslim immigration, Muslim birthrates of those already here, Muslim conversion of the infidels. David Goldman thinks aging, childless Germany has embraced civilizational suicide as redemption for their blood-soaked sins. Maybe. But it is less clear why the Continent’s less tainted polities – impeccably “neutral” Sweden, for example – are so eager to join them. As I wrote:

Permanence is the illusion of every age. In 1913, no one thought the Russian, Austrian, German and Turkish empires would be gone within half a decade. Seventy years on, all those fellows who dismissed Reagan as an “amiable dunce” (in Clark Clifford’s phrase) assured us the Soviet Union was likewise here to stay. The CIA analysts’ position was that East Germany was the ninth biggest economic power in the world. In 1987 there was no rash of experts predicting the imminent fall of the Berlin Wall, the Warsaw Pact and the USSR itself.

Somewhere, deep down, the European political class understands that the Great Migrations have accelerated the future I outlined way back when:

Can these trends continue for another 30 years without having consequences? Europe by the end of this century will be a continent after the neutron bomb: The grand buildings will still be standing, but the people who built them will be gone. We are living through a remarkable period: the self-extinction of the races who, for good or ill, shaped the modern world.

It’s the biggest story of our time, and, ten years on, Europe’s leaders still can’t talk about it, not to their own peoples, not honestly. For all the “human rights” complaints, and death threats from halfwits, and subtler rejections from old friends who feel I’m no longer quite respectable, I’m glad I brought it up. And it’s well past time for others to speak out.



Filed under Obama Marxist Tyranny, War On Jihadists