Daily Archives: January 26, 2016

Now We Know The Reason The GOP Establishment Is “Warming Up” To Trump


Trump says he will work with Leftist Democrats, will make ‘great deals’ with them.

One of the reasons why outsiders have been polling well in this cycle is because the electorate is pissed-off and sick and tired of the GOP Party Establishment making ‘deals’ with Obama and the Democrats and handing them their entire agenda to send the country off-the-cliff into Marxist Socialism with wide-open borders to the third world.

Along comes Trump – who talked the talk of someone who would fight back and do the very things our so-called representatives have refused to do: STOP and undo the Leftist/Marxist/Islamist Agenda that Obama and the Democrats have imposed on the country.

Then the Ruling Class and their apparatchiks in the Establishment Media went on a massive blitzkrieg to destroy Trump, doing everything from suggesting he was a criminal to a wannabe Hitler.  It is why it was baffling that these same Establishment types have suddenly done an about-face and publicly said in the last week they can ‘work with Trump’.

Now we know why.

For those of us scratching our heads as to how and why the GOP Party Establishment would suddenly do an about-face and embrace Trump, The Donald goes ahead and lets us all know the actual reason why:


There you have it.  He will work with the Democrats, just like McConnell, McCain, Graham, Boehner, Ryan and the rest of the Establishment have said they would do, and did.

In fact Trump said yesterday that the GOP Establishment “Likes me more than nasty guy Ted Cruz”.  How and why is that suddenly a PLUS for a guy who originally fashioned himself as an opponent of the GOP Establishment and won the YUUUGE following he has garnered??

Making America great again?  No.  Trump will do no such thing if the ‘art of the deal’ is what he thinks the Presidency is all about.  Making deals to ‘get along’ is what got us into this mess in the first place Mr. Trump.

‘Working with’ the very people and party that have destroyed the country is exactly what the GOP Establishment has already done.  Why make deals with Leftists and the very inside cabal that his mobs of followers think he is going to defy?  What sense does that make?  Does Trump not understand the fact that the Left NEVER compromises their Agenda, NEVER surrenders any ground and ALWAYS requires our sides’ capitulation for any ‘deal’ to be struck??

Will Trump ‘make deals’ and work with with ISIS, Al Qaeda and Iran for the sake of ‘getting along’?  His recent spate of comments in the last few days is not comforting and raises MAJOR red flags. Apparently, getting a deal and getting along is more important than standing on fundamental principles according to The Donald.

Must be more of those ‘New York Values” he fancies.  You know, the kind that made avowed Communist Bill DeBlasio the Mayor of New York.

I don’t think the desperate mobs of people supporting Trump are listening to what he is actually saying beyond entertainment sloganeering.  Trump said on 60 Minutes, he was going to replace ObamaCare with UNIVERSAL – SINGLE PAYER health care.

Donald Trump said that “Obamacare is a disaster” and that he plans to repeal it and replace it with a government-funded universal healthcare plan.

Government-funded ‘universal healthcare’??????????????

Forget the ‘bone’ he threw about ‘private plans’ and ‘negotiating with different companies’ because a government-funded single payer healthcare system cannot, and will not permit a free-market system competing with the government and the cronies who are going to be making bank in such a system.

No WONDER the Establishment Ruling Class is suddenly embracing Trump!  That proposal is the very Soviet system that ObamaCare was designed to usher-in after it destroyed the health insurance industry.  Trump is simply going to hand Obama, Pelosi and Schumer the gift that the Fabian Socialists have intended to do for 100 years, that even Obama himself couldn’t do right away.

Trump will ‘make a deal’ and hand them what they have wanted as their brass ring in a single swoop.

And not a wrinkle of concern from his supporter base.

Of course Trump knows the mob he leads, and he, himself said – he could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and not lose a single supporter. Joke or not, there is truth to that statement.

But what if Trump shoots the very reason why he garnered so much support in the first place?  It remains to be seen whether his supporters are just a seig-heiling mob that want him as a political messiah, or whether or not they actually give a crap about the issues Trump says he was going to “fix”.

Alarmingly, there is a pattern to Trumps statements that should garner concern.  Trump keeps talking about making deals as President, as if the Executive branch exists for the sole purpose of making deals instead of executing the Laws of the Land and upholding the Constitution, which is NOT NEGOTIABLE.  Trump may very well think the Constitution negotiable if getting a ‘deal’ ‘trumps’ standing on the very foundational principles that made America what it once was.

The Donald cannot make America ‘great again’ with a mindset like that.  For a President we need a faithful Administrator not a Monty Hall gameshow host.


Trump: I’ll Work With Democrats

Tuesday, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said if he were president, he would work with  Democrats including House Minority Leader Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY).

…“Well, I think that I’m going to be able to get along with Pelosi. I think I’m going to be able to — I’ve always had a great relationship with Nancy Pelosi, I’ve never had a problem.” Trump said.

…Hey, look, I think I’d be able to get along well with Schumer, Chuck Schumer. I was always very good with Schumer. I was close to Schumer in many ways. And it’s important to get along. It’s wonderful to say you’re a maverick and you’re going to stand up and close up the country, and all other things, but you have to get somebody to go along with you.

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