Daily Archives: January 13, 2016

GOP Joins Obama To Attack Trump, Cruz, Conservatives


Last Night’s pathetic GOP “Response” to Obama’s Castro-esque SOTU was proof positive that America is ruled by a single Uniparty Statist Politburo that openly wars upon anyone not in their Elitist ‘club’.

Of note: neither Obama or Nikki Haley made mention of the Act of War Iran perpetrated on us yesterday in the capture and humiliation of U.S. Sailors.  We can expect John Kerry to ‘apologize’ and/or ‘thank’ Iran if they are released.

Feckless, appeasement surrender monkeys not only apply to Obama’s Amerika towards Islamists, but applies to the Republican Party itself, that has allied itself with Obama’s agenda.

Best case: The GOP is truly the Stupid Party.  It committed suicide long ago.  Bury the stinking carcass already.  It’s dead Jim.

Actual case: The Republican Party is simply the ‘moderate’ wing of the Socialist/Marxist Democrat totalitarians, and have joined their velvet coup of the country.  The Republican Party has become every bit an enemy of liberty and freedom as Obama and his cabal of Leftist/Communist/Islamist minions are.

We will come to learn that the Republican party needed to be destroyed and rendered irrelevant as the WHIGs that they have become.  They will not permit their party to be reformed by grassroots Conservative Patriotic Americans.  They will invent and perpetrate ways to fortify their ivory towers that enable the GOP to continue to engage in crony Fascism.

Please note, the entire Republican leadership and party loyalists are the people who demand illegal immigration, open borders and are the originators of “Islam is a religion of Peace’ B.S. mantra.  At the same time they have declared war on Conservatives defining us to be ‘a scourge”; ‘Satanic’; ‘Apocalyptic’; ‘xenophobic’ – terms the GOP NEVER uses on Democrats or Obama.

‘Republican’ analyst David (Crease-In-Obama’s-Pants) Brooks said Obama’s speech was triumphant as FDR, and issued an epic rant that Cruz and Trump are Satanic and ‘Apocalyptic’.

The GOP Leadership has repeatedly made it clear that they will not tolerate any ‘outsiders’ from among the ‘country class’ Conservatives they disdain from achieving high office.  Neither will they permit a self-made and self-funded eccentric billionaire that is not beholden to them to be the nominee of their ‘closed’ party.  GOP leadership and loyalists have already stated openly that it will sabotage, destroy and even endorse and vote for Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders if Trump or Cruz manage to overcome all the corruption and achieve the nomination of their Party.    The Republican leadership would rather see the nation burned to the ground, run by Communists or overthrown by Islamists and/or Mexicans than see someone like Trump or Cruz become president.

Watch.  They are doing all they can to see to it that Jeb is gifted the nomination.  Even if they have to rig polls in concert with the Leftist mainstream media, create bogus charges to derail their campaigns and if needs be, hijack the convention to remove Trump or Cruz.  The Republican Establishment does this because they hate them and those of us who support Cruz and Trump more than they do the people and ideologies that are hostile to liberty and the Constitution, of which they have already surrendered.

Americans have the entire apparatus of Federal government, the entire praetorian Pravda media, the Republican Party leadership and the Marxist Democrats being used against us as weapons to achieve our subjugation under their rule.  Overcoming all of these agents of our destruction is not going to happen via a single election, even if Trump or Cruz is ever sworn in, but overcoming them all is going to be necessary if we ever want our posterity to breathe any semblance of freedom in their lifetimes.

Nikki Haley uses State of Union response to bash Trump and praise illegals

According to her prepared remarks, Haley said:

During anxious times, it can be tempting to follow the siren call of the angriest voices,” she will say, suggesting that Trump is an irrational, angry person who dislikes foreigners.

“We must resist that temptation. No one who is willing to work hard, abide by our laws, and love our traditions should ever feel unwelcome in this country,” says the speech.

This is code for welcoming illegal aliens.  This is how liberals talk: they claim that illegals haven’t broken any laws if they haven’t broken any additional laws besides entering the country illegally.  Nikki, they aren’t abiding by our laws if they came here legally.  And they certainly aren’t abiding by our traditions if they don’t learn English.  And we don’t dislike “foreigners”; we dislike “foreigners” who are here illegally, a distinction that eludes liberals, and apparently Nikki Haley.

If anyone wanted incontrovertible proof of what I just laid out:

White House heaps praise on Haley after SOTU response 

The GOP is every bit the enemy of We The People that the Democrat Marxist Party is.





Filed under Obama Marxist Tyranny, Politics