The Mob Zombie Cult of Ron Paul


While I consider Ron Paul’s Blame America Pacifism and Isolationist platform to be totally insane – some of his rabid followers are totally off the deep end. In the last few months, I have witnessed the absolute foam-at-the-mouth mobishness that is propelling the Ron Paul campaign to cult status.

The subtle and direct threats of violence, death and harm levied against those who question or oppose Ron Paul on forums, chat rooms and blogs is truly frightening. Reading these threats has brought to mind stories I’ve read about the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia and the thuggish Brownshirt mobs in Berlin during the 1930’s. Some of these people have suggested that the Nazis had the “right idea”, and that people like me who oppose Ron Paul should be “rounded up”. Some have stated on forum boards that “neocons” (like me apparently) need to be “Tried for treason and given the death penalty”, which is ostensibly funny considering the messiah they support opposes the death penalty. Others have been more direct – stating that people like me “need to be shot on sight”. Obviously when the Ron Paul zombies are talking “revolution” – they somewhere in the dark recesses of their minds are willing to entertain a bloodletting revolution.

It’s no wonder then that Ron Paul supporters adopted terrorist wannabe Guy Fawkes, as an icon for their fundraising ‘revolution’ last week. Guy Fawkes, was a terrorist wannabe who tried to start a revolution by blowing up Parliment and killing King James I of Britain. They adopted that icon for an internet push to raise money for Ron Paul’s campaign – some of which apparently was ill-obtained by fraud and has to be returned, and some of which apparently was donated by neoNazis at Stormfront. In a push to capture the spirit of bombing parliment and killing a King on November 5, 1605, the Ron Paul brigades said they wanted to create a “money bomb” or other such euphanism to stoke the idea of a real revolution. While the recent neoLeft movie and comic “V- For Vendetta” is what probably stoked the romantic notion of their cause – it’s no mere coincidence that the idea of a real revolution festers in their minds. In fact – they are now calling for a 2007 “Tea Party” to continue the romatic notion that they are noble rebels of an oppressive regime. Given what some Revolutionistas have said – they are willing to kill fellow countrymen to get their way.

The fanatical devotion in literally treating Ron Paul as some kind of messianic figure in the mantle of Moses to deliver America from the slavery of “Neocon” Pharoahs is disconcerting to say the least. The scary thing is that it is not just a few supporters here and there that act as though Ron Paul is the equivalent of the Second Coming of Paul Revere, but that he is the spiritual embodiment of Washington, Jefferson, Adams and Chomsky.

What is revealing is that there are literally hundreds if not thousands of Ron Paul people scouring the internet like U-boat commanders hunting down any pings that bode ill for their captain. I fully expect this entry to hit their sub nets and result in volley after volley of Ron Paul torpedoes attempting to sink my right of free political expression the moment their sonars hone in on this entry. I mean, not even the Hillary People in the Clinton Crime Family machine have threatened me with imprisonment and death for daring to defy her Thighness’ campaign. I find it interesting that the Ron Paul Revolutionistas will support a candidate that supposedly stands for liberty and freedom by attacking the rights and liberties of those who either disagree with or call Ron Paul’s positions into question.

I think that is instructive.

Instructive and frightening if you remember not to discount the stupidity of people in large groups, and the make-up of this particular group of zombies is worth taking note of.

The Ron Paul Revolutionistas are made up of a misma of anti-war Leftists, Che Guevera admirers, Anti War zealots, anti-Capitalists, Pot- Loving Hippies, Free Drug Libertarians, Anarchists, Christian Pacifists, Secular Pacifists, Yellow Dog Democrats, Yellow Bellied Cowards, Gold Bugs, Silver Bugs, 9-11 Truthers, Alex Jones Conspiratorialists, Bush Derrangement Syndrome ideologues, Neonazis, Stormfront White Supremacists, Disaffected Socially Conservative Democrats, Disaffected Socially Conservative Republicans, Disaffected Liberal Leftists, Disaffected anti-war Marxists, Amish Isolationists, Hugo Chavez of Venzuela, Dr. Ayman Zawahiri of Al Qaeda and President Ahmadinejad of Iran.

Interesting list is it not? As one Revolutionista said to me recently – “See? Ron Paul is a UNITER of peoples”. I had to laugh.

Ron Paul unites them on one issue only: his anti-war positon, and it’s fleeting at best. All these ideologically opposed mindsets all purporting to support the Constitution? It’s like suggesting that God and the Demons are united on the common foundation of the Ten Commandments. It’s absurd.

Each kind of these ideologues support the Ron Paul campaign for singular reasons – mostly his Isolationist (read:”non-Interventionism) anti-war, blame America stance since 9-11. Some support him on his monetary positions. Some on his tax ideas. Some on his Bring The Troops Home positons. Oh sure, they will cite their supposed love of the Constitution – but in reality, they are one-note opera singers when it comes to the rest of the document they pay lip service to.

But comes a doubter, the Ron Paul Revolutionistas become a crazed zombie mob, complete with wide eye gnashing of teeth, that beset upon forum boards, online polls and blogs with limitless vitriol and argumentation against those hapless souls that happen shine a light in their direction.

Care to experience what it must have been like to be a Jew in 1930’s Nazi Germany if the internet had been around? Write an opinion questioning Ron Paul or supportive of our war effort and count how many times you are labeled a ‘neocon’. It has me wondering what color stars the Ron Paul people will make those of us who do not genuflect in the presence of a Ron Paul position wear. Oh yes, one Revolutionista already told me: boiling tar and feathers.

Doesn’t that make you want to go out and support a guy this mob would gladly lift to Fuhrer status?

I think Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity might have an idea of what I’m talking about considering the happenings in their little corners of Americana this week with the Revolutionistas. The absolute foam-at-the mouth zombies want a pound of Michael Medved’s flesh to shred too.

I’m not the only writer to make note of this mob cult mentality. The Lonestar Times, Squawkbox and The American Thinker and even the Left-leaningStanford Daily all had pieces that note the insane actions of those who support with jihad-like devotion – their Prophet of Conservative Constitutionalism.

If one is known by the company one keeps, Ron Paul has the admiration of those who oppose everything the Constitution actually stands for. When he is cited by America’s enemies and repeats the same talking points that the Leftist George Soros Anti-war movment groups do – one should wonder aloud if this is really a person any American can support.

But what drives the point of my opposition currently, is when the mob Revolutionistas of Ron Paul warn through subtleties and suggestions of impending violence if they do not get their way; constantly concoct conspiracies of everything from rigged polls to assassination plots by ‘neocons’, romanticize the notion of another “civil war’; to outright threats of death and harm for opposing their chosen deliverer – it is time to stand against such a mob.

When people who supposedly support a guy who champions the Constitution, and then suggest violence and death for those who are exercizing their free political speech opposing their candidate – something is seriously wrong with such a mob movement.

Perhaps they had their brains eaten by other zombies, and they forgot that the Bill of Rights is part of the Constitution that they pay so much lip service to.


Filed under Musings, Politics

62 responses to “The Mob Zombie Cult of Ron Paul


    So Ron Paul supporters are “mob zombies”, yet SHEEP like this follow Sean Insanity and Glenn Dreck! Don’t throw stones SHEEPLE!

    What an Orwellian Bizarro world we live in when establishment bought and paid for polticians like Ghouliani and Hitlery are worshipped by the ELITE SUPPORTIN’ SHEEPLE, and an honorable, patriotic American like Dr. Paul is smeared by the corporate media and meathead bloggers like Stupid In-The-Heady…

  2. I give this blog post a C in the smear attempt category, but an A+ in sweeping generalizations.

  3. invar

    Like sharks.

    Posted at :19 after and by :36 the sub nets of the Revolutionistas have sent word to the Ron Paul fleet to zero in on the offending ship to sink it.

    I also have the additional honor of adding SHEEPLE to my label of NEOCON.

    Exactly like I said – a pack of zombies.


    More Orwellian bizarro world for ya, Stupid In-The-Heady is a supposed christian based on skimming through the boring posts (no way anybody can read the complete ramblings without fallin’ asleep), but the meathead misses the point- Jesus wouldn’t be bombing Iraq and plannin’ ta bomb Iran!

    Who would Jesus bomb?

    JIVEWIRE, standing up for America! (and BITCHSLAPPIN’ SHEEPLE in the process!)

  5. r2streu

    Wow…. nothing like a post with “Ron Paul” in it to bring out the mob.

    I like it.

    As somebody who, unlike the zombies, read more than the title, I think you’ve got some really great points here. Paul himself probably wouldn’t be so bad… it’s the tinfoil hats that keep showing up at his rallies that really throw off his image.

    Well, that, and the fact that his meds wear off about five minutes into a given speech or debate, and the “Evil Empire” Turrets episode begins.

  6. Clark Jenson

    I suppose being paid to smear presidential candidates in no way resembles the actions of a zombie. When you realize you’re just a used peon, you’re going to regret that you took the wrong side.

  7. invar

    Who would Jesus bomb?

    200 million in the Valley of Hinnom. Zechariah 14 for starters Jivewire – do some bible study and get a little educated.

    Given your profanity usage – I imagine you aren’t too acquainted with the Good Book.

    I suppose being paid to smear presidential candidates in no way resembles the actions of a zombie.

    I get paid? Really? It’s amazing how you zombies always assign yourselves the role of Conspiratorial know-it-alls.

    I don’t get paid jack to write my thoughts down. I’m just doing my duty – with no thought of reward except that which I have already stated here.

    When you realize you’re just a used peon, you’re going to regret that you took the wrong side.

    Really? Will you be coming to smash down my door in the middle of the night like the SS – or will you just drag us ‘dissidents’ to the center of town before boiling us in tar and shooting us?

    Or perhaps your plans are grander given the support you zombies have from the Stormfront folks and trains going to camps with stores of zyklon B are on the drawing boards?

    Please, elaborate on your subtle threats — for posterity.

  8. Steve

    Wow, that was an awesome hit piece.
    Ron Paul supporters feel very passionate about their man, they are emotional about it. After 8 years of Bush’s stupidity I can’t say I blame them.

    70% of Americans want out of Iraq and Ron Paul agrees with the majority, it might be the defining issue of this election cycle, and if it is, you sir, picked the wrong side. Have you ever thought people might want to give radical change a chance and see what happens?

  9. jedes

    Hey Invar,

    I often check out google to see how high my own blog posts appear. It shouldn’t suprise you to find others doing the same about things they care about- in this case, Ron Paul.

  10. jedes

    Also, it’s a bit silly to generalize. Has it ever occured to you that there are many like minded conservatives who’ve felt abandoned by the mainstream republican party for years. Dr. Paul holds many of my personal views, and i’m glad to have someone i can vote for in the primary.


    Inbred Invar
    Tappin’ his feet!

    In a bathroom stall
    Lo0kin’ for meat!

    Busted by the cops
    Now he’s in jail!

    All the other inmates
    Enjoyin’ his tail!

  12. invar

    Thank you Jivewire – for demonstrating the average infantile mental state of the Ron Paul Zombie brigades.

    You do your so-called “revolution’ proud as their poster boy.

    Ron Paul supporters feel very passionate about their man, they are emotional about it.

    Yes, I can see that. Even to the point that while claiming they stand for the Constitution, they threaten someone with death for not supporting their candidate who is exercising their political speech.

    Which makes my point that the Ron Paul Revolutionistas are nothing but a crazed mob.

    70% of Americans want out of Iraq and Ron Paul agrees with the majority

    Yay! 99% of Al Qaeda wants us out of there too – Iran wants us out of there – glad to see Ron Paul agrees with our enemies too!

    Since the overwhelming majority of EVERYONE wants us out of Iraq – we should obviously do what everyone wants!

    With that mentality governing logic – it’s a wonder this nation ever went to war to free slaves.

    Consensus is the absence of leadership.

    America is going to rue the day it ever retreated from the face of this war. The armies of the Mahdi from Babylon are prophesied to subjugate the world in the minds of those sworn to kill themselves in order to destroy infidels.

    But go ahead and sleep happy in the delusion that everything will always remain the same – and America will be fine – if Ron Paul is annointed King.

  13. vito

    This was a good article, well done. I guess the fact that the paulbots are so angry with you is a good sign. 🙂

    What we can see here is a fascist movement in it’s infant steps, and it is frightening. All the typical signs are there: Cult-like admiring of the leader, any doubt that the leader is not the Chosen One is met with insults and threats, a thuggish mentality…
    Let’s hope that it will be over soon.

  14. David Morganstern

    Wow didn’t take long for the Zombie horde to zero in. You know you have written the truth when you get such hatred back.


  15. John Anderson

    “Yay! 99% of Al Qaeda wants us out of there too – Iran wants us out of there – glad to see Ron Paul agrees with our enemies!”

    You are so lost! Do yourself, and your 3 readers a favor and do some research before you spew ignorance. Al Qaeda wants us there idiot. You should probably go back and look at the tactics our CIA taught Bin Laden back when he was dealing with the Russians. Al Qaeda wants us spending $10,000 to their $1. They want us to debase and inflate our currency. They want us to borrow from foreign powers heavily. That’s how wars are won these days. When the U.S. Dollar is so deflated that OPEC Nations begin to sell oil in Euros, and we can’t buy foreign products, how we will in Iraq? Will we be a stronger a nation with a trashed economy?

    Secondly, if you think our foreign policy has nothing to do with our increasing number of enemies, you are a lunatic. If 15 of the 9/11 hijackers are Saudis, why isn’t the global war on terror directed at Saudi Arabia? Officially, because the U.S. doesn’t punish governments for the criminal acts of their citizens. Then why do we levy sanctions and bark for war against Iran because some Iranians may or may not be supporting the insurgency? Because we punish some governments for some criminal acts but not others. Why did the U.S. support the usurpation of an elected leader in Iran, and install a dictator? Because we needed a stable government in Iran. Why did the U.S. initiate the usurpation of Saddam from Iraq? Because we don’t tolerate dictators?

    I could go on and on with examples of the hypocrisy of our foreign policy, but it would do no good to one as dense as you. Only over-eager, flag waving, false patriotic Americans such as yourself refuse to see the truth. The U.S. foreign policy is horribly flawed, and it’s bringing us grief. Thanks to people like you, it might not get changed. Thanks to those who get all gushy over Hannity & Levin, we as a nation will just keep on pretending like everything is just fine. Until we get attacked or fall into a depression. Whichever comes first.

    With our without Ron Paul, only two things can happen. We lose this wasteful ‘War on Terror’ because we are too broke to fund it, or we lose it because people smarter than yourself retake control of this runaway government. You’ve already chosen your side. I’ll see you in the bread lines.

  16. zomg noes

    Facts? Not on my blog!

    This post was full of truthiness, and you just plain ruined it, Mr. Anderson.

  17. John Anderson

    America is going to rue the day it ever retreated from the face of this war. The armies of the Mahdi from Babylon are prophesied to subjugate the world in the minds of those sworn to kill themselves in order to destroy infidels.

    You call Ron Paul supporters tin-foil hat conspiracy theorists? I guess blatant hypocrisy just flows free and unchecked from the Hannitized.

    I do have a couple of points I’d like to bring up about this quote though. How on earth are loose knit groups like terrorist networks going to “subjugate the world”? It doesn’t take my six years of service as an intelligence analyst in the USMC to tell you that it isn’t going to happen militarily. What are they going to do, float up the Mississippi in a couple of junker boats and proclaim that they taking over? They don’t have the “beans, bullets, and band-aids” to “subjugate” Antarctica, much less western civilization.

    Maybe, just maybe, they have difference plans. Maybe Al Queda realizes that they can defeat America by defeating our economy. Maybe they realize that they can subjugate America by scaring it’s citizens into allowing the government to destroy the very concepts of liberty this nation was founded upon. Once Americans have been stripped of their rights to privacy, speech, and trial by jury America has been subjugated. Once American money can no longer put food on the table, or buy clothes for our children, we have been good and truly subjugated. Under these circumstances all Al Qaeda has to do to inflict punishment on the “American infidels” is threaten to attack, and we will suffer in the name of government protection and due to a scared market.

    If you live in fear of “The Armies of Mhadi”, know this; While you hide from Mhadi behind the government’s apron skirts, that government isn’t protecting you. That government is blindly throwing money around and slashing at liberty and American principle. It’s too proud to admit it’s mistakes and correct them. It’s too stubborn to change course even when the course it’s on is a losing one.

    So yes, Ron Paul is the only voice of reason and sanity currently running for President. I just pray that cooler heads prevail, and we can put this honest and intellectual man in the White House. Only then will we out maneuver Al Queda, focus on capturing Bin Laden, and be secure against the tactics of terrorism.

  18. David Morganstern

    “Rue the day”? Who talks like that. or yeah a Zombie!!!


  19. Lisa Bennett

    Um… Invar? Are you talking about the same Zechariah that is the prophecy of the birth and second coming of Jesus? The one where he’ll be conquering the AntiChrist and his forces? Hmmm… don’t see anything about 200 million in here. Oh wait, that’s because that’s in Revelation 9 when an army of 200 million marches on Jerusalem.
    Sounds to me like someone else ought to be studying up on their Bible a bit more. Just sayin’.

  20. Chance

    I don’t even support Ron Paul, though I find his candidacy interesting, compared to the robots we call front runners. But having read your post twice I can’t find a coherent argument against the man or his supporters, just a lot of name calling and sweeping generalizations.

  21. Scott McDonnell


    “Thank you Jivewire – for demonstrating the average infantile mental state of the Ron Paul Zombie brigades.”

    This coming from someone that spent their valuable(?) time photoshopping Ron Paul signs on top of zombies, and then decided to throw in a few “9/11 was an inside job” signs to further his unfactual point.

    Not even worth commenting beyond that.

  22. bbartlog

    Care to experience what it must have been like to be a Jew in 1930’s Nazi Germany

    You might want to study your history a little more before comparing your internet experiences with the oppression visited on the Jews. Having a few internet trolls make vague threats of revolution doesn’t really compare to Kristallnacht.
    Also, congratulations on an almost entirely fact-free article. I’m always interested in the issues, but none of them were discussed here.

  23. Conan

    I’m 26 and have considered myself a Republican since before I could vote. I was a member of my College Republican chapter, was an officer in the Tarrant County (Texas) Young Republicans, attended the Texas Republican state convention as a delegate in 2004, walked door to door for Pete Sessions’ congressional campaign, and was campaign manager for a successful Republican justice of the peace candidate. In short, an active, mainstream Republican.

    As a Republican, I want a small, fiscally conservative government. This is not a radical or fringe position–it’s a core component of the Republican platform. I feel that President Bush and the Republicans in Congress have done an exceedingly poor job on this front.

    I also disagree with our foreign policy under Bush. At the cost of thousands of American and Iraqi lives and hundreds of billions of dollars, our involvement in Iraq has tarnished America’s image, strained our military, and diminished our moral authority, all without making us safer. Our actions have lost us allies and swelled the ranks of those who would attack us. I can understand why other perfectly reasonable Republicans might support Bush’s foreign policy, but I do not.

    I am far from an isolationist. I believe very strongly in free trade and diplomatic engagement with countries around the world (a position shared by Ron Paul), but I am opposed to aggressive foreign meddling and nation-building. Only a few short years ago, this was a pretty standard Republican position, but apparently not any more.

    As a Republican voter with solid conservative beliefs, to whom should I give my support? None of the Republican front-runners are a good fit. They are all pro-war and don’t seem any better than Bush on fiscal conservative issues.

    A small but not insignificant number of Republicans like me examine the Republican front-runners and find them lacking. We find a solid champion of our positions in Ron Paul. I don’t agree with every position he has, but then who does, particularly considering that Rudy Giuliani and Mitt Romney are the leading candidates of the Republican Party?

    If wanting Republican politicians to actually mean something when they talk about smaller government rather than just paying lip service to it makes me a Ron Paul zombie, then… brrRAINS!!

  24. Clark

    You’re going to have regrets because you are going to lose your freedoms, like the rest of us. You think being paid is going to somehow exempt you from a loss of rights? Unless you’re already a member of the inside elite, I seriously doubt that’s going to happen. Join the crowd, paid basher. Go to the back of the line.

  25. Steve

    invar you are more wacked out than the radicals that follow Ron Paul. But worse than that you fall into the Romans 10:2 catagory which makes fall into another catagory the one Jesus talked about in

  26. crackerjaxon

    Such a wanton cry for attention.

    There. There.

    It will be alright. Ron Paul is not the bogey man.

    Go back to sleep.

  27. invar

    Are you talking about the same Zechariah that is the prophecy of the birth and second coming of Jesus? The one where he’ll be conquering the AntiChrist and his forces? Hmmm… don’t see anything about 200 million in here. Oh wait, that’s because that’s in Revelation 9 when an army of 200 million marches on Jerusalem.

    Whom shall he teach knowledge? and whom shall he make to understand doctrine? them that are weaned from the milk, and drawn from the breasts. For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little. Isaiah 28:9-10

    Read Zechariah 14 specifically – then read Revelation 19:19-21. Notice any similarities?

    The armies of the Mahdi from Babylon are prophesied to subjugate the world in the minds of those sworn to kill themselves in order to destroy infidels.

    You call Ron Paul supporters tin-foil hat conspiracy theorists?

    Ever read the Quran? The Hadith? Ever take the time to either READ what it is exactly that Al Qaeda, Ahmadinejad and Nassarella believe is their “divine mission”??

    No of course not. That’s why you call Islamic Prophecy’s End Time estacheology a “Tin-foil Conspiracy theory” – at least in conjunction with my reference to it. Of whether the idea itself is Tin Foil or not is irrelevant, because the fact is that millions and perhaps TENS OF MILLIONS of Muslims believe in the theory, of which they must fulfill a role and bring about what their holy book prescribes.

    How on earth are loose knit groups like terrorist networks going to “subjugate the world”?

    Keep watching, it’s taking place right before your eyes in places like Darfur, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Iran, Indonesia, Pakistan and just about every land that has a dominant Muslim population.

    It doesn’t take my six years of service as an intelligence analyst in the USMC to tell you that it isn’t going to happen militarily.

    Thanks for your service, but in light of that statement and your comments – no wonder it took us from 1979 to September 12, 2001 to wake up. We’ve had outstanding analysts like yourself advising the threat status.

    What are they going to do, float up the Mississippi in a couple of junker boats and proclaim that they taking over? They don’t have the “beans, bullets, and band-aids” to “subjugate” Antarctica, much less western civilization.

    You might want to turn on the news and get a clue about what is happening in Pakistan and why.

    Just wait until the Jihadists get their nukes – and Iran is able to make them willy nilly.

    As former USMC – I would have thought you groundmen learned the lesson of never underestimating your enemy.

    I guess not.

    Maybe Al Queda realizes that they can defeat America by defeating our economy.

    Bravo! You finally got one right! As a former analyst – I would have thought that Bin laden’s 1998 Declaration of war – and his reasons for attacking the WTC would have entered your analysis.

    Maybe they realize that they can subjugate America by scaring it’s citizens into allowing the government to destroy the very concepts of liberty this nation was founded upon.

    Not in their playbook, because they don’t really care about our liberties to begin with, or the kind of government we have running our show.

    Here’s an assignement for you sir, find out what Kuffar means, and explain how that applies to Americans and this very land we stand on in the minds of Jihadist Muslims.

    Once Americans have been stripped of their rights to privacy, speech…

    You mean the same speech that your fellow Revolutionistas want to ’round me up’ and ‘shoot’ me [execute, firing squad, boil in oil and “rip my f—-ing head off”] for? Those rights??

    BTW, where the hell were you people when the Congress was talking about reinstituting the Fairness Doctrine??

    Oh that’s right – you applaud that – because it goes after those who do not support your messiah.

    If you live in fear of “The Armies of Mhadi”,

    Pretty sure Winston Churchill was catigated as a fraidy-cat of Hitler’s growing army in the 1930’s.

    Thanks for helping history repeat itself, in a small personal way.

    While you hide from Mhadi behind the government’s apron skirts, that government isn’t protecting you.

    Might want to tell my bros in the 82nd and 101st that. They are apparently under the delusion that they are.

    That government is blindly throwing money around and slashing at liberty and American principle.

    Been happening for 60-plus years, long before 9-11. I guess if the promise is Socialism, breads and circuses for a dependent class – then we’re all okay with that because it’s our duty as ‘caring nuturers’ to empower government to do our charity. But if we go to war on an enemy that was able to kill thousands of countrymen in a moment’s time, and promises to do so again – why – we can’t have that! Liberty is being ruined!

    I’d love to imagine what you turkeys would sound like under FDR in 1942 when rationing, internments and other fun burdens were enacted in order to fight and win WWII.

    So yes, Ron Paul is the only voice of reason and sanity currently running for President.

    Given his Blame America First Isolationist ideas and your fellow Revolutionistas threatening death and prison for anyone opposing him – I’d have to say it’s more like the inmates have taken over the running of the assylum.

    I just pray that cooler heads prevail, and we can put this honest and intellectual man in the White House. Only then will we out maneuver Al Queda, focus on capturing Bin Laden, and be secure against the tactics of terrorism.

    More messiah worship. How frighteningly sad.

    “Only by having Ron Paul as Deliverer, will we have world peace, plenty, prosperity, a chicken in every pot, a car in every gargage, pot in every bong, and freedom for every prison inmate”.

    No thanks. I’m not joining your mob.

  28. invar

    You might want to study your history a little more before comparing your internet experiences with the oppression visited on the Jews. Having a few internet trolls make vague threats of revolution doesn’t really compare to Kristallnacht.

    I don’t recall comparing the current push to war on “neocons’ as Kristallnacht specifically.

    However, the threats, hatred and anti-Jew propaganda had to begin somewhere before Kristallnacht. The Brownshirts didn’t just wake up one morning and say “Hey – let’s beat the crap out of Jews today!”

    The zeitgeist festered until it motivated the mobs to act on Kristallnacht. I’m making reference to that zeitgeist considering all the insanity from the Zombies I have received and am reading.

    Also, congratulations on an almost entirely fact-free article. I’m always interested in the issues, but none of them were discussed here.

    Facts? I’ve received death threats from you people, I’ve read everything from snide insults to subtle suggestions about what my fate will be when you people take over. THOSE are the facts I have commented on in this piece. And given the reaction and the way you people are swarming like sharks in a frenzy just keep making my point about you – and your messiah worship.

    It’s instructive to note that on many forums and blogs when someone posts an opinion not favorable to Ron Paul – and cites the reasons why, almost without fail – the Revolutionistas will automatically decree that the poster/blog/comment has no “facts” and are either operatives of the GOP or paid neocons sent out to debunk their messiah.

    People like Clark here:

    You think being paid is going to somehow exempt you from a loss of rights? Unless you’re already a member of the inside elite, I seriously doubt that’s going to happen. Join the crowd, paid basher.

    Always assumptive morons the mob of you are. I wish I was getting cash for writing – I might be able to pay a few more bills.

  29. comegetzsome

    The Canadian opinion; you guys really do come off as the new nazi germany. To most average canadian citizens, even. America’s international image has never been spiffy clean, but the longer we look at ‘cha, the closer the reich eagle looks to yours.

  30. taxwaxxawxat

    Annoying, Ron Paul bot, spamming, hackers, and unemployed, basement dwelling, tin foil hat wearing, lunatic, moronic, radical, racist, liberal, unpatriotic, libertarian, crazy, ass hat, kooky, truther, nut ball, anti-Semitic, Jew hating, drug addicted, perverted, uncompassionate, ugly, cultist, extraterrestrial, nerdy, moon bat, extremist, thugs, and flakey, liar, zombies ate my baby!

  31. Gill N.

    Accepting forms of payment to write articles that smear another’s character is a sign of emotional immaturity. You’re character is weak and you are not a mature adult who gives back to society. You are the emotional equivalent of a child. Please refrain from writing until you mature enough to write something that gives back to society.

    It is my sincere hope that you one day realize the importance of giving back to society in a positive way. Please use your writing talent in a positive way. Life is short. Make the most of it.

  32. invar

    Annoying, Ron Paul bot, spamming, hackers, and unemployed, basement dwelling, tin foil hat wearing, lunatic, moronic, radical, racist, liberal, unpatriotic, libertarian, crazy, ass hat, kooky, truther, nut ball, anti-Semitic, Jew hating, drug addicted, perverted, uncompassionate, ugly, cultist, extraterrestrial, nerdy, moon bat, extremist, thugs, and flakey, liar, zombies

    So you’ve had run-ins with the Ron Paul zombie mob too eh?

  33. invar

    Accepting forms of payment to write articles that smear another’s character is a sign of emotional immaturity.

    I know you Ron Paul/9-11 Truther morons cannot let go of whatever ridiculous conspiratorial idea you hold onto and elevate to religious doctrine – but as I’ve repeatedly stated – I get not one flat penny to write anything I post here or elsewhere.

    You’re character is weak and you are not a mature adult who gives back to society.

    You have absolutely NO CLUE what I do in the meat world for society or my community.

    It is most likely far more than you will ever do.

    Of course in your feeble mind – giving back to society is voting with the mob for Ron Paul. It’s easy to go in the direction of the mob.

    So who exactly is it that has ‘weak character?’

    Last I looked you had Stormfront White Supremacists giving money to your messiah while your mob morons were selling replacement currency for the U.S. Dollar at up to 400% above the actual value of the metal in the coins – with your messiah’s likeness.

    And watching you mob zombies go beserk over that and deluging this place and elsewhere with foam-at-the-mouth vitriol is instructive towards the exact things I charge your “revolutionista” movement with.

  34. Lisa Bennett

    I have to say that I do not see Ron Paul as the “messiah”, however I do see him as maybe the last chance this country has to get on track. Otherwise we will end up being condemned to socialism or fascism, neither of which are good.

    I just wonder a little about the threat of Islamofascism though. They’ve been at war with each other since the 700s. They can’t take over the world because they have their own battle within… Sunnis vs. Shi’ites. They’re fighting the US because we’re interfering in it. We can not bring peace to the Middle East. It just isn’t going to happen. Ancient grudges run far too deep. And if they hate us for our freedom and wealth, why haven’t they launched an attack on, say, Switzerland? It’s smaller and closer… and nobody messes with Switzerland. I need more information and to study this stuff more to make a decision about what America should do. For now though, I feel we’ve made it worse. I think we need to remove ourselves from Iraq but keep a close eye on what’s going on. Maybe if we bring all these troops home from all over the world, our borders will be better protected so there’d be an extremely reduced threat of attack. Heck, the troops could build the fences on our borders. It’s scary to think that if this country was invaded right now that we have scarcely any troops here to stave them off.

    I’m for Ron Paul because I think this country needs something different, maybe even a bit radical. We’ve been doing the same crap, heading down the same road for long enough. The way we’re heading and what our country is becoming is not what I want for my son or future generations… especially in relation to the economy. That’s where I really connect with Ron Paul. How many other candidates can tell you much of anything about how the markets or inflation work? None of them are discussing it.

    I’m not a zombie. I’m not crazy (well maybe a little). I just want change. REAL change. Not socialism or fascism. I want a true constitutional republic.

  35. John Anderson

    Ever read the Quran? The Hadith? Ever take the time to either READ what it is exactly that Al Qaeda, Ahmadinejad and Nassarella believe is their “divine mission”??

    No of course not.

    Wow, ask a question, and then answer the question for me in my absence! Only a solid pillar of egotistical ignorance would attempt such a thing. The short answer, yes I have. The long answer: You seem to be forgetting the fact that you have no right, nor authority, to lump every Muslim into one big group, ignore the individual, and persecute at will. There are many Muslim sects, and each of them interpret this “divine mission” differently. But you, in your arrogance will conveniently ignore that. To you, every Muslim will remain evil, and the U.S. government will remain infallible. That pretty much sums up your idolatry.

    TENS OF MILLIONS of Muslims believe in the theory, of which they must fulfill a role and bring about what their holy book prescribes.

    As former USMC – I would have thought you groundmen learned the lesson of never underestimating your enemy.

    I can’t be a former USMC, I can however be a former Marine.

    Yes, there probably are tens of millions who would like to see the demise of the U.S. I’m not arguing against that. I’m saying your tactics are flawed. You wrap this whole conflict up in religious nonsense, yet you fail to see the big picture. Men like Osama treat religion as a tool. A means to an end and not the end itself. Osama is a military tactician, and you are the one underestimating the enemy if you believe otherwise. He knows he doesn’t have the air power, sea power or logistics to fight us up front God or no God. He’s coming at us from the side, and now he has the government of the U.S. on his puppet strings. Any threat of an attack drops our financial markets, stalls travel, prompts more restrictive legislation, and causes every American to suffer.

    Not in their playbook, because they don’t really care about our liberties to begin with, or the kind of government we have running our show.

    Not in their playbook? Who’s underestimating the enemy now? I assure you, they do care about our liberties insofar as how much pain the loss of our liberties cause the American people. They are keenly aware of that. If the United States, the jewel of western civilization and Christendom were to be reduced to a petty dictatorship, Al Qaeda could claim victory.

    Unfortunately for your argument Ron Paul is the only one on any parties soapbox that understands this. The others think they know what is going on, but they are career politicians. They only know one thing: How to get elected. They aren’t experts on tactics, economics, or foreign policy. Ron, is different in this respect. He’s well learned, well traveled, and comes with a hefty dose of common sense.

    Here’s an assignement for you sir

    I have no stomach for completing ‘assignments’ from the ignorant. It’s also plainly arrogant to assume that you can dictate assignments to me. That speaks volumes about your character.

    You mean the same speech that your fellow Revolutionistas want to ’round me up’ and ’shoot’ me [execute, firing squad, boil in oil and “rip my f—-ing head off”] for? Those rights??

    Don’t use the actions of other individuals to make talking points in your conversation with me. It would also behoove you not to dump every personality you meet into one of your separate groups. That’s a job best left to the liberal democrats in this world.

    Pretty sure Winston Churchill was catigated as a fraidy-cat of Hitler’s growing army in the 1930’s.

    Hitler had industry, air power, sea power, and logistical support. Al Qaeda and their ilk do not. This is an alarmist, knee-jerk, reaction that has no context in this conversation. If they do manage to grow an Army that is threatening in scale, we can deal it with conventionally then. However, why would Al Qaeda expend the resources to accomplish this, when their ‘mission’ of bankrupting and ruining the U.S. is proceeding as planned with our very government leading the charge and footing the bill?

    Might want to tell my bros in the 82nd and 101st that. They are apparently under the delusion that they are.

    Your “bros”? Not you? Aren’t you so convinced that not pursuing this folly of a war will spell doom for the world? Why aren’t you enlisted? Why aren’t you holding a rifle and falling in with your “bros”? I think you are a coward. For all your tough talk and posturing, you are just a witless man afraid of Muslims, and hiding behind a big government.

    If your “bros” are in Iraq, they haven’t been protecting you since “Mission Accomplished” in ’03. The new mission is to protect the people and stability of Iraq, something they did not swear an oath to do. I also find it spectacular that your “bros” are enlisted in the most famous and popular units of the U.S. Army, even considering only a very small percentage of soldiers muster in those units.

    Been happening for 60-plus years, long before 9-11.

    Yes! Excellent! You’ve convinced me! Since we’ve been doing things so wrongly for the last 60 years, we should just continue to do so. After all, we’ve always done it this way! Wonderful argument. I guess when you are standing on shaky ground, any crutch will do. The rest of us just move away from the shaky ground.

    But if we go to war on an enemy that was able to kill thousands of countrymen in a moment’s time, and promises to do so again – why – we can’t have that! Liberty is being ruined!

    There are so many things wrong in this statement I just don’t know where to begin. First, “Terror” is a tactic, not an enemy. How do you wage war on a tactic? An exercise in futility, is what that the phrase “War on Terror” amounts to. If you are talking about Iraq, they didn’t attack us on 9/11, and had nothing to do with Al Queda. Lastly, “Terrorism” is a criminal act, and it leaves no nation to invade. If our foreign policy does not change, we will be attacked again. Which nation will we choose to invade then? If we elect a Chief Executive who is too limited in vision to derive an alternate strategy, will we just pick another country? We should be hunting down these criminals, prosecuting them, convicting them, and then seeing justice done. Instead, G.W. Bush just throws the wealth and young of our nation at the problem.

    Given his Blame America First Isolationist

    You don’t really know what you are talking about do you? Isolationist? Blame America First? Wow, you took those talking points right off of Medved’s page didn’t you? His “isolationism” as you put it is very straight forward. Foreign trade? Yes. Foreign Alliances? No. That, be very definition, is not isolationistic. Stop trying to rewrite the dictionary.

    Every business and personal interaction between a U.S. citizen and a foreign nation should not have to be proxied through the state department. The U.S. government should not be fronting American lives and American money to fulfill agreements with other nations. Nothing good comes of it.

    More messiah worship

    Sadly, the only worshiping a false idol here is you. Your false idol is the government you run to for protection from your Al Qaeda nightmare. And in return you unthinkingly render unto that government your undying obedience.

    I’ll leave you with this. Ron Paul’s foreign policy is bigger in scope than just Iraq and this “War on Terror” nonsense. It’s about revamping the entire money and life trap we call a policy, and replacing it with something smarter and more inspired. Ron Paul wished to replace the entirety of our flawed foreign policy with a more peaceful and prosperous one. If that sounds like a bad idea to you, then you have some deranged priorities in life.

  36. Lisa Bennett

    John, that was simply beautiful.
    Will you marry me? lol

  37. invar

    I have to say that I do not see Ron Paul as the “messiah”, however I do see him as maybe the last chance this country has to get on track. Otherwise we will end up being condemned to socialism or fascism, neither of which are good.

    Lisa, you help make my point of why I call you Ron Paul people a mob seeking a messiah.

    How can you possibly think one man, in the Executive, can do anything you people ascribe him to do – outside of closing every single military base in the world and making us an Isolationist nation?

    He will not have the backing of Congress from either of the mainstream parties – and to do what you people say Ron Paul is going to do – will require him to rule by Executive Order.

    So we will trade one form of so-called despotism for an abject dictatorship. Ron Paul will not be able to do a damn thing he proposes outside of managing our military and negotiating treaties with the Courts and the Congress in diametric opposition to what he says he is going to do.

    I just wonder a little about the threat of Islamofascism though. They’ve been at war with each other since the 700s. They can’t take over the world because they have their own battle within

    Iron and clay mixed. Exactly what scripture depicts of the end-time Beast seen in Daniel and Revelation.

    They’re fighting the US because we’re interfering in it.

    What the hell have the Danes done to warrant the Jihad taking place there? How about Spain? France? They have all been accomodating of Islam and have had the same kind of non-interventionist irrelevant policies Ron Paul wants us to revert to – yet Jihads have been called in those lands – and the promise to take over those lands for Islam is a rallying cry for Jihadists today.

    And if they hate us for our freedom and wealth, why haven’t they launched an attack on, say, Switzerland? It’s smaller and closer… and nobody messes with Switzerland.

    What is the immigrant population of Muslims to Switzerland? And if you think given the chance Jihadists would not try to subjugate the Swiss – you clearly do not understand Islam.

    I need more information and to study this stuff more to make a decision about what America should do.

    Read more of what Jihadists and leaders of Islam have said, have done and are saying and doing – and less what stupid American politicians vying for political office have to say.

    For now though, I feel we’ve made it worse.

    Watch the videos from 9-11 again. Imagine they had a nuke instead of box cutters. Do the math – it can be much worse if we retreat and run.

    Bin laden is counting on us pulling another Somalia. In fact, he promised it would be a sign of his appointment with Allah when we retreated like we did in Somalia.

    Maybe if we bring all these troops home from all over the world, our borders will be better protected so there’d be an extremely reduced threat of attack.

    I guess you’ve never heard of Posse Commitattus.

    Heck, the troops could build the fences on our borders. It’s scary to think that if this country was invaded right now that we have scarcely any troops here to stave them off.

    That’s what the milita was supposed to be for.

    I’m not a zombie. I’m not crazy (well maybe a little). I just want change. REAL change. Not socialism or fascism. I want a true constitutional republic.

    Then you better get to work on changing your local political scene from the grassroots on up – and stop trying to elevate one man to a top spot to supposedly “save” us.

    Such is a danger beyond your comprehension.

    You want to change the course of this republic? Get on your knees, get your neighbors on their knees, get your town, your county and your state to it’s knees – beg God for forgiveness for our individual and national sins and CHANGE the nonsense in our culture – one home and block at a time.

    One man is NOT going to even slow down this juggernaut to national destruction at this point given the way things are being done. Pushing for a man for that role is downright dangerous and smacks of a pre-Nuremburg Germany.

    We were forged from the bottom-UP. We cannot fix DECADES of incrementalism without doing the same damn thing – bottom-UP correction.

    We have to fix our local governments, our local reps on up to Congress – and then we have to do the same with our courts.

    That is only going to happen when the people change the culture and put people in local office that match their ideology. getting one man to the presidency – and then making the kind of silly proclamations that he “Is the only hope of our nation” is DAMN FRIGHTENING – and ANETHEMA to everything that we were forged from.

    I do not want a king.

    But listening to some Ron Paul zombies, there’s palm fronds and hails of hosannas for him as if he were some kind of savior.

    Nothing makes me run faster from such danger as that, and cry aloud the warnings of such mob mentality.

  38. invar

    You seem to be forgetting the fact that you have no right, nor authority, to lump every Muslim into one big group, ignore the individual, and persecute at will.

    I guess automatically lumping people for firing squads only applies to “neocons” like me – yes?

    When moderate Muslims stand up and oppose what their leaders are preaching to them and what their Jihad terrorists are doing, then your point would have merit.

    As it is, among many Muslims who do speak out – the vast majority of Muslims both inside and outside the U.S. support what AL Qaeda does because as one Muslim told me just the other day – Islam means “submission” – and eventually ALL mankind will have to submit to Islam.

    How that submission is achieved is where the conflict lines will lie. As it is – outside of a few who now have to walk around with 24 hour bodyguards for fear of assassination – the billions of followers are largely silent.

    Or they cheer like the Palestinians did on 9-11 when the towers fell.

    Of course the multicultural poison running in your veins has you completely and deliberately dimissive and ignorant of such truth. So I’ll say this – until Islam itself rights the problems of Bin Laden and Nasarella and Ahmadinejad – America is going to have a huge problem with them.

    To you, every Muslim will remain evil, and the U.S. government will remain infallible. That pretty much sums up your idolatry.

    Please cite where I have said or alluded to such a thing. I have dear Muslim freinds of my family that I have known for over 20 years. Most of my Islamic education has been through them.

    You of course – have no idea what you are talking about regarding me or what “idolatry” I supposedly have.

    I have no stomach for completing ‘assignments’ from the ignorant.

    Fine, I’ll chalk that up to the fact you cannot answer the question – because it ruins your fantasyland understanding of Jihadists – and how your messiah will deal with them.

    Don’t use the actions of other individuals to make talking points in your conversation with me.

    This is my blog – I will do what I please here regardless of the kind of tyrannical dictates you people always make.

    Those were threats from Ron Paul supporters. I read similar suggestions on forum boards from Ron Paul supporters. Frankly – that is the reason I decided to write about you zealots as a zombie mob.

    When you people threaten me, make subtle suggestions of treason and death for opposing your messiah – and othewise act exactly like an insane mob of vehement insistance – I stand by my accusations of your lot. Right now, I’m so pissed off at you Ron Paul Revolutionistas BECAUSE of those threats and the way you people act – I’m content to see the mob of you people as a single mindless entity.

    Sorry if you don’t like that – perhaps like the Muslims, you might try reasoning with your fellow brethren of the faith intent on whatever Ron Paul jihad they are engaging in.

    Why aren’t you enlisted? Why aren’t you holding a rifle and falling in with your “bros”?

    Thanks for the talking points. I think the same stupid and asinine demands have been made of every supporter of this conflict from Ann Coulter on up to Limbaugh.

    Some of us SIR – have served our time. Some of us under the greatest CINC that will ever exist in my lifetime.

    I think you are a coward.

    You can think what you want. Cowards usually run and hide after death threats. I tend to get more pissed off and willing to get real and tackle such crap head-on.

    But you go ahead and think what you like. I personally don’t give a crap what you or anyone else thinks anyway. I’m not governed by a mob.

    For all your tough talk and posturing, you are just a witless man afraid of Muslims, and hiding behind a big government.

    Gross ignorance there – but coming to expect that from you people. You do have a lot in common with the rabid Leftists and Anarchists out there. I almost cannot tell you apart – except by the name you preach by.

    His “isolationism” as you put it is very straight forward. Foreign trade? Yes. Foreign Alliances? No. That, be very definition, is not isolationistic.

    Sorry Ron Paul’s “I’m okay, You’re okay, let’s trade” ideology is stupid, retarded and plain dangerous to our very existence. When a candidate for president thinks that instead of getting angry about Iran making nukes to obliterate Israel, that we should sit down and talk with them and trade with them – that is clearly WORSE than the stupidity of Jimmy Carter’s appeasement. I will not take part in suffering that kind of insane bullcrap again.

    And like I said – you keep demonstrating what absolute zombie fanatics you are in devotion to this nutcase.

  39. John Anderson

    Of course the multicultural poison running in your veins has you completely and deliberately dimissive and ignorant of such truth.

    So first Ron Paul supporters were Nazi’s and White Supremacists, and now we are multiculturalists? Way to distort what little information you actually have. I’ll bet that shift took some mental power shuffling of the little groups you stack people into.

    I guess automatically lumping people for firing squads only applies to “neocons” like me – yes?

    When did I lump you into some sort of lot of to be executed? Here’s a hint, the answer is never.

    So I’ll say this – until Islam itself rights the problems of Bin Laden and Nasarella and Ahmadinejad – America is going to have a huge problem with them.

    Why don’t you compare and contrast the incentives the U.S. is offering Islam to purge itself of these icons Vs. the incentives the United States is offering Islam keep them. Don’t get incredulous on me. You know very well that when you go around meddling in the backyards of others they seem to grow to resent it. Do you think the people of middle eastern nations should be just fine with our meddling merely because we are the United States? Only a fool would think such a thing.

    You of course – have no idea what you are talking about regarding me or what “idolatry” I supposedly have.

    Yes I do. My second to last point in my previous post explained your idolatry of our federal government and the current administration. You chose not to counter that point.

    This is my blog – I will do what I please here regardless of the kind of tyrannical dictates you people always make.

    Very well, your right. It’s your blog. Here may belittle your character, display your ignorance, and tout illogical and flawed philosophy every day of the week. In this, you are succeeding.

    Fine, I’ll chalk that up to the fact you cannot answer the question – because it ruins your fantasyland understanding of Jihadists – and how your messiah will deal with them.

    Your better off “chalking that one up” to the fact that I will pander or cater to your elitist ego.

    Thanks for the talking points. I think the same stupid and asinine demands have been made of every supporter of this conflict from Ann Coulter on up to Limbaugh.

    The relevancy of a point is not judged on the virtues of its origins. The fact is you claim to support this nonsensical waste of resources, yet you are in your living room posting on a blog. You can’t brush cowardice like that aside by redirecting the attention elsewhere, such as the origin of an argument.

    Some of us SIR – have served our time. Some of us under the greatest CINC that will ever exist in my lifetime.

    Does the “some of us” you speak of include you? If so, which unit did you serve in? I post under my real name, and I served in S-2 HQ Co. 6ESB, 4th FSSG. You can verify that with any base locater if you like. If you did serve, forgive my skepticism, as you well know that no veteran makes the claim to another veteran without at least offering their unit designations.

    But you go ahead and think what you like. I personally don’t give a crap what you or anyone else thinks anyway. I’m not governed by a mob.

    Ask yourself this; ‘You were just accused of being a coward. Is there enough evidence to convict you?’ I think there’s enough evidence right here in this thread of discussion.

    Gross ignorance there – but coming to expect that from you people. You do have a lot in common with the rabid Leftists and Anarchists out there. I almost cannot tell you apart – except by the name you preach by.

    This is how you respond to a direct statement? With sweeping and broad generalities about who I am and how I act. Never mind responding to the point. I guess that would take too much effort.

    Sorry Ron Paul’s “I’m okay, You’re okay, let’s trade” ideology is stupid, retarded and plain dangerous to our very existence. When a candidate for president thinks that instead of getting angry about Iran making nukes to obliterate Israel, that we should sit down and talk with them and trade with them – that is clearly WORSE than the stupidity of Jimmy Carter’s appeasement. I will not take part in suffering that kind of insane bullcrap again.

    Is there a point in there somewhere? I can see you calling his policies names. I can see you assuming that, without evidence and preemptively, that Iran is seeking a weapon. I can see you comparing Ron Paul to Jimmy Carter. What I don’t see is an actual reason backing up why this policy is stupid, or why Ron Paul’s foreign policy is like Jimmy Carter’s.

    Iran making nukes to obliterate Israel

    Since when was Israel so weak and frail that it could not protect itself? Why does the U.S. constantly have to foot the bill of Israeli protection? From the little I’ve worked with their military, and from their arsenal of nukes, Israel is far from a helpless puppy against Iran.

    Now, in my previous post I made several points that were actually valid in this conversation. The points about Osama’s tactics. The points about our government jumping whenever Osama says “boo”. The point that you can’t wage a war on “Terror”. The point that Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11. As well as the point that 60 years of doing something wrong does not justify 60 more years of doing it. You have neglected these points, and that hasn’t gone unnoticed.

    And like I said – you keep demonstrating what absolute zombie fanatics you are in devotion to this nutcase.

    I for one am not “devoted” to Ron Paul. He happens to champion a message and platform that I am devoted to. In your conversation with Lisa Bennett you claimed that we first had to pray, and then fix our local governments before we can change the disastrous course of this nation. While I agree with the sentiment, I once again, disagree with your tactic.

    How are we going to fix our local governments with so much federal interference? Federal Judges are legislating from the bench. The DoE is dictating policy that ties the hands of our local school boards. The DHS has the legal tools they need to put any voices of decent behind bars without a trail. The Treasury has the legal tools to take your possessions without due process. In that environment. Which end of this ball of wax should we be starting with? Again, you show the world through your blog that you are thinking checkers in a game of chess. That kind of thought won’t get you far.

  40. John Anderson

    @Lisa Bennett

    John, that was simply beautiful.
    Will you marry me? lol

    Thank you for the motivational ego boost, but my wife says she would be extremely upset were I to take you up on that offer. 🙂

  41. invar

    When did I lump you into some sort of lot of to be executed?

    Not you, your compatriots. You simply missed the illustration of hypocrisy regarding ‘lumping’ people into groups, ignoring the individual and persecuting at will’.

    It apparently is not okay to point out the danger of Jihadist Islam, because , like you, your fellow Revolutionistas consider that lumping Muslims into a group – and we cannot have that – but anyone who supports this war is a ‘neocon’ worthy of death for treason.

    Do you think the people of middle eastern nations should be just fine with our meddling..

    How conveneint. We buy oil form them and that’s MEDDLING.

    We helped stave off Sadaam from taking over both Kuwaait and Saudi Arabia and Bin Laden says that’s “meddling”.

    I don’t buy the ‘meddling’ premise. It’s a convenient excuse that both Jihadists and anti-war Isolationists love to use towards keeping or getting themselves into positions of power.

    My second to last point in my previous post explained your idolatry of our federal government and the current administration.

    I have no love for this federal behemoth and no love for the current Administration.

    The ONLY major thing I agreed with Bush on besides tax cuts was taking this war to those who have been waging it on us unimpeded for 28 years.

    But if it makes you feel better, go ahead and think I light candles to pictures of Bush every evening.

    Your better off “chalking that one up” to the fact that I will pander or cater to your elitist ego.

    A fancy dodge that simply says “I’m not answering your question”.

    Fine. Neither will I answer yours.

    You will vote for your messiah.

    I will be voting against him. Your mob has helped entomb that resolve in stone.

    I will continue to exercise my liberty to free political speech – regardless of the ridicule, insults and death threats that come from your Revolutionistas.

    That is all that needs to be understood.

  42. John Anderson

    It apparently is not okay to point out the danger of Jihadist Islam, because , like you, your fellow Revolutionistas consider that lumping Muslims into a group – and we cannot have that – but anyone who supports this war is a ‘neocon’ worthy of death for treason.

    Throughout the entire course of this conversation you still have not realized that neither I nor Ron Paul refute the danger of Jihadist Islam. You and I concur on this point. Our biggest differences lie in the tactics and strategy we employ to combat this enemy.

    How conveneint. We buy oil form them and that’s MEDDLING.

    We also support overthrowing elected democracies with money and guns. At the same time we levy sanctions on countries using the existence of a dictatorial government as justification. We blindly support Israel with money and guns no matter the circumstance nor the cost. Let’s not forget that we also convinced and trained a generation of Muslims to support us in the cold war against the soviets, with little gain on their end. We declare, in the loosest sense of the word, a war on terror. Then we deny Turkey the opportunity to meet their aggressors who happen to employ terror tactics. That is meddling, no if-and-buts about it.

    I don’t buy the ‘meddling’ premise. It’s a convenient excuse that both Jihadists and anti-war Isolationists love to use towards keeping or getting themselves into positions of power.

    Much like the likes of G.W. Bush & Co use the fear of Islamic Jihadism to put themselves into power and spread wealth to their cronies and lobbyists? The main difference is that our argument has logical merit.

    The ONLY major thing I agreed with Bush on besides tax cuts was taking this war to those who have been waging it on us unimpeded for 28 years.

    I agree with his tax cuts. As well as his veto of the latest round of liberal spending (Child Health Care Bill). However, I strongly disagree, as Ron Paul and his supporters do, on the methods he is employing to win this fight against criminals. He’s done everything Osama has ever goaded him to do, while delivering the United States to him on a platter. Quite frankly, our CINC was outsmarted.

    You will vote for your messiah.

    No, I will vote my conscience.

    I will be voting against him. Your mob has helped entomb that resolve in stone

    So yours will be a vote against an ideology, but not for one. Very well, it makes no difference to me. Our conversation here was not to convince you of my way of thinking. Checkers and Chess. Our conversation was meant to portray both sides of the argument to any internet user that happened to come across your blog. If you are a man of integrity, you will let our arguments stand on their own. If not, you will delete them.

    A fancy dodge that simply says “I’m not answering your question”.

    I think you are referring to Kafir. And it means ‘people who not only deny Allah, but attempt to cover his truth’. It’s a derogatory term lower than infidel. An infidel does not know of the “truth of Allah”, so he might be forgiven. That is my own definition, not taken from any reference. I think you will find it fairly accurate.

    Dodging? No. Driving a point about your elitist mentality home? Yes.

  43. invar

    The arguments will stand John.

    I agreed with many domestic positions Ron Paul stood for.

    I disagree with his “I’m okay – you’re okay, let’s talk and trade” pacifism, isolationism, and foreign policy mindset.

    For those stalwart positions of mine – I have the vitriol of the mob being visited.

    As to ‘elitist mentality’ you charge me with – I’m not the one arguing that anyone who does not agree with me or Ron Paul is a “neocon” that needs to be “rounded up” or shot for treason or that I should be regarded as a coward for supporting our war efforts because I’m currently fighting the culture war with this blog and on forums instead of being in the field with weapon in hand.

    I am also not running around scouring the internet to go onto Ron Paul blogs and forums to argue devotions of policies and argue ad nauseum with people they disagree with in an effort to silence, ridicule them or shut them down.

    I think if you want to see an Elitist mentality – go look in the mirror. I’m not on your forums and your blogs trying to ridicule and demean you people or laud my position as superior to yours.

    Nor am I suggesting violence towards anyone as the Ron Paul mobs have suggested be done to those they disagree.

    The Ron Paul people are become a mob mentality, that’s the plain truth.

  44. Lisa Bennett

    “outside of closing every single military base in the world and making us an Isolationist nation?”

    So what does that make other countries in the world. How many countries have bases in the U.S.? Hmmm? How many have bases on the North American continent for that matter? So are all these other countries isolationist then?

    “Sorry Ron Paul’s “I’m okay, You’re okay, let’s trade” ideology is stupid, retarded and plain dangerous to our very existence. When a candidate for president thinks that instead of getting angry about Iran making nukes to obliterate Israel, that we should sit down and talk with them and trade with them”

    Strange… this is EXACTLY what the Founding Fathers advised.
    “Peace, commerce and honest friendship with all nations; entangling alliances with none.” – Thomas Jefferson
    “It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world.” – George Washington

    I don’t think Ron Paul can fix everything in the blink of an eye. I think he’s a good start though. We have to start somewhere. His election could act as a catalyst to get things changing “from the bottom up.”

    My question for you is: what is the alternative? Who running for President do think could do a better job without sending us into outright socialism or “pass lots of unconstitutional bills through Congress (i.e. the Patriot Act)” fascism? If those things happen there is absolutely no chance of changing anything at the local level if irreparable damage is done at the federal level. Just curious what your take is, outside of just the war issue?

  45. Lisa Bennett

    Oh and I’m not on here to demean or judge you or anything. I just like observing and taking part in a good spirited debate. It’s good when people actually take the time to discuss issues, though they may not agree.
    The death threat stuff. Yeah, there are some supporters who are a little wonky and say things they shouldn’t, but then I’ve met some real whackos who support other candidates as well. There are many kind of “crazy” people in the U.S. so Ron Paul’s campaign is bound to get a few of them.

  46. American

    They Didn’t Attack Switzerland

    Switzerland has not been in a war of any kind since 1815. It has not been in an official foreign war since 1515. This would be astounding, even miraculous, for any nation. But Switzerland borders Germany . And France . And Italy . And Austria . And Liechtenstein . Now the Prince of Liechtenstein has rarely lashed out in Blitzkrieg in a desperate bid to reign uber alles, but ALL of Switzerland ‘s other neighbors have devoted a lot of effort to invading other countries.

    In addition to the encircling foreign marauders, Switzerland itself is composed of several different ethnic groups that get along as well as, e.g., Germans and French. But they haven’t ethnically cleansed each other for two centuries, either.

    You would think that peacekeeping performance of this kind would make Switzerland an object of study in every political science and civics course worldwide. “WHY Didn’t They Attack Switzerland ?” should be the title of many a textbook. This is not the case. Very few political scientists study Switzerland .

    Switzerland is of no interest to politicians, because the features of the Swiss system that keep the peace are the same features that make Swiss politicians unimportant. Do you know the name of the Swiss President now serving out his nonrenewable one-year term? No, you do not (it’s Samuel Schmid, but you won’t remember tomorrow). His name doesn’t matter, and he doesn’t matter to the defense of Switzerland . There is no central location of Swiss defense, no Pentagon or NORAD into which you can crash a 757 or a black-market Kazakh nuclear weapon. The defense of Switzerland is the entire people of Switzerland itself.

    The features of the Swiss system for keeping the peace are simple. They mind their own business, and they have very strict gun control. By which they mean that every Swiss male must have a gun, except for those who have to carry a mortar or missile launcher. Females are not subject to universal military training, but if you go to a Swiss rifle range, there are always girls blasting away too. After 9-11, the Swiss told passengers to carry their bayonets onto their airliners . . . somewhat different from the US response of panicked victim-disarmament. (You are aware that 99% of US pilots are STILL disarmed?)

    As a final defense, the Swiss have rigged the vaults of their banks for demolition. Any dictator attacking Switzerland will find the gold in his numbered bank account buried in rubble hundreds of meters under a mountain. It is known that Hitler had a numbered account.

    Switzerland has also provided for defense of the lives of its civilian population against nuclear terrorism. Realizing after World War Two that nuclear weapons in the hands of power-mad idiots posed a public health threat, the Swiss started a nationwide shelter-building program in 1960. By 1991, there was enough shelter space in Switzerland to protect everyone in their home or apartment, and also enough at their workplace and school. A Swiss citizen is generally never more than a few minutes from a fallout shelter with an air filter.

    The entire Swiss shelter program was accomplished for somewhere on the order of $35 (1990 dollars) per year per capita. The US spends vastly more every year to achieve a military only capable of intervening in Third World nations that don’t have WMDs. The combined US armed forces are incapable of shooting down a single ballistic missile, or even intercepting low-flying propeller planes. Nor are there bunkers with filtered air supplies for the inhabitants of our glass cities or crackerbox suburbs. The only civil defense in the US is for the President and the bureaucrats under Iron Mountain . Everyone else is nuclear fodder, except for those provident few (such as the Mormons) who build their own shelters to protect their families.

    Switzerland does not send troops to intervene in other nations. Switzerland does not spend tens of billions of dollars yearly to fund dictators around the world, nor did Switzerland donate hundreds of billions of dollars to the Warsaw Pact through bank “loans.” Switzerland does not send billions of dollars worth of weaponry every year to the warring tribes in the Middle East . Switzerland has no enemies. Yet the Swiss are armed to the teeth and dug into every hill and under every building.

    US policy is the evil-parallel-universe inverse of the Swiss. The US intervenes everywhere, spies on everyone, supports every faction in every dispute. We have as many enemies as there are disputatious people in the world. Yet we spend more effort on disarming our own airline pilots and other law-abiding citizens than on providing shelters for our children against nuclear, chemical, or biological attack. We have an expensive conventional army, and quite a few aging offensive nuclear weapons. But no defense for our children.

    But Who Would Attack Us? We’re Such Nice Guys…

    What groups might think to benefit from a WMD strike on the US ? A partial list:

    1. The US kleptocracy, which has reaped such vast increases in power from terrorism and war. “War is the health of the State,” and terrorism drives citizen support for war.

    2. Angry relatives of the thousands of victims of “Shock and Awe.”

    3. Fundamentalist Muslim politicians.

    4. Fundamentalist Israeli politicians.

    5. Every emerging power on Earth. The more the US sinks into the Mideast quagmire, the more chance for new powers to rise to dominance.

    6. Citizens of nations ruled by US-backed dictators and oligarchs, who are victims of our Aid To Dependent Dictators programs.

    7. FOX News, always looking for higher ratings.

    This would have been more concise if I had listed the groups that would NOT benefit from anonymous WMD attacks on the US , to wit, the world’s libertarians, capitalists, and peace lovers of all stripes. Unfortunately, the “non-aggression principle” won’t prevent anyone from being killed by terrorism and/or anti-terrorism. So, we must all determine the best risk management strategies within our budgets.

    The Likely Attacks

    There are two basic categories of attacks. One type is the Jerry Bruckheimer Movie attack, typified by 9-11. Spectacular attacks that kill only a few thousand people are great for raising the Homeland Security budget, but they don’t raise the individual’s risk level that much. For most people, it would be more worthwhile to put some effort into avoiding heart disease and cancer than to try to avoid random, low-level terrorism. However, it is prudent to avoid targets with high cinematic value, like the Statue of Liberty, the Golden Gate Bridge , Arnold Schwarzenegger, etc.

    The second category of attack is the “anonymous warfare” strike, intended to seriously damage the US . While it might be hard for a minor power to inflict crippling physical damage on the US , anonymous attacks can rely on a high “Homeland Security Multiplier Effect.” For every dollar of damage done by the 9-11 attack, post-attack “security” measures have done ten more. And a nuclear attack would make the post-9-11 hysteria look orderly and rational by comparison. One anonymous strike could paralyze the US for decades.

    Such an anonymous attack might be nuclear, using the leftover weapons from the Cold War that are available in various backwater marketplaces:

    Or budget terrorism could be launched with poison gas, germs, or even conventional explosives planted in vulnerable areas such as dams, gasoline storage tanks, chemical transport trains, etc. etc. etc.

    US: Strictly DIY Civil Defense

    One might think that a Homeland Security budget of over $40 billion would provide a little bit of protection for US citizens. Governments are never efficient, but some of them at least spend some tax money on its putative purpose. Swiss, Israeli, and many other nations’ civil defense programs distribute gas masks, radiation meters, financial aid for constructing shelters, etc. However, US Homeland security has provided us with: free advice from Tom Ridge . According to Tom, all a US citizen needs for protection against WMD is some duct tape and enough food for three days. Personally, I don’t think that this advice, even in full-page ads, was worth $40 billion. In any case, American families will receive no help from Homeland Security’s new director, either. US civil defense is strictly DIY.

    Balancing Risk

    A DIY civil defense program is limited by the fact that the majority of our discretionary income has already been allocated to other uses by federal, state, and local tax authorities. Most of us can’t afford to protect our families and ourselves properly, because that money is in Iraq and a hundred other foreign-aid regimes.

    Still, most of us can do better than duct tape. Contrary to media “wisdom,” one or even a thousand nuclear bombs won’t kill everyone. Nuclear fallout radiation intensity falls by a factor of a thousand over two weeks, so if you can hide in a well-stocked basement with a crude air filter for that long, you would probably survive . . . IF you knew what you were doing and had made some preparations. Germs and gas have their own limitations, and terrorists probably won’t have the biggest and best of anything. Of course the terrorists still have an advantage, because most Americans aren’t even up to Tom Ridge ’s suggested level of preparation.

    There are several elements of civil defense:



    Threat warning

    Protective gear

    Protective construction


    Location, Location, Location

    The best location is: not in the US . If your work can be done in Costa Rica , Switzerland , or some other nation that hasn’t attacked anyone for decades, you could move. Unfortunately, most of us have sentimental or economic ties to US target zones.

    Within the US : if you live downstream from one of those high dams in California , just stop reading this and get in the car. What were you thinking anyway?

    Other places require trade-offs; small towns are safer in most scenarios, but may not have lucrative jobs. If you live in a smaller city, you’re likely to get some warning of fallout or disease outbreak. The safest locations are rural, but not everyone can afford to live well in the country. The general rule is to avoid large cities if you can, and especially Washington , DC and New York . These cities are self-terrorizing anyway, between the draconian victim disarmament laws and the crime.

    Threat Warning

    9-11 was our warning. Homeland Security has given us hundreds of useless “warnings” since then, but it would be sheer coincidence if any of these actually preceded an attack. The “Emergency Broadcasting System” isn’t going to know about a terrorist nuclear attack until after they see it on CNN. Warnings of biological threats may be subtler; sudden outbreaks of “flu-like” symptoms in odd patterns might be signs of biowarfare . . . or they might be signs of flu, which might kill you anyway since the FDA seems to be protecting us very efficiently from flu vaccine. Again, the best way to have warning is not to be in the immediate target area.

    Protective Gear

    Minimum: A small water and food stockpile (if you don’t have to leave your house for a month, you’ll make it through plague or fallout a lot more easily).

    A HEPA filter in the living room would make Tom Ridge ’s “seal up your bedroom with duct tape” idea work much better . . . as long as the power stayed on. Ideally, you should be able to seal up your house and use a hand-cranked blower to provide filtered air, but now we’re getting into the “protective construction” area.

    Cheap insurance would include a gas mask in car, and potassium iodide pills to give some protection against fallout (they also help against nuclear-power accidents, unlikely as those might be). Antibiotics are potentially useful but more expensive and perishable. A firearm (and some practice in its use) is a prudent investment for most people anyway, but is even more important in a scenario when you can’t afford to be looted or carjacked. A high-rate radiation meter doesn’t cost very much, and makes a great coffee-table decoration:

    And yes, some duct tape is always a good thing (those two weeks in the fallout shelter might get boring otherwise).

    Protective Construction

    Optimally, everyone desiring to opt out of the ill effects of war and terrorism could live in a concrete dome, such as those produced by the good folks of Italy , Texas .

    100 psi blast waves just slide off a concrete dome (especially if it’s partially buried), as do tornadoes, hurricanes, drive-by shootings, and blast waves from asteroid impacts. Other forms of underground (or hillside, like Bilbo Baggins’) construction can also be inherently attack-resistant. Anyone who is living in a probable target city for economic reasons should at least consider hobbit-style construction instead of Styrofoam and 2 x 4s . . . of course local building codes often practically forbid underground construction.

    If you have a basement, only relatively little work is needed to make it into an effective fallout shelter. Terrorist bombs might well be more on the scale of 15-kiloton Hiroshima-killers than the 25-megaton Cold War monsters. A 15-kiloton bomb from an old tactical artillery shell or rocket warhead would have a lethal blast radius much smaller than even a small US city, but fallout could be lethal for 20 miles or more downwind.

    The basement is usually easier to seal against chemicals and germs, too. Just remember that Swiss basements have hand-cranked filtered air blowers; if you succeed in sealing up a basement tight enough to keep out VX aerosols, you’re going to need an air supply. Don’t forget to invite Tom Ridge along to crank it for you; he’s not busy changing threat level colors anymore.


    The whole subject of Civil Defense is about preparing for the failure of the normal system of economic specialization. But the more normal social ties that we can preserve, the more effective protective measures can be and the quicker civil society can recover. On a personal level, if all of your friends believe that “the best thing to do in a nuclear attack is go outside and die quickly,” then you should probably try to add a few acquaintances of a more practical bent.

    The Swiss have avoided war for 200 years by being mentally and physically prepared for it. Even if Switzerland were attacked by nuclear terrorists, their mental preparation (and their courage, another essential commodity that Americans have failed to stockpile) would save them from hysterically scrapping their Constitution and civil liberties.

    We Americans have been at war throughout most of the same decades that Switzerland has been at peace. Now that America has mutated from Republic to Empire, we are at perpetual war with every nation that wants to be independent of the whims of the POTUS. At the very least, we must all recognize the fact, and be prepared for the shocks to come. Civil society can recover from a lot of destruction; it can’t recover from cowardice and refusal to prepare for trouble until chaos is already upon us.

    by Bill Walker

  47. rightwingdog

    Ron Paul is not the answer to this country’s problems whether they be real or perceived.

    Ron Paul has a group of followers who can, in my opinion, be called out of control. They get worked up into a frenzy at the least jab at their candidate. I do not believe that constitutes a political movement, it’s more like a uncontrolled mess.

    Ron Paul will not win the nomination.


  48. jack

    your lying fear mongering bible quoting neocon zombie blogger days are numbered … MIC and fiat money changers beware your own war machine
    house of cards ~ you will consume yourselves

    back to limited govt and a lesson in peace & constitutional economic prosperity

  49. invar

    American –

    You’ll be very happy in Switzerland I am sure.

    Send a postcard.

    In case you forgot – this is America – not Switzerland, and adopting another nation’s culture and policies is reserved for Mexicans and Muslims in Michigan.

    your lying fear mongering bible quoting neocon zombie blogger days are numbered

    Should I take that as a direct threat from you Jack – or just a subtlety? Important people would like to know.

    How many countries have bases in the U.S.?

    How many times did we have to go and run to the Western world’s defense against crackpot aggresors hell bent on world conquest?

    We’re in this mess because of the consequences of WWI and II. We did not start this all this. We had to get involved each time AFTER Americans had been killed and we ignored the warnings of impending war. Each time the numbers of dead were greater than we should have had to sacrifice had we dealt with the problem earlier when the cost of doing so was far less than it ultimately cost us.

    Our grandparents learned that painful lesson, and the course they set us on after WWII was precisely to prevent another such thing happening again.

    We’ve been saddled with it ever since, and running away from our historical obligations now will mutliply the aftermath of Somalia a billion-fold.

    “Peace, commerce and honest friendship with all nations; entangling alliances with none.” – Thomas Jefferson
    “It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world.” – George Washington

    Interesting attempt of application when these two men were desperate for France’s help and alliance against England in the war.

    The key words are “Peace, HONEST FRIENDSHIP and commerce, and the word “entangling”.

    Honest Freindship and peace the way we define it is not shared by the world. The course of advanced technology, advancement in travel, global commerce and weapons has blurred what at one time was a sound policy.

    The world changed after WWI, and for the worse after WWII. We’ve suffered the consequences of both wars ever since and it is both a curse and a blessing. We would never have arrived at our superpower status were it not for WWII – but with that came the responsibility for maintaining a peace and establishing a commerce we fought so hard for.

    The domino effect of what the Founders meant by “entangling alliances” is manifest in what happened to start WWI.

    Today – NATO better defines what they warned us against. But then, given the Soviet’s aims in the 1950’s and on, and fresh off of the experience of WWII – our grandparents decided not to let the four years of bitter war and sacrifice happen again without trying to put a cork in it up front.

    So here we are.

    We can fool ourselves and think we can magically go right on back to what Ron Paul says the Constitution prescribes – but it’s plain silly and stupid to do in the manner he has suggested.

    We’re inviting our own destruction for doing so – and at the same time – we’re suffering a slow demolition of the consequences of what greed, avarice and a tossing away of our Foundational Principles is bringing.

    No easy answers. No easy way out. No one man solution.

    But the mob mentality of the Ron Paul people and the threats from them bothers me more than anything else.

    Even more than Hillary.

    We have to start somewhere. His election could act as a catalyst to get things changing “from the bottom up.”

    You have it backwards, and that is the reason it is doomed to failure and a catalyst to a despot rather than what you are hoping for.

    YOU have the power to begin changing things from the bottom up – it does not come by getting one man into the top spot.

    My question for you is: what is the alternative?

    1. Turn back to God as a nation.

    2. Change the culture from the bottom-up

    3. Everything else will follow.

    4. There is no immediate alternative. To think so invites something far worse than what we currently have.

    Who running for President do think could do a better job without sending us into outright socialism or “pass lots of unconstitutional bills through Congress (i.e. the Patriot Act)” fascism?

    I do not have an answer for you. I do not much care for ANY of the candidates running. All I do know is whom I will NOT be voting for.

    If those things happen there is absolutely no chance of changing anything at the local level if irreparable damage is done at the federal level.

    Lisa, the true history of this nation is the fact we were forged from 1600’s as a Christian culture with specific foudnational values from the ground-up. Expecting anything less than that will earn you a dictatorship and rule of a minority over a majority.

    Plus in my mind, it’s elevating someone to god status. No one man can fix all our problems. It took decades of consequences and incrementalism to get us here – it’s going to take a concerted effort over time to get it reversed.

    Plus, the further we get as a nation from our spiritual foundations, the less of a chance we have at succeeding.

    That’s just a plain fact.

  50. invar

    Okay – this is done. There is no point continuing any kind of debate with you Ron Paul Mob Zombies.

    Whatever intelligent discourse some of you supporters were willing to engage in went right out the window because some of your fellow nutcases think it is better to intimidate and make threats. They obviously are ready to back up their claims of ‘revolution’ with mob tactics.

    I’m not giving them space to do it here.

    The threats of violence both direct and subtle, the profanity, the web marshalling to engender swarm spamming and the e-mails to the host to shut the blog down – have more than justified exactly what I wrote about the mob mentality of you Ron Paul people.

    That kind of crap I was expecting from the Stalinists in the Democrat/Hillary camp – not from people who say they support Constitutional liberties. I guess the right to free speech is limited to singing hosanna’s about Ron Paul and his political policies.

    As such, there’s no point to continue arguing.

    I will not be voting for Ron Paul – and this experience has firmly solidified my opposition to him and the mob throng who worship him.

    No minds are going to be changed here, especially mine. At one time I agreed with much of what Ron Paul said he stood for domestically – I only opposed his foreign policy views. At this point, thanks to the mob – I’m as revolted by the sight of him and his mob as I am Hillary Clinton and her hordes at a Code Pink anti-war rally . In fact, there are so many similarities, I cannot tell the two mobs apart except by whom they preach.

    Also, do note – that despite all the threats and the e-mails to silence this place because I dare write anything negative about Ron Paul – I will continue to write what I am motivated to write about and what my observations are – whether you people like it or not.

    Or until you succeed in shutting this little soap box down.

    In which case – you will have demonstrated your complete hypocrisy and lip service to the Constitutional right of free political speech, and fulfilled the roles of the tyrants I believe your mob to be.

    No true Conservatives are running around making threats on their political opponents and attepting to shut down Ron Paul blogs and forums.

    But it is instructive that the Ron Paul mobs are.

    Therefore there is no point in continuing the discussion. You people are welcome to think what you will and I will be doing the same…and writing about it.

  51. jeanie

    Perhaps Ron Paul would make an “ok” vice president for Mitt Romney. But he has to get rid of his “lets all get along” mentality, especially with the terrorists.

  52. Lisa Bennett

    About WWI. You know we only entered it so that we could be a part of the treaty process, right? Wilson wanted to be able to add in his Fourteen Points. Oh, and it was also the beginning of what led to the Vietnam War. WWI had really nothing to do with us. We were still attempting to trade with everyone during it. But then we got stupid and took sides and began funding our “allies” with loans that ended up never being repayed. Entering WWI was one of the biggest mistakes we ever made, the results of which led to Hitler being able to sway a nation. Bad move overall.

  53. cowbot

    Chris Pearson is exactly the kind of bovine goy that Strauss, Perle, Ledeen and Feith and the entire ziocon khabbal are leading around by the nose-rings.

    A programmed piece of meat. Perfectly predictable. Dumb-as-fuck Chris Pearson. Dumb-as-fuck.

  54. Speaking as one of the “minority” that considers Ron Paula to be an over-inflated butt-puppet, and who considers his maniacle followers are comical at best, I enjoyed the article.

    It has Little Ronnie pegged, and it shows a vast understanding of his pathetic fan-boy followers.

    As to all the death threats and hostilities these ANTI-Free Speech supporters want to throw around, I would just like them to be aware of one fatal flaw in their thinking…

    Those of us that dislike Ron Paul, and those of us that laugh at your tired little insults and threats… We shoot back.

  55. Pingback: Hot Link » Blog Archive » The Five Worst Cults On The Internet

  56. April

    Well, as a Paul supporter, I would like to respond, but everything after “bloodletting revolution” was pure gibberish.

  57. James Nader

    This in one of the silliest blogs I have read in a while. I hope you become more thoughtful and considerate in the time to come.

  58. invar

    I don’t think I want to know what your definition of “thoughtful” and “considerate” is.

    In fact, I probably reject what you consider those definitions to be.

    Which means we have nothing to talk about between us.

  59. Wow, dude. What do you do for fun, rub yourself all over with ribeyes and then climb over the zoo fence around the hyena cage?

  60. I’ve sensed the same “cultlike” “zombie-like” “radical” atmosphere presented by the Ron Paul backers. Turns me off. HOWEVER, I also disagree with YOUR doctoring the eyes of the people in the photograph. Come on. If you are asking for honesty, then quit doctoring the pictures.

  61. Pingback: Ron Paul’s zombie hordes crash the RNC Debate

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