Daily Archives: February 16, 2015

Obama’s ATF To Ban And Outlaw .223 Rifle Ammunition


In an ‘already done deal’, Obama’s ATF imposes back door gun control by banning the most popular caliber round for rifles in America by reclassifying .223 ball ammunition as ‘armor piercing’.

As we are seeing with Obama using his pen and his phone to issue decrees and order his alphabet agencies to take over the internet via the FCC and FEC – the ATF must have received a note and a call from Obama because over the weekend the ATF  announced it will issue a federal ban on M855 Ball Ammunition which is the most common caliber round for rifles in the USA.  The “ban”circumvents Congress altogether and as with the FCC and FEC Internet takeover – the “cake is baked” and the ban is already a ‘done deal’ and will be implemented next month.

Once this became public over the weekend, .223 caliber AR-15 ammunition has flown off shelves and the cost has skyrocketed at many retail outlets carrying the round.

The goose-stepping stooges at various Leftist forums and blogs are doing backflips of glee over this, calling the dictatorial move “brilliant back door gun control”.

Obama is moving quickly to impose his Communist tyranny and as history teaches, the moment a civilian populace is disarmed by a Socialist government, in short order they find themselves being exterminated.


AR-15 chick


A notice from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) shows the agency is considering a ban on the popular M855 AR-15 round — by re-categorizing the round as “armor piercing.”

Once categorized as “armor piercing,” sales of the M855 rounds can be restricted or banned altogether under language in the Gun Control Act of 1968 (GCA), which describes marketable ammunition as that which is “primarily intended to be used for sporting purposes.”

The ammunition guidelines set forth in the GCA are intended for handguns, but are also being applied to ammunition used in AR-15 rifles because AR-15 pistols fire the same ammunition.

On Friday, the NRA-ILA responded to ATF’s pending ammunition ban, describing it as “a move clearly intended by the Obama administration to repress the acquisition, ownership, and use of AR-15s and other .223 caliber general purpose rifles.” The NRA-ILA made it clear that this is but a “continuation of Obama’s use of his executive authority to impose gun control restrictions and bypass Congress.”

The ATF’s notice makes clear the agency will be accepting “comments for 30 days” prior to finalizing ban.

Who among us is stupid enough to think that the ATF and Obama would be moved to reverse their decision by an overwhelming majority of negative “comments” about this intended ban?  If anything it is more likely to get your name on a list for a future raid at their discretion.

The popularity of the AR-15 is the reason it is a target of the Obama regime. That the ATF unexpectedly announced on Friday night, the 13th that it intends to ban commonplace M855 ball ammunition as “armor piercing ammunition.” is more of the same M.O. of this tyrannical Imperial dictatorship.  It simply makes decrees and enacts “policy” via ‘executive actions’ or “rules changes’.  Instead of going through the legislative process as intended, Obama is using executive authority he does not have, to once again impose gun control measures.  But as the Leftists are correct in saying – if Obama can get away with his dictatorship and no one will stop his lawlessness, then he has broken no ‘laws’ and instead has made ‘new law’ to supplant an old and ‘ineffective’ Constitution.

All I can say, is what all of us should say now, and forever:





Filed under Obama Marxist Tyranny

Say Goodbye To The Internet As You Knew It. Cost To Soar. Blogs And Political Speech To Be Regulated.


The FCC AND the FEC announce their tag-team plans to takeover and control the internet, designed to silence critics of the Ruling Class Oligarchy in D.C.  Information will be regulated.  Blogs and political forums will be shut down, cost to get online to skyrocket.

Remember when the Marxist/Liberals/Fascists in America decided that the world’s best healthcare system was broken and needed to be fixed?  That it was unfair and cost too much and needed to be made available for “everyone” at taxpayer expense?

We got ObamaCare as a result.  An unConstitutional behemoth of Statism drafted in secret and passed in the middle of the night without a single Republican vote that the regime keeps rewriting as it sees fit while making healthcare unaffordable for most Americans.

Well, the same tyrants are about to do the same exact thing to the internet.  “If you like your internet you can keep your internet”is already being screamed by those supporting this takeover.

We’ve already been blogging on this Obama-dictatorial-takeover of the internet which will go into effect next month via the FCC, and now we learn that another Alphabet agency – the Federal Election Commission under Obama’s control will ALSO issue new “laws” and “rules” that will require blogs and any political opinions to be regulated with financials to be demanded and investigated of bloggers like yours truly because they assert I must fall under campaign finance laws.

Freedom of political speech – goodbye.  Freedom of the press – goodbye.  Freedom of religion – goodbye.

Americans do nothing while the Bill of Rights is being striped from them each and every day.

Well, this author says, I will not comply with whatever “rules” “Laws and Diktats” they make.  This federal tyranny is wholly illegitimate and therefore, has acted beyond their allotted Constitutional authority – and therefore they have no authority any of us have to comply with.


FCC, FEC look to ruin the Internet

The left lifts its boot toward the free flow of information

We knew this was coming. Within the last couple of weeks, both the Federal Communications Commission and the Federal Election Commission declared their intention to regulate the Internet. Fascists always explain their actions as efforts to either make something more efficient, “fair,” or to supposedly “protect” their target. Sometimes they simply lie, like saying they’re nationalizing health insurance to make it more affordable and to increase access to health care.

Now, with the feds’ latest effort, their new slogan might as well be, “If you like your Internet, you can keep your Internet.” Make no mistake: The Internet is under assault and saving it is up to us.

Democrats and their liberal sycophants have been contemplating for years how best to smash the Internet. Open discussion among the great unwashed masses poses a threat to the superiorly educated and groomed establishment. First, it was the magnificence of the so-called Fairness Doctrine, which made free speech on the radio impossible. President Reagan’s reversal of that Orwellian control mechanism made talk radio possible (to say nothing of the likely increase of gastrointestinal disorders among liberals).

Even prior to that massive win for the First Amendment, the left had succeeded at co-opting the legacy media by swamping the staff and reporters with ideological true believers, making newspapers and the broadcast networks nothing more than PR agencies for the leftist agenda.

Think about it: The sheeple emerging from the liberal academies around the country in the 1960s and ‘70s didn’t move to the countryside to smoke pot and raise puppies. No, they went into media. They became writers, reporters and television news anchors.

Never mind that by the 21st century, their blind partisan allegiance was destroying their industry. I’m sure they feel getting Barack Obama elected to two terms as president made it all worthwhile.

But now they want more. The left’s relevance relies on controlling the public discussion. Bill Clinton learned of the Internet’s importance when the legacy media, via Newsweek, “held the [Monica Lewinsky] story” according to Michael Isikoff, their reporter at the time, in comments reported by the Weekly Standard.

Then some guy with a website called “Drudge” made sure the American people were informed about the reckless actions of a self-obsessed president.

Newsweek? Now defunct. Drudge? More powerful than ever. And that’s the problem the feds want to fix. The Internet must be killed because it dares to keep turning on the light in a room the left prefers remain dark.

The past two weeks reveal the government’s frantic, and determined, effort to take control of the Internet. Using the pretext of “net neutrality,” that is regulating Internet service providers and the speed rate at which they provide Internet service, Federal Communications Commission Chairman Tom Wheeler announced the FCC was claiming the power to regulate the Internet like a utility service.

This would be done to make the Internet more “fair,” of course. But the truth of the matter is it’s an excuse to essentially nationalize the Internet. The moment that’s accepted, all bets are off, and the Internet becomes, well, Newsweek.

Reinforcing the suspicion that every American should have about this unprecedented action is the fact that Mr. Wheeler is keeping the 332-page document outlining his plan secret from the American public. He released a four-page summary with major points, but refuses to release the full document to the public.

That’s right, they’re not allowing us to see it. Verge.com reports on the concern of Ajit Pai, a fellow FCC commissioner:

“The American people are being misled about President Obama’s plan to regulate the Internet,” he said in a statement, suggesting that Mr. Obama had pressured Mr. Wheeler into reclassification. “Last week’s carefully managed rollout was designed to downplay the plans of a massive intrusion in the Internet economy … . I have now read the 332-page plan. It is worse than I had imagined,” said Mr. Pai. In particular, he warned that reclassifying broadband would open the door to taxes and onerous regulations, and give the FCC “broad and unprecedented discretion to micromanage the Internet.”

This was the first shot across the bow. Within a week of Mr. Wheeler’s remarkable effort to pull an “Obamacare” on the Internet, the Federal Election Commission came through with the second volley.

“Democrats on the Federal Election Commission (FEC) signaled Wednesday that they are prepared to forge ahead with new regulations on bloggers and others using the Internet to support candidates and influence public policy, the Washington Examiner reports. Supporters of Internet regulation urged the FEC to put together new rules to require even third-party Internet-based groups to reveal donors, a move that would reverse a 2006 decision to keep the agency’s hands off the Internet,” according to Newsmax.com.

FEC Chairwoman Ann Ravel has said publicly she wants to control political information on the Internet. Of course they do. There’s another election coming up and they must act quickly to do everything possible to eliminate the ability of those who do not pledge allegiance to the liberal cause to be heard.

I don’t have much faith in the Republicans stopping this Democrat power grab, so this once again leaves the average person as the last line of defense against more federal overreach meant to silence and control the increasingly pesky, conservative and vocal citizen.


Filed under Obama Marxist Tyranny