Daily Archives: February 24, 2015

The Ignorant Seig-Heil Obama’s Directive To Take Over The Internet


Obama’s Dictatorial command for the FCC and FEC to take over and control the internet via SECRET RULES is applauded by those that bought the same lies about how ObamaCare would lower healthcare costs.

Envy, anger and entitlement mindset.  These are the mechanisms that the tyrant uses to sweeten the imposition of chains on a population they intend to punish and subjugate.  Appealing to ‘fairness’ and ‘revenge’ upon the targets a tyrant wants punished and controlled, there is little done to oppose pogroms and “laws” that subjugate every liberty the tyrant seeks to eradicate and place in it’s control.   Always sold as a ‘benefit’ to the people, the terror and appetite of government power is always preferred over private and individual power which a pliable people devoid of foundational principles are shaped to loathe and hate.

Once the government takes over the internet tomorrow – there is no stopping or reversing these ‘secret rules’ the alphabets will impose on the last bastion of open communication and information.  Not by the courts, not by Congress, not by you or me. It is already a fait accompli we are told.  A done deal.  A cake already baked.

When FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler was asked to make the 360 pages of secret rules and regulations public, he refused.  The top secret final draft FCC order was only delivered to the four other FCC commissioners three weeks ago. When Wheeler handed them the rules, he issued a “gag order” to prevent its release before the FCC vote tomorrow, assumably under Obama’s orders.  So they are going to “MAKE LAW” by imposing rules NO ONE BUT GOVERNMENT OLIGARCHS HAVE READ.  In the United States of America –  the government now write laws and passes them in secret.  Not even the Colonists under King George suffered such atrocities.

Welcome to the dictatorship.

In short – say goodbye to the internet as you knew it.  Yet an ignorant populace that loves Netflix and Hulu and wants everything for free, applaud and seig-heil the false notion that the Obama regime will make the internet ‘fair’ and ‘cheaper for the little people under the grip of media giants of Comcast and AT&T.  They buy the lie that government regulation is better than corporate service packages.  They bought the big lie that ‘Net Neutrality’ will keep the internet ‘free and open’ and ‘fair’.  They love and see Obama as their messiah, their savior, their balancer of scales.  The rest hate the companies that they get their internet from and think Obama’s secret regulations and imposition of his definition of ‘net neutrality’ will make the internet more affordable, fair and faster for the little people.

Obama worshippers


None of those things will happen.  The exact opposite will occur.  The history of government regulating business is a lesson in ruination, incompetence and cost.  Monopoly and corporate Fascism will be established at Comcast, AT&T, Mediacom and Verizon for political gain and protection.  The big corps will pay their ‘protection money’ and use government to destroy their competition while government regulates the free-flow of information to suit it’s own insatiable appetite for unopposed power.  It’s a marriage nightmares are made of for the idiots who buy into surrendering liberty for license in the name of fairness.

Central government ruins whatever it touches.  It is king Midas in reverse.  Bureaucracies inevitably become impersonal and unfeeling roadblocks and walls without common sense and often without knowledge of what and whom they are empowered to regulate and control.  For the internet as you knew it – TWO bungling and politicaly-motivated imbecilic alphabet agencies will have their paws in every facet of the internet.  Think of them as the agencies that will establish death panels for web sites, forums and ISP providers who will limit what you currently do today or abolish it altogether.  And we have no recourse to stop it.

The cost to get online is going to skyrocket, service will get worse, content will be restricted and regulated, licenses will be required to run a website, political blogs will be declared ‘campaign contributions’ and subject to fees and content control and choices to select an ISP will be limited.  The entire original purpose of ‘Net Neutrality’ was to restrict political content and make sure content control is regulated by the Government.  MAKE NO MISTAKE.  That is what this is actually all about: the government taking over the internet in order to regulate content and limit the public’s ability to access and report information outside of whatever government tells them via their own Praetorian media operatives.

This takeover of the internet by the Obama regime is no different than what they did with imposing ObamaCare.  Remember that ObamaCare was drafted in secret and kept from the public until it was ‘passed’ into “law”.  Nancy Pelosi famously said “We have to pass it so you can find out what is in it”.  Likewise Obama’s ‘Net Neutrality’ takeover plan has 360 pages of regulations and rules that are being KEPT SECRET, until they are passed ‘into law’.

In true government-fashion, whatever these schemes are titled – be assured that the EXACT OPPOSITE will happen. The Affordable Care Act made healthcare UNAFFORDABLE for most of us who once had affordable plans.  “Net Neutrality” is the same.  It will NOT make the internet ‘neutral’. It will NOT make the internet faster for everyone.  It will in fact – as with all government meddling -make it worse.  Everyone will have their speeds ‘throttled down’ to the lowest common denominator so everyone is ‘fair’ and no one gets more than anyone else – even if they can pay for it.  That is what government does.  MARK MY WORDS.  All the empty promises made to make healthcare better by imposing ObamaCare on the populace were lies told to sell acceptance.  “If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor” was a lie from the beginning.  The same is true of the reasons the Obama regime make to justify the federal takeover of the Internet.  “If you like your internet you can keep your ISP and your internet”.  It’s all lies.

But that does not matter to the emoting classes of envy-prone Millennials, the SOUND of government IMPOSING fairness and taking away what a private company can do in terms of serving their customers is more important to them.  They would rather government tell a private company what they must provide and sell a product and service for than let the free market set the standard.  Government is their god.  the ultimate arbiter of ‘fairness’ and ‘justice’.  In such a society – liberty is doomed, because facts and history of government failure and tyranny do not matter.

Two Republican chairmen on the FCC have WARNED that this “secret” plan will impose federal government taxation on ISPs which will then get passed on to consumers.  Included in the warning was the plan for federal taxation on all internet purchases, plans to tax your ISP service itself and the amount of data you stream.   Broadband speed will be mandated to be the same for everyone – and therefore it will have to be reduced to accommodate everyone.

The much ballyhooed complaints of ISP companies going to a ‘tiered service plan’ is a plan the Federal Government is going to adopt and mandate itself.  Where once you could go to a competitor to get online, now the service will be the same no matter where you go – and the tiered plan of where you are allowed to go on the internet will be mandated by government instead of a private company.  Feeling all warm and fuzzy about that yet?  Americans however trust government with such things over private business and individual responsibility and free markets because they have bought the Marxist lie that we cannot be trusted with liberty and that hating wealth is a moral imperative.  Profit is evil.

And so – in that environment a takeover of the last bastion of open communication and information is about to end as it finds itself in the grip of a federal beast.

Don’t look to the feckless Republican Party leadership to do anything concrete to stop this either.  They like what this plan will do to get their own critics on the Right silenced.

The FEC already announced intents to regulate political content on the internet with applause from Ruling Class Democrats and Republicans who HATE criticism that the once-open internet afforded everyman.  Everything on the internet will be regulated via taxation, and make no mistake that the actual target is content and regulating free political speech and access to information.  Blogs like this one will suddenly find itself declared to be part of a ‘political campaign’, and what is opined here stated to be advantageous to a political group, party or candidate and therefore must comport with FEC campaign guidelines that govern political campaigns.  A panel of bureaucrats will decide the monetary value of what I write as a ‘campaign donation’ and therefore limit what I am able to say on my own blog.

FEC Commissioner Ann Ravel wants bloggers and YouTubers that are talking about politics and all things related to comply with onerous regulations and disclosure requirements. She wants individuals and organizations that post things even remotely political online to register with her federal agency, disclose their funding sources, and stamp disclaimers on all of their content.*

This is how you kill free political speech on the internet.  This is how you kill dissent , by creating the appearance of a velvet glove – all in the name of ‘fairness’.

So enjoy the internet as you knew it today.  Tomorrow, it goes bye-bye, even though you will not notice it at first.  In a year……

This is how the Obama tyranny has progressed, the imposition of these ‘plans’ will start slowly – almost unnoticed by everyman as it is ‘phased in’ over a period of months.  In a year – everyman will notice the pain of increased costs, restrictions on content, licensing to operate websites and blogs that are targeted for shut down.  Yet, a bulk of the population who see government as their savior and sugar-daddy are seig-heiling a dictatorial madman who has sold them on the politics of self gratification, revenge and punishment.

A man who can convince a population to hate the very businesses that gave them technology they use everyday and benefit from, to convince them to surrender it to his control,  is a man who can convince a nation to surrender everything it holds dear and hate those whom he directs them to hate.

Genocides happen under these kinds of rulers. All to the applause of the people they have convinced that such targets are worthy of punishment and eradication.

Liberty dies to thunderous applause.


Filed under Obama Marxist Tyranny

Obama’s Speech On The Muslim World’s “Legitimate Grievances” With The West Reveals He Is On Their Side.


Obama’s “Countering Violent Extremism” summit  wasn’t about countering Islamic terror, it was about countering “Islamophobia” and silencing any potential critics of Islam.

On top of ending the Internet as we know it this week via ‘secret’ regulations that Obama has told the FCC and FEC to impose, it is being learned that MUSLIM IMMIGRATION IS OUTPACING MEXICAN and SOUTH AMERICAN INVADERS in the USA thanks to generous refugee programs and transplants that Obama has also ‘secretly’ engaged in, including importing upwards of 7 MILLION Syrian ‘refugees’ – you know – the area where ISIS is headquartered.  Historians will write that never before in human history has a nation so spectacularly committed suicide at the hands of their own leaders as the United States of America has under Obama and his regime.

This piece by Pamela Gellar is beyond excellent to accurately describe what Obama is doing.  It needs to be spread far and wide, so this warning of the enemy in the White House can reach as many as possible.   When the unthinkable happens here again as it did on 9-11, we will know exactly who set us up for atrocities at the hand of Islamic Jihadists: Obama himself.



Obama has made us weak, vulnerable and ripe for attack. The next two years will be brutal.


The one big takeaway from Obama’s speech on the Muslim world’s “legitimate” grievances with the West is simply this. He is on their side.

Obama’s closing remarks at his absurdly titled “Countering Violent Extremism” summit put his denial and obfuscation of the truth once again on display. It’s jihad — just say it. His speech wasn’t about countering Islamic terror, it was about countering “Islamophobia” (a thought crushing device designed to silence criticism of Islam – sharia enforcement). 

Obama can insist that these jihadists are not Islamic all he likes. But they believe they are. They believe they are righteous and devout Muslims, and that’s all that matters, not what Obama wants us to believe they are.

Obama readily criticized Christianity recently – having to go all the way back to the Crusades to do so. But for him, Islam is off limits. For both Islamic supremacists and Obama, Islam is above criticism – at a time when killers motivated by its teachings are wreaking havoc around the globe.

His big idea for fighting against violent extremism? “As part of this summit, we’re announcing that we’re going to increase our outreach to communities, including Muslim Americans. We’re going to step up our efforts to engage with partners and raise awareness so more communities understand how to protect their loved ones from becoming radicalized. We’ve got to devote more resources to these efforts.”

He has created a Counter-Terrorism Messaging center headed up by Rashad Hussain, a hafiz (a devout Muslim who has memorized the Quran). Obama is going to out-tweet the enemy with a Muslim Brotherhood supporter at the helm.

And “outreach” is not going to end the jihad. It is just a device, a distraction – the appearance of doing something without actually doing anything. Police and FBI agents go to a mosque and have a chat with the imam. They don’t investigate. Then they go away, and all that comes of it is that the imam knows he is dealing with weak people who are more interested in making sure he likes them than in stopping jihad.

And Obama talks about a shooting in North Carolina as if it were a war on Muslims, when the ongoing investigation seems to point to a mere parking dispute.

Obama vows to “confront squarely and honestly the twisted ideologies that these terrorist groups use to incite people to violence,” but Islam is off limits, so how can he confront it squarely and honestly? More lies.

Obama goes on to say that we shouldn’t “grant these terrorists the religious legitimacy that they seek. They are not religious leaders — they’re terrorists. And we are not at war with Islam. We are at war with people who have perverted Islam.” Who is talking to? Why is he schooling us and proselytizing to us? If the Islamic State is not Islamic, what is it? They are Muslims and they are fighting for Islam, and no amount of tongue twisting and mental gymnastics is going to change that. Why won’t Obama take them at their word and deed?

Because he is a sympathizer. Because he makes Islam supreme and beyond reproach, just as Muslim supremacists do. Clearly he cares more about the glory of Islam then he does about the gore.

Obama gets twisted up in his own illogical logic. He goes on to say: “Al Qaeda and ISIL and groups like it are desperate for legitimacy. They try to portray themselves as religious leaders — holy warriors in defense of Islam. That’s why ISIL presumes to declare itself the ‘Islamic State.’ And they propagate the notion that America — and the West, generally — is at war with Islam. That’s how they recruit.” But Mr. President, how could they recruit if they get Islam so wrong? How can previously “moderate Muslims” be moved to slaughter, rape, and conquer in the cause of Islam if ISIS, ISIL, al Qaeda, Boko Haram, Hamas, and other mujahadeen have it so wrong?

If anyone is perverted, it is Obama. He is perverting the truth.

Obama said, “They no more represent Islam than any madman who kills innocents in the name of God represents Christianity or Judaism or Buddhism or Hinduism.” Only Muslims claim to kill in the glory of Allah. Christian, Jews, Buddhists or Hindus do not; nor do they conquer nations in the cause of their G-d, as Muslims do.

Obama said, “These religious leaders and scholars preach that Islam calls for peace and for justice, and tolerance toward others; that terrorism is prohibited; that the Koran says whoever kills an innocent, it is as if he has killed all mankind.” More deception. Obama quotes a Jewish Talmudic quote that Muslims appropriated in the Koran. And it is the Jews that the Koran is referring to.

“Whoever destroys a soul, it is considered as if he destroyed an entire world. And whoever saves a life, it is considered as if he saved an entire world.” — Mishnah Sanhedrin 4:9; Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Sanhedrin 37a.

Obama is parsing the quote taken from verse 5:32 of the “Holy Koran.” But he is ripping it out of context and perverting its meaning. The full passage in the Koran applies to the “Children of Israel,” not to Muslims. And it’s followed in the Koran by 5:33, which calls for “execution, or crucifixion, or the cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides, or exile from the land” for those who “wage war against Allah and his messenger, or spread mischief in the land.”

Obama studied the Quran as a child. Obama just named a hafiz (a devout Muslim who has memorized the whole Quran), Rahad Hussain, to head up his newly created Counter-Terrorism Center.

He knows. They know. He then goes on to explain that Muslims have real grievances: “There’s a strain of thought that doesn’t embrace ISIL’s tactics, doesn’t embrace violence, but does buy into the notion that the Muslim world has suffered historical grievances — sometimes that’s accurate.”

He doesn’t even pretend to support America.

He won’t call it jihad, but he insists that, “We have to tackle them [the ideologies] head on. And we can’t shy away from these discussions.”

Is he for real? That’s the one thing he won’t do.

He claims that Muslims join the jihad because they’re poor: “When millions of people — especially youth — are impoverished and have no hope for the future, when corruption inflicts daily humiliations on people, when there are no outlets by which people can express their concerns, resentments fester. The risk of instability and extremism grow. Where young people have no education, they are more vulnerable to conspiracy theories and radical ideas, because it’s not tested against anything else, they’ve got nothing to weigh. And we’ve seen this across the Middle East and North Africa.”

Here again, Obama attributes jihad to poverty, illiteracy, culture — anything but its true origins. State Department Spokesteenager Marie Harf said yesterday that the Islamic State jihadists just need jobs. She was rightly ridiculed for it. But Obama has now said the same thing.

He added: “Terrorist groups like al Qaeda and ISIL deliberately target their propaganda in the hopes of reaching and brainwashing young Muslims, especially those who may be disillusioned or wrestling with their identity. That’s the truth. The high-quality videos, the online magazines, the use of social media, terrorist Twitter accounts — it’s all designed to target today’s young people online, in cyberspace.”

How does that turn someone into a savage? I am sorry, Mr. President. No amount of slick video and online magazines would move me to betray my country, leave my home and slaughter, maim, rape in the cause of my religion. Mr. President, how did this misunderstanding of Islam become so widespread if it weren’t Islamic? Why are so many more American, British, European, Canadian Muslims joining the Islamic State?

And while Muslims in the US condemn the Islamic State, where are they teaching against the ideology that gave rise to it?

Right now, nothing is being done to stop jihad recruiting in US mosques, even as several hundred young Muslims from the US have gone to wage jihad for the Islamic State.

And his marshmallow summit of “Islamophobia” myths and lies does not address that.


Filed under Obama Marxist Tyranny, War On Jihadists