Daily Archives: February 25, 2015

Obama Dictated Internet Takeover To FCC – Chairman REFUSES To Testify Or Answer Questions Before Vote


FCC Chair refuses to answer questions before internet takeover vote as we learn Obama himself dictated to the FCC his plans for federal takeover after the November election.

This is how third-world dictatorships operate.

After the shellacking the Democrat party was handed this past November, His Heinous Barrack Hussein Obama goes to the FCC – an ‘independent’ agency and hands them secret plans he demands they implement in order to nationalize and take over the internet.  Under the false guise of ‘net neutrality’ two Republicans on the committee blew the whistle and warned that this is ‘ObamaCare for the internet’ – intended to ultimately restrict content and access to news and information.

Written in secret, kept secret and passed into “law” before ANY of us know what ‘rules’ will be imposed – this is how a dictatorship operates.  And America willingly puts up with it with little more than a whimper.

The Republicans run like sissies from daring to confront and stop this lawlessness.  When they ordered FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler to testify before a Congressional oversight committee today, BEFORE the takeover tomorrow, Wheeler defiantly refused to do so – and the Republicans on the committee were indignant enough to simply state without emotion that they are “deeply disappointed”.

“Deeply disappointed”?????  How about getting the Sergeant-At -Arms to make an arrest for contempt of Congress?  How about the House and Senate demand hearings before the FCC is allowed to make ‘law”?  How about the House DEFUND the FCC entirely until they comply with the demand that they let the American people study these Obama-drafted plans before they make them policy????

But no – the GOP is a surrender-monkey party that is more content to go along with the dictatorship because they think they will keep a seat at Obama’s table than stand up to oppose unConstitutional and lawless dictatorial decrees that strip up of our liberties.  The most we will get is a shrug of the shoulder and a sigh of “disappointed” from the lips of a completely neutered and totally complicit Republican party.

The permissible and free Internet as we knew it ends tomorrow.  You will not feel it right away, but in time the pain will become perhaps more pronounced than your health care costs.  Keep watching your bill go up in the coming months as the ISP giants repackage their services to comply with these new secret plans and maximize their income in other ways.  If you read or write blogs like this one – in a year – it is possible they will no longer exist due to FEC campaign laws being applied to any political discourse.  The federal Beast will then run and control the totality of the internet, limiting access, content and speed, while the cost will skyrocket beyond the reach of most, and all the so-called opposition party can muster is ‘deeply disappointed’????

We are so screwed.  We will be on our own to resist and defy this tyranny.  It’s well past lock and load time.

FCC Committee

FCC Chair Refuses to Testify before Congress ahead of Net Neutrality Vote

Two prominent House committee chairs are “deeply disappointed” in Federal Communications Commission chairman Tom Wheeler for refusing to testify before Congress as “the future of the Internet is at stake.” Wheeler’s refusal to go before the House Oversight Committee on Wednesday comes on the eve of the FCC’s vote on new Internet regulations pertaining to net neutrality. The committee’s chairman, Representative Jason Chaffetz (R., Utah), and Energy and Commerce Committee chairman Fred Upton (R., Mich.) criticized Wheeler and the administration for lacking transparency on the issue. “So long as the chairman continues to insist on secrecy, we will continue calling for more transparency and accountability at the commission,” Chaffetz and Upton said in a statement. “Chairman Wheeler and the FCC are not above Congress.”

Net Neutrality: How White House Thwarted FCC Chief

After Secret Meetings, Obama Pushed for Tougher Stance on ‘Net Neutrality’

In November, the White House’s top economic adviser dropped by the Federal Communications Commission with a heads-up for the agency’s chairman, Tom Wheeler. President Barack Obama was ready to unveil his vision for regulating high-speed Internet traffic.

…The specifics came four days later in an announcement that blindsided officials at the FCC. Mr. Obama said the Internet should be overseen as a public utility, with the “strongest possible rules” forcing broadband providers such as AT&T Inc. and Verizon Communications Inc. to treat all Internet traffic equally.

The prod from Mr. Obama came after an unusual, secretive effort inside the White House, led by two aides who built a case for the principle known as “net neutrality” through dozens of meetings with online activists, Web startups and traditional telecommunications companies.

…As rumors swirled last fall that Mr. Obama was preparing to call for tougher Internet regulations, Comcast Corp. CEO Brian Roberts called Ms. Jarrett, pressed her for information and urged the White House not to go through with the move, people familiar with the matter say.

She offered no help, these people say. Google Inc. Executive Chairman Eric Schmidtspoke with White House officials, urging them not to go through with utility-like rules.

…After Republicans gained their Senate majority, Mr. Obama took a number of actions to go around Congress, including a unilateral move to ease immigration rules.

…Mr. Obama made them clear in a 1,062-word statement and two-minute video. He told the FCC to regulate mobile and fixed broadband providers more strictly and enact strong rules to prevent those providers from altering download speeds for specific websites or services.


Filed under Obama Marxist Tyranny