Tag Archives: dictatorship

Do Not Be Deceived – This Election Is Not Going To Save Us


The Republic is already lost and gone.

We had a velvet coup – no one noticed, no one believes it. Yet the evidence is all there, right in your faces – and everyone pretends it’s not so. Factions and party cheering the shell game to preserve the facade of what we once were, while the masterminds play us all like cards.

Half the population has made government their god, and the other half is looking to make their chosen political messiah, king.  More than two-thirds of the country now look at the Office of President as a quasi-monarchy; a defacto dictatorship that will benefit them and their causes.  This fact is made self-evident by the numbers of people who assume that their candidate will be able to do all the things they campaign on via diktat:  Make the sea levels fall; stop the Climate; Build a wall, make Mexico pay for it;  punitive tariffs; punish banks; redistribute wealth; ban guns etc., etc., etc.  They care not for whatever character flaws, past associations, past positions or wavering statements their Chosen makes.  He/She/It will lead them and theirs to the promised land of prosperity to those who salute and support their Chosen, and everlasting punishment for those who are declared traitors for failure to prostrate themselves before their One.

The hatred and vitriol being flung at everyone who does not support their political messiah, has reached levels of frightening proportion:  Death threats; banning from social media and forum sites;  Lawsuits; Promises of retribution; calls for Party purging of those who will not bend the knee to the presumptive nominee.

Everything you are witnessing right now, are the death throes of a civil society fast devolving into the morass of anarchy, tribalism and Statism.

It’s what history teaches every failed republic goes through right before sown seeds of chaos and massive upheaval gives way to an oppressive dictatorship that a majority applauds for the empty promise of order, sustenance and revenge. You already hear and see those sentiments being expressed.

We are weak. Divided. Immoral. Ignorant. Unthinking. Unprincipled and infected with a fatal case of Normalcy Bias.

The consequences of which we are just beginning to feel.

Is that harsh?  Yes. But the truth often is.

Sadly, as history also teaches – the vast, vast majority – never wants to hear it, and often set upon those trying to warn and plead with them.

This election is not going to save us. We saw our last legitimate national election in 2008.

You cannot stop tyranny by civil means, PERIOD.  Neither can you enjoy the blessings of liberty when most of the nation no longer shares your core principles or culture.  Saving a rotting culture and discarded Republic are not possible without repentance, which even few churches and leaders are even willing to mention, much less implore. Instead we have intolerant “tolerance”, Chrislam, Black Lives Matters, Nationalist Populism and Democratic Socialism. Any opposition surrenders itself wholesale to threats or tears itself apart in virulence unseen towards those whom perpetrated their servitude.

We have yet to reap what we have already sown, and God is not going to hear a nation’s pleas in calamity when it has discarded Him.

Instead, He is going to laugh at us because He has given us over to our own ways. Proverbs 1:24-32

Truly this people demand to do what is right in their own eyes and destroy those who dare attempt to restrain their passions .  Whether it be killing their unborn, identifying themselves as the opposite sex so as to play pervert in public bathrooms, or force those “holy rollers” to participate in their wickedness and celebrate it by force of law, the vast majority turn an indifferent eye while an activist minority grow ever-more violent at any perceived slight.    The people seig-heil the candidate who affirms wickedness and denounces those as evil whom plead with a people to reconcile themselves to righteousness, to recapture and cherish a morality and heritage they no longer consider valid because “pragmatism” trumps principle.

Ever the speed of our demise increases with each passing day – and most refuse to even consider the consequence of what we have already done and permitted.

The Cup of Iniquity runneth over, and The Almighty Lord of All Creation will laugh at us when our next 9-11 befalls us.

If this makes you angry – your problem is with the truth and perhaps your faith is in men and their institutions, which gets to the actual root cause of why we have arrived at this point to begin with.



Filed under Chrisitan Viewpoint, Politics

America Doomed To A Fate Worse Than What History’s Lessons Teach


History and human nature display the certain doom for any semblance of an American Representative Republic from ever returning.  Rome’s Fall would be a better fate for us than what is now coming.

“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”  – George Satayana

““When the situation was manageable it was neglected, and now that it is thoroughly out of hand we apply too late the remedies which then might have effected a cure. There is nothing new in the story. It is as old as the sibylline books. It falls into that long, dismal catalogue of the fruitlessness of experience and the confirmed unteachability of mankind. Want of foresight, unwillingness to act when action would be simple and effective, lack of clear thinking, confusion of counsel until the emergency comes, until self-preservation strikes its jarring gong–these are the features which constitute the endless repetition of history.” – Winston Churchill, House of Commons, 2 May 1935

To quote the scriptures to emphasize the point the two men above made if you believe that God is the same yesterday, today and forever:

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I also will reject you from being My priest. Since you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children. – Hosea 4:6

Because America has not only forgotten God and declared His Laws and Ways to be evil, criminal, racist and discriminatory, it has also the notorious distinction that the bulk of it’s citizens and populace totally ignore history and human nature as completely irrelevant to them.  They see no reason to understand history outside of the revisionist pap being taught in every public school about how rotten this nation was at it’s foundation.

They do not care that the Republic has been fundamentally transformed into a despotic tyranny of which they are comfortable.  As long as Breads and Circuses are constantly maintained, it does not matter which emperor the factions clamor for: Caligula or Nero, Trump or Hillary – the end-result is exactly the same: ruins.  Willfully discarded by their own people for the empty promises of hope, change and greatness by those whom intend to rule, rather than govern.

The following essay opines that the best-case scenario for America at this point, is the fate of Rome.


For America, the Fall of the Roman Empire Is the Best Case Scenario

A lot of people, especially Millennials with degrees in Intersectional Climate Change Gender Studies, may not know it, but there is a way to anticipate what’s going to happen in the future. It’s not perfect, but it helps you make educated guesses about what’s next. It’s called “History,” and apparently no one in our ruling class has ever heard of it.

Roman history is especially applicable to America and all of Western civilization. The Romans had a good run, but then their moral, political, and cultural weaknesses grew insurmountable and the empire fell. Not all at once, mind you, but slowly – Rome fell long before the barbarians showed up at the city gates and started looting. Rome was powerful enough that its unworthy inheritors were able to live off the corpse for a few centuries before its enemies finished it off. In fact, Rome today still lives off the past. You go to Rome today primarily to see the ruins, and to shake your head over what the Romans just threw away.

The first phase of Roman civilization was the Republic, with something like a democracy (at least for some people) but with a definite rule of law, formal and especially informal. Noble Romans dedicated their lives to upholding these informal norms and values, the mos maiorum that formed the foundation of their society. The elite had its indulgences, but the expectation of a young noble Roman was that he would be highly educated, that he would serve Rome in its Army, and then move into politics and continue to serve in a series of governmental and diplomatic offices. And, if it came to it, he was expected to die for Rome.

But human nature asserted itself and the Republic became unstable, as factions developed and the mos maiorum was put aside for the sake of expediency. Populist politicians arose and agitated for the rights of regular Romans; the patricians were scandalized and fought back, sometimes killing the populist leaders. Eventually, some cunning Romans figured out that the armies they had been entrusted with were useful for more than crushing Rome’s foreign enemies. Sulla and then Caesar, frustrated by the checks and balances of the Republic – neither of them was a check and balance kind of guy – used their commands to take power. They were emperors in all but name; after the patricians tried one last time to reassert the Republic by getting stabby with Julius, the empire was born.

And thus began a period of glory that was in reality merely a blip in the long trend line downward. With the Republic gone, there was an imperial bureaucracy to take on many of the responsibilities citizens had once personally undertaken. The defense of Rome was outsourced to barbarians, who were allowed into Roman territory but never integrated. That, of course, went poorly. But Republican Rome’s inertia was strong enough to propel the Western empire on for another five centuries before it finally collapsed in exhaustion.

And now our civilization is likewise demonstrating its own shortness of breath, with Europe a few decades ahead of us on the downslope. Europe is utterly exhausted. It believes in nothing – its churches are empty and that hopelessness has translated into a demographic death spiral. Europe does nothing new and merely feeds off of the fading triumphs of the last century. Its politics are frozen in a cycle of failure even as the barbarians it unwisely invited into its midst establish their own internal kingdoms. The elite is no longer composed of citizen-soldier-politicians in the mode of the ancient Roman patricians, or even the modern Winston Churchill. Instead, it is all bland bureaucrats, terrified of losing power and using their regulatory cudgel to squelch the unrest by marginalizing the unsatisfied and outlawing the speech of the uncooperative.

But while the elite obsesses about stomping out “racism” and “sexism” and “cisnormativity,” the real enemy slaughters Europeans at will. But pretty soon the surviving Europeans’ waning survival instinct will kick in and they will notice that Muslim terrorists are not running free in Putin’s Russia. Then they too will reject the chaos of their failing Republic for strongmen, and their course will be set.

Here at home, the left has tossed out our own American mos maiorum, with Obama leading the charge to disregard the norms and customs that he finds far too constricting. Obama is the poster child for the ruling class’s decline. He is poorly educated – internalizing your commie prof’s clichés and lies does not make you educated even if your degree says “Harvard” – and utterly without any personal investment through service to his country (Obama in the military? That’s a laugh. Do they make camo mom pants?). Of course he has no respect for our norms and customs – he does not know anything about them and he has no personal investment in them. He has no business running anything, as he has amply demonstrated during perhaps the most damaging presidency since James Buchannan’s.

Led by pedestrian street agitators like Obama and his equally undistinguished cohort of leftist allies, the left has gleefully chipped at the foundations of our American Republic, not understanding that our society is not static. They cannot disregard the rules and expect the rest of us to keep obeying them. Oh, some try – the GOP establishment’s supine response to Obama can be understood as a desperate gambit to try and preserve the old ways. They hope – without basis – that Obama is merely a blip and that after he flies off into his narcissistic sunset in a gas-guzzling jet things will go back to normal. Their strategy is passive. They want to wait him out.

But the rest of us don’t want to wait and see if that happens. We want to respond. And that’s why we have two very different candidates promoting two very different responses. We have Ted Cruz, who is promoting radical action to return to the American Republic, with a focus on the Constitution. He is the true American mos maiorum candidate.

And then we have Donald Trump, who cares nothing for norms and customs and embraces raw power much as Obama and the left do, only he promises to protect the interests of a different constituency. He’s a would-be Caesarean strongman/savior, though to analogize him further to Julius Caesar is to insult the concept of analogies. Trump is a vulgar fool milking phony populism for power, best understood as a particularly tacky Graachi. Unlike them, Trump is both ignorant and a coward, but like them, if he does get elected president, he will be cut off at the knees by the patricians of the establishment.

Hillary Clinton is an even more anti-Republic candidate. Like Trump and Obama, she cares nothing for anything but power. Another sub-par mind trading off her degrees from a half century ago, this unaccomplished, bitter harridan lacks the wisdom to chart a course that avoids aggravating our society’s already gaping wounds. Instead, she’ll pour salt into them for no reason other than her own delight at asserting power, gleefully poking at normals with initiatives like forcing women to accept men into their bathrooms and trying to disarm the law-abiding. Inevitably, she will be stunned when she finds her actions greeted by a reaction she cannot control, and the American Republic will disappear as her rule by power is replaced by her opponents’ rule by power. Oh, we may get a good emperor or two along the way, but history tells us how this story ends.

Someday, after the gloom of the next Dark Age clears, some tourist from a society that has rediscovered liberty will look at the ruins of the Capitol and shake his head at the fools who did not realize what they were throwing away.


Filed under History, Obama Marxist Tyranny, Politics

Obama’s Illegal Gun Ban: DO NOT COMPLY – REFUSE. RESIST.


Obama’s InJustice Department warns gun owners: “We will be looking for those individuals who seek to avoid registering (their guns)”.

Obama thinks he’s clever.  He’s not.  He’s a totalitarian maniac establishing a Soviet-style police state.   His DECREE from HIS PEN to “close” the phantom “gunshot loophole” today, was defacto gun registration and firearms ban and sets the establishment of the same kind of climate of fear crap that Josef Stalin, Mao, Mussolini, Pol Pot and the other assorted genocidal maniacs established upon their citizens.

His ‘Executive Actions’ (aka: Imperial Decrees) sound mild on the surface – but are a defacto federal gun registration program.  In the details of 10 Executive Actions contains a mandate that YOUR DOCTOR report patients they think are “mentally unstable” to the NICS background check system.  Again, while that might ‘sound’ reasonable on the surface – what defines ‘mentally unstable’ is wide open to whatever interpretation the government may desire.  If you’re a returning veteran, a Climate Change disbeliever, or a Republican – you may find yourself unable to purchase, possess or own a firearm under the decree just announced by His Heinous.

Not much different than how the Feds can arbitrarily put you on a No-Fly list that you cannot rectify or appeal.  A list made in secret by a bureaucracy that is unaccountable to anyone but the President.

Like Mussolini, Obama’s dictatorial arrogance was on full Squadrisi-styled display. “We also can’t wait,” Obama ranted. “Until we have the Congress that’s in line with the majority of Americans, there are actions within my legal authority that we can take to help reduce gun violence and save more lives.”

Oh really?  I guess the landslide election of Republicans is not in line with a majority of Americans according to His Heinous.  And until they do his bidding, he will act – unilaterally.  As he sees fit.

His feigned alligator tears at the mention of the Sandy Hook shooting was a feeble mask for the heated rage and hate simmering beneath the surface for an America and Americans he wants destroyed, and a Constitution he loathes as simply “written on paper”.


His Royal Heinous Obama casually spoke in grand untruths in this moment during his Pravda Press announcement of his decrees – when recounting that he taught Constitutional law – at the University of Chicago.   It should frighten everyone that Obama can boldface lie so casually that he “believes in the Second Amendment” when his actions and past statements prove otherwise.

Obama certainly DOES NOT believe in the Second Amendment as noted by Professor John Lott Jr. who met with and talked with Obama at the University of Chicago in 1996 and discussed this very subject. Lott said emphatically again on Tuesday afternoon’s Mark Levin Show that Obama stated bluntly that he “does not believe citizens should be able to access or be allowed to own guns”.

This would be because Obama is an acolyte of Chairman Mao’s “Prairie Fire” policy regarding efforts to impose a Communist Revolution of whom Obama mentor and self-proclaimed Communist and terrorist William Ayers urged via the violence of Che Guevara.  Obama today even cited Mao’s Communist China as an example of the kind of total gun control he truly seeks:


Obama Cites Communist China As The Goal For American Gun Control

“Some of you may recall at the same time that Sandy Hook happened, a disturbed person in China took a knife and tried to kill, with a knife a bunch of children in China. But most of them survived because he didn’t have access to a powerful weapon”

Obama is establishing 4,000 new laws and ‘policies’ by decree effective January 1, 2016, bypassing Congress and the States, as dictator to make ‘law’.  As with ObamaCare – none of us know all the details that are in any of these ‘Executive Actions’, despite the fact Obama says ‘If you like your guns, you can keep your guns”.  10 Actions were announced just today by Imperial decree, the details of which are as yet unknown.

This is all imposing an Intimidation factor.  Liability punishments for non-compliance that will scare citizens who might sell one gun to a family member or a friend into complying with tyranny because the costs to fight this in court will be abhorrently costly.  So guns, ammo and ability to purchase them ‘legally’ will become harder.

In addition, the gooste-stepping Stormtroopers of the Regime are also stepping up their rhetoric against those of us who oppose their tyranny, and are pre-emtively warning that they intend to intimidate and make examples of those they can, thus creating the Soviet/Nazi-style climate of fear that subjugates a population to accept tyranny.

Loretta Lynch


‘Looking for those individuals who seek to avoid registering’

U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch issued what Second Amendment supporters likely see as a dark warning about the White House’s looming executive order on guns, telling a group of reporters the federal government would be actively searching out those firearms’ owners who want to sidestep registration.

In her words, as reported by Breitbart: “We will be looking for those individuals who seek to avoid registering,” she said, after a meeting with President Obama about his upcoming executive orders on gun control.

Her statement was in reference to the widely reported portion of Obama’s executive order that’s supposed to expand the definition of “gun dealer” to include even those who make private, one-on-one transactions. Specifically, his order would then require anyone who’s “engaged in the business of dealing in firearms” to register as a dealer, and thus become subject to the background checks’ process, as Breitbart reported.

The order doesn’t make any exceptions based on the numbers of gun sales, and as Fox News legal analyst Andrew Napolitano pointed, that means even an individual selling one firearm to another individual would have to abide the mandate.

As such, Lynch vowed the feds, through her Department of Justice and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, would be on the watch for violators.

Let me just step in here a second to state a fact that many Americans willfully ignore: OBAMA’S EXECUTIVE ACTION DECREES HAVE NO POWER OR FORCE OF LAW UPON THIS PEOPLE, unless they surrender and submit to this dictatorship.  He, his entire regime and the whole entire Federal Beast is Lawless, and has no legitimate moral or legal authority over a free people.

All they have is the guns they are going to put to your heads and those of your children for refusing to comply with this tyrannical dictatorship.

Any American who refuses to comply with this decree are in NO VIOLATION of real law, they are simply in violation of a dictatorship’s decrees.

To be plain, Obama and Loretta Lynch themselves are in violation of the Supreme Law of the United States and in violation of our inalienable God-given Rights.  They are traitors and have committed HIGH TREASON.  This decree simply solidifies the fact that this government is wholly tyrannical and illegitimate.

“[We’ll watch for private sellers who] seek to avoid registering [as] engaged in the business of selling firearms,” she said, CBS News reported.

Obama’s Gun-Control Order Is Dictatorial

Obama’s Unconstitutional Gun Ban

First, by edict Obama may try to use the “no-fly” list as a way to prevent some Americans from purchasing firearms. Second, Obama may try to stretch the definition of a firearms dealer beyond the existing statutory law, and require federal background checks prior to a purchase.

Both are arbitrary and unconstitutional.

The right to bear arms, as the Supreme Court has made clear, is an individual right that aligns with the moral imperative of self-defense. The evil attacks in Paris and San Bernardino have illustrated for a new generation of Americans the moral imperative of self-defense through firearms ownership.

So expect Obama to do what he does best — ignore the law and impose a federal edict over an area where the federal government has no statutory power. Expect Obama to require federal background checks on firearms purchases currently exempted by federal law from requiring background checks.

It works like this. Under the current law, if I wanted to sell you one of my firearms, you would give me cash, and I’d give you a gun. I do not need a federal firearms license to sell you my gun because it is my private property and I am not a gun dealer. In fact, Congress specifically exempted me from federal oversight when it defined a federal firearms dealer in 18 U.S.C. §921 (a)(11).

The law very clearly says that you are not a firearms dealer if you make “occasional sales, exchanges, or purchases of firearms for the enhancement of a personal collection or for a hobby, or who sells all or part of his personal collection of firearms.” The law does not limit the size of a personal collection. For years, foes of the Constitution have sought to change this law. Both Republican- and Democrat-controlled Congresses have failed to amend this safe harbor because the majority of Americans believe in the Second Amendment.

…Obama has grown very comfortable attacking Constitutional rights by edict and executive action. He is a president at odds with a long bipartisan tradition of respect for Constitutional values.  Presidents up to this point have mostly respected core constitutional liberties, but this president is a menace to the Constitution.

Obama and this regime and every single politician and government official and Alphabet agent supporting this treason are infringing on an inalienable right.

All done in the name of ‘common sense reforms’. Once they get away with this, how long before these same tyrants demand ‘common sense free speech reforms’???;  ‘Common sense searches and seizures’?; ‘Common sense Christian Religion reforms’?

Don’t laugh and think those absurd.  Leftists are already talking about imposing those.



Filed under Obama Marxist Tyranny

Federal Government No Longer Has Any Legitimate Authority


But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. – Declaration of Independence, 1776

Mordor-On-The-Potomac (aka: Washington D.C.) is nothing more than a corrupt Beast, having usurped the Constitution and pursuing policies and plans that are reducing us under absolute Despotism.

Why do we continue to allow ourselves to be conquered by this evil?  When will Americans wake up and realize that the Federal Beast has no legitimate moral authority over us?  Rather all it has is guns they put to our heads while they practice lawlessness and flaunt their tyranny in our faces.

Like ObamaCare – everything in Washington is done in secret, behind closed doors, like the Old Soviet Union. The Ruling Class twists the arms of our supposed Representatives to vote for bills NONE OF THEM HAVE READ.  They sabotage anyone not in lockstep with their agenda of empowering the Beast, and select rulers from among themselves so as to silence the voice of this people.

No appropriate time is even given to read and study all these omnibus spending bills, regulatory bills and other such institutions of despotism being imposed on us.


The Latest Boehner middle finger to America: 2 year – 20 trillion dollar debt budget deal funds Obama’s entire agenda until after 2017

So Boehner hands Obama’s dictatorship another year after his term is supposedly up, funds everything Obama wants and eliminates the federal spending cap for the next 2 years, meaning Washington can spend whatever it wants on whatever it wants.

Ask yourself – if you are broke, can you call your credit card company and demand they raise your credit limit so you can spend tenfold more than your current overdue balance is ?  Can you tell your credit card company that you also will defer all payments for the next few years?  Then, after making these demands, you THREATEN them with non-payment if they do not do as you request?  You think you can get away with that?

The American Federal Government just did this.  And is getting away with it – to the absolute ruin of your children and grandchildren.  The entire Federal Government is CONSIGNING us and our progeny to unimaginable ruin, poverty and destruction.


Hillary Gets Absolved

A Congenital Liar that is responsible for killing Americans, enriching herself off the people, selling her office for donations while pursuing more power, are absolved from all their wrongdoing by grant from the Praetorian Pravda Media.  Joe Sixpack Businessman would rot in prison for even a minor infraction such as not backing up his e-mails much less setting up a secret server trading classified documents over the internet.  But Hillary is absolved.

Because in this new Despotism, some animals are more equal than others.


No Charges or Criminal Indictments For Corrupt IRS Head Lois Lerner thanks to self-investigation by Obama

Heads of agencies, using their office to attack, punish and eradicate political opposition after erasing the evidence of their treason against the American people, are exonerated and given cushy pensions we pay for.

Using the IRS to harass, punish and abolish Conservative and Christian groups is now an institution that is permissible under the Beast that rules us.


So exactly why do we Americans allow ourselves to be subjugated by this evil tyranny?  What more evidence do we need to understand that the entirety of the Federal Government is wholly illegitimate?  From the Executive Branch, to the Legislative and Judicial branches, they have all demonstrated that they will usurp, violate, abolish by decree – and ignore THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES when it suits them.  They act OUTSIDE the bounds of the Constitution.  They abolished the Separation of Powers.  They have created a defacto dictatorship under the rule of oligarchs.  They will not follow the Rule of Law, rather they decree that the rule of law is whatever they say it is.

Then they declare that you ‘voted’ for this.

As such – the entirety of the Federal Government of the United States has no legitimate, moral authority under Heaven.  Instead, it is become an institution of Satan – and wholly evil, despite supposed ‘citizens’ this people think they send to Mordor to represent them in matters of Justice.

All this Beast in Washington has, are guns that it will put to your head to force your compliance with their edicts and tyranny.

Or are you more willing to suffer, because this evil is sufferable, rather than abolish this form of tyranny to which you are accustomed?


Filed under Obama Marxist Tyranny

Congress Made Irrelevant: UN To Implement US Foreign Policy


Within moments after signing the Iran Nuke Deal, Obama’s regime rushed to the UN to have the “agreement” voted on and approved, nullifying any rejection of the deal by Congress. The UN votes Monday Morning.

I’m not going to spend the time pointing out how horrifyingly insane, dangerous, outrageous and ridiculous Obama’s gift of nukes to Iran’s Mullahs is – you can read that info all over the net.

I want to focus on the fact that Obama has just circumvented the US Congress in totality, and will make US foreign policy a purview of the UN.  Obama has now set as a precedent –  the bypassing of Congress altogether in matters of foreign and domestic policy.

We had warned that the Senate and The House had surrendered their Constitutional authority to Obama in the TPA by near unanimous vote back in May – and the fruits of this appeasement of the first US Dictator will bear bitter fruit.  The bitterness of which will be the deaths of tens or hundreds of millions in the near future.  As Mark Levin noted – Obama has planted the seeds of World War III – and this Congress and this current GOP leadership will bear the responsibility of the blood of all those dead on their hands and heads.  I make the statement that the entire GOP Republican leadership and all but one man in the Senate are GUILTY of treason and the suicide they have sentenced this nation to in their appeasement and surrender of their Authority to Obama.

Now they are completely powerless, impotent and totally irrelevant in being the check on tyranny that the Founders of this nation intended.

This appeasement in the TPA enables His Heinous to go ahead and bypass Congress when it comes to any foreign policy decisions and removes them completely from the hands of Americans and places them square in the hands of the UN.

The ink from Kerry’s pen was not even dry before agents for His Heinous rushed to the UN to ask for a vote on the agreement even though the TPA ‘supposedly’ provides a 60-day review of ‘agreements’ and ‘treaties’ Obama makes on his lonesome.  His Heinous already stated he will veto any attempts to reject the deal, and the Bob Corker amendment to the TPA makes it IMPOSSIBLE for Congress to override Obama’s veto.

But just-in-case enough of the details of this horrifying aid and comfort to Tehran sway Congress to actually override Obama’s promised veto – Obama took the deal to the UN in order for them to cement it into place.

The regime has essentially stated that this action at the UN is a form of ‘insurance’ to secure the deal from any rejection.  Obama has already said that Congressional rejection of this deal is “effectively vetoing the judgement of 99% of the international community,” laying the insurance policy down like a gauntlet of intimidation.  As if a consensus of global morons seig-heiling madmen at a global Nuremberg-esque rally with Tehran makes a moral difference whether or not we should oppose the seeds of our own annihilation.

The gargantuan fool Senator Bob (Jar-Jar Binks) Corker (R- TN) – even admits that there is nothing that Congress can do to stop this pathway for Iranian nuclear weapons, no wonders there since he was the marionette imbecile that actually handed Obama his dictatorship.   It’s interesting how fools are so easily beguiled into handing genocidal despots their dictatorships.

The genesis for the deaths of millions or billions of people has been planted and sown by Obama who was given aid and comfort to do this via the Republicans in Congress.   Let us never forget who bears the responsibility and blame for the treason that has been committed here.  Obama was not able to become a defacto dictator on his own.

UN Security Council to Vote Monday Morning on Iran Deal

The U.N. Security Council scheduled a vote for first thing Monday morning on a resolution endorsing the Iran nuclear deal.

The resolution was circulated to council members Wednesday by the United States. Members were also briefed by both Iran and the other countries that negotiated the landmark agreement to curb Iran’s nuclear program.

With all five veto-wielding permanent members of the Security Council involved in the marathon Iran negotiations, the resolution’s adoption Monday was almost certain.

The resolution implements an intricate deal that places restrictions on Iran’s nuclear program while allowing relief from sanctions that the country’s leaders say have hurt its economy.

Monday’s vote came despite calls from some U.S. lawmakers to delay Security Council approval until Congress reviews the deal.

The chairman of the Senate’s foreign relations committee, Bob Corker, on Thursday wrote a letter to President Barack Obama saying, “We urge you to postpone the vote at the United Nationsuntil after Congress considers this agreement.”

But the chief U.S. negotiator in the Iran talks, Wendy Sherman, rejected that idea Thursday.

She told reporters: “It would have been a little difficult when all of the (countries negotiating with Iran) wanted to go to the United Nations to get an endorsement of this, since it is a product of the United Nations process, for us to say, ‘Well, excuse me, the world, you should wait for the United States Congress.'”

Sherman said the council resolution allows the “time and space” for a congressional review before the measure actually takes effect.


Filed under Uncategorized

The New Totalitarians In America Pushing The Mark Of A Beast


Unless you worship the Leftist Beast – you will be unable to make a living in America and you will be set upon to be destroyed.

The second beast was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed.  It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name. – Revelation 13:15-17

When one considers the unholy alliance of the Secular Left in the West with empowering Jihadist Islam and His Heinous Barack Hussein Obama’s arming of ISIS and the Muslim Brotherhood while working overtime to ensure Iran obtains nuclear weaponry – scriptures like the one cited above makes me wonder aloud whether or not the second Beast is the Obama regime, which gives life to the first Beast and who causes the death of those who refuse to worship Allah (i.e.: Christians in Iraq).

As to forcing all people to receive a ‘mark’ in their right hands or foreheads, just take a look at what the leftist Politically-correct mob has been doing to force acceptance of the Global Warming hoax, homosexual marriage and even to the eradication of Southern heritage and culture over the Confederate flag hysteria.  I for one, have always understood the ‘mark’ of Revelation 13 to be figurative rather than literal in terms of the way people will be forced to ‘think’ and ‘act’ if they want to make a living and survive in society.

You can see this in full display right now in America.  Dare to criticize Liberal/Leftist policy – watch your livelihood be destroyed before your eyes.  Refuse to submit to the homosexual agenda, your life will be destroyed and you will be stripped of your rights.

To get a good idea of how this works, this essay at the Federalist declares that the New Totalitarians Are Here, and illustrates this understanding very well.  The fact is we now live in a tyranny that will demand you love their beast, or their beast will be used to punish you, until you submit and adopt the ideology of the Beast or be eliminated.

Know and understand what is being prepared against you and pray for strength to endure what is coming upon us with your faith intact.

The New Totalitarians Are Here


Totalitarians want their rule, and their belief system, to be accepted and self-sustaining – even if it takes bludgeoning every last citizen who disagrees.

There’s a basic difference in the traditions of political science between “authoritarians” and “totalitaritarians.” People throw both of these words around, but as is so often the case, they’re using words they may not always understand. They have real meaning, however, and the difference between them is important.

Simply put, authoritarians merely want obedience, while totalitarians, whose rule is rooted in an ideology, want obedience and conversion. Authoritarians are a dime a dozen; totalitarians are rare.  The authoritarians are the guys in charge who want to stay in charge, and don’t much care about you, or what you’re doing, so long as you stay out of their way. They are the jefe and his thugs in a brutal regime that want you to shut up, go to work, and look the other way when your loudmouthed neighbor gets his lights punched out by goons in black jackets. Live or die. It’s all the same to the regime.

Totalitarians are a different breed. These are the people who have a plan, who think they see the future more clearly than you or who are convinced they grasp reality in a way that you do not. They don’t serve themselves—or, they don’t serve themselves exclusively—they serve History, or The People, or The Idea, or some other ideological totem that justifies their actions.

They want obedience, of course. But even more, they want their rule, and their belief system, to be accepted and self-sustaining. And the only way to achieve that is to create a new society of people who share those beliefs, even if it means bludgeoning every last citizen into enlightenment. That’s what makes totalitarians different and more dangerous: they are “totalistic” in the sense that they demand a complete reorientation of the individual to the State and its ideological ends. Every person who harbors a secret objection, or even so much as a doubt, is a danger to the future of the whole project, and so the regime compels its subjects not only to obey but to believe.

Authoritarians merely want obedience, while totalitarians, whose rule is rooted in an ideology, want obedience and conversion.

This is what George Orwell understood so well in his landmark novel “1984.” His dystopian state doesn’t really care about quotidian obedience; it already knows how to get that. What it demands, and will get by any means, is a belief in the Party’s rectitude and in its leader, Big Brother. If torturing the daylights out of people until they denounce even their loved ones is what it takes, so be it. That’s why the ending of the novel is so terrifying: after the two rebellious lovers of the story are broken and made to turn on each other, the wrecks left by the State are left to sit before the Leader’s face on a screen with only one emotion still alive in the husks of their bodies: they finally, truly love Big Brother.

Americans Are Getting Too Comfortable With Thought Control

I’ve gone down this road of literary and academic exposition because I fear an increasing number of my fellow Americans are, at heart, becoming totalitarians.

Now, by this I do not mean America is creating Nazis or Stalinists. It’s true, of course, that both Nazism and Stalinism were species of the genus “totalitarian,” but both have since died the deaths they deserved. I mean that ordinary people, and not a few opinion and thought leaders, are adopting the same insane belief that human minds can be molded and shaped and made to think in new ways by sheer force.

People like Takei and Bennett-Smith are lighting their torches and demanding rough justice even on issues where they’ve already won.

Yes, I mean people like actor George Takei and his odious attack on Justice Clarence Thomas. Takei called Thomas a “clown in blackface” and said Thomas had “abdicated” his status as an African-American. (Also, much like “1984,” some of the journals ostensibly committed to liberal thought have already tried to scrub their pages of Takei’s comments and consign the matter to the Orwellian memory hole.) I also include people like Quartz.com journalist Meredith Bennett-Smith, who disagrees with writer Cathy Young about sexual conduct codes on U.S. campuses, and thus wants the Washington Post never again to publish the “horrendous rape apologist” Young in its pages. This isn’t political debate or even name-calling: this is the incendiary dehumanization of an African-American judge and a female writer.

I grant that overall, American political debate on all sides has become nastier and less tolerant. What makes these kinds of attacks, however, smack of totalitarianism—and I could reel off dozens more examples, but your computer would run out of pixels—is that people like Takei and Bennett-Smith are lighting their torches and demanding rough justice even on issues where they’ve already won. In other words, it isn’t enough that Thomas was in the Court’s minority, or that no college in America is bothering to listen to Young. They want Thomas and Young silenced, stripped of their status in their peer group, and to recant—even after being defeated in public on the issue at hand.

That’s terrifying, because it means that for a fair number of people in what’s supposed to be a democracy, “winning” in any normal political sense simply isn’t enough. They are not really trying to capture something as pedestrian as political equality, nor are they satisfied if they get it. They are not really seeking a win in the courts, or a legal solution, or a negotiated settlement. Those are all just merit badges to be collected along the way to a more important goal: what they really want, and what they in fact demand, is that you agree with them. They want you to believe.

Love Your Terror

It is not enough for these Americans to say: “I have had my day in court and prevailed.” In effect, they now add: “You do not have the right to hold a different opinion, even if you lose in the public arena. You may not hold on to your belief as a minority view, or even as a private thought. And if you persist and still disagree, I will attack you without quarter and set others on you to deprive you of your status in your profession, of your standing in your community, and even of your livelihood.”

Even after losing, you will be forced to admit the error of your ways.

This attitude promises social warfare without end, because there is no peace to be had until the opposing side offers a sincere and unconditional surrender. It means that the people on the Left taking bakers to court, de-Africanizing Justice Thomas, and making Young an accomplice to rape will not be satisfied with winning. For the new totalitarians, prevailing in the courts or at the ballot boxes isn’t enough if there’s still a suspicion that anyone, anywhere, might still be committing thoughtcrime.

Most of all, they do not want you, Present Reader, to even think about agreeing with people like Thomas or Young. By attacking everyone in the public sphere from judges to writers, they’re sending a clear warning that there’s plenty of room in the bonfire. It is a vow that you will be held to account for your personal thoughts, even if you’ve already been defeated in a democratic or judicial contest.

No, even after losing, you will be forced to admit the error of your ways. You must accept that you’ve sinned. You must discard your own values and accept the ideas of your betters. You must denounce yourself for undermining the construction of a better world.

You, too, must love Big Brother.


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SCOTUS CONFIRMS: Constitution Is Irrelevant. Rule Of Law Is Dead. Ruling Class Oligarchy Is The Power.


In the wake of the Rulings upholding ObamaCare, Housing and instituting Homosexual Marriage as a right- the last vestige of Constitutional limits on government have been officially swept away.

And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. – John 3:19

We have no Constitution. We have no rule of law.

We only have a Dictatorship – supported by an Oligarchy of Ruling Class nobles who see us as rabble needing to be subjugated and/or exterminated.

As the Dissent points out: “Words no longer have meaning”- and if words have no meaning in the law, then LAW itself has no meaning outside of whatever the Dictator-In-Chief and his Ruling Class says it means.  

As Chief Justice Roberts wrote in the majority opinion: “Congress passed the Affordable Care Act to improve health insurance markets, not to destroy them,” – Roberts said the wording of ObamaCare was ambiguous but decided the intent of Congress was clear and therefore he rewrote the law because,”[Congress] always had the intention of subsidies being provided nationwide”.

So we now have incontrovertible proof that the Supreme Court has made itself the final arbiter of what decrees and “laws” are ‘law’ and have inserted themselves into being the Confirmers of what politics are “Lawful” and what politics and ideologies are ‘UnConstitutional” meaning – unlawful.

So we have a dictatorship that confirms The Fuhrer’s and the Politburo’s political agendas.


Justice Antonin Scalia made evident what these rulings actually mean in his scathing dissent:

  1. “Words no longer have meaning if an Exchange that is not established by a State is ‘established by the State.’” 

  2. “Under all the usual rules of interpretation, in short, the Government should lose this case. But normal rules of interpretation seem always to yield to the overriding principle of the present Court: The Affordable Care Act must be saved.” 

  3. “And the cases will publish forever the discouraging truth that the Supreme Court of the United States favors some laws over others, and is prepared to do whatever it takes to uphold and assist its favorites.”

So, if you are honest and brave enough to accept the truth: have a Dictatorship – run by a Marxist and Socialist Oligarchy in all 3 branches – who have ceded power to a destructive America-hating madman in the Executive who is stoking a race war while ‘fundamentally transforming the nation into a Communist hell-hole.

Since todays ‘laws’ are written in massive thousand page behemoths and passed in secret with no one in the American public knowing what the Oligarchy is crafting, it is self-evident that the Constitution no longer exists in practicality beyond lip service.

When challenged on the Constitutional merits, we now see that diktat from the Oligarchy will now be upheld over the rule of law.  Today it’s government-run healthcare. By Monday, it will be Homosexuality rammed down all our throats with no difference between civil unions and traditional marriage while sacred institutions who refuse to marry same sex couples will be charged with crimes.

Every institution that was American and cultural is being dismantled, banned, shunned and destroyed before our eyes.

During Mao Zedong’s Cultural Revolution, the Chinese were encouraged to destroy the “Four Olds”—old customs, old habits, old culture, and old thinking.  Given the Ruling Class insane push to remove all symbols of the Confederacy and Southern Culture from the country in the last week – the fact is what we see playing out before is the removal of our foundations and heritage so that removing the Constitution is accepted and applauded by the masses.


So what do we do now?

Here is the solution – which our Forebears implemented when they too found themselves under tyrannical dictatorship:




Yes, this will make you a target.

Yes, you will be punished.

Yes, they will make an example out of you.

Yes, they will impoverish you, seize you, imprison you and even KILL YOU.

So the question you have to ask yourself is this:  Do you love liberty enough to risk your lives, your fortunes and your sacred honor?  Or will going along to keep ourselves fed and sheltered and provided for by a Beast be more important to us?

Please re-read our duty as enshrined in the Declaration of Independence:

But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.


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GOP Rubber Stamps Obama’s Dictatorship


The abrogation of the Constitution and the Dictatorship of the Obama Regime is being made possible by the Republican Party leadership.

In the face of what is become self-evident Uniparty rule in Washington D.C., I marvel at the multitudes who ignore what is going on and lying to themselves while demanding to be lied to, insisting in sometimes virulent outbursts that we can fix Obama’s dictatorship by simply electing more Republicans.

I laugh in their face.  So should we all.

The “solution” to a post-Constitutional Dictatorship is to “elect” more Republicans????

How stupid.  How moronic.  How utterly enslaved to a false belief system such people are.

The fruits of the last two months of GOP leadership is one of complete surrender to Obama; betrayal of the voters who sent them to Washington to STOP the burgeoning dictatorship; and the total violation of the oaths they all swore to uphold the Constitution .    Handing the GOP both the House and Senate in November proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that giving the GOP leadership, was an exercise in futility.  We might as well have just kept the Democrat Marxists in power.

I keep hearing radio pundits and talk blowhards insist that Conservatives must ‘take over the GOP from within’ – as if all the evidence of the Ruling Class Oligarchy’s open warfare policy and sabotaging of their Conservative base did not exist and we are still back in the 1980s where the voters actually has a voice and influence in their party’s actions.  The GOP Leadership has made it plain and crystal clear: THEY DO NOT WANT CONSERVATIVES OR CONSTITUTIONALISTS IN THE PARTY… they only want their votes, and they assume they have them because they think we have nowhere else to go.  So they love it when Conservatives deceive themselves into thinking they can reform the GOP from within by simply electing more Republicans.

Look, the Establishment has made it IMPOSSIBLE for Conservatives to take control of the party – not that it would make any difference to a lawless dictatorship in the White House.  Single Party rule now exists at the expense of liberty and the Constitution, to the applause of a party that was supposed to be the ‘opposition’ and check on lawlessness from the Executive branch, but prefers to be the vanguards of dictatorship so they can have a seat at the table of our national carcass being carved up and devoured by pure evil.  Still the ‘base’ of the GOP refuses to see, hear or understand what their party has done.

That John Boehner is working closely with Democrats to ensure his own power,  while the GOP Establishment’s American Action Network work with George Soro’s groups to attack and crush Tea Party Conservatives are facts that a vast majority of Republican sycophants refuse to hear or believe.

This is the truth of it – Obama would not be a dictator today, if he were not empowered to act as monarch by the GOP Republican Leadership who directly enable His Heinous to shred the Constitution with their blessing.

They have willfully and vehemently surrendered their Constitutional powers in an insane effort to make sure Obama is able to do his will without any obstruction.   Gone are their powers of the Purse; of the filibuster; of legislating; of oversight; of impeachment.  They have openly stated they will not obstruct this lawless dictator, nor with they permit anyone in their party to use the tools the Founders provided to check the Executive’s UnConstitutional power grabs.    The GOP leadership and their party have FUNDED every unConstitutional decree and illegal act this regime has instigated .

McConnell continues to insist they will continue to fund everything Obama wants rather than stand in opposition to dictatorial decree.

We no longer have representation in Washington D.C.

Yet for the mind-numbed GOP Loyalists who are infected with Battered Wife Syndrome, they make excuses for their adulterer husband and willfully give themselves over mind, body and soul to more abuse.

Washington will never allow itself to be fixed, and you cannot overcome a dictatorship and oligarchy via civil means, PERIOD.  A lawless government will never allow itself to be restrained by law.  They will become a law unto themselves, and indeed, they have already achieved that.

The GOP are nothing but a rubber stamp for Obama’s Despotism




Republicans Should Dump The Elephant and Adopt A Rubber Stamp As Their Symbol

How do you think Republicans would have done in the 2014 elections if they had told the truth about what they intended to do when they took over the Senate? What if they had campaigned on working hand-in-hand with Obama to enact his illegal alien amnesty while supporting his budget priorities, confirming a new Attorney General who thinks everything Obama is doing is fine and promised they would do nothing while he illegally bans ammo, cripples the Internet, and lets the EPA run wild? Republicans are even gearing up to SAVE OBAMACARE if the Supreme Court guts the subsidies.

 Conservatives complain endlessly, with good reason, that Barack Obama is acting like a dictator. What’s left unsaid is that he’s only able to do it because Republicans in the House and Senate are standing by impotently and allowing him to do whatever he wants. Despite winning two huge victories in 2010 and 2014 by promising to fight against Obama, the GOP has shown nothing but rank cowardice in every confrontation with him. It’s hard to understand how men like John McCain, who showed such great courage in war, can be so cowardly when they’re asked to stand up for America against the Democrats. What kind of Republicans would rather fight their own supporters and constituents than stand up to Barack Obama?

In fact, we should consider ourselves lucky that Obama hasn’t gone even farther, because who’s going to stop him? The Republican Leadership in the House and Senate?


Barack Obama could declare that he is going to tear down the Lincoln Memorial to make room for a giant statue of himself and Republicans would end up funding it because they’re so petrified the media would blame them for the shutdown that would ensue if they didn’t go along to get along.

John Boehner, Kevin McCarthy, Steve Scalise, and Cathy McMorris Rodgers are our leaders in the House and Mitch McConnell, John Cornyn, John Thune and John Barrasso are our leaders in the Senate. These are the sort of people C.S. Lewis spoke of when he wrote, “We make men without chests and expect of them virtue and enterprise. We laugh at honour and are shocked to find traitors in our midst.”

Conservatives all know that our leaders in Congress are yellow; they can’t talk, can’t strategize, can’t tell the truth or do anything else that most of us expect from men worthy to lead. However, the “traitors” part of that quote is apt as well because they just betrayed their constituents, conservatives, and the Republican Party to help Obama implement his illegal, unconstitutional amnesty.

Back in late 2014, conservatives were begging the GOP leadership to pass a short-term continuing resolution so that the GOP would have more leverage after we controlled the House and the Senate. They refused to do it, but conservative complaints about Obama’s amnesty were so loud that the GOP Leadership couldn’t immediately capitulate and were forced to do something. So, they declared that the DHS wouldn’t be funded unless Obama buckled on amnesty and they gave their solemn oaths that they’d fight tooth and nail once the GOP controlled the House and the Senate.

Then predictably, when Obama refused to give in, the GOP Leadership barely put up a fight before they caved in and gave him exactly what he wanted. Mitch McConnell worked with Harry Reid and John Boehner worked with Nancy Pelosi to fund millions of work permits and tax rebates for illegal aliens. They also effectively signed off on 5 million illegal aliens getting Social Security cards and drivers’ licenses that they could very possibly use to VOTE in our elections! The GOP Leadership called it illegal, they called it unconstitutional, they claimed to oppose it – yet they fought to fund it! If a judge in Texas hadn’t unexpectedly blocked DHS from carrying out the amnesty, something that could end at any time, Obama would be moving full speed ahead with the blessing of the Republican Leadership in Congress.


Don’t just take my word for it on how the GOP leadership sold you out; listen to Ted Cruz.

“Since December, the outcome has been baked in the cake. It was abundantly clear to anyone watching that leadership in both houses intended to capitulate on the fight against amnesty,” Cruz said, adding, “It was a strategy doomed to failure. It’s an old adage in Washington: Never take a hostage you’re not prepared to shoot.”

“There was no chance, zero, that Republicans were going to fail to fund the Department of Homeland Security because Republicans care deeply about homeland security,” Cruz continued.

“If we had been serious about this fight, and we should have been, the continuing resolution [under which DHS funding expired in February 2015] should have focused on the EPA, or the IRS or the Department of Labor,” Cruz said. “Now, those are departments which a majority would be prepared to allow funding to temporarily expire in order to use as leverage.”

Conservatives so opposed amnesty that the GOP leadership couldn’t pass it themselves; so this was their attempt to help Barack Obama implement it. It was a dishonorable, rank betrayal of conservatives. All members of the GOP leadership along with every Republican who voted for a clean DHS bill deserve to be publicly horsewhipped for what they did.

Sadly, we can’t get away with horsewhipping public officials any more, no matter how much they may deserve it, but we don’t have to vote for them. We don’t have to fund their campaigns. In fact, we can primary them, we can protest their donor meetings, boo them in public, leak information that hurts them to the press and undermine them at every opportunity. We can demand that our representatives vote against Boehner and McConnell if they want our support. We can do everything we can within the law to make life rough for them.

There are a lot of Republicans who will vote for anyone with an “R” beside his name, no matter what he does on the theory that he’s better than the Democrat. There is a lot of merit to that thinking and I have argued for it myself on many occasions, but we’ve gotten to the point where Republicans in D.C. are taking advantage of it to such a ridiculous degree that it should no longer apply.

They lie to us, they think we’re stupid, they trash groups who represent us, they hold us in complete contempt and then they mock us by saying, “Ha, where else are they going to go?” That’s bad enough, but we’re now getting to the point where it’s like we’re being asked to vote for Benedict Arnold on the theory that he’s better than voting for the British.

Difficult though it may be to hear, the God’s honest truth is that it’s not enough to get rid of Obama and replace him with a Republican. At a minimum, we need changes in the leadership of the Republican Party in the House and Senate to have any hope of making progress.

You think we’re going to repeal Obamacare with Boehner, McConnell and their cronies in charge? You think we’re going to crack down on illegal immigration and control our borders? You think this nation will be able to stave off bankruptcy with men in command who can’t lead, can’t talk and won’t fight anyone but conservatives?

I don’t.

I think Barack Obama is on track to fundamentally transform America, not because what he’s doing is right, popular, or successful, but because conservatives aren’t willing to DEMAND that their representatives in Congress stand up, speak out and stop him. The time for playing nice with the GOP’s incompetent, ineffective, disloyal leadership in Congress is at an end. The only way the country has a bright future is if the current Republican Party Leadership in Congress has no future in politics.


Filed under Obama Marxist Tyranny

Obama Dictated Internet Takeover To FCC – Chairman REFUSES To Testify Or Answer Questions Before Vote


FCC Chair refuses to answer questions before internet takeover vote as we learn Obama himself dictated to the FCC his plans for federal takeover after the November election.

This is how third-world dictatorships operate.

After the shellacking the Democrat party was handed this past November, His Heinous Barrack Hussein Obama goes to the FCC – an ‘independent’ agency and hands them secret plans he demands they implement in order to nationalize and take over the internet.  Under the false guise of ‘net neutrality’ two Republicans on the committee blew the whistle and warned that this is ‘ObamaCare for the internet’ – intended to ultimately restrict content and access to news and information.

Written in secret, kept secret and passed into “law” before ANY of us know what ‘rules’ will be imposed – this is how a dictatorship operates.  And America willingly puts up with it with little more than a whimper.

The Republicans run like sissies from daring to confront and stop this lawlessness.  When they ordered FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler to testify before a Congressional oversight committee today, BEFORE the takeover tomorrow, Wheeler defiantly refused to do so – and the Republicans on the committee were indignant enough to simply state without emotion that they are “deeply disappointed”.

“Deeply disappointed”?????  How about getting the Sergeant-At -Arms to make an arrest for contempt of Congress?  How about the House and Senate demand hearings before the FCC is allowed to make ‘law”?  How about the House DEFUND the FCC entirely until they comply with the demand that they let the American people study these Obama-drafted plans before they make them policy????

But no – the GOP is a surrender-monkey party that is more content to go along with the dictatorship because they think they will keep a seat at Obama’s table than stand up to oppose unConstitutional and lawless dictatorial decrees that strip up of our liberties.  The most we will get is a shrug of the shoulder and a sigh of “disappointed” from the lips of a completely neutered and totally complicit Republican party.

The permissible and free Internet as we knew it ends tomorrow.  You will not feel it right away, but in time the pain will become perhaps more pronounced than your health care costs.  Keep watching your bill go up in the coming months as the ISP giants repackage their services to comply with these new secret plans and maximize their income in other ways.  If you read or write blogs like this one – in a year – it is possible they will no longer exist due to FEC campaign laws being applied to any political discourse.  The federal Beast will then run and control the totality of the internet, limiting access, content and speed, while the cost will skyrocket beyond the reach of most, and all the so-called opposition party can muster is ‘deeply disappointed’????

We are so screwed.  We will be on our own to resist and defy this tyranny.  It’s well past lock and load time.

FCC Committee

FCC Chair Refuses to Testify before Congress ahead of Net Neutrality Vote

Two prominent House committee chairs are “deeply disappointed” in Federal Communications Commission chairman Tom Wheeler for refusing to testify before Congress as “the future of the Internet is at stake.” Wheeler’s refusal to go before the House Oversight Committee on Wednesday comes on the eve of the FCC’s vote on new Internet regulations pertaining to net neutrality. The committee’s chairman, Representative Jason Chaffetz (R., Utah), and Energy and Commerce Committee chairman Fred Upton (R., Mich.) criticized Wheeler and the administration for lacking transparency on the issue. “So long as the chairman continues to insist on secrecy, we will continue calling for more transparency and accountability at the commission,” Chaffetz and Upton said in a statement. “Chairman Wheeler and the FCC are not above Congress.”

Net Neutrality: How White House Thwarted FCC Chief

After Secret Meetings, Obama Pushed for Tougher Stance on ‘Net Neutrality’

In November, the White House’s top economic adviser dropped by the Federal Communications Commission with a heads-up for the agency’s chairman, Tom Wheeler. President Barack Obama was ready to unveil his vision for regulating high-speed Internet traffic.

…The specifics came four days later in an announcement that blindsided officials at the FCC. Mr. Obama said the Internet should be overseen as a public utility, with the “strongest possible rules” forcing broadband providers such as AT&T Inc. and Verizon Communications Inc. to treat all Internet traffic equally.

The prod from Mr. Obama came after an unusual, secretive effort inside the White House, led by two aides who built a case for the principle known as “net neutrality” through dozens of meetings with online activists, Web startups and traditional telecommunications companies.

…As rumors swirled last fall that Mr. Obama was preparing to call for tougher Internet regulations, Comcast Corp. CEO Brian Roberts called Ms. Jarrett, pressed her for information and urged the White House not to go through with the move, people familiar with the matter say.

She offered no help, these people say. Google Inc. Executive Chairman Eric Schmidtspoke with White House officials, urging them not to go through with utility-like rules.

…After Republicans gained their Senate majority, Mr. Obama took a number of actions to go around Congress, including a unilateral move to ease immigration rules.

…Mr. Obama made them clear in a 1,062-word statement and two-minute video. He told the FCC to regulate mobile and fixed broadband providers more strictly and enact strong rules to prevent those providers from altering download speeds for specific websites or services.


Filed under Obama Marxist Tyranny

Obama Sets The Stage For Civil War In America


When a government no longer follows the rule of law, imposing instead it’s own law by decree – history teaches that a society becomes ruled  by the gun.

Legitimate government bound by the rule of law has the moral authority to uphold the law and impose justice.  A government the discards the rule of law, for it’s own rules and laws, no longer has any moral authority.  As such, the rule of law is always replaced by the rule of the gun – either to force compliance with a government’s dictates and whims, or in resistance to the government’s dictates and whims.  Regardless which is employed (usually both) – rivers of blood follow as history teaches that civil wars and conflicts are usually the most brutal.

Obama and his party (and to a minor degree the GOP leadership oligarchy) – are setting the stage for that exact consequence to be visited upon what used to be the home of the free.

What we are witnessing, is the devolution of the civil society into tyranny prompted by the incitement of anarchy.  The stoking of unrest in Ferguson by the White House, it’s attorney general and assorted race pimps like Sharpton, illustrate this fact in the local sense.

In the larger sense, the Ruling Class pass laws upon the people that they absolve and exempt themselves, at the same time they use a corrupted judiciary to strike down the will of the people to impose the will of the Leftist State.  This includes the domino fall of nearly every state’s Constitutional ban on Homosexual marriage or those laws limiting marriage to the biblical and natural law.

A despotic Executive who when not playing golf, decides what laws he will ignore and no longer enforce, while decreeing  policy as law that contravenes existing law.  This was once understood to be the definition of a dictatorship, but today the people are ignorant of facts, history and current events for the latest cultural fad via social networking.  For a people fast asleep to what is happening to them, the awakening to the cage they are shackled to will be violent, as history teaches.

Arbitrary laws mean there is no longer any common respect for the law – by either the government, or those it demands to rule.  Law is then determined by the end of a gun.  By those seeking to impose compliance or by those resisting it.  The cost of which is beyond the comprehension of most when one considers not just the violence – but the privation, starvation and brutality that lies in the wake of civil war.

But America is being shoved headfirst off the cliff by the man who holds the White House and those in government.


Rejecting The Rule Of Law Means Inviting The Rule Of Guns

Kurt Schlichter – Townhall.com

What is the alternative to the rule of law? We may be on the verge of re-learning that ancient lesson the hard way. Of course, those of us who is served in places where there was no law, where leftists and other aspiring totalitarians ignored the rules and norms of civil society, already know.

The alternative to the rule of law is the rule of power. And the rule of power is always the rule of men with guns.

The disgraceful indictment of Rick Perry in Texas is just the latest example of this trend, albeit one that carries the seeds of hope. The judicial lynching under way in Ferguson offers less reason for optimism – our disgrace of an Attorney General and that clown masquerading as Missouri’s governor are practically salivating at the idea of sacrificing the police officer on the altar of indignation, facts and law be damned.

Liberals are committed to destroying the rule of law because law, by treating all equally and recognizing their inalienable rights, frustrates their fascist impulses. This isn’t just another annoying manifestation of the left’s utter failure as functioning ideology. It’s a trend that should terrify everyone concerned with the state of our union.

History shows us where this leads. We now have a President, an alleged constitutional law professor, who believes that if the people’s elected representatives in Congress refuse to bend to his will he can just do what he likes anyway. At least when Caesar finally destroyed the Republic, ancient Rome ended up with a dictator who knew how to win wars.

This guy golfs while the world burns.

We have government agencies like the IRS and EPA simply ignoring laws, like the ones that that require them to maintain records so they can be held accountable to the people they purport to serve. Where are the consequences for their conscious failure to do so? The problem is that those sworn to uphold the law are the very ones undermining it. Can’t Eric Holder take a break from telegraphing to his progressive pals that his lackeys won’t be deterred from crucifying the Ferguson officer by obstacles like facts, evidence and law, and do his job?

He never will. Today, there are no consequences for those whose law-breaking aids the establishment.

And when not actively ignoring the law, the liberal establishment seeks to change the foundations of our law to strip the civil rights from those who oppose it. It is mind-boggling: We now have one of our two major political parties that, as a key policy position, believes that the First Amendment allows too much freedom of speech. The Democrats literally wish to amend the Constitution to restrict our right of free expression.

Yeah, that’s America’s problem – too much free speech by people critical of the government. That and gender specific bathrooms. And global warming, which science teaches comes from unicorn flatulence.

This isn’t a surprise. In the name of “campaign finance reform” – that is, the protection of largely Democrat incumbents – the Obama Administration actually sent an attorney representing the United States of America into the Supreme Court to argue that the government has the right to ban a book critical of a politician.

The clowns are to your right to read and think what you wish as John Lithgow was to dancing in Footloose. Which makes conservatives Kevin Bacon.

So what happens when the government is not restrained by law? What happens first is that the government does what it wants, as it wants, without accountability. That provides those left unprotected by the law two ugly choices. On one hand, they can submit, and allow themselves to be oppressed, existing at the pleasure, and subject to the whims, of their masters.

The alternative is to fight. Look at the Declaration of Independence. It’s largely a chronicle of English lawlessness, though the members of this administration no doubt consider that document unworthy of study because the Founding Fathers were cisgender, phallocentric racists or something.

Chairman Mao, who is a big favorite of the half-wits in the White House, said it best: “Power comes from the barrel of a gun.” If there is no law, there is no moral reason not to pick up a rifle and take what you want. The moral imperative of the law is that you will obey and respect it even if you disagree with it because it was justly imposed and will be fairly enforced. But if the law is neither justly imposed nor fairly enforced, that moral obligation disappears.

I walked through the burnt-out villages of Kosovo after the moral imperative of the law there had disappeared. The baffling concept that half of America will simply shrug their shoulders and submit to the dictatorship of the other half is as dangerous as it is misguided and foolish. When you toss out the law, bad things happen. This is a major theme of my new book, Conservative Insurgency, a speculative future history of the struggle to restore our country, and the consequences of short-sighted attacks on the rule of law for short-term political gain are not pleasant.

But there is hope. When that drunken Democrat convict of a district attorney indicted Rick Perry for doing his job – and that is exactly what she indicted him for – even some liberals swallowed hard and shook their heads. Perhaps this was the bridge too far that finally made a few liberals re-think their comrades’ chosen path downward into chaos.

The reaction of a few liberals to this charade is a sign of hope, but sadly many other leftists are clapping their soft, pudgy hands like trained seals, eagerly welcoming this latest step towards their liberal fascist Utopia. Somehow they got the impression that the American people will accept whatever they do, whatever injustice they impose, whatever whims they choose to enforce. That is an unbelievably dangerous notion. The sooner we stomp it out and return to the rule of law, the better.


Filed under Obama Marxist Tyranny, Race War