Daily Archives: February 26, 2015

White House Amnesty Conference Call Reveals Insidious Plan: Balkanize America Using Taxpayer Monies


 A White House conference call to supporters of Obama’s Amnesty reveals plans to create ‘a country within a country’ at taxpayer expense.  These “New Americans” will “Navigate, not assimilate”.

What we have taking place right under our noses and accelerating is what I assert is an ongoing velvet coup.  Today we lost the Internet and I just posted news about the feds using the same tactic they used to take over the internet to ban a popular caliber of ammunition by having it reclassified so as to put it under purview of the Regime and regulate it.

For a triple whammy of what is being planned against us, is no less than the orchestrated invasion of America by flooding it with “New Americans”.  South Americans, Syrian refugees, the entire third world poor being flown, driven and herded in here to get a ticket of your wealth – which Joe Biden said – needs to be “emancipated”.

On the Mark Levin Show Thursday evening, Sue Payne of WCBM revealed that she was accidentally invited to take part in a White House Conference call about Obama’s ‘Executive Amnesty’ orders.  What she heard on this call by officials in the White House and radical Amnesty planners was frightening.  It is no less than an insidious plan to use American citizen’s own money to fund our own national suicide and demise.  Sue revealed that the White House plans that these ‘New Americans’ will be subsidized by you and me, the taxpayer.  That they will be given immediate access and priority for Social Security benefits and provided other ‘benefits’ she quotes the White House says these “new Americans” are “ENTITLED TO”.  Plans involve creating a separate enclave of a ‘country within a country’ of these ‘New Americans’ and then EXPAND them outward even further, until they simply take over and conquer us.

As I listened to what Sue Payne described, I could not help but think of this scripture that pertains to a people that abandon God and their foundational principles:

The foreigners who reside among you will rise above you higher and higher, but you will sink lower and lower.  They will lend to you, but you will not lend to them. They will be the head, but you will be the tail.  All these curses will come on you. They will pursue you and overtake you until you are destroyed, because you did not obey the LORD your God and observe the commands and decrees he gave you. – Deuteronomy 28:43-45

We have the so-called president of the country ( I will never refer to him in that title BTW), orchestrating the invasion of the country to achieve his ‘fundamental transformation’.

Here is the transcript of her call to the Mark Levin show which I typed up.  You can listen to the show here.  Click on Thursday 2-26-15.

Begin Transcript:

Mark Levin: Yesterday you may recall we had a call from a lady named Sue who was invited (apparently unbeknownst to the President’s folks) to listen in on a discussion.. a phone discussion… at a rally that was taking place of some sort about immigration – Sue how are you?

Sue Payne: I’m very good Mark, thank you for having me on the show.

ML: Now Sue, who can also be heard on WCBM on the weekends I learned, Sue Paine – Sue we don’t have a lot of time so go ahead and summarize what took place on that call.

SP: Well what took place on the call was there was the Task Force on “New Americans” which Obama established on November 21st, remember when he went to Las Vegas the media said he was signing an Executive Order for five million illegal aliens to become “deferred”.  In reality what he did was sign a ‘memorandum’ that created the task force on ‘New Americans’ which was going to implement his Amnesty for the five million illegals which I believe is going to be more than that Mark.  I believe he [Obama] he was planning, and on these conference calls it became clear that he’s looking at 13-15 million to give protection and move (them) along to citizenship.

What happened in the conference calls was there was a representative from 16 members of his (Obama’s) Cabinet, so there was 16 representatives there and Cecilia Nunez was on the first call.  And they began to…

ML: Hold on now. And she is a top Advisor to the President on this and a former official with LULAC – err, or LaRaza. LaRaza.

SP: LaRaza. And she is chairing this task force. And so what became clear is that once these illegals come out of the shadows so-to-speak, their communities that they are living in now are going to be REDESIGNATED as ‘Receiving Communities’.  And what this task force is designed to do is to create a ‘welcoming feeling’ among these Receiving Communities’ to bring in these ‘immigrants’, bring them out in the open, but the Receiving Communities will then soon morph into what was established as an ’emerging immigrant community’. And to do that what they said was that we need to start looking at the ‘immigrant’ as a ‘seedling’, and the ‘seedling’ could grow and the ‘seedling’ needs to be in fertile soil.

ML: Okay let’s hold on, we got the ‘seedling’,  the fertile soil in these ‘new communities’.  Good Lord this sounds like Plato’s Republic.  It sounds like Marxism.  It sounds like Mao’s China.

[commerical break]

ML: So Sue, we have these special little communities, these ‘seedlings’ and fertilizer and then what?

SP: Well eventually the ‘seedlings’ will take over the host and the immigrants will come out of the shadows and what I got from the meetings was that they would be pushing the citizens into the shadows.  They would be taking over the country, in fact one of the members of the Task Force actually said that ‘We would be developing a country WITHIN a country’.  There was a couple of buzz words that were really disturbing to hear, that was one of them.  One was from the White House Spokesman said that “Immigrants need to be made aware of the benefits they are entitled to” which led to another comment saying that this group that Obama is going to pardon or give Amnesty to, would not be interested in assimilating, they would NAVIGATE NOT ASSIMILATE. And go into…

ML: Okay stop there, that is very very important. So these are officials in the White House talking about people not assimilating but ‘navigating’.  And you know Sue, this is, this plays right into what Obama was saying and I played a clip of that, where he’s – he’s…again he’s not talking about assimilation either.  He’s actually talking almost – though he doesn’t use the word about CONQUERING.  Did you get that impression?

SP: Oh yes.  Especially when it became very clear that the ‘Receiving Communities’ would be morphing into the ‘Emergent Immigrant Communities’.  And he also, there was also a couple of things that were very disturbing.  One was that as soon as this decision is pushed through, these ‘immigrants’ need to be treated as refugees.   They need to be given cash; they need medical care; they need to use a credit card to pay for any documents that they need.  And also we need to convince state and local governments to cut these people no interest loans, with taxpayer dollars so they can then pay for their papers, as if we were funding our own destruction here.

ML: This is amazing.  And what amazes me Sue is how this is progressed, how advanced the strategy is.  Obviously it has been in the works for years and years. It’s just incredible.  I mean… and if you hand’t been in on this phone call we wouldn’t even know about this.

SP: No, you wouldn’t.  It was a series of three calls, and Mark also – they said there was going to be a great deal of ‘older immigrants’ in this batch,  and that we needed to make sure that the ‘Receiving Communities’ knew that the older or elderly unskilled that can contribute to these ‘Receiving Communities’ and that the government should understand that immigrants need to “age successfully”… “Immigrants in successful aging” and we need to get them into Social Security as soon as possible, so they can “Age Successfully” within their country within a country.

ML: This is unbelievable what is going on inside this country, inside the gates of the White House without any authority, without any knowledge of the American People.  I feel like this is a completely surreptitious government.  I feel like we’re the one’s in the shadows.  I feel like we’re the ones being cut out of the information flow.

Like I said this is no Republic.  I don’t know what the hell this is.  Now Sue Paine via WCBM…

SP: Well now…

ML: Hold on now, are you posting this information anywhere?

SP: Uhmm no I haven’t done it, the WCBM program I would get Pat McDonough, Mark is a Godsend to the State of Maryland.  He is the guy who…

ML:  I know but Sue, I am trying to find out if people can get this information.  They are going to be contacting us…. are you going to post anything?

SP: I have not posted anything. If they want to contact me…..

ML: No, no no… slow down now.  If you do post something you will let us know.

SP: Oh yeah….

ML: I don’t want 300,000 people trying to contact you.  It would be much better if you guys post some information that you just told me so we can send people to a link.

SP: Yes I agree with you.  And also Mark one more thing in closing, I just want to say that what is scary about this vote that is going on right now about the Homeland Security (DHS) and funding or defunding Obama’s Executive Order is that they spoke in this call Mark about their willingness to “LEVERAGE FEDERAL FUNDS” , and what I got from that was, if this thing goes through and they fund Homeland Security (DHS), then all these Cabinet offices would be willing to just leverage their funds.

ML:  Yeah, it’s very important that you and Pat McDonough write this up, get it up on a website at WCBM and then you’ll let Mr. Producer know and we will link to it. Can you try and do that?

SP: Yeah, I’ll do that and try to get something to Richard, and I really appreciate you giving us the time to educate the citizens because this is an insidious thing Mark.

ML: Oh, it’s stunning,  Your information is crucial.  I never heard of all this before. All right Sue, give my best to all my brothers and sisters at WCBM and my buddy Tom Marr.

SP: I will and thank you again Mark.  Bless your heart.

ML: Allright, God bless you.  Wow, do you believe this?  We shouldn’t be surprised.  It’s not a question of being surprised, it’s a question of being stunned… at just how extensive these activities are. Just how pervasive they are.  Going on in the shadows.  This isn’t our government.  I don’t know what the hell this is.  The radicals are in control. Well, there you go.

Transcript End.

H/T Fred for uploading this call from the audio rewind here:

UPDATE: Sue Payne has posted key points of this information to WCBM’s site here.

Corresponding the terms Sue Paine used in that call are confirmed right here From the WH.gov site itself:

Presidential Memorandum — Creating Welcoming Communities and Fully Integrating Immigrants and Refugees

There is established a White House Task Force on New Americans (Task Force) to develop a coordinated Federal strategy to better integrate new Americans into communities and support State and local efforts to do the same.

Sec. 2Mission and Function of the Task Force. (a) The Task Force shall, consistent with applicable law, work across executive departments and agencies to:

(i) review the policies and programs of all relevant executive departments and agencies to ensure they are responsive to the needs of new Americans and the receiving communities in which they reside, and identify ways in which such programs can be used to increase meaningful engagement between new Americans and the receiving community;

(ii) identify and disseminate best practices at the State and local level;

(iii) provide technical assistance, training, or other support to existing Federal grantees to increase their coordination and capacity to improve long-term integration and foster welcoming community climates;

(iv) collect and disseminate immigrant integration data, policies, and programs that affect numerous executive departments and agencies, as well as State and local governments and nongovernmental actors;

(v) conduct outreach to representatives of nonprofit organizations, State and local government agencies, elected officials, and other interested persons that can assist with the Task Force’s development of recommendations;

(vi) work with Federal, State, and local entities to measure and strengthen equitable access to services and programs for new Americans, consistent with applicable law; and

(vii) share information with and communicate to the American public regarding the benefits that result from integrating new Americans into communities.

Then there is this link of EXTENSIVE information provided by a fellow from Mark Levin’s Facebook site:

There Is No Executive Order! For Amnesty — It Is Far Worse

Translation of Obama’s comments on his ‘executive actions’ on Amnesty: “Even though the United States lets in more legal immigrants per year than almost all the rest of the countries in the world added up…we are going to accelerate the process.” In the second memorandum, “Creating Welcoming Communities and Fully Integrating Immigrants and Refugees,”7Obama provides an overview of the plan to accelerate legal immigration and to naturalize over 13 million Legal Permanent Residents before the 2016 Presidential election.

From the presidential memorandum signed in Las Vegas:

Section 1.White House Task Force on New Americans

(a) There is established a White House Task Force on New Americans (Task Force) to develop a coordinated Federal strategy to better integrate new Americans into communities and support State and local efforts to do the same. It shall be co-chaired by the Director of the Domestic Policy Council and Secretary of Homeland Security, or their designees.

The Director of the Domestic Policy Council is Cecilia Munoz, the former Executive Vice President of La Raza,8 the well-known pro-illegal alien organization.Working with the Co-Chairs will be a Task Force of sixteen separate federal bureaucracies.

There is no amnesty of illegal aliens. What the Obama Administration is doing is worse than an “Executive Order on Amnesty.”


Filed under Illegal Insurgency, Obama Marxist Tyranny

Obama To Ban Ammo By Decree – Fast Tracks ATF Directive To Ban Sales Of Ammunition To Public


Internet takeover today.  Ammo ban tomorrow. The Regime is directing a ban on the production, sale and use of AR-15 ammunition to the public.

Now that Obama has taken over the internet using his Alphabet agencies at the FCC and FEC to impose secret rules, none of us have read, had any input or ability to stop – His Heinous is doing the same exact thing with guns and ammunition.

So without a lengthy build-up – here is the skinny of what is going on and what this evil regime in power is doing to strip your God-given RIGHT to arms and self defense as enshrined in the Constitution.  You better believe the absolute worst possible intentions and consequences here – because this regime is in-fact imposing this tyranny right now, right under your nose.  Shrug the warning off today – you will wish you didn’t tomorrow.

First up – Obama’s ATF/BATFE has directed the banning of  .223/ 556 mm ammunition, the most popular round for the most popular rifle owned by Americans by RECLASSIFYING the round as ‘armor piercing’.   Note that this is THE SAME EXACT TECHNIQUE Obama has used to get the Federal Government to take over the internet today: by reclassifying the target so it falls under their jurisdiction and regulating it by implementing regulatory rules the public has absolutely no influence over.   So Obama will do to ammunition what he just did to the internet: reclassify it – regulate and ban it.

.223 is up first to be regulated and banned for retail sale by the ATF.  Manufacturers will no longer be permitted to sell their inventories to anyone except the government.  This will almost immediately eliminate what supplies are available to the public in the country, and we are already seeing this caliber flying off shelves and skyrocketing in price.  Once this decree by Obama to the BATFE is implemented -mark my words here – they WILL use this precedent to to go after other calibers and rounds – so that even if there are successful court challenges – the stocks of ammunition available to John Q. Public will be scarce to non-existent.  That is the intent.

Once retail sales to the public are banned, you can rest assured that somewhere in the not-too-distant future – possession will also be banned, and at that point nearly every American with an AR-15 or similar rifle will be an automatic federal felon.  The first step with the camel’s nose under the tent is what Obama’s ATF is doing now.  The camel can only go forward until it is completely inside the tent taking up everything. Once Obama and his Alphabets get away with this – they will be able to get away with whatever it is they seek to do to disarm you.

So now that this tyrannical evil regime in Washington has taken over the internet with power to control communication and information – now it apparently time to disarm the American people.  Given the absolute silence and lack of any pushback against every imposition of tyranny being erected upon us – I fear for what is soon to come upon us all, at the hand of the very government solidifying and entrenching it’s power.

As history teaches, once a government disarms their people – they enslave or exterminate those people.  I firmly believe that is what this regime and this government will do, whether by an insidious design they are implementing, or by the natural course of events that push all tyrannical regimes to follow in order to keep total control.

If you have not stockpiled, and you are not locked and loaded – now is the time.  Tomorrow may be too late.


Obama to ban bullets by executive action, threatens top-selling AR-15 rifle

It’s starting.

As promised, President Obama is using executive actions to impose gun control on the nation, targeting the top-selling rifle in the country, the AR-15 style semi-automatic, with a ban on one of the most-used AR bullets by sportsmen and target shooters.

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives this month revealed that it is proposing to put the ban on 5.56mm ammo on a fast track, immediately driving up the price of the bullets and prompting retailers, including the huge outdoors company Cabela’s, to urge sportsmen to urge Congress to stop the president.

Wednesday night, Rep. Bob Goodlatte, the Republican chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, stepped in with a critical letter to the bureau demanding it explain the surprise and abrupt bullet ban. The letter is shown below.

The National Rifle Association, which is working with Goodlatte to gather co-signers, told Secrets that 30 House members have already co-signed the letter and Goodlatte and the NRA are hoping to get a total of 100 fast.

“The Obama administration was unable to ban America’s most popular sporting rifle through the legislative process, so now it’s trying to ban commonly owned and used ammunition through regulation,” said Chris W. Cox, executive director of the NRA-ILA, the group’s policy and lobby shop. “The NRA and our tens of millions of supporters across the country will fight to stop President Obama’s latest attack on our Second Amendment freedoms.”

At issue is so-called “armor-piercing” ammunition, an exemption for those bullets mostly used for sport by AR-15 owners, and the recent popularity of pistol-style ARs that use the ammo.

The inexpensive 5.56 M885 ammo, commonly called green tips, have been exempt for years, as have higher caliber ammunition that also easily pierces the type of soft armor worn by police, because it’s mostly used by target shooters, not criminals.

But now BATFE says that since the bullets can be used in semi-automatic handguns they pose a threat to police and must be banned from production, sale and use. But, as Goodlatte noted, offered no proof. Federal agencies will still be allowed to buy the ammo.

“This round is amongst the most commonly used in the most popular rifle design in America, the AR-15. Millions upon millions of M855 rounds have been sold and used in the U.S., yet ATF has not even alleged — much less offered evidence — that even one such round has ever been fired from a handgun at a police officer,” said Goodlatte’s letter.

Even some police don’t buy the administration’s claim. “Criminals aren’t going to go out and buy a $1,000 AR pistol,” Brent Ball, owner of 417 Guns in Springfield, Mo., and a 17-year veteran police officer told the Springfield News-Leader. “As a police officer I’m not worried about AR pistols because you can see them. It’s the small gun in a guy’s hand you can’t see that kills you.”

Many see the bullet ban as an assault on the AR-15 and Obama’s back-door bid to end production and sale.

“We are concerned,” said Justin Anderson with Hyatt Gun Shop in Charlotte, N.C., one of the nation’s top sellers of AR-15 style rifles. “Frankly, we’re always concerned when the government uses back-door methods to impose quasi-gun control.”

Groups like the National Shooting Sports Foundation suggest that under BATFE’s new rule, other calibers like popular deer hunting .308 bullets could be banned because they also are used in AR-15s, some of which can be turned into pistol-style guns. “This will have a detrimental effect on hunting nationwide,” said the group.




Filed under Obama Marxist Tyranny