It’s PAST TIME To Refresh The Tree Of Liberty


America has already been transformed into a Leftist Caliphate allied with Communists and Islamists. There is no recourse left for a moral and religious people if they want to avoid what is coming upon them and their children.

You read that correctly.  I said LEFTIST CALIPHATE.

Because what you have coming from the minority in power in the USA today is a mandated political religious system that is being imposed in every avenue of life, by coercion, force and threat.  Nothing is off-limits to it’s imposition.  They seek to impose it in every thing, even Christmas dinner.


It’s the Leftist/Socialist version of Sharia Law.  I will define exactly what I mean by that in a future blog post.  But make no mistake – we have a new political religion that is being injected into everything and demanded to be followed and preached to those the Left declare in their own way to be ‘heathen’.

With the Budget surrender of 2015 by the GOP, The Federal Beast at Mordor on the Potomac (Washington D.C.) has proven yet again that it is completely lawless and therefore has no legitimate authority whatsoever.  All they have is armed alphabet agents to force their will upon us by the end of a gun.  That does not make them legitimate.  It simply makes them tyrants.

When you have high-level government officials declaring American citizens who QUESTION Global Warming as ‘Enemies of the State” and then stating that they look forward to having the government SEIZE their assets, is an object lesson in overt despotism and tyranny on a scale beyond what the Colonists faced.

Jeff Goodell asked Secretary of State John Kerry whether Charles and David Koch, two libertarian political activists, should be considered — his remarkable words — “an enemy of the state.” He posed the same question about Exxon, and John Kerry, who could have been president of these United States, said that he looked forward to the seizure of Exxon’s assets for the crime of “proselytizing” impermissibly about the question of global warming.

As such, Americans should no longer consent to be ‘governed’ by such a lawless evil behemoth of a beast that trods upon liberty, the rule of law, our happiness, our posterity and life itself. We are dealing with a demonic Beast in Washington DC, a FALSE CHRIST, AN ANTICHRIST in the institutions the Left have corrupted for themselves.

Congress, the Courts and the Executive branch have overthrown the Constitution by fiat and established themselves as absolute rulers over us with clever legalese and imposing “Laws” made in secret with unelected or accountable lobbyists without a single member of the legislature reading what they contain before voting them into “law”.

Democrats have actually VOTED to REPEAL THE FIRST AMENDMENT in order to ensure their seats of power are never challenged.  They support the criminalization of Americans who do not follow the State-mandated political religion as heretics

Shoved into the Budget surrender of last week is the CISA bill that was overwhelmingly opposed in Congress.  Think Patriot Act on Steroids that TARGET American Citizens and their data, while leaving potential Jihadists untouched.

Last week, Congress passed CISA by hiding it in the middle of a sure-to-pass spending bill, and Obama signed it into law … even though the Department of Homeland Security had previously said that the bill will HURT national security and destroy privacy (numerous experts agreed).

We and our posterity have been bankrupted, rendered irrelevant and are being ‘replaced’ as a citizenry by hostile third world invaders that our rulers are transporting into the country on our dime at the behest of those in power for cronyism’s sake and/or for our destruction.

I have written in the past about the formula to deal with this Tyranny that we are watching be erected in front of our faces.

The truth is that it is now too late to restore the Republic.  It has been dissolved in all practicality and replaced with pure Fascism approved by a Leftist oligarchy that continues to empower a dictatorship.  But as long as most Americans have their EBT cards and get get their beer, pizza, cable and porn given to them by a government who robs their neighbors at IRS gunpoint in order for them to get a subsidy, they can care less what form of existence the people in this country are subjected to.

There are no opposition parties in the federal beast of government.  There is only THE PARTY of the Ruling Class, that hands Obama – our first dictator by default, EVERYTHING he demands.  When they traded Boehner for Ryan, we see that it makes no difference who heads the Republican Party leadership.  The race to tyranny just gets faster and made ‘legitimate’ and the Beast in D.C. gets larger and more insidious.

I submit it is PAST TIME to ‘refresh the Tree of Liberty’ because what we are faced with now is the necessity that will soon come, of resisting our eradication and replacement by a Leftist Caliphate that rules us from Washington.

Soon, to resist this beast by force will become absolutely necessary simply to survive what they intend to do to you.  Look to history. Genocide of their own people whom a ruling class hates are a hallmark of all Socialist/Leftist ‘revolutions’ that have arrived where we are now.

Your children’s future has already been impoverished by this government.   A child in America born today is saddled with a five hundred thousand dollar debt they will have to pay.  The entire nation has been bankrupted.  Still now, they intend to fleece what wealth exists from us little people and run into ruin what remains. There is open talk of seizure of property and assets by the government for simply disagreeing with what the Leftist Caliphate demands the worship of.   The so-called “opposition party” keeps kicking the can of financial reckoning down the road while handing a dictator everything he wants in the name of ‘being responsible’ and ‘getting things done for the American people’.

This federal government of the former Republic known as the United States of America has rendered itself illegitimate, corrupt, tyrannical and wholly evil.

The tree of liberty has been choked to death by the weeds of Marxist Socialism, Islamism, Fascism, corruption, ignorance and indifference.  Weeding is necessary before we even begin to water the tree with it’s natural manure.

Because assuredly, the Orcs at Mordor on the Potomac are uprooting and tearing down the tree of liberty to be thrown into the furnaces of despotism.



Is it Time to ‘Refresh the Tree of Liberty?’

Thomas Jefferson was aware that “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”

Now, by doling out what little is left of America’s wealth to foreign interlopers, those that fit into the tyrant category are shaking the tree of liberty with a decision that includes crediting back payments for time worked illegally in the U.S.

In other words, as part of Obama’s ‘fundamental transformation,’ America has transitioned from a nation who once threatened to fine employers for hiring illegals into a nation crediting illegals with back Social Security payments for work done illegally.

And if rewarding illegals isn’t outrageous enough, with the help of a Congress complicit in furthering the abuse of power, via a $1.1 trillion omnibus budget deal the president plans to further frustrate the efforts of blue-collar Americans desperate to find a job by awarding work visas to 3 million illegal employees.

Of late, these sorts of outrages are not the exception, but the rule. The travesty is that, while silently capitulating to unspeakable indignation, those who nurture the tree of liberty are being made to feel somehow obliged to assume a subservient position to those who either don’t belong in this country, or who are heading here to inflict harm.

In hopes of directing the masses, Barack Obama subjects our nation to a litany of course-corrective sermons, where he who knows nothing about “American values” lectures endlessly about “American values.” Clearly, this ongoing effort is not to cultivate freedom, but rather to deconstruct the American view of the world in hopes of helping the stubborn to see America ‘not as it is, but as Obama and his ilk believe it should be.’

Take for instance the manipulative effort of those who demand restraint by citing the need to protect the lives of civilians in bombing raids targeted to exterminate ISIS. Has anyone thought to ask the #ShoutYourAbortion/baby-organ-market crowd how having empathy for the offspring of our enemy, many of whom will grow up to be deadly killers, equates to endorsing the unfettered slaughter of 4,000 American babies a day?

Meanwhile, as we await a terse retort from the proponents of tyranny about how fetuses aren’t human beings, the “do not,” “cannot,” and “not allowed to” list grows longer, not to mention the weight of oppression becoming heavier.

Moreover, if the current state of affairs is evaluated logically, the effort currently underway has to be to create a nation of people who dutifully accept unacceptable things like hordes of illegal felons wandering America’s streets and a Syrian-refugee crisis that threatens to negatively impact all our lives.

What other explanation could there be for citizens to stand by and watch five terrorists exchanged for one military deserter, or for Americans to stomach our children being exposed and infected with deadly Third World diseases? Why else would sane people yield to living side by side with nomadic nemeses who, when not collecting Social Security checks, spend time in the garage building pipe bombs?

Whatever the reason, there’s no denying that liberty’s tree is tilting toward docile capitulation to the overbearing imposition of a community organizer who has methodically reorganized America into a community of demoralized bondservants.

With that in mind, maybe it’s time for the electorate to be reminded that a budget has just been passed that metes out social justice in the form of funding for baby chop-shops, shores up ObamaCare, validates climate change chicanery, and places the wants and needs of illegal immigrants above the challenges facing stressed-out Americans.

Not only that, but those we’ve entrusted with safeguarding this nation think so little of the citizenry that they’ve also sanctioned spending $1.6 billion to resettle ISIS-infiltrated refugees in our neighborhoods, which might mean that Americans could be facing a form of tyranny far worse than the Islamic state.

But despite all that, the powers of persuasion have still been able to do things like convince many that, although a Pakistani jihadist who murdered 14 innocent Americans was improperly screened, the federal system is well-prepared to weed out refugees with falsified passports.

Therefore, what needs to take place in America requires more than acknowledging Congress’s betrayal of the public trust or speaking out against the president’s calculated effort to curtail our First and Second Amendment rights.

This isn’t about recognizing the absurdity of being asked to believe that our mortal enemies will become our friends if we treat them as if we’re walking on shards of glass. Nor is it a matter of rejecting Obama’s appeal to embrace the falsehoods that independence requires servitude, weakness is synonymous with peace, lies are factual, and that tolerating a government-arranged mass looting is how generosity is expressed.

Instead, it’s about the American people finally wresting from the clutches of oppression that which was purchased for us with the blood of patriots who recognized tyranny and then refreshed the tree of liberty accordingly.

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Filed under Obama Marxist Tyranny

One response to “It’s PAST TIME To Refresh The Tree Of Liberty

  1. Is it time to heed the words of the Prophet David when dealing with the sons of Belial? The Prophet David stated, “23 Now these be the last words of David. David the son of Jesse said, and the man who was raised up on high, the anointed of the God of Jacob, and the sweet psalmist of Israel, said, 2 The Spirit of the Lord spake by me, and his word was in my tongue. 3 The God of Israel said, the Rock of Israel spake to me, He that ruleth over men must be just, ruling in the fear of God. 4 And he shall be as the light of the morning, when the sun riseth, even a morning without clouds; as the tender grass springing out of the earth by clear shining after rain. 5 Although my house be not so with God; yet he hath made with me an everlasting covenant, ordered in all things, and sure: for this is all my salvation, and all my desire, although he make it not to grow. 6 But the sons of Belial shall be all of them as thorns thrust away, because they cannot be taken with hands: 7 But the man that shall touch them must be fenced with iron and the staff of a spear; and they shall be utterly burned with fire in the same place.”

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