Ron Paul Is Hopelessly Naive or Just Plain Stupid?


Ron Paul said today that he could see no possible reason to ever launch military action or initiate a war.

I’m convinced now, that Ron Paul is become a complete buffoonish nitwit, either hopelessly naive, or plain stupid. I’d like to hope it’s the former, but as the days wear on and I listen to his insane anti-war rantings, I’m not so sure anymore.

How can anyone even consider this ‘Feel-The-Love’ Libertarian for the helm of Commander-In-Chief?

Jihadists all over the world are vowing our destuction. Ahmadinejad of Iran is vowing to wipe out “The Great Satan” and usher in the Islamic Messiah. Nukes are being sought by Al Qaeda and being developed by Jihad states. Plans for mass death and mayhem in American neighborhoods and schools have been recovered from Jihad base camps.

Ron Paul says he sees no possible reason to EVER launch military action or go to war.

The guy is on some serious LSD, or he has a hippie Love Fest hangover with his pals at and other Left-wing Anti-war groups of mostly 60’s anti-war retreads.

No possible reason to EVER launch military action???

Hey Paulie Girl! Remember this???


Or do you think some 17th Century letter of Marque and Reprisal would better deal with the global beast that is militant Islam? But then, if Jihad homicide bombers kill themselves by killing Americans then the idea of letters of marque are a bit stupid are they not?? The perps are already DEAD.

Of course some Libertarians not smoking a bong would think that Letters of Marque and Reprisal is a workable option – except they be hypocrites considering they are the loudest voices of opposition to Blackwater USA, which is essentially the posse a Letter of Reprisal would merit.

Yes, methinks Ron Paul has had too many tokes from the doobie or a major contact high from his hippie fans piled in the Ron Paul ’08 VW Van considering his foray into an alternate reality where giving peace a chance defeats Jihadists hell bent on world domination.

But let’s take a look at Ron Paul’s latest Blame America Pacifistic sonata.

In an interview with’s PostTalk program, the Texas congressman said he could see “no reason” to justify military action if he were elected president. He compared the United States to a schoolyard bully and said the country has no reason to flex its muscles overseas.

3,000 dead Americans whose blood cries out to us disagree with you Mr. Paul. Of course you are of the Osama Bin Laden opinion that America deserved 9-11, due our presence in the Middle East and the world.

“There’s nobody in this world that could possibly attack us today,” he said in the interview.

That’s funny. I could have sworn some raghead Jihadists destroyed a marine barracks, two US Embassies in Africa, and almost sunk a warship in the 1990’s and ended up killing 3,000 Americans on our own soil in a few minute’s time one fine September morning.

“I mean, we could defend this country with a few good submarines. If anybody dared touch us we could wipe any country off of the face of the earth within hours.

Oh really? And what nation should we have wiped off the earth after 9-11? Afghanistan? Saudi Arabia? Yemen? Egypt? All four?

You bother to READ Islamic prophecy and what both Bin laden and Ahmadinejad WANT Mr. Paul?

Of course not.

Otherwise you would not be an appeasement stooge for them, playing into their foremost desires to martyr entire Muslim nations before the final great battle they promise will destroy the West.

And here we are, so intimidated and so insecure and we’re acting like such bullies that we have to attack third-world nations that have no military and have no weapon.”

It was amazing what their trained warrior Jihadists were able to accomplish with just a few boxcutters and some training on U.S. soil thanks to our Immigration policies.

3,000 American dead. Billions in destruction.

Wonder what the same kind of barbarians would be able to accomplish WITH substantive weapons and the willpower to use them to kill us all Mr. Paul?

Nah, your feeble mind refused to grasp reality and the concept the 9-11 reality woke us up to.

Ron Paul, you are become a disgrace. An embarrassment. Just like the hippies of old – you are high and you stink.

If we keep listening to this foreign policy idiot, we’re going to need some heavy ludes to calm us down, but Ron Paul is already there on the mellow yellow submarine of psychedelic pacifism. Pass the ‘shrooms and get ready to go far out man, all the way back to the 1700’s when men wore wigs and the biggest weapon was a ten pound cannonball. Yup, those days of Marque and Reprisal are sure to put a stop to Al Qaeda today. Of course there’s this little problem with the fact Congress passed a law forbidding the assassination of any foreign leaders or rogues – but hey – whose counting facts? Let’s wrap ourselves in the parchment of the Constitution and pretend the real world melts in it’s presence.

Kindof how our faces seem to melt with the heavy drugs Ron Paul must be freebasing.

Someone wake up Ronnie there – before some Jihadist hands him a hooka next and he smokes some more appeasement propaganda.


Filed under Politics

17 responses to “Ron Paul Is Hopelessly Naive or Just Plain Stupid?

  1. Jared

    Here are a few questions you should answer before you think that war is the ultimate answer.

    1.Is the war on muslims working?
    2. Are we keeping the peace by attacking sovereign countries?
    3. How can we fight terrorism with wide open borders?
    4. Do you believe in the principle of “Blowback”
    5. Did you know that there are more muslims then christians in this world? Why on earth are we making this a war on religions? By doing that we create extremists.
    6.Do you believe that our finances can keep up with the future of attacking all of the muslim countries?
    7. Have you looked at our National Debt Lately?

    I think Ron Paul has actually answered this part of the equation. The other side of the equation is they are terrorists and let’s have the government protect us from them. Like they did on 9-11? Like They did on the attack of the Oklahoma City Federal Building? Like they protected JFK, Lincoln, Reagan etc..? They didn’t protect us then. What makes you think they can protect us in the future especially considering that their actions are creating more suicide terrorists. The way I see it is this is a great way to extort our wealth so they can invade countries and divide up the oil wealth of the other countries to their private corporations. Oil prices haven’t come down. The dollar is loosing all of it’s value. The housing market is crashing. To top it off our constitutional rights and our liberties have been under attack legally. Bush has been secretly working on the NAU. Are you ready to join Canada and Mexico with the USA? Unless you own a corporation that can hire all of the less skilled workers from Mexico it won’t make sense for you. It won’t help me. Ron Paul knows the dangers that are really facing our country. I suggest that you put some hard effort into researching more and join the fight to really save our country.

  2. invar

    1.Is the war on muslims working?

    It’s the war on Jihadists. How many attacks since 9-11 have we had here? Damn straight it’s working.

    2. Are we keeping the peace by attacking sovereign countries?

    We and our interests were attacked FIRST, or do you deliberately choose to forget 1979, Riyadh, Kenya, Tanzania, Yemen and 9-11?

    We attacked sovereign Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan to forge a peace.

    I’d say this war on Jihadists wherever they are found is just as necessary to forge a peace.

    3. How can we fight terrorism with wide open borders?

    Not well. However, money and votes for permanent power from a dependent class is deemed more important by the Political Class.

    4. Do you believe in the principle of “Blowback”

    No. Not when it comes to Jihadists. Blaming us for 9-11 is not only absurd, but at this stage, I’m calling it treason.

    Muslim’s are not motivated by what we are. Their history of warring on us and other infidels is testament to that fact.

    If blowback is a motivating factor for jihad, what have the Danes, Indonesians, French, Beslans, Thais, and other non-interventionist nations done to deserve the jihad being waged on them?

    Does Darfur ring a bell with you? What blowback are they suffering jihad for?

    Your ignorance of this enemy at war with America screams so loud, I’m deaf.

    5. Did you know that there are more muslims then christians in this world?

    One of the reasons their leaders are saying it is time to destroy America and Israel and conquer the world.

    Why on earth are we making this a war on religions?

    Ask the Ayatollah Khomeni, Bin Laden, Zawahiri, Ahmadinejad, Nasarella, Arafat, Zarqawi and the host of Jihadist leaders the answer to that question.

    They are the ones who have repeatedly said this is a holy war to exterminate non-Muslims.

    By doing that we create extremists.

    Oh really? Who created The Muslim Brotherhood? Al Husseini, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem who fought with Hitler to kill Jews?

    Pioneers of today’s Jihad Extremists.

    What did we do to Saudis, Egyptians and Yemenese to warrant Jihadist nationals from those countries to attack us on 9-11?

    Have you EVER read the Quran? The Hadith?

    THERE is where extremism is born. America is just an excuse to galvanize a global Jihad to fulfill Islamic Prophecy.

    But you are ignorant of that fact, with your wannabe leader Ron Paul.

    6.Do you believe that our finances can keep up with the future of attacking all of the muslim countries?

    7. Have you looked at our National Debt Lately?

    I don’t hear Ronnie talking about getting rid of the Welfare State and Entitlements that are ten times the size of our defense budget.

    He rants about the IRS, the gold standard, fiat currency and such. No talk I have heard from him about scrapping the Welfare State.

    But he is keen to slam our military mission and toss out costs and debt, as if they are the only cause.

    They didn’t protect us then. What makes you think they can protect us in the future especially considering that their actions are creating more suicide terrorists.

    I suppose the same way warring on the Nazis and Japs until they sued for peace on our terms or were annihilated off the face of the earth kept us safe from their march to conquer the world.

    Kill a Nazi, make two more? Good – more to kill.

    At least that is how real Americans used to think.

    Now a buch of weasled cowards like Ron Paul are preaching to us that we need to run and hide and never do anything to raise the ire of our enemies.

    I call that Yellow Bellied Cowardice.

    You might call it sound foreign policy.

    But we tried it once that way.

    Under Jimmy Carter.

    The way I see it is this is a great way to extort our wealth so they can invade countries and divide up the oil wealth of the other countries to their private corporations.

    Blood for oil, yada, yada, yada. Blood for oil, yada, yada, yada….

    Don’t you, Soros Lefty compatriots have any other talking points to operate from?

    We’re sick of this lie you people keep pushing on us.

    Oil prices haven’t come down. The dollar is loosing all of it’s value. The housing market is crashing.

    Because we’re warring on Jihadists?

    Adjust your meds. They’re making you loony.

    To top it off our constitutional rights and our liberties have been under attack legally.

    Have been for over 40 years by activist Judges, a runaway Congress, the ACLU and a host of nanny-state tyrants in local, state and national government.

    All of that LOOONG before 9-11 and Bush II

    Where you been?

    Bush has been secretly working on the NAU. Are you ready to join Canada and Mexico with the USA?

    Not without bloodshed.

    Ron Paul knows the dangers that are really facing our country.

    No he doesn’t. He doesn’t know SQUAT about the deadliest enemy America has yet faced and what they promise to do based on what Ron Paul says.

    He says he sees no need to EVER use military force.

    Clearly, the danger is having Ron Paul as Commander In Chief. Even the Stalinist Marxist Hillary is nowhere near as stupid when it comes to making such a statement like that.

    I suggest that you put some hard effort into researching more and join the fight to really save our country.

    I’ve been fighting this fight for years. You’re late to the party. Drop your bong and pick up something of substance to fight with instead of standing behind a limp pacifist with no clue.

  3. Ron Paul is the Republican version of kucinich, and if he had a chance to win, he would be a very dangerous man. But, take heart, he has no chance to win.

    Paultards can be so annoying.. but also so amusing. I’ll kinda miss them after the primaries.

  4. Edward

    Jesus Christ was a pacifist – the Prince of Peace.

    He was mocked for his beliefs too. They nailed him right up, while laughing at his foolish world view.

    Two-thousand years later, Christ’s message of peace is still being mocked, even by those who would claim to speak in his name.

    “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits.” (Matt 7:15)

  5. I look forward to seeing you in the FEMA bread lines of the George Bush/Barack Obama internment camps. When I do may God help me – after the devils stick you with their home made knives, I’ll pick up and eat your unearned bread over your misinformed body with a momentary smile of justice.

  6. justin

    no, actually you are just plain stupid

  7. Irool

    Edward: “Jesus” (his real Hebrew name is Yeshua, “Jesus” is a pagan Greek term) was not some 1st-century hippie as you envision Him. Go to It busts the “Hippie-Messiah” myth wide open.

  8. champie

    during the primaries I thought Ron Paul was a lunatic only outdone by his followers. Since the election I have had to come to terms with my own stupidity for not recognizing the true American statesman with a patriotic American message. Since then I have listened to nearly every word Ron Paul and Peter Schiff have uttered. Today I understand that Americans missed an opportunity to elect a real president and not another puppet of international financiers and multinational corporations.

    Peter Schiff for Connecticut Senate 2010

  9. Ken

    R.I.P. RONNIE, your time came and went, we’re stuck with Kenyan commie Barack and now we are moving out of Iraq, into Afghanistan
    with only one hand, duplicitous dweebs, down on their knees opening America to more jihadists and theives. Our time is comming, the clock it is running. No more of this mess ~ we are now put to the test we must join and not fail or we will all soon be in Hell. Fight the lies, get the truth. Read, learn , compare, THINK. True American patriots will rise again !!! Read the 9/12 project…………………………………………

  10. ldyboxtrkr

    Yeah – so Ron Paul can’t make the cut. Take a look at who voted for him. The new first timers and college kids. Don’t say much for the educational system teaching real history ,now, does it?

  11. ldyboxtrkr

    My comment is awaiting “moderation”? Say what?

  12. invar

    Due some threatening from Ron Paul supporters during last year’s campaign – any comments mentioning Ron Paul have to be approved before they are posted.

  13. Great analysis of a true, dangerous madman. I used your photo for my article Ron Paul is a Dangerous Idiot.

  14. Vu

    And how would you justify the war in Vietnam, im curious?

  15. invar

    Talk to a survivor of the Khmer Rouge and then let us know if it was justified or not.


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    telling the whole thing regarding that.

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