Solyndra – Crony Capitalism? WORSE – It’s More Like Soviet Fascism

Obama has melded aspects of both systems together to give us corruption on a national scale only banana republics used to be able to hold a candle to.


I just love the way SadHill News tells it like it needs to be told: without any punches and with full sarcasm and disdain for the kind of institutionalized corruption usually limited to the province of despotic island regimes.  You just HAVE to check out their blog on this sickening and in-our-face fascism to get the full feel of the giant Obama middle finger shoved up our collective taxpayer butts.

But before I snip a few relevant and brilliant points made there – I want to make a notation about a term the talk radioheads and pundits are using in regards to this scandal, and correct a gross misapplication of that term.

Most of the talk radio hosts I’ve heard have referred to the Obama/Solyndra scandal as a pure example of ‘crony capitalism’.  I’m offended by that usage, because what Obama has done there is not a bastardization of Capitalism, but the implementation of something far more sinister.

One thing the Left has done, is to hijack our language and set their own terms of definement; “Investments’ now refer to tax increases.  “Terrorists and racists” refers to Conservative Americans and so on.

So the talk radio hosts, from Rush Limbaugh, to my hero Mark Levin – have made reference to this Solyndra scandal as ‘crony capitalism’.  Even Sarah Palin made the remark that the Obama regime is “Crony Capitalism on Steroids”.

I beg to disagree, what Obama is doing- is not ‘crony capitalism’.  Doing so suggests that Capitalism in itself is an easily bastardized and manipulated system, and it’s what gives fuel to those who suggest America’s very foundation was founded on a flawed system.  The Solyndra scandal, and everything from the nationalization of GM to ObamaCare  is Fascist Sovietism or Crony Socialism if you like.  It has NOTHING to do with Capitalism, or free markets.  It’s a version of Chicagoland graft and kickbacks but with an insidious twist: the institutionalized implementation of Fascism melded with attributes of raw Socialist Sovietism.

And it’s in the open.  Hiding in plain sight, in-our-faces.  Not even the Chicago Union mobs are as brazen about their corruption as Obama’s regime is demonstrating.

Because they don’t care.  It’s not about corruption anymore.

This is about the transformation of our entire society.

Because this is about a revolution to bury our society.  To take over and dictate that this is how business is done and handled by government dictat.

Want to keep your company?  Better play Obama’s game and contribute to his regime – or you will end up like Gibson Guitars.

And Obama has waged it in plain view, and brazenly.

He has implemented, with our consent and some mild opposition – Fascism under the usual Marxist guises of fairness, security, global warming, and Social Justice.

Now – the main fact of the Solyndra scandal that the media will not report is this:

Solyndra ‘Green’ Executives: $100,000+ In Obama Donations And 20+ White House Trips

That’s how Soviet-styled Fascism works.  Obama TAKES taxpayer funds, to give it to those who support HIS campaign and WALA!  Free White House lodging, and a Politburo using Alphabet agencies furiously to destroy all the industries Obama has targeted to be replaced.  Made in USA companies that do not donate to Democrats – wiped out, while those who contribute to the Party are protected. Cheap, efficient energy sources in the country forced into bankruptcy so as to force us all into solar and wind power by dictate of the state.  I don’t know how you get crony Capitalism out of that.  That’s raw Soviet Fascism on parade.

As SadHill News points out:

Receive sensationalism laced with carefully selected talking points that mask giant government takeover.

Government? This is not government. This is an auction where policy goes to the highest bidder:

…As TheDC previously reported, Solyndra officials, including Kaiser himself, donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to Barack Obama.

This is all just the tip of the iceberg of what many Conservatives are erringly calling ‘crony Capitalism’ when it is nothing of the sort. This is life behind the Iron Curtain, under the oppressive thumb of Soviet-styled Marxists using the Mussolini Fascism model to achieve the fundamental transformation of America that Obama was talking about from the beginning.

We just did not believe it could happen here.

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Filed under Obama Marxist Tyranny

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  1. Pingback: Solyndra – Crony Capitalism? WORSE – It’s More Like Soviet Fascism (via Sword At-The-Ready) | My Blog

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