Tag Archives: Apple.

HomoFascists and Leftists Unite To Wage War On Christians, The Constitution And Liberty

religious freedom

There is something very dangerous happening in America, and Apple CEO Tim Cook illustrates the intolerant fascism taking over the nation

Genesis 19 describes in vivid detail, the mindset of deviant sexual perverts when they have power and control in influencing a society: they will demand to have their way by any means including threat, ridicule, mob tactics and brutal force.

The Homofascists in America have taken the country to virtually the same place illustrated in scripture.  They will never be content to leave you alone.  Not unless you accept, respect and celebrate their behavior as good, normal and moral. The very fact your faith considers their sexual practices aberrant – is deemed an evil, and an evil they believe gives them the moral superiority to punish you for.   While mobs of perverts have not yet made gang-rape a legal right, history teaches that a wicked society will eventually allow and permit such acts under the color of law. Under the guise of equality and tolerance, INTOLERANCE is imposed while those seeking to be left alone will be harassed and threatened until they give into the mob mentality that will sue a business into bankruptcy and/or criminalize your faith.

Just like Marxists and Socialists, HomoFascists scream”bigots!”and “discrimination!” when encountering anyone who will not accept, believe and serve their agenda.  This is a mark of a beast.  If you do not think and act as the hedonist mob demands, you will not be able to buy or sell.

Targets will be marked and threats will be administered until there is capitulation,and if the target will not yield, the target is destroyed by force of law, economics or other punishment. The concept of free association no longer exists unless it pertains to lifestyles and agendas championed by the Liberal/Progressive/Left.

Sadly, the CEO of Apple has decided to make his own sexual agenda company policy and seeks to make it political policy with an Op-Ed he wrote in the Washington Compost, that was all-too-happy to run his essay.

I’m going to take his screed apart.


There’s something very dangerous happening in states across the country.

There’s something very dangerous happening in states across the country.

Yes, there certainly is. To an American of biblical faith, that threat is HomoFascism – among the litany of other Leftist-orchestrated PC Fascism.

A wave of legislation, introduced in more than two dozen states, would allow people to discriminate against their neighbors.

No, WRONG.   The legislation PROTECTS citizens from bullying tactics designed to force people to serve behaviors and agendas anathema to their principles. It protects them from punitive lawsuits and efforts to punish a business owner who refuses service to said affronts to their principles.  It does not discriminate nor does it invite discrimination – it protects the religious liberty of Americans from efforts such as yours.

As to discrimination itself, discrimination against bad and evil behavior is an explicit 1st Amendment-protected Right that enshrines the right of an individual or property owner to exercise their religion and FORBIDS government to enact laws that prohibit the free exercise thereof.

A free exercise of the Christian religion would be to refrain from supporting or engaging in business with those behaviors they eschew.

Some, such as the bill enacted in Indiana last week that drew a national outcry and one passed in Arkansas, say individuals can cite their personal religious beliefs to refuse service to a customer or resist a state nondiscrimination law.

Individuals have the right to refuse service to anyone. Ever see those hand-drawn paper signs that say “No shoes, no shirt, no service”??? Can that not be said to be discrimination against nudists?  Should nudists sue businesses that will not serve them?  I expect that inevitability will come very soon as idiotic ideas such as yours are paraded as virtue.

Others are more transparent in their effort to discriminate. Legislation being considered in Texas would strip the salaries and pensions of clerks who issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples — even if the Supreme Court strikes down Texas’ marriage ban later this year. In total, there are nearly 100 bills designed to enshrine discrimination in state law.

Ever hear of the 10th Amendment you dufus?  States have a right to strip by law, salaries and pensions of state employees who violate state law.  We are not a monarchy under a dictatorship that when Washington DC says “Jump!” everyone must do as the king and his men command.

In addition, this whole attempt to paint this argument as ‘discrimination’ is absurd.  Sex and skin color are traits a person has no choice in determining as well as physical disabilities. Choosing not to serve such people falls under the auspices of discrimination. Behavior however, is a choice – and we certainly have a right to discriminate against behaviors we disagree with.  And do not give me the stupid argument that homosexuals have no choice in who they choose to copulate with. There are straight and homosexual-inclined men who choose to be celibate just as there are those who choose to fornicate with whatever walks.

These bills rationalize injustice by pretending to defend something many of us hold dear. They go against the very principles our nation was founded on, and they have the potential to undo decades of progress toward greater equality.

I do not recall our Founders revolting against the Crown so homosexuals could have sex with whomever they chose. The principles of our founding were not for “equality”. The principles of our Founding were the Liberty to be free from government tyranny and to follow God as He leads without intervention from potentates.

As to your insipid argument of ‘greater equality’ – there is no such thing.  Who decides ‘equality?” When will it be declared ‘equal’?  “Equality” is an eternal mechanism in which to harass, intimidate, punish and persecute, nothing more.

America’s business community recognized a long time ago that discrimination, in all its forms, is bad for business. At Apple, we are in business to empower and enrich our customers’ lives. We strive to do business in a way that is just and fair.

That is YOUR choice.  Something you perverts demand to be taken away from everyone else.  If a business wants to sell services to ladies only, as it is their business model – that is THEIR FREEDOM OF CHOICE.  You and your kind would take that away.

If you want to sell your products only to homosexuals – that is YOUR FREEDOM OF CHOICE, and by extension, we as consumers have the freedom to choose your product or buy elsewhere.  As a long-time Apple customer myself – I will now exercise my freedom of choice and only purchase non-Apple devices from now on.

That’s why, on behalf of Apple, I’m standing up to oppose this new wave of legislation — wherever it emerges. I’m writing in the hopes that many more will join this movement. From North Carolina to Nevada, these bills under consideration truly will hurt jobs, growth and the economic vibrancy of parts of the country where a 21st-century economy was once welcomed with open arms.

So you have decided to make your company a political/fascist enterprise.  What crap.  These bills protect business owners and individuals from the likes of you and your “movement”.  The HomoFascist movement itself has hurt jobs, closed businesses and ruined the financial well-being of individuals and their employees.

I have great reverence for religious freedom.

Not according to what you wrote here.

As a child, I was baptized in a Baptist church, and faith has always been an important part of my life. I was never taught, nor do I believe, that religion should be used as an excuse to discriminate.

You apparently never read the bible or understood what your pastor taught if you claim to be a Baptist while promoting Homosexuality and being an open Homosexual yourself.

As to religion being used as an excuse to discriminate – Should Muslims be forced to sell pork products and alcohol to non-Muslims?  Should  Christians be forced to accept Hindus as Pastors?  Religion requires discrimination against sinful behavior and ideas anathema to the foundations of faith.

Our message, to people around the country and around the world, is this: Apple is open. Open to everyone, regardless of where they come from, what they look like, how they worship or who they love. Regardless of what the law might allow in Indiana or Arkansas, we will never tolerate discrimination.

Hooray for you.  You are free to set whatever mission statement you desire.

Why do you demand to force your views, morality and politics upon the rest of us?

Men and women have fought and died fighting to protect our country’s founding principles of freedom and equality.

I know of no veteran who went to war to protect “equality”.  Freedom and liberty yes – equality, NO.  But you and your kind insist that the liberty to freely associate or do business with whom we choose, is no longer an option.

We owe it to them, to each other and to our future to continue to fight with our words and our actions to make sure we protect those ideals. The days of segregation and discrimination marked by “Whites Only” signs on shop doors, water fountains and restrooms must remain deep in our past. We must never return to any semblance of that time. America must be a land of opportunity for everyone.

Again – skin color and gender are not a choice.  Whom you stick your penis into is your choice of behavior. You have no right to force us to accept that behavior, or serve it in any way, shape or form.  As to opportunity – there are plenty of Homosexual businesses that cater specifically Homosexual customers.  Should we have the right to go into a Homosexual business and demand they serve heterosexual behaviors and if they refuse, sue them out of business and use the government to destroy them?

This isn’t a political issue. It isn’t a religious issue.

That would make you a liar.  You just outlined a political agenda for Homosexuality as a crusade for ‘equality’ in all businesses.  And it IS a religious issue because Biblical Christians regard your sexual behavior as sinful, deviant and an abomination before The Lord.

This is about how we treat each other as human beings. Opposing discrimination takes courage. With the lives and dignity of so many people at stake, it’s time for all of us to be courageous.

Mobs of perverts and deviants seeking to impose their agenda with help from government power on everyone are not courageous.

Standing against the likes of you and your kind is.  It is time for Christians to be courageous and call you, your agenda and your company for what it is: an abomination and refuse to accommodate, serve or support your sinful wickedness that God would rather you overcome and come out of.

But no, you will follow what those wicked people in Genesis 19 have already set the standard for.

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Your Phone Records Are Not The Only Things Obama’s Regime Is Collecting From You


A Secret Federal Government Program called PRISM taps into U.S. Internet companies, extracting audio, video, photographs, e-mails, documents and connection logs that enable analysts to track a person’s movements and contacts over time.

Welcome to Obama’s Soviet Amerika Comrades, where just yesterday it was revealed that the Obama regime has been collecting data on ALL cell phone customers of Verizon by a SECRET COURT ORDER.

Tonight we learn that there’s ANOTHER SECRET FEDERAL PROGRAM called PRISM, which logs directly into the 9 major internet service provider servers, and collects every shred of data from your e-mails, to your pictures, to the videos and websites you visit – in order to track a person and create a profile of you for the government.

If you wondered WHY the major internet companies have been petitioned to the White House over the years, it is because they have been “asked” to cooperate with the Government so that their customers can have their information collected.  We used to call that spying.  It is formally known as FASCISM; when a private company is run by or controlled via regulation by the government to act as one of it’s agents.

Microsoft, Yahoo, Google, Facebook, PalTalk, AOL, Skype, YouTube, Apple and other internet service providers including Cloud sharing services are part of the government’s efforts to collect every shred of information they can glean from you.  From your politics to your likes and dislikes, to your movements.  These private companies are actually defacto agents for the Obama State.

PRISM conspirators

Which is why I refer to Obama and the Democrats and the GOP Leadership as MarxoFascists – because that is what they are.  Fascists who love the ideals of Marx and all-powerful government running every aspect of your life.  Obtaining every shred of information about your life.

Not the Soviets, not the East Germans not Mao’s Chinese had such a widespread spy network being used against it’s own citizens as we are learning of Obama’s vast secret spy and intimidation programs.

And please, before you try to rationalize this additional government snooping program as necessary for security – do recall that it was just last month that Jihadists bombed the Boston Marathon and had law enforcement and government running around like Keystone cops trying to find and apprehend them.  None of this massive data collected prevented that from happening, and I daresay – that is not the intent behind the collection of every shred of evidence about you.  It’s not about keeping Americans safe from Jihadists.  It’s about keeping Obama and his MarxoFascists safe from you.

Obama did exactly what he said he was going to do – fundamentally transform this country.  And in five years, he has transformed America into a Police State gulag ready to go to war on the citizens he despises.

When does any of this become treason in the minds of those we elected to be our servants?  Just today Obama opened up unlimited U.S. airspace to Saudi Arabia, meaning they can FLY PLANES to any airport in the USA without any restrictions whatsoever.  I guess 19 hijackers, a majority of whom were from Saudi Arabia who flew planes into our buildings on 9-11, is something Obama figures Americans have forgotten.  Now we simply have to ask how long it will be before a Saudi Airliner is fitted with a nuke from say – Pakistan, Iran or North Korea for detonation over a major American city??

Meanwhile, the MarxoFascists and their stooges are lecturing us that we should be GLAD that the federal Government is spying on us, collecting vast sums of data on us.  From our finances, to our e-mails to our interests on the web to our medical records, of which will be all handled for enforcement by the IRS, that wonderful weapon used to target Obama’s political enemies.

I truly cannot keep up with how much and how fast our former Republic has fallen into tyranny.  Before we realize it – death panels are going to become camps.

Documents: U.S. intelligence mining data from nine U.S. Internet companies in broad secret program

The National Security Agency and the FBI are tapping directly into the central servers of nine leading U.S. Internet companies, extracting audio, video, photographs, e-mails, documents and connection logs that enable analysts to track a person’s movements and contacts over time.

The highly classified program, code-named PRISM, has not been disclosed publicly before.

Link only folks.  It is after all the Compost.

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