Tag Archives: Gun Ban

Obama’s Illegal Gun Ban: DO NOT COMPLY – REFUSE. RESIST.


Obama’s InJustice Department warns gun owners: “We will be looking for those individuals who seek to avoid registering (their guns)”.

Obama thinks he’s clever.  He’s not.  He’s a totalitarian maniac establishing a Soviet-style police state.   His DECREE from HIS PEN to “close” the phantom “gunshot loophole” today, was defacto gun registration and firearms ban and sets the establishment of the same kind of climate of fear crap that Josef Stalin, Mao, Mussolini, Pol Pot and the other assorted genocidal maniacs established upon their citizens.

His ‘Executive Actions’ (aka: Imperial Decrees) sound mild on the surface – but are a defacto federal gun registration program.  In the details of 10 Executive Actions contains a mandate that YOUR DOCTOR report patients they think are “mentally unstable” to the NICS background check system.  Again, while that might ‘sound’ reasonable on the surface – what defines ‘mentally unstable’ is wide open to whatever interpretation the government may desire.  If you’re a returning veteran, a Climate Change disbeliever, or a Republican – you may find yourself unable to purchase, possess or own a firearm under the decree just announced by His Heinous.

Not much different than how the Feds can arbitrarily put you on a No-Fly list that you cannot rectify or appeal.  A list made in secret by a bureaucracy that is unaccountable to anyone but the President.

Like Mussolini, Obama’s dictatorial arrogance was on full Squadrisi-styled display. “We also can’t wait,” Obama ranted. “Until we have the Congress that’s in line with the majority of Americans, there are actions within my legal authority that we can take to help reduce gun violence and save more lives.”

Oh really?  I guess the landslide election of Republicans is not in line with a majority of Americans according to His Heinous.  And until they do his bidding, he will act – unilaterally.  As he sees fit.

His feigned alligator tears at the mention of the Sandy Hook shooting was a feeble mask for the heated rage and hate simmering beneath the surface for an America and Americans he wants destroyed, and a Constitution he loathes as simply “written on paper”.


His Royal Heinous Obama casually spoke in grand untruths in this moment during his Pravda Press announcement of his decrees – when recounting that he taught Constitutional law – at the University of Chicago.   It should frighten everyone that Obama can boldface lie so casually that he “believes in the Second Amendment” when his actions and past statements prove otherwise.

Obama certainly DOES NOT believe in the Second Amendment as noted by Professor John Lott Jr. who met with and talked with Obama at the University of Chicago in 1996 and discussed this very subject. Lott said emphatically again on Tuesday afternoon’s Mark Levin Show that Obama stated bluntly that he “does not believe citizens should be able to access or be allowed to own guns”.

This would be because Obama is an acolyte of Chairman Mao’s “Prairie Fire” policy regarding efforts to impose a Communist Revolution of whom Obama mentor and self-proclaimed Communist and terrorist William Ayers urged via the violence of Che Guevara.  Obama today even cited Mao’s Communist China as an example of the kind of total gun control he truly seeks:


Obama Cites Communist China As The Goal For American Gun Control

“Some of you may recall at the same time that Sandy Hook happened, a disturbed person in China took a knife and tried to kill, with a knife a bunch of children in China. But most of them survived because he didn’t have access to a powerful weapon”

Obama is establishing 4,000 new laws and ‘policies’ by decree effective January 1, 2016, bypassing Congress and the States, as dictator to make ‘law’.  As with ObamaCare – none of us know all the details that are in any of these ‘Executive Actions’, despite the fact Obama says ‘If you like your guns, you can keep your guns”.  10 Actions were announced just today by Imperial decree, the details of which are as yet unknown.

This is all imposing an Intimidation factor.  Liability punishments for non-compliance that will scare citizens who might sell one gun to a family member or a friend into complying with tyranny because the costs to fight this in court will be abhorrently costly.  So guns, ammo and ability to purchase them ‘legally’ will become harder.

In addition, the gooste-stepping Stormtroopers of the Regime are also stepping up their rhetoric against those of us who oppose their tyranny, and are pre-emtively warning that they intend to intimidate and make examples of those they can, thus creating the Soviet/Nazi-style climate of fear that subjugates a population to accept tyranny.

Loretta Lynch


‘Looking for those individuals who seek to avoid registering’

U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch issued what Second Amendment supporters likely see as a dark warning about the White House’s looming executive order on guns, telling a group of reporters the federal government would be actively searching out those firearms’ owners who want to sidestep registration.

In her words, as reported by Breitbart: “We will be looking for those individuals who seek to avoid registering,” she said, after a meeting with President Obama about his upcoming executive orders on gun control.

Her statement was in reference to the widely reported portion of Obama’s executive order that’s supposed to expand the definition of “gun dealer” to include even those who make private, one-on-one transactions. Specifically, his order would then require anyone who’s “engaged in the business of dealing in firearms” to register as a dealer, and thus become subject to the background checks’ process, as Breitbart reported.

The order doesn’t make any exceptions based on the numbers of gun sales, and as Fox News legal analyst Andrew Napolitano pointed, that means even an individual selling one firearm to another individual would have to abide the mandate.

As such, Lynch vowed the feds, through her Department of Justice and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, would be on the watch for violators.

Let me just step in here a second to state a fact that many Americans willfully ignore: OBAMA’S EXECUTIVE ACTION DECREES HAVE NO POWER OR FORCE OF LAW UPON THIS PEOPLE, unless they surrender and submit to this dictatorship.  He, his entire regime and the whole entire Federal Beast is Lawless, and has no legitimate moral or legal authority over a free people.

All they have is the guns they are going to put to your heads and those of your children for refusing to comply with this tyrannical dictatorship.

Any American who refuses to comply with this decree are in NO VIOLATION of real law, they are simply in violation of a dictatorship’s decrees.

To be plain, Obama and Loretta Lynch themselves are in violation of the Supreme Law of the United States and in violation of our inalienable God-given Rights.  They are traitors and have committed HIGH TREASON.  This decree simply solidifies the fact that this government is wholly tyrannical and illegitimate.

“[We’ll watch for private sellers who] seek to avoid registering [as] engaged in the business of selling firearms,” she said, CBS News reported.

Obama’s Gun-Control Order Is Dictatorial

Obama’s Unconstitutional Gun Ban

First, by edict Obama may try to use the “no-fly” list as a way to prevent some Americans from purchasing firearms. Second, Obama may try to stretch the definition of a firearms dealer beyond the existing statutory law, and require federal background checks prior to a purchase.

Both are arbitrary and unconstitutional.

The right to bear arms, as the Supreme Court has made clear, is an individual right that aligns with the moral imperative of self-defense. The evil attacks in Paris and San Bernardino have illustrated for a new generation of Americans the moral imperative of self-defense through firearms ownership.

So expect Obama to do what he does best — ignore the law and impose a federal edict over an area where the federal government has no statutory power. Expect Obama to require federal background checks on firearms purchases currently exempted by federal law from requiring background checks.

It works like this. Under the current law, if I wanted to sell you one of my firearms, you would give me cash, and I’d give you a gun. I do not need a federal firearms license to sell you my gun because it is my private property and I am not a gun dealer. In fact, Congress specifically exempted me from federal oversight when it defined a federal firearms dealer in 18 U.S.C. §921 (a)(11).

The law very clearly says that you are not a firearms dealer if you make “occasional sales, exchanges, or purchases of firearms for the enhancement of a personal collection or for a hobby, or who sells all or part of his personal collection of firearms.” The law does not limit the size of a personal collection. For years, foes of the Constitution have sought to change this law. Both Republican- and Democrat-controlled Congresses have failed to amend this safe harbor because the majority of Americans believe in the Second Amendment.

…Obama has grown very comfortable attacking Constitutional rights by edict and executive action. He is a president at odds with a long bipartisan tradition of respect for Constitutional values.  Presidents up to this point have mostly respected core constitutional liberties, but this president is a menace to the Constitution.

Obama and this regime and every single politician and government official and Alphabet agent supporting this treason are infringing on an inalienable right.

All done in the name of ‘common sense reforms’. Once they get away with this, how long before these same tyrants demand ‘common sense free speech reforms’???;  ‘Common sense searches and seizures’?; ‘Common sense Christian Religion reforms’?

Don’t laugh and think those absurd.  Leftists are already talking about imposing those.



Filed under Obama Marxist Tyranny

Gun Confiscation Is Coming. Civil War An Acceptable Cost Towards ‘Fundamental Transformation’


Obama & Hillary Clinton’s recent references to Australian-style gun confiscation reveals the next step in the fundamental transformation of America into a totalitarian state.

I blogged on this last week, and the rumbling meme from Mordor On The Potomac and their Orc-media acolytes that continues ought to make us aware and mindful that the attempt to ban, register and then confiscate our arms is indeed a policy that is now being fast-tracked through the media.

That Obama denies he is going to confiscate and Hillary laughs as the concerns, nails the truth that is indeed exactly what they are in the process of doing.

A main propaganda arm of the White House and the Democrat Marxists reveals this plan and laments the existence of the Second Amendment and acknowledge the cost of confiscation:

YES, They Want To Take Your Guns Away

…If federal agents came to round up firearms, many gun owners would be prepared to shoot back. Clinton can joke all she likes about Americans fearing “black helicopters” taking their guns away, but it is no exaggeration to suggest that civil war could erupt on American soil were the U.S. government to attempt anything remotely resembling what was done in Australia.

And so Americans are condemned to engage endlessly in futile argument—futile thanks to the legal enshrinement of private gun ownership in our founding document, as well as to a refusal to state clearly our mutually exclusive convictions: that the intrinsic cost of this right is tens of thousands of unwanted deaths and that the only way to stop these deaths is outright gun confiscation.

Perhaps, in a perfect world, the United States would never have had the Second Amendment.

While it is argued that the media is just engaging in wishful-thinking, Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke tells us that this plan for gun confiscation IS POLICY and it is being advocated and war-gamed throughout law enforcement groups by the efforts of Obama’s White House.


Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke:

I was extremely disappointed when I heard that my fellow law enforcement executive colleagues had gotten into bed with Obama and his gun confiscation mission. That’s really what it’s about. It’s not about reducing violence, it’s not about reducing mass murder or suicides. The real intent of Obama and these gun groups is gun confiscation and they know they are going to have to do it step by step. They’re not going to be able to go after that today, as there would be fierce blowback. So they are doing it in stealth ways and this IACP meeting is one of those ways.

More at link.


The Daily Beast theoretically agreed that “confiscation on a massive scale” may be “the only way to solve American gun violence,” but they pointed out that it was not realistic and suggested Hillary risks causing irreparable divisions by talking about confiscation then mocking gun owners as conspiracy theorists waiting for “black helicopters” to come take their guns away.


Filed under Obama Marxist Tyranny

Yes, You Better Believe It – Obama IS Coming For Your Guns


Obama said in Chicago Tuesday “I’m not going to “take everyone’s guns away”, which given his history – means he is about to employ policies to do just that.

History lesson of statements His Heinous Obama has made and what transpired shortly after he made those statements:

“I’m not gonna force you to buy health insurance”.

He did.

“I’m not gonna penalize you for not buying health insurance”.

He did.

“I’m not gonna take away your health insurance”.

He did.

“I’m not gonna take away your doctor”.

He did.

“I’m not gonna unilaterally rewrite immigration law”.

He did.

“I’m not gonna unilaterally ignore immigration law”.

He did.

And this past Tuesday he says “I’m not gonna take away our guns”.

You better believe he will.  And soon.

He always makes these statements, right before he employs a policy or action to do exactly aha the says he is not.

Breitbart’s John Nolte shares the proof.



President Barack Obama is a serial-liar of the first order. That is not partisanship talking, that is history and science. And when Obama says, as he did Tuesday in Chicago, I’m not going to “take everyone’s guns away,” that means he’s coming for them.

Did I mention Barack Obama is a liar? Not only is Obama a liar, this “not gunna-gunna” ploy is a tactic the President has effectively used many times before. It’s a two-pronged assault that requires the cooperation of his DC Media allies.

  1. By lying and saying he’s “not gunna,” Obama lulls his opponents into a false sense of security.
  2. By lying and saying he’s “not gunna,” it allows Obama’s DC Media allies to attack as liars and extremists those who say Obama will take their guns.

Let’s look at the science, shall we?


I’m Not Gunna Force People To Buy Health Insurance

Obama’s “not gunna” lies started during the 2008 presidential campaign when he said he was “not gunna” force people to buy health insurance. Here’s video of a 2008 debatebetween Obama and Hillary Clinton where he criticizes, not just the mandate in her health care plan that forces people to purchase health insurance, but the fact that they are fined and therefore “worse off” if they don’t purchase insurance.

We don’t want to put on adults a situation where we are mandating them to purchase insurance and if the subsidies are inadequate the burden is on them and they will be penalized, and this is exactly what Senator Clinton’s plan does  … If healthcare is affordable you don’t need a mandate.

Except, from the mandate to the penalty, this is exactly what ObamaCare does.

I’m Not Gunna Take Away Your Health Insurance or Your Doctor

While he was trying to shove ObamaCare into law in 2009 and win re-election in 2012, dozens of times Obama said, I’m “not gunna” take away your health insurance and I’m “not gunna” take away your doctor.

Obama was lying.

Obama knew he was lying.

The DC Media knew he was lying.

And those of us who called out his lie were accused of racism by Obama and the DC Media.

By the time the fallout hit, millions and millions of people lost their insurance, and with it, their doctors.

The lie, and the DC Media’s willing complicity in covering up the lie, was necessary to get the monstrosity passed. Had the president told the truth, or the DC Media exposed what they knew was the truth, ObamaCare never would have passed.

I’m Not Gunna Sign Executive Orders Changing Immigration Law

More than 20 times President Obama reassured Americans he would not override Congress as a means to change or ignore immigration laws. Again and again, Obama told us he would not and could not unilaterally ignore or rewrite these laws.

He lied.

I’m Not Gunna Take Away Your Guns

“I believe in the Second Amendment. I believe in the people’s lawful right to bear arms. I will not take your shotgun away. I will not take your rifle away. I won’t take your handgun away.” — Then-Senator Obama, September 9, 2008.  

While running for president, Obama was desperate to wrist-flick away the gun issue knowing it could hurt him in the general election.

In 2008, Obama also voted in favor of an amendment that would prohibit the confiscation of guns, even during a national emergency.

This was all a lie.

Twice this year, although the DC Media ignores this in order to protect him, Obama has said that he backs Australia’s gun laws, the spine of which is outright confiscation. Democrats and the DC Media always lie about Australia’s government-mandated confiscation by couching it as a buyback program — which it most certainly was not. Sure, the Australian government paid people for their guns but they were forced to turn them in. A buyback program is voluntary.

In June of 2014, Obama praised the Australia law:

In June of 2015, Obama again praised the Australia law.

In summation, Obama said…

I’m not gunna force you to buy health insurance. He did.

I’m not gunna penalize you for not buying health insurance. He did.

I’m not gunna take away your health insurance. He did.

I’m not gunna take away your doctor. He did.

I’m not gunna unilaterally rewrite immigration law. He did.

I’m not gunna unilaterally ignore immigration law. He did.

And now we’re supposed to trust him when he says he’s not gunna take away our guns.

P.S. The DC Media is also covering up Hillary’s endorsement of Australia’s gun laws.  


Filed under Obama Marxist Tyranny

ATF To Ban Non-Lead Ammo At Same Time EPA Plans To Ban Lead Ammo


Federal agencies looking to employ a pincer move designed to ban just about all ammunition from public sale, because if they cannot ban the guns, they opt instead to ban the ammunition that feeds them.

More details and follow-up from the efforts the Obama regime is making to classify .223 ball ammunition as ‘armor piercing’ at the same time we learn the EPA is making moves to ban lead ammunition.

You know, when the Redcoats came to seize the ammunition stores of the Colonists at Lexington and Concord – a war of independence from tyrants resulted.  Today, when attempting to do the same thing utilizing a heinous federal bureaucracy, America yawns as plans to disarm them move forward with frightening speed.



A Pincer Movement on Ammunition

The ATF is one side, and the EPA is the other.

(Snippets from this story follow – go to link to read the full article)

As it wanes, the Obama administration grows bold, and even reckless, on matters that send a thrill up the leg of its most leftward supporters. Its new attack on so-called armor-piercing ammunition — which is, in reality, a very broad attack on ammunition across the board — is a dangerous and destructive example of the administration’s late-days slide into rule-by-decree.

…In 1986, Congress revised the Gun Control Act, inserting prohibitions against the manufacture and import of “armor-piercing ammunition.” Armor-piercing ammunition does not mean ammunition designed to defeat body armor — that would be too simple. It means, most broadly, ammunition that could defeat the soft body armor of the sort that was cutting edge in the 1980s. But banning all such ammunition as “armor-piercing” would have meant a ban on practically all hunting rifles…

…So, “armor-piercing” came to mean ammunition made of certain materials (tungsten alloys, steel, etc.) that could defeat certain kinds of body armor and that could be fired from a handgun. …It’s almost as though the agency is reasoning toward some specific, predetermined goal, isn’t it?

…The upshot of all this maneuvering is that the ATF intends to revoke the sporting exemption for certain popular kinds of .223 ammunition, allowing it to be reclassified as armor-piercing and therefore banned, even though it is not designed as armor-piecing ammunition and has no special armor-piercing characteristics. …But the fact that there is a multi-shot handgun commercially available for those non-lead .223 rounds means that such ammunition can be banned as armor-piercing, even though it is not armor-piercing ammunition, by use or by design.

So, everybody goes back to lead, right?

Wrong. Environmental groups have been pressuring the EPA to begin regulating — or to ban outright — lead ammunition under the Toxic Substances Control Act. They lost their most recent round when the D.C. Court of Appeals ruled that the EPA lacks statutory authority to regulate lead ammunition, but when has statutory authority stopped the Obama administration? The FCC has no statutory authority to enact net-neutrality rules — that’s why it has reached back to a 1930s, New Deal–era law for justification. You can be sure that the campaign to use the EPA or other federal agencies to ban lead ammunition is far from over. The U.S. Humane Society already is petitioning the Interior Department to ban lead ammunition on public lands.

What gun-rights advocates fear — not without reason — is that this is the beginning of a pincer movement, with the ATF banning non-lead ammunition as a threat to armor-wearing police officers and the EPA banning lead ammunition as a toxin.

…In a sense, the gun-grabbers were telling the truth when they said that they had no designs on our sporting rifles. But the ammunition for those rifles is another story.

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DHS Has Guns, Bullets, Drones & Tanks – Now Comes A Call For ‘Crackdown’ On Anti-Government Groups


Obama Government Advisory Group Calls For Crackdown On “Anti-Government Patriot Groups”

If you have not connected the dots of what is happening in America, I’ll assume like most – either  American Idol and Comedy Central are your main focus of stimulation, or that all the talk about the Obama regime preparing to impose tyranny by force and eradicate those his regime considers enemies of the state – is too ridiculous a notion to even consider a possibility.

If your mind is solidly slammed shut to the possibility of the lessons of history being repeated here on American soil – then I advise you stop reading right now, because no amount of evidence or facts will ever convince you of what is happening right in front of your face.  There is a possibility your brain might wake up to a brutal reality being erected around us – but by the time it does,  it will be too late for you and yours.

For those interested in watching, let’s consider a few of the ‘dots’ – or facts – of what this “Federal Government” of Obama has confirmed to have been doing since he was crowned defacto king by the media and his sycophants in 2009:

In April of 2009, the Obama government and DHS declared anti-abortion Christians, bible believers, returning veterans and Conservatives; ‘Right Wing Extremists” and suggested they are to be considered domestic terrorists.

DHS is stockpiling nearly 2 billion rounds of hollow-point ammunition for domestic use.  Enough ammo to wage 24 Iraq wars with ammo left over.

Obama and Congress rammed through the NDAA, which essentially gives the government legal right to declare anyone a domestic terrorist and imprison citizens indefinitely without charges.

• A top Pentagon source says that Obama is purging top military leaders who will not affirm to follow orders and kill American citizens when ordered.

• Congress and Obama are engaged in a furious effort to criminalize, ban, confiscate and restrict citizens from possessing semi-automatic weapons and magazines.

DHS and the federal government are deploying a program to put 30,000 drones over American soil.

DHS documents reveal the newly deployed domestic Drone ‘Predator B’ fleet is designed to identify anyone carrying a gun and to track cell phone signals.

Gruppenfuhrer Eric Holder says that Obama has the right to kill Americans on US soil with drones.

DHS and the Alphabets are acquiring nearly 3000 mine-resistant MRAP tanks for domestic use.

So on the heels of these ‘dots’ that ought to raise the hair of any American who jealously guards their liberty, an Obama Advisory group: The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), is warning the Obama regime that the rise of ‘patriot groups’ opposed to Obama’s Federal tyranny is a harbinger of domestic terrorism within the next few months – and that they should immediately create a ‘task force’ to crack down on them.

“The number of conspiracy-minded antigovernment ‘Patriot’ groups on the American radical right reached an all-time high in 2012, the fourth consecutive year of powerful growth by a movement that is becoming increasingly militant as President Obama enters his second term and Congress debates gun control measures,” the SPLC said in a press release today.

They start their letter to Attorney General Eric Holder and DHS leader Napolitano by stating that they warned Janet Reno six months before the 1995 Oklahoma City federal building bombing, and set the stage in the rest of the letter to identify ‘pro-gun, anti-government hate-groups’ and ideologies they subtly suggest will instigate terrorism against the government.

As in the period before the Oklahoma City bombing, we now also are seeing ominous threats from those who believe the government is poised to take their guns…

…A recent study sponsored by the Department of Homeland Security, it should be noted, found that criminal violence was associated with a significant percentage of far-right hate groups

They then go on to suggest the Obama regime is not being aggressive enough  in dealing with “domestic hate and radical antigovernment groups”, and suggest that Holder and Napolitano establish a ‘task force’ to ‘respond to the threat’:

…The resources devoted to countering domestic hate and radical antigovernment groups and those they may inspire do not appear commensurate with the threat….

…Because of the looming dangers, we urge you to establish an interagency task force to assess the adequacy of the resources devoted to responding to the growing threat of non-Islamic domestic terrorism 

So what we have here, is a lobbying group that has assisted the Obama regime in the past, with urging them to crack down on American citizens they have decreed are domestic far-right hate extremists.  This includes anyone who believes the government is planning to take their guns.

This is not an accident or coincidence.  This is setting the stage for what they plan to follow.

After all, who are all those domestic appropriated hollow-point bullets, drones and tanks for, if not for those this regime already considers and are being told are a ‘threat’ by Leftist ideologues?

History teaches that genocidal maniacs always demonize and apportion threats to the security of the people first, then via opportunity or Reichstag-fire type events, criminalize their political opposition before legally imprisoning and exterminating them.

The connected dots make the picture clear to anyone with a brain.  The Obama government and it’s sycophant Leftists in this country – are preparing to war upon the American people they are declaring an enemy and a threat.  That would be ‘non-Islamic terrorists’ who believe the government is planning to disarm them and who are Conservative and identify with the Constitution.  Those are domestic ‘threats’ to Obama according to the Brownshirts at the SPLC.

UPDATE: MSNBC’s unhinged crackpot Chrissy “Thrill-up-my-leg” Matthews – just did a segment on this ‘report’ from the SPLC.  He went on to rant that Rand Paul and Ted Cruz were the heroes of ‘anti-government hate groups. Considering that Conservative Christian Americans and TEA Party members are ‘domestic hate groups’ according the SPLC and the Obama regime they advise, can criminalizing the TEA Party and politicians they represent as ‘hate group/domestic terrorists’ be far behind?

Before a government exterminates a segment of their population – they demonize them first, then criminalize them.

We are well on the way towards history repeating here.


Filed under Obama Marxist Tyranny

Obama and The MarxoFascist Democrats Are Inciting A Situation From Gun Owners


A coordinated effort is underway in two states introducing  identical legislation that demands Gun Owners turn in their weapons within 90 days or face felony prosecution.

There is little chance that two bills introduced today in different states, with the exact language is a coincidence.  There is also little chance that either bill will be passed and become law in either state.

Gateway Pundit reports – TWO identical language gun ban and confiscation bills were introduced in Missouri and in Minnesota.

The Missouri House introduced Bill 545 that explicitly makes it a felony to possess a semi-automatic rifle or shotgun.  The legislation states that MO residents have 90 days to turn in their guns or render them inoperable upon passage of the bill which states the following:
Any person who, prior to the effective date of this law, was legally in possession of an assault weapon or large capacity magazine shall have ninety days from such effective date to do any of the following without being subject to prosecution.

4. Any person who, prior to the effective date of this law, was legally in possession of an assault weapon or large capacity magazine shall have ninety days from such effective date to do any of the following without being subject to prosecution:

(1) Remove the assault weapon or large capacity magazine from the state of Missouri;

(2) Render the assault weapon permanently inoperable; or

(3) Surrender the assault weapon or large capacity magazine to the appropriate law enforcement agency for destruction, subject to specific agency regulations.

5. Unlawful manufacture, import, possession, purchase, sale, or transfer of an assault weapon or a large capacity magazine is a class C felony.

It turns out that the Missouri Bill contains the same exact language as the Minnesota bill that was introduced two weeks ago:

MN H.F. No. 241, as introduced – 88th Legislative Session (2013-2014) Posted on Jan 31, 2013

Any person who, on February 1, 2013, legally owns or is in possession of an assault weapon has until September 1, 2013, to do any of the following without being subject to
prosecution under Minnesota Statutes, section 624.7133:

(1) remove the weapon from the state;

(2) surrender the weapon to a law enforcement agency for destruction;

(3) render the weapon permanently inoperable; or

(4) if eligible, register the weapon as provided in Minnesota Statutes, section 624.7133, subdivision 5.

EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective the day following final enactment.

Neither one of these bills, especially in Missouri has an ice-cube’s chance in a blast furnace of passing.  The Democrats know this – so the question becomes; then why do it?

I believe the answer is: to goad and antagonize the Constitutionally-abiding citizen into engaging in some kind of violence that will result in an iron-fisted tyrannical response.

The MarxoFascist Left has been working overtime to try and pin all of the gun violence in the country on Conservative, Southern, White, law abiding gun owners.   Sara Palin was excoriated and blamed for Jared Laughner shooting up Gabrielle Giffords.  The media desperate to pin every act of violence on the foes of Obama, yet celebrate and justify black vendetta-murderer Chris Dorner.

Obama has stated he will green light the UN gun ban treaty so all these efforts to ban guns work in that favor and the coordination is no coincidence.  With help from the Obama Media – they continue to shove the narrative down America’s throats – to pin gun violence on Conservative, TEA Party Americans, which gives cover for Obama should he unilaterally enact that gun ban treaty himself.  

In fact, Obama’s whitehouse.gov website just put up an entry “Working to Counter Online Radicalization to Violence in the U.S.” which lists the following “threats”:

Violent extremist groups ─ like al-Qa’ida and its affiliates and adherents, violent supremacist groups, and violent “sovereign citizens ─ are leveraging online tools and resources to propagate messages of violence and division. … Although the Internet offers countless opportunities for Americans to connect, it has also provided violent extremists with access to new audiences and instruments for radicalization.

…To more effectively organize our efforts, the Administration is establishing a new Interagency Working Group to Counter Online Radicalization to Violence, chaired by the National Security Staff at the White House

“Violent Sovereign Citizens?” So Obama has redefined separatist movements as ‘Sovereign Citizens’ engaged in radicalization and deemed such groups with the use of that language a ‘threat’ issue deserving a government task force to crack down on “messages of division”. So if and when an individual asserts himself and his Rights as ‘Sovereign’, we can assume Obama and his media will classify such an individual as an advocate of radicalization – the tracks are already greased to classify anyone doing so as a domestic terrorist. Notice I left out the word ‘violence’ in the descriptive from the site – same as Obama will do when it suits his aim to target and eliminate political dissent.

After all, how many of his cronies of late have said that they are sick and tired of the ‘extremists’ citing Constitutional rights’?

Since the Sandy Hook school shooting, the Left has fast-tracked and attempted to shove national registration and gun bans down the throats of law-abiding Americans.  To the point of introducing discussion that states that the Constitution should be scrapped, and that our rights are not unlimited and subject to restriction for our own good.  That they are attempting to raise the simmering anger of Obama’s political opposition to boiling over reveals the tactic the MarxoFascists are employing to achieve their utopian dreams.  Recall that EVERY Marxist regime that came into power, required massive bloodshed and genocide of the political opposition within those regimes in order to secure total power over their people.

It is obvious these gun confiscation bills are a nationally-coordinated collusion and deliberately antagonistic in a situation where tension and emotions are already running high.  That is no accident.  The reason for it is simple: the Obama regime and the MarxoFascists desire to provoke some sort of armed outburst by one or more pro-Second Amendment Americans.  If not a series of armed outbursts.  This gives them the justification they seek to move their revolution up to the next level, same as all the other Marxist regimes that came before.

Put plainly, the Left is now directly fomenting and inciting a situation that they want to result in an eruption.

Now this:  outright calls for gun confiscation, and declaring those persons not in compliance to be felons subject to prosecution.

It is obvious to this author, they want to initiate a civil war by stoking their political enemies into an action.  I am not the only blogger that notices this ‘agenda’.


Over the last four years, the Obama administration has violated nearly every Article of the US Constitution and every Amendment in the Bill of Rights. They have worked to ignite racial tensions, class warfare, religious confrontations and political divisions far worse than those that led to the first American Civil War.

…The ideological divide in America is not only deeper than ever in history, it is now galvanized. With the leftist gun grab underway, the moment when push comes to shove is fast approaching.

(snip) Each and every day now Obama and his syndicate government are pushing harder and harder for the removal of all of our liberties, in order to place us into slavery and create a permanent police state.

….Obama’s war – the War against America – has already begun in earnest. This far, our military and too many local police are training to bring us down.

I believe the Obama regime desperately wants this.  Not because he thinks they will win and be able to impose an outright dictatorship by force – but because the complete destruction of the United States is his aim and goal.  For I think Obama and the MarxoFascists believe the only way to create utopia – is from the ashes and bones of the entire society.

And Obama knows what some of us know – that America’s overseas enemies, are watching and waiting.


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The Photoshopped Tyrant-In-Chief Warns and Then ‘Dares” Americans To Alter Pic


White House warns against and then “dares” Americans to Photoshop official Photo of His Manly Heinous firing a shotgun

After the media was caught red-handed trying to pass off a Photoshopped image of Obama ‘skeet shooting’ after Obama made the ridiculous comment that he “skeet shoots all the time“, the Internet was all abuzz about the incredible lengths the Obama-Media goes to, in order to exonerate and legitimize their fraudulent emperor.


Obama-Original Image

The White House rescued the lame attempt of his media minions to manipulate a fraudulent image and clothe the naked emperor , by releasing an ‘official photo’ of NerObama firing a shotgun.  But in classic Tyrant fashion, his advisor David Plouffe sent a tweet daring people to mock the image.

Of course to prove Obama does not understand Americans at all – creative patriots took the challenge to create some ingenious manipulations almost as legitimate as the one the New Republic attempted.
My favorite is the cover photo on this entry.  It perfectly illustrates the idiocy of the Obama regime.  Remember what DHS lectured last week in response to those suggesting using against a gunman in a mass shooting situation was best:
“If you are caught out in the open and cannot conceal yourself or take cover, you might consider trying to overpower the shooter with whatever means are available,” says the narrator in the video, which shows an office worker pulling scissors out of a desk drawer.

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Obama: Record Gun Sales Are “Irresponsible”, Result of Fearmongering, profit


President slams gun owners who oppose coming “common-sense” gun bans and restrictions, admits he will issue Executive Orders to enact them.

His Heinous, appearing before his media clowns and palm-lickers – nebulously addressed his plans to ban guns feeding the hysteria from the Ruling Class Marxists to ban, regulate or abolish guns and gun ownership.  In Classic Saul Alinsky style – Obama freezes the target by declaring yet another enemy of the state (gun owners), polarizes them, and makes it personal.   In one fell-swoop, Obama demonizes gun owners and said that the spike in record gun sales is the result of (right wing) “media” types/lobby “ginning up fear”, and gun retailers making a profit off that fear.

Recall that this is the man who declared rural Americans “Bitter Clingers”, clinging to their guns and religion rather than embracing ‘change’.

Obama: Gun Lobby “Ginning Up Fear” That Government Will Take Away All Your Guns

PRESIDENT OBAMA: Well, I think, for example, how we are gathering data, for example, on guns that fall into the hands of criminals and how we track that more effectively — there may be some steps that we can take administratively, as opposed — through legislation.

As far as people lining up and purchasing more guns, you know, I think that we’ve seen for some time now that those who oppose any common-sense gun control or gun safety measures have a pretty effective way of ginning up fear on the part of gun owners that somehow the federal government’s about to take all your guns away. And you know, that — there’s probably an economic element to that. It obviously is good for business.

But I think that, you know, those of us who look at this problem have repeatedly said that responsible gun owners, people who have a gun for protection, for hunting, for sportsmanship — they don’t have anything to worry about. The issue here is not whether or not we believe in the Second Amendment.

The issue is, are there some sensible steps that we can take to make sure that somebody like the individual in Newtown can’t walk into a school and gun down a bunch of children in a — in a shockingly rapid fashion? And surely we can do something about that.

And — but — you know, but — but part of the challenge that, you know, we confront is, is that even the sight — slightest hint of some sensible, responsible legislation in this area stands this notion that somehow here it comes and that everybody’s guns are going to be taken away.

It’s unfortunate, but that’s the case, and if you look at — over the first four years of my administration, we’ve tried to tighten up and enforce some of the laws that were already on the books. But it’d be pretty hard to argue that somehow gun owners have had their rights infringed.Obama says there is plenty he will be able to do by using his unilateral power of executive orders to enact “steps” to ‘reduce gun violence’.  So he admits he will act as a dictator, and simply decree laws upon guns and gun owners.

Obama admits he will act as dictator, bypass Congress and issue orders making law by decree regarding guns and gun ownership.  He declares this to be ‘common sense’ and anyone opposing him, is “ginning up fear” which he says is ‘good for gun sales’.


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Anti-Gun Lunatics Stoking The Mob To Ban Gun Rights


The 2nd Amendment – is not there to preserve hunting.  It’s there to preserve liberty from the talons of tyrannical government.

It’s a gift-wrapped present for His Heinous Barack Hussein NerObama and Attorney General Eric Holder.  The Newtown Connecticut shooting rampage at Sandy Hook Elementary last week, has achieved  what Fast & Furious was intended to accomplish – but failed to do:  shove the country into a mass-frenzy supporting restrictions on and towards the abolition of gun rights.  The horrors of kindergartners shot by demonic lunatic Adam Lanza has automatically knee-jerked politicians and pundits to jump on the zeitgeist wagon and call for everything from registration and bans, to all out gun confiscation by the Federal Government.

A full-blown hysterical meme is being pushed by the Obama Media and their sycophantic Leftists – to abolish the 2nd Amendment by default and ban guns for the illusion of making people safe.  Many cowards say they see the handwriting by the screeching mob on the wall of the inevitability of gun bans, and are surrendering to the anti-gun mob in the aftermath of the school shooting rampage.

Cerberus Capital Management LP an investment firm is yanking it’s funding and selling Freedom Group, a confederation of the nation’s largest gun manufacturers.  Online firearm retailer and supplier Cheaper Than Dirt suspended selling arms along with Dick’s Sporting Goods and Walmart in the wake of the hysteria in the air since the rampage.


It’s silly to see all this hysteria when nary an eyebrow was raised by Obama’s media or this regime over the Jihadist killings of Americans in Benghazi, or killings in Mexico via guns Obama walked into the hands of drug cartels.  But an elementary school massacre – is a gift wrapped Stalinist/Hitlerian pretext to disarm the American people and put them at the mercy of Obama and his MarxoFascist thugs along with every violent criminal out there.  The massacre has the entire Leftist establishment is on board the express train for disarmament.

Crybaby and Judenrat General John Boehner just ordered the Republicans on Tuesday night to surrender to the mob by calling for “a discussion on guns“, which in Ruling Class parlance means that the GOP must agree to whatever gun abolition policy Obama sets.  After all, just look at what an incredible discussion Boehner has had with Obama over the Fiscal Cliff Budget  negotiations.  As always, ‘discussion’ means surrender to whatever the MarxoFascist Left demands, even if it means surrendering your rights.

Then this morning, Obama names  the Dumbest Man in America – Uncle Joe “Gaffe” Biden – to head a “commission” to lay out policies for absolute federal gun control.  A unilateral effort to declare why law-abiding citizens can no longer be trusted to possess certain guns, while only police, government law enforcement, and the U.S. military can.

The Obama media and His Heinous are capitalizing on the sense of urgency being stoked across the country against gun owners.   Politicians are jumping on the express train to force through sweeping federal gun control legislation without any reasoned deliberation or a proper discussion of the Constitution and the government’s expanding powers, following the Axelrodian policy of taking advantage of a legitimate crisis to exploit those who are emotionally willing to let their guard down.

The Lunatic Left dominates the narrative and few are willing to push back against the horde.

Left-wingers consider any desire to own a gun to be prima facie proof of mental illness.

Leftists across the fruited plain have gone apoplectic in light of last week’s multiple murders. TV talking heads Piers Morgan, Soledad O’Brien, and Martin Bashir have been particularly obnoxious, cutting off and shouting down guests who defend Second Amendment rights.

In recent days any principled defense of the Second Amendment has raised howls of indignation from affective, sheltered so-called progressives who wouldn’t know the difference between a Glock and a glockenspiel. Even more than usual, reasonable debate is not possible with leftists who mere days ago were cheering labor union violence aimed at preventing Michigan from becoming a “right to work” state.

To the Marxists, guns in the hands of average Americans frightens them as much as liberty in the hands of average Americans does.  For them, the ONLY people who should have liberty, freedom and guns, are Leftists.  Why just tonight in an argument with your typical Obama-stepping Leftists is the talking point spewed by the media that ‘No American needs a military-styled assault weapon’.  Well, see – that is where they are completely wrong – and I was happy to tell them so.  It’s not a matter of NEEDS – it’s a matter of RIGHTS – as in; Americans have a GOD-GIFTED RIGHT to arms and the liberty to use them in defense of life, property and liberty.  The purpose of the Second Amendment was not put there so hunters could load up freezers of meat and hang heads on den walls.

It’s funny when you transpose the Second Amendment with the first Amendment of speech and suggest to these same idiots “No one NEEDS to be able to block intersections to protest either”.  That suggestion is greeted with indignation because the MarxoFascists hold that the right to get in another’s face, punch their face in, fling poo and shut down business, is an indivisible divine right.  But to suggest the same is true of the Second Amendment, sorry – that does not fit the MSM narrative or the gross ignorance that exists among the deluded masses that populate the landscape today.  You are treated to epithets and declarations i.e.: “Screw the Constitution!  WE ARE the Constitution!”  Of course – once the Second Amendment is abolished – these goose-stepping imbeciles for Obama who see chanting in lockstep with Union goons as holy writ, will have no means to stop their regime from abolishing the first Amendment in it’s entirety or the rest of the Bill of Rights and the Constitution when the time comes.

But lets’ get back to guns.  It has become a devolution of understanding of our Supreme Law of the Land – to assume there is a Separation of Church and State written in the Constitution inasmuch as a belief that the Framers put the Second Amendment in there to protect hunters.  The eyes pop wide and eyebrows go through roofs when you openly state what the intent of the Second Amendment was for.  Many refuse to believe that was the intent of the Second Amendment, or they assert times have changed and that the Founders intended that right to pertain to muskets only.

No – The Second Amendment exists for the sole purpose of an individual or community to defend itself. From criminals, animals and especially from tyranny of government.   The right to self-defense was understood to be God-gifted – meaning it transcends the laws of men and is beyond their authority to regulate or diminish.  The Founders in particular – saw the need of the Second Amendment to be applied by individuals and communities as defense against wayward government.  This is making the rounds out there on the net and bears repeating:

It has often been said, the Second Amendment is what gives the Constitution its teeth. The Second Amendment is an implied promise that should all other options and avenues of appeal fail, the will of the people will be enforced. Towards that end, we the people retain the right to possess the necessary tools, weapons and arms, to competitively stand against our own military, against our own law enforcement or against any private soldiers they may employ. The concerns addressed by the Bill of Rights are not granted to us by the Constitution. These are rights bestowed on us by our Creator; the Constitution simply identifies these rights and enumerates them so that we may all be aware of them.

Our Second Amendment rights exist to protect us from tyranny and oppression. Regardless of whether or not the time has come to exercise that right, I am going to ask you to seriously consider something.
The Second Amendment right protected your grandfather, and his grandfather from oppression. I am asking you to search your heart, and to commune with your God. Be completely honest with yourself. If you can then convince me with absolute certainty, definitive clarity and with no margin for error that neither my children, nor my grandchildren, nor any of my descendants will ever face a time or situation where they will require the ability to forcibly effect a change in how they are governed, then I will give consideration to no longer keeping and bearing arms. For when the day comes that I comfortably feel that men will not prey upon one another, I will be secure that my Savior is walking the earth and ensuring my safety. Until such time, I respectfully insist upon my right to ultimately be responsible for my own safety and for ensuring the preservation of all the rights identified for me, and for my children in the Bill of Rights.

“However [political parties] may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion.

GEORGE WASHINGTON, Farewell Address, Sep. 17, 1796
The cunning and unprincipled Left have now made it sport to attack the gun culture in the USA and blame them for all these mass shootings.  Of course – as Daniel Greenfield at Sultan Knish points out – in reality – it is the LEFT that has more in common with these raging mass murdering loners than the rest of normal America.
What liberals think of as gun culture is really shorthand for rural America. It’s what liberals won’t say, but it’s what they mean. Americans are still sentimental about the village, so, for now, the number of movies that portray the rural community as ideal, rather than a hive of small-minded bigots, is still rather high. But there are backdoor ways of getting at the same topic and talking about gun culture is one of them.When liberals talk about “gun culture”, they mean the same thing that Barack Obama did when he told his San Francisco fundraiser friends about the people out there who still cling to their bibles and their guns. It isn’t about the guns really, though gun control culture is worried about having that much personal autonomy in the hands of people who don’t share their values and like their independence, it’s about rural America. And rural America, like guns, is another symbol that stands in for traditional America.

The left cannot talk about how much it hates this country. Gun culture is one of its dog whistles. A way to talk about how much it hates America without actually saying it out loud where everyone can hear. Talking about gun culture not only allows the left to publicly vent its hatred for America, gun control, like racism, is another way that the left teaches Americans to hate America.

Of course the proof of the lunacy of the Left abhorring gun violence is seen in their own words – as actress Joyce Carol Oates tweeted this PM  her hopes that NRA members get shot, so that they can get everyone on board for gun abolition legislation.

Joyce Oates Tweet



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The Path to Gun Confiscation Now Laid



It’s Getting Very Serious Now

By Chuck Baldwin

First, it was a Missouri Analysis and Information Center (MIAC) report; then it was a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) report; now it is a New York congressman’s bill. Each of these items, taken on their own, is problematic enough; taken together they portend “a clear and present danger” to the liberties of the American people. It is getting very serious now.

As readers may recall, the MIAC report profiled certain people as being potential violence-prone “militia members”: including people who supported Presidential candidates Ron Paul, Bob Barr, and myself. In addition, anyone who opposed one or more of the following were also included in the list: the New World Order, the U.N., gun control, the violation of Posse Comitatus, the Federal Reserve, the Income Tax, the Ammunition Accountability Act, a possible Constitutional Convention, the North American Union, the Universal Service Program, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), abortion on demand, or illegal immigration.

The MIAC report prompted a firestorm of protest, and was eventually rescinded, with the man responsible for its distribution being dismissed from his position. The DHS report profiled many of the same people included in the MIAC report, and added returning Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans as potentially dangerous “extremists.”

As I have said before, it is very likely that when all of the opinions and views of the above lists are counted, 75% or more of the American people would be included. Yet, these government reports would have law enforcement personnel to believe we are all dangerous extremists that need to be watched and guarded against. If this was not bad enough, a New York congressman has introduced a bill in the House of Representatives to deny Second Amendment rights to everyone listed above.

According to World Net Daily, May 9, 2009, “A new gun law being considered in Congress, if aligned with Department of Homeland Security memos labeling everyday Americans a potential ‘threats,’ could potentially deny firearms to pro-lifers, gun-rights advocates, tax protesters, animal rights activists, and a host of others–any already on the expansive DHS watch list for potential ‘extremism.’

“Rep. Peter King, R-N.Y., has sponsored H.R. 2159, the Denying Firearms and Explosives to Dangerous Terrorists Act of 2009, which permits the attorney general to deny transfer of a firearm to any ‘known or suspected dangerous terrorist.’ The bill requires only that the potential firearm transferee is ‘appropriately suspected’ of preparing for a terrorist act and that the attorney general ‘has a reasonable belief’ that the gun might be used in connection with terrorism.

“Gun rights advocates, however, object to the bill’s language, arguing that it enables the federal government to suspend a person’s Second Amendment rights without any trial or legal proof and only upon suspicion of being ‘dangerous.'”

WND quotes Gun Owners of America Executive Director Larry Pratt as saying, “By [DHS] standards, I’m one of [DHS Secretary] Janet Napolitano’s terrorists.

This bill would enable the attorney general to put all of the people who voted against Obama on no-gun lists, because according to the DHS, they’re all potential terrorists. Actually, we could rename this bill the Janet Napolitano Frenzied Fantasy Implementation Act of 2009.”

Pratt was also quoted as saying, “Unbeknownst to us, some bureaucrat in the bowels of democracy can put your name on a list, and your Second Amendment rights are toast.” He went on to say, “This such an anti-American bill, this is something King George III would have done.”

Now that DHS has established both a list and a lexicon for “extremists,” it looks to Congress to confer upon it police-state-style powers through which these individuals may be disarmed and eventually done away with. Rep. Peter King is accommodating this goal with H.R. 2159.

Let me ask a reasonable question: how long does anyone think it would be, after being profiled by DHS and denied the lawful purchase of firearms, that those same people would be subjected to gun confiscation? And how long do you think it would be before DHS began profiling more and more groups of people, thus subjecting them to gun confiscation?

This was exactly the strategy employed by Adolf Hitler. The Jews were the first people denied their civil rights–especially the right to own and possess firearms. Of course, after disarming Jews, the rest of the German citizenry was likewise disarmed. And we all know where that led.

I’m not sure how many of the American people realize that it was the attempted confiscation of the colonialists’ cache of arms in Concord, Massachusetts, that started America’s War for Independence. Yes, my friends, it was attempted gun confiscation that triggered (pun intended) the “shot heard ’round the world.” And now it would appear that, once again, a central government is on the verge of trying to deny the American people their right to keep and bear arms.

I am told that as of 2004, 50% of the adults in the United States own one or more firearms, totaling some 270 million privately owned firearms nationwide. I would venture to say that the vast majority of these gun owners would find themselves matching the DHS profile of a potential “extremist.” I wonder how many gun owners realize the way they are now being targeted by their government, and just how serious–and how close–the threat of gun confiscation has become?

…This leads to a very serious question: how many of America’s gun owners would allow their government to deny them gun ownership? Further, how many would passively sit back and allow their guns to be confiscated?

As humbly and meekly as I know how to say it: as for me and my house, gun confiscation is the one act of tyranny that crosses the line; debate, discourse, discussion, and peaceful dissent cease and desist at that point. I say again, it is getting very serious now.

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